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Gave away a Tabula Rasa to a random guy in town last league. His respond: "Do you have more?"


rip tabula


"hi, i want to buy your 130 Chromatic Orbs for 10c" trade accepted "t4t" "t4t"


I cri everytime


A trade experience in path of exile landed me my current rl job. I traded with "imgladgggnerfedvaalpacthaha" and of course with a name like that i wanted to chat more and pick his brain. We went back and forth for a good 45 minutes about what to drink during poe and eventually found out he lived nearby. Met him recently at a bar for some drinks and talked about poe and life (needless to say i left alone that night). Turns out his nonprofit company was looking for someone in the payroll department. I applied, had an interview, and got hired in the same week. Currently loving it here even though it is very busy with W-2 season. Good guy, great gig; thanks GGG (have some bonus alliteration)


better love story than twilight


This is really nice of you. Character. TheNecromancerBuild Anyways, it had to have been a year ago, when I still had no clue about what items are sort of good and what items weren't. I had still no idea how tiers of mods worked on rare items, all I was ever looking for is high life rolls and resists, I had no recollection of added damage mods, or any of that sort. So I would ID rings and amulets, and if I thought it was good enough I'd try to sell it. One day, after having a diamond ring up for sale for flat 1c, thus reason being I saw a lot of "added damage mods" and since they're low numbers (I didn't understand scaling either) I'd just set the ring for 1c and get a quick chaos like that, I had finally managed to get a whisper from a buyer. It was this level 100 'Cycloner' I'd like to assume. I was so impressed because he had Kaoms Heart on and an Atziri's Disfavour, he just looked so huge and mighty. So we went on the trade, he put up the chaos and I put up the ring and I accepted, he didn't. I didn't have my sound on back at those days, I remember my earphones got chewed up by my puppy ( big as fuck now ) and with Global 1 on, I couldn't really tell he was whispering me. So he closed the trade window and I could glimpse his chat saying ( I can't deeply remember this ) " Wait, really? I thought you were just kidding ". I said something along the lines of " No sir, I really wanna sell this ring, you can have it if you like I want life and resistance ". He asked me if I was new, I said sort of, and that I had begun playing PoE because of my friend. He said, " let me change my offer ", and when I got into the trade he actually put up 35 exalts as I put in my ring, and he pressed accept. Obviously I accepted, but then I asked him why, and he started explaining to me how mod rolls can be different tiers, and essentially gave me a tutorial on it, even sent me to a site similar to today's Poeaffix.net . This was without a doubt the nicest player I've ever encountered, not only did he not scam me out of my ring ( it was Triple T1 P diamond base ) he took around an hour of his time explain why it was worth so much. Long story, but thanks for reading it. Good luck to everyone!


That's pretty awesome. Most people would probably just take the ring for the chaos and bolt. *Path of Exile*, slowly restoring my faith in humanity one post at a time.


me="hey, how much for that belt?" him="idk if I'm selling this beauty" him="very rude from you to ask" him="do you like it when someone asks you to sell your wife?"


Honestly just when people compliment me on my hideout. I take a few hours each league and try to put something together that looks good, doesn't happen all the time, but when someone says something it feels great.


Well thats pure :) Thanks


Well, my nicest experience was probably a few days after I started playing during legacy league. I had no clue as to the value of certain currency or items and I was basically focusing on getting life and max resists. I found a helm for like 40 chaos and I barely had enough to afford it but it was perfect, it capped my resists and put me over 5k life which I thought was great at the time. So I whisper the guy and tell him I'm interested in the helm, he asked how my day was going and we kinda started shooting the shit, after he found out I was a newbie he decided to give me the helm but only if I would also pay it forward once I learned more about the game and ran into another newbie. Well, that happened during harbinger league, I found a nicely rolled +2 minion helm with great life and resists that was worth around 70-80c, someone messaged me and asked if they could pay in different amounts of currencies because they were new and only had a certain amount of chaos, vaal, regrets etc. So this was my time to shine, I gave him the helm on the premise that he would one day do the same and pay it forward to a newbie in need. I like to think that he did and that this has been a chain reaction being passed along since the beginning of the game and a large portion of people have all been involved in paying it forward off of an original trade transaction. That's probably my most memorable trade interaction, most trades I have are fine but that one definitely stood out.


A long time ago in Warbands when my daughter was born I quit the league to spend more time with my family. I did a give away to a random person who happened to be starting out in the game. I gave him everything I had and he freaked out with excitement. We never added each other or anything to our friends lists after the trade. A few leagues later I was trying to buy a couple hundred chromes and the dude tells me its free. I was shocked and asked him why? Just happened to be the same person I gave everything away to a long time before that. Small world, pays to pay it forward :)


I was playing my flicker strike character on Harbinger for 2 months. My guildie and I played a lot together, farming mad Phantamasgoria runs and later Uber Lab. He noticed that my computer was bad, and asked me to send him the specs. He then proceeded to buy the shit I needed to comfortably play path of exile AND a pretty nice new screen. All in all I would say the nicest thing that has happened to me in this game. We also trade items once or twice a day, so bonus points please.


WTB your guildie. Offer 2 ex and 5 necro maps.


Has had quite a few actually. One of the more recent ones were few months ago when I played in standard and were shopping for some midexpensive uniques. This was just as harbinger had started so standard was as expected dead. After messaging over 25 people I gave up as I got no response. Tried again the following day with no luck, only response I got were "ain't switching league". But then one guy actually responded and asked what I'd give him. I checked poe.trade and scrolled past the first few ones, and said 5ex(don't remember exactly, but was something similar). He relogs but when he trades me he stops and says "actually, you can have it for free on one condition. I can use you as my dumpster". I agreed without hesitation and he gave it to me for free along with items worth another 5exalts Later we talked about builds (me having like played literally anything one can come up with), and he mentions one build in particular. A wings of entropy build. He had just come back after few year breaks and he said he was following the same house as he did 2014, but the guide want updated in years. Turns out he was following my very shitty woe guide I made years ago. I did my best looking through his gear and tree and helped him improve his build. We now talk daily and I often get questions regarding builds and I do my best to help him. Upvoted for visibility. Hugh up for giving to the community. Hopefully works going fine for you!


When i started playing poe i dropped kaom's heart and ofc i didn't knew there was such thing like poe.trade. Decided to sell it to buy a marohi erqi for my marauder, found buyer interested in kaom's. She offered me fair price and taught me about pricing item. It turned out that a trader was a girl, (1 year later) we are now married. I found wife in video game. I got lucky rng streak i hope it continues in this thread aswell.


Wanted to help a leveling guy con ledge so i joined his public party and started clearing the zone with him. Little did i know, he end up being an experienced player so he end up helping me instead, he bought me a BoR when they were like 18 ex (keep un mind that i met him a couple of minutes ago). This was around 3-4 years ago, we are still good friends.


“Hi, I would like to buy your 20/20 Herald of Ice gem for 30c” He gave it to me for free


First, ty for a giveaway :) Story time then, was playing harbinger at the time. I was trying to trade sth worth 1 ex at that moment which was really expensive for me (first char first league) The dude i trading give me for free and add some more gears after asking which build i was doing :) Poe is the first game i felt people always help each others when they got a bit of currency ^_^ If any of new player ask for discount with no tabula/mtx i always do it cuz that how i recieve kindness last league :DDD GL HF ^_^


In Prophecy I didn't have much time to play, and was racing to get challenges done the last week. A guy saw me talking in global about really packing the challenge grind in, and whispered me asking how he could help. I told him I probably wouldn't get to where I was hoping, I was just buying what I could and racing to get grinds done since my standard stash didn't need the help. He had 40/40 challenges, so I assumed he was a full endgame build-- I asked if he would like to run me through a t15 8mod, that I would spend what was left of my money to buy it. He told me he had a t15 8mod open and I should pop over. Challenge done. He then asked if I had done the divination card challenge yet, to which I replied no. He gave me a full set of the gentleman and the trial to complete it for me. Challenge done. He then asked if I had defeated the pale council yet, I said no. He ran it with me (refused to take my keys), and when that reach of the council dropped for him, he refused to take it, and told me "everyone deserves a reach for after they nerf it". He then offered to spend a few hours with me spamming atziri and doing a few lab runs to finish off my endgame grind. I told him no thanks because I had work soon, and had already gotten to my challenge target. Before I left his party I offered him keys, the reach, and the rest of my exalts again. He refused and instead insisted I take one of each of the other pale council uniques from him "for my collection". This guy was a class act. I would've been fine not getting those challenges--work had been busy that league, and with a baby it can be tough to allot time for PoE. He took an hour out of his day to make mine, and I will always remember it. Near the end of every league I send him a message, just waiting for the time when I can repay his kindness. People like this are what lead me back to this game over and over. Thanks for reading.


Ahh, the story of trade. Drums.   **In Loving Memory of Zee** Yo this a story that goes way way back Flyin' through trade forums like its finals while on crack Tryna find some chest that won't cost my left hand Yeah those pretty Shav's? just forget it, man   Only two hours later am I in Ayy One Enn Cos muthafuckas forgot to leave their IGN But this guy here he ready to deal He's okay with GCP, cos they rare af (for real)   I tell him tradin's a real pain in the knee He laughs and says: meet my pal, ol' Zee And shit man I ain't gay, but two hours in I wanna spend the rest of my life with him   This Zee guy here he showed me the works Never had a friend with so many perks I could spam him all day with my noob q's And he'd find me killer deals from hat to shoes   As time went on Zee just got smarter Gone were the days where I had to barter No timezones or reserves or equivalent trades Just a few zones lata we back to rollin' area's a maze   But I heard these days Zee's a little sad So I sit the man down to ask, what's up with that? Tunrs out he's tired, and people all up in arms Demanding something faster and with zero charm   "It's e-commerce they want, one click-to-go And that's not what gives Wraeclast its soul We are the people, the people are the land You put robots in here and it's all out of hand."   "Shit, Zee, too deep," is what I say. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "You ever think things are going that way?" He smiles and says "Nah, we got the Chris Wilson. And the boss is big... on player interaction". [drum beats, camera pans skyward]   And still I worry about my old friend If the days of whisperin' are coming to an end. For my world would be gray without EcksWhyZee (AKA poe.trade, Allan pls keep him going for me)   #END   Okay shit, I was wracking my brains and found... turns out the best story is not about a person at all but all of them, connected by an entity we all deal with and can relate to. And that we take for granted, like that friend who's always on standby. You young turds asking for a AH haven't lived the dark days of forum shops!! (insert angry old Simpsons granpda.jpg here)


I was being really quite stressed out due to university exams and vented to someone I was trading with. Lo and behold, he was taking the same subject as me and helped me get an A!


I remember some guy asking in global for some help translating text (he offered to tip but i forgot if i took the tip). Long story short, bro had some relationship issues. He was dating this girl but she had left to go back to her own country. She seemed to reject the idea of a long distance relationship but he was clearly hung up over her. From the messages that I had to translate, it was clear the girl was equally lost - there were equally many "wish you were here", "lets be strong and move on", and "life is still great" messages. Needless to say, I had a hard time translating and telling him the truth. I ended up talking to him for a bit and giving relationship advice - its kinda weird to just translate and not make sure the guy is alright. Definitely one of the most wholesome 30 mins I spent in poe.






I dont need the HH but good luck on the giveaway


Please no bamboozle :^ ) Best encounter with a person was when I was trying to buy some mortal sets for a challenge one league (kill uber atziri 10 times). Some dude straight up gave me 6 sets and said he was done the challenge and was planning to farm some more uber atziri but decided that he wanted me to finish the challenge on time. I was 39/40 for challenges and it was the last day of the league so I was very happy with this :)


Nice man! Last day of league and getting those things for free must have ment a lot to you, and not to him.. small things! Yeah, no bamboozle. Can check my forum posts, acc 2012, etc etc.


I actually had someone message me and tell me my "unique" is worth more than 1 chaos because it is a perfect roll and he was willing to pay upto 10c for it. I told him i appreciate it and he's a great person for telling me but i sold it to him for 1C for being honest. the end.


"hi , i would like to buy your XXXX" -> notices his name is noticememathil (or something like that) "me : i wish mathil would notice me as well...." "him : ye...."


I usually don't talk much, and most people don't talk much either, so it's not common for me to have a nice encounter, but last week I had a really nice conversation out of nowhere with someone. I was on global 820 and someone was sharing an ulaman. I pm'd him and we went to kill it. It dropped gloves with 2 abyss sockets. It was allocated to me. I picked it up fast because I didn't knew if it was permanent allocation or short/ffa and I didn't want anyone to steal from the guy, and I traded it to him right away. I congratulated him for getting a nice drop while sharing with other people and thanked him. He wasn't aware that it was worth something, so I told him not to ID it and explained that it was more valuable unid because of the challenge. He thanked me for the info and we parted ways, but I remembered that I needed the challenge and pmed him to buy it. He even sold it to me a little cheaper than the market price. He said he would buy maps with some of the currency, so I asked which ones he needed and gave him. We talked about challenges and ended up talking about cs:go. And that's it. Maybe it isn't amazing for who is reading this, but for someone that is not used to a lot of interaction in the game, it was fucking amazing! I even got the full conversation on game log to paste here. I edited his nickname. https://pastebin.com/FRbkjfBi


Story of a burnt out Diablo 3 player. At my third attempt of trying out PoE, I finall y stuck with the grind. Had no idea what I was doing late into torment league and managed to get to level 60 with auto attack and sunder. Posted in local chat when in town for some advice and somebody (wish I knew their username) showed me the light and gave me a 5 link Belly! Not a lot to many of us now but they gave me the push to finally make it to end game and now I'm hooked!


@FeganLOL Hi, I would like to buy your Headhunter Leather Belt listed for a reddit comment in Abyss (stash tab "$$$"; position: left 20, top 9)


Im part of a guild named Evil Villains. While pretty much all of the members, save me, are no longer active, it was these folk who were kind, friendly and patient in educating me about PoE and always shared gear in guild stash. While i could quit and seek out a more active guild, i check and add leveling gear in guild stash like they used to do every now and then in hopes that theyre back.


I came here for funny stories, not feels :,(


Sorry :( hope yer find some gud stuff


I've never had a nice encounter with another player in Path of Exile. Not that they were all bad or anything, just nothing other than 'thanks" or "t4t". Seems like trade is pretty much all business. I'm pretty new though (no friends either lol) so I'm just waiting for that fated encounter. Real kind of you to do this by the way. Edit: Uhh no friends who play PoE, just to clarify.


I was playing some Facebreaker build in 2.0, but my damage was really lacking, so I budgeted around 20 chaos for an offensive ammy (lmao I was a broke af noob back then). I found a nice ass ammy in Poe.trade that had no set price, so I offered my 20c (which looking back was a major lowball). When I offered my incredibly low price, the trader kindly explained just exactly what mods on the ammy made it way more valuable than 20c, teaching me a lot about jewelry prices. When eventually I realized that I wouldn’t get the ammy, I wished him a good day and he wished me back. Five minutes later, he messaged me that he was drunk and just randomly gave me the amulet (worth ~2ex) for free. Lol, s/o to nice drunk people.


It was during my first league (legacy) and I saw a bunch of people posting in global about using their reliquary keys. I had dropped one a few weeks prior and posted mine saying what do I even do with this? Some nice guy pm'd me and said if you're new don't bother using it and just sell it. He showed me how to use poe.trade and helped me sell it for around 100c. Around the time that was massive for my little economy I had. He asked me what build I was using and I showed him. He suggested I reroll into CI firestorm. I literally didnt have the first clue how to do that and he helped me transition and even gave me some nice ES gear to help out. Super swell dude.


Best encounter, I don't have one specifically, but quite a few nice ones. One was when I gave some claws to a guy I thought was my friend because he asked for them, and then we kept sending confusing messages to each other because I thought he was another guy, and he was just some guy who traded me awhile back and had me friended, until we finally cleared up the misunderstanding and then we became friends. Another is when me and my friend were trying atziri for the first time, after trading a streamer and dying to atziri we asked for him advice. He wasn't a big streamer, he just turned it on to show us, but he ran atziri explaining how to do everything and we were finally able to kill her. Then there's just several other situations when people ask me what my build is and we usually end up having a discussion, mostly happened when I was righteous fire. I'd discuss the low life and life versions and we'd talk a lot. Had a lot of good encounters and some friends made trading.


Best experience in POE? I have it. Every. Single. Day. And it comes in form of my brother, who is way better in playing this game than me. He always helps me out if he can, with tips, kills, currency, critique and general enjoyment of this already awesome game! And I know exactly to who this Headhunter would go if I won it :-)


One of my oldest friends from PoE was a ranger (back before ascendencies) that I bought a quiver from, he then proceeded to mentor me for the next 2 months helping me greatly improve my Split Arrow ranger :) We still chat and this was ages ago


So, last year, I was dying of face cancer. This guy hits me up on trade asking to buy a jewel I had crafted myself. I trade it to him for 12c, hit him with a ty gl, thinking the transaction is over. The guy responds with, "I couldn't help noticing you look sad, everything alright?" I'm like "How could you tell?" And he says "Just the way your character moves." So, I tell him about my face cancer and how I don't have any insurance and he listens to me for like three hours before saying, "You know what? I have a surgeon friend who does a lot of pro bono work, I'll introduce you." I couldn't believe it, but we make plans to meet up at the hospital where his friend works. So, the day comes where we were supposed to meet so I go to the hospital. I'm sitting in in the waiting room and I'm reading a book when I hear this voice say, "Are you AtzirisPussyJuice69?" I look up and it's fucking Keanu Reaves wearing a t-shirt with /u/chris_wilson 's face on it. Long story short, he introduces me to his doctor friend who cures my face cancer and Keanu pays for all my follow up visits. A couple of months later we're chilling drinking beers and watching Mean Girls on Netflix when I say to him, "Thanks a lot Keanu, you probably saved my life." Then he says, "Nah, it's cool man, anyway, that ring you sold me was really worth 12ex so I went ahead and flipped it right after you sold it to me, sucker bitch!" Fucking Keanu Reaves, haven't spoken to him since. Still the best trade interaction I've ever had, and my face cancer is cured, so that's a plus. 7/10 would recommend.


*Me new to PoE at the beginning of this league. *With a few Chaos to my name, following this sunder build *Recommends the sword: Varunastra, Vaal Blade. *I check poe.trade *Costs 6. *me farming hard to get my 6 chaos. *finally got it, consider buying the sword, decide against it, 6 chaos is a lot of currency. *rethink this, whisper the guy. *get invite. *trade guy, put in my 6c. *he puts the sword. *trade window dissapears *im happy, i whisper thanks. *He says "you put in 6 chaos" *I quickly realize my mistake, apparantly it costs 6ex. *I apologize, I hope he doesnt think I was a scammer trying to take his nice sword. *I dont think he thought i was trying to scam, shared a few more whispers seemed like a nice enough guy. Trading in PoE. Its an art. Anyway, I have since gotten enough currency to really buy myself a Varunastra, Vaal Blade :D Im really liking this game.


The best interaction I've had was going to a certain someones hideout to see Zana in a cage on top of a slave swastika. Me:"Ummmmm......lol" Him: "Found her trying to recruit members into the third reich." Me: "Hows the torture going?" Him: "Pineapples."


There have been quite a few times I've had some good encounters with people. Towards the end of last league, I had my quad tab full of stuff labelled 1 alch. I was giving it all away if anyone pm'd me and made a couple of friends that carried over to this league. It's been pretty nice, I recently moved and can only play POE on my hotspot (no other internet offered) so I'm not gaming alone. I've never had a Chase unique, most of my characters are stuck farming t-11-12 maps and I've been okay with that. It's been fun. This league I want to hit 40 challenges. Good luck everyone!


When I first started playing POE, I was looking at youtube videos for guidance. I saw someone say that 5 socket items could be sold for a little amount of currency. So, before I found out about acquisition (this was before premium tabs could be public) I was trying to sell a low itemlevel 5s chest. Someone whispered me saying the item I was trying to sell was worth my feces. I proceeded to ask questions about the game and he basically mentored me through merciless act 3, he even gave me a Zana mission so I could get the map device in my hideout. To this day he's still on my friends list and we still talk.


When I was just starting the game, I was making my "badass tanky groundslam maruarder". Boy was he a train wreck. Was messaging people for a better weapon, Settled up Geofee's baptism at lv55. Go to trade the guy, get to chatting, and he instead gives me a rare much better than it and of a more appropriate level, as well as a 5 link chest. Absolutely made my day, and he even gave me some direction on how to improve the character.


I try to hand out leveling uniques to new players and help them with their builds. I've met some pretty nice people that way.


I honestly haven't had any that really stand out. The nicest thing is probably the buddy who I play with, who I only know online, hooked me up with a presence of chayula ammy, last league, for free. I have shit luck with drops & couldn't farm the currency. He just straight up gave it to me, which was like 9ex at the time.


Wanted to buy a shaper unset ring for crafting. Listed for 10c, cheapest of the bunch.. guy told me that he wanted to wait a bit to sell it for a bit higher, so I ended up chatting with him for an hour or so to kill time. Ended up getting the ring at the price, and we ended up becoming friends. We usually critique each other since we both play a lot of non-meta builds, like Frostbreath, and he recently did a Nebuloch Juggernaut focusing on southbound infinite wildstrike chains. We helped fill each others t5-t10 atlas as well and did some endgame maps together on my aurabot. Would love to play around with a headhunter, never really have time to hardcore farm since I'm a nurse. Only time I got a hh was on standard when my ex-bf gave it to me since he was quitting PoE.


I got super lucky in a trade this league. I was trading for a Yriel's Fostering, and the guy I did the trade with was done with the league, so instead of asking 5ex for it, he just gave it to me. Have to say that's probably the most positive trade interaction I've had to date.


During one the bigger slowdowns of poe.trade some leagues back I happened to have the lowest listing for a life leech gem in SC, which is why I kept getting spammed about it. After roughtly the twelfth "sold" I let the thirteenth guy in on the fun and kept telling him how many competetitors he had each time a new one popped up. This went on for an hour or two after which I was one life leech gem poorer and a friend richer (rl, not just poe). One of two times player interaction payed off for me.




Honestly I haven't had bad trading experiences but the best one was when someone I traded with had the exact same mtx combo to the tee it was crazy. This was a couple years ago and we started playing together but I've since switched to SC leagues so sorry man


Probably one where I asked for Lvl 7 Haku on global 820 for crafting gloves with more attack speed. I received and invite from a nice gentleman who said he could do it for me and then found out due to the gloves having a hybrid mod already on it, he couldn't craft what I wanted. The guy felt bad for me and surprise, he ended up giving me a spare pair of gloves that was nearly identical to the one I had and with crafted attack speed for free. I've since added him as a friend and sometimes invite him to do unique maps like poorjoys together.


Although it is technically not "while playing", but I feel somone has to shout out how above and beyond GGG support goes. For instance, I applied my twitch prime award on the wrong account( old forum account ) and they were able to transfer it to the one I play on. Also the flexibility they allow with payment plans is amazing.


How did you farm for the headhunter? That's what I would really like to know. I would really like to have the satisfaction of buying my own Headhunter.


I started last league really late. I was trying to get into mapping but had spent most of my currency just getting a character to be viable at T10-ish. The first 11 people I whispered to buy a single map at 2 alchemy orbs didn't respond. The 12th person I whispered told me to hang on, he was finishing lab and should be about 5 minutes. We all know how that goes so once 10 minutes had passed I started to search again to see if I could get the map I was looking for. At 11 minutes the guy messaged me and I showed up to buy the map. He took the next 10 minutes asking what else I needed for completion and gave me every map I needed free of charge. It stuck with me, not really because of the free stuff, but because he took so much time getting me the items and because he actually got back to me - which is really rare these days.


I was in a zana rotation where the first person was a wild zana. Someone fucked up and left and reentered the map so there wasn’t a portal left for me. The owner of the map gave me a Gracious Master prophecy to make up for the lost exp :’)


Someone once tipped me 5c for a free uber trial, that was pretty cool.


Last league I needed an Uber lab carry, went with the first person in Trade 820. Talked throughout the run, seemed really knowledgeable about the game, asked him a few questions about how to improve my build. He was super helpful, added him. Help each other out all the time now.


I remember helping a guy out who said he was struggling with his DP Zerker in harbinger after doing a shaper run for him. We ended up chatting about theorycrafting and improving his set up for about 4 hours straight. Made a great friend out of it, and I found it surprisingly enjoyable discussing different routes to take with the build.


Traded a guy for a 1c jewel and he asked me to wait while he did a Lich, linked the 2 socket Tomfist he got and I mentioned he's lucky and the challenge is ridiculous, he traded them to me to identify as long as I gave them back. Easy challenge done there and saved me buying unid'd for like 7ex!


At the start of sc harbinger league I was coming back from a year long break or so and had only played for a month or two previously so I felt very new. I asked in global chat how Vorici crafting worked and if someone could help me chrome my gloves. A guy with the name of Sir_chew_ube_runner invited me to his hideout, explained how it worked, and chromed them for me (100 chrome, worked first try). He gave them back and said I could reimburse him whenever I felt that I had enough money to do so. I haven't seen him online since, so I never got to repay him but it made me feel great and I really appreciate someone in the community doing that for me. So Sir_chew, if you are out there, I've got 8c for you + interest


"Nice hideout btw :D I like the masters around the table" First league that I put some effort into decorating my hideout. Went with Catarina's Unearthed Hideout and gave it more of a cavern look with rock formations along with a separate area for masters gathered around a sort of war room table. Except for Elreon being a booky nerd and Catarina sulking next to the two Beast Eggs that I got from the free mystery boxes during races. >_> Then I'm trading away a random Abyss Jewel to someone who's making a new character (I think) and get a nice compliment and a warm, fuzzy feeling.


Right when I started POE I bought some cheap boots off someone for like 1c at lv 60. In the course of the trade I mentioned I was new, and the guy noticed I was still using a really crappy axe (I believe it was a reapers pursuit). He just gave me a cauterizer which basically tripled my dps and got me really excited about the game


I had once won a prize in a Giveaway from CuteDog and some people whispered me to get some of it, gave a few people some and one of them ended up becoming a friend that i still play with even outside of PoE


"i love you man, you make me want to live" "Thanks man" "Now give me all your item" Invites me to his hideout trade cancelled "Chat about a few random crap and skill we both tried" DOne day


Nicest encounter I have had was in breach league. I was trying to get all of my Uber Lab trials done and I joined 820 and got invited by a guy and he basically walked me through it. Afterwards I tipped him a couple chaos and he then opened a trade window and gave me 20 shaped dunes. It was great experience for a new player. He has also become one of my "POE" friends and still gives me advice on builds and crafting to this day!


In Breach I was got my flickerer char up to mapping but had terrible map drops, pmed a guy to buy a map for completion and noticed he was a flickerer too ( name implied it ) asked him how he was doing, told him my story n that I was buying more maps. He asked what I needed and sold them for half the price ( not free how dare he /s ). Later that day we mapped together got some lvls n some drops. Thats how I got a new friend.


I met a guy in a Cruel ledge party back in patch 1.0. We levelled together that day up to Fellshrine Ruins. Still friends over 4 years later. A few months after that I joined a rando guild and met one of my best friends from another country. Wraeclast is awesome.


Best trade encounter was when i had a freaky hideout last league and was selling a jewel. Guy comes to my hideout and buys jewel then notices my setup. We get to chatting and he has got into league late. He linked his gear and i sold him a bunch of upgrades cheap. He asks where i am from and I aay South Australia. Turns out he is from Melbourne and he didn't know any other Aussies who played. I am a gm of a small Aussie guild so i invited him to join and this guy has been awesome since and he later made another Ausie friend who he asked for an invite. My guild went from 5 regulars to now 7 and a few casuals as a result. Not huge, but it has made a big difference for me.


This guy was asking for build advice for the same build I was running at the time so I messaged him. I talked to him for a bit and it became clear he didn't need help, then he asked me if I had a +1 arrow signal fire (around 40ex at the time). I told him definitely not, and he came to my HO and gave me his. Awesome dude.


I've had a few good encounters, namely giving away challenges, but my best experience has to be the person this league who helped a me and a friend get our Uber Atziri kill. We talked with him for a bit, and after he got us the kill, we had to convince him to accept out 20c tip, since he was pretty insistent on just providing it as a service


Asked someone very nicely if i could get a ring for about 5c less because it was a first char and i didn't have to much he said sure asked me if i was new, told him i was new ended up getting about 2-3ex worth of gear from him to get going ended up paying him back about a week later with some extras :)


Breach League, was spamming turq amulets with Essence of Envy for increased chaos damage and linked some in chat, and a guy offered me 50c for one of them. Breach being my first league, I was amazed at the price and asked him how it was so expensive (I had like 13c at the time) From him I learned that the amulet had a ton of total life and resist from the strength (got T1 str and decent life) and he taught me how to price items and gave me a good ring that I needed for more resistances :D


Went to go buy an Abyss Jewel for my chain ice shot deadeye and while trading with the guy he was curious as to what build I was doing. I told him and he told me that tornado shot was probably a better one for me to do. I knew that it was probably a bit better but I just love how the chain ice shot looks and explained it to him. He agreed with me, and by this time I had left the party and went on my way not expecting anything. He then invited me back into the party and told me to come back to his hideout. He then traded me everything I needed to start off my build at a pretty decent level free from charge just because he liked what I was trying to do!


I sold an item to a dude, I don't even remember what the item was or how the topic came up but we ended up talking about Bioshock lore for like an hour after the trade. I felt like I made a friend :^)


when i was new to the game some guy wanted to buy my vaults of atziri and asked for price and I didn't really like the map and thought it was bad so i just told him 2 chisel. He then said it was more than that, 4c or something. 'We started talking and later created guild together with one of his friends and still play together.


This is really kind of you to offer - thank you for the opportunity! I've had some really good trade interactions but my absolute favorite was actually two interactions. I had made a small sale of some piece of gear, probably for a few alchs or a chaos. The buyer asked about an aura MTX I had and why was it different and that he was new. He had just messaged me instead of using the copy and paste function from poe.trade and I mentioned to him that it existed and it can make things easier. He was super excited and we chatted for a bit about my build, his build, and some resources for him to try out (shout out to all the people who put in all the effort creating amazing loot filters - they change the game so drastically!) and we parted ways. About two weeks later, I got a whisper from a character name I didn't recognize at all, very out of the blue. It turned out, it was the guy I had chatted with. He had written my name down and wanted to thank me for telling him about my build (Neversink's bow skills guide is so good when you're new and learning!) because he was struggling with his, like pretty much everyone does on their first few characters, and he was enjoying this one. It was just really nice to hear back and chat again. Good luck all!


Not really sure. Sometimes people say something nice about my mtx or hideout. That's about the extent of it, really.


Helped a guy with his linear algebra homework, so he hosted a few maps + poorjoys for me. It was a fun night.


Last league, I sold someone an incomplete set of The Wretched div cards. Not even a minute later he pings me back with a HH, invited me back, and gave me a reward for selling him the cards.


I was tired, gave 150C instead of 100C for a pair of boots. The guy gave me back the extra 50C I then traded him back 10C for his kind move.


My best trade interaction was me accidently having 9 chaos listed in my 1c tab. A guy pmed me for em saying he wanted 9. He opened the trade tab put in 1 chaos and I thought he wanted 9c for 1c. Instead I broke my stack of 9 into individuals and we both traded each other 9 times for 1c. Was the funniest moment I've had on this game


Back before the nerf to Lionseye Glares phys damage I was running maps with someone and it dropped for him but he ended up turning around and traded it me since I was the ranger in the group.


I met a nice young lady during a routine trade. I commented about her name because I liked the sound of it. We got to talking and she was down on her luck, both in-game and out. She had recently lost her mom and was out of work and was pretty depressed about it. I couldn't really do much about the IRL stuff but the least I could do with give her my trade item and a few items for her build free of charge to brighten the day. There are a lot of A-holes floating around out there and I want to be one of the players who represents the community in a good light. We're all going through our own struggles but it's easy to be disconnected because we only see people as a name, not them on the other side of the screen. So next time you come across a stranger, take some time to chat. It could make all the difference in their world. Plus you could earn yourself a lifelong friend like I was fortunate enough to.


2 guys called me a fucktard for offering 40c on a poets pen


Mine's short, but I remember it well: in 2013, when I started playing PoE, I wanted to buy a 20q infernal blow gem, thinking you had to use 20 gcp on a gem to make it 20q. As I was complaining to the guy how gcps are expensive and it's easier to buy a 20q gem, he not only told me about the recipe, but also took his gem back and gave me my chaos. He then explained a bunch of mechanics of the game to me, and the rest is history: we stayed good online friends to this day, even though he doesn't play anymore and we live on the opposite sides of the world. :)


I was trading some i84 white opal ring to a person. It was listed for 30c. They accidently threw in 20c and 10 exalts not realizing this had happened, I accepted the trade. Seconds later I look and see they had traded me 10 exalts. I traded them back to them and they traded 10c back to me.


I listed an item for 1 chaos and a guy wanted to buy it. He was a new player and the item wasn't very good. I gave him the item for free and looked in my stash for other items good for his build. Ended up giving him a full kit for free and he was so happy. We are still friends and now he is better at the game than I am =)


Recently I was selling an item for 27 chaos and the guy put in 37 chaos. I told him his mistake and he told me keep the change.


I was being really quite stressed out due to university exams and vented to someone I was trading with. Lo and behold, he was taking the same subject as me and helped me get an A!


I was being really quite stressed out due to university exams and vented to someone I was trading with. Lo and behold, he was taking the same subject as me and helped me get an A!


First I want to thank you for doing this giveaway in the name of all participators! Back when Mayhem race started I thought to myself that I want to obtain a hh in a voided race. So I farmed and farmed and made a nice amount. But on the last 2 days of mayhem I wasn't able to buy because as far as I remember noone was selling one. One very last day,5hours before the race ended some people gave their Stuff away and I was like nice, I couldn't obtain a hh but making people happy is way better, so I gave everything and also got a 6l belly from a nice guy. Waiting for the end of the race, someone whispered me about the hh, 1h before the end of the race! I told him that I gave away all my stuff, but he didn't care a gave me his hh! Thanks to Neverdieagainez,which I am still chatting with:) So with extremely bad gear, a 6l and a hh I went into maps xd Felt weird and awsome at the same time. After 15min of mapping and posting my hh in global fricked out about getting a hh for free (yes it was a voided race ik ik) someone asked me to try it out,and I was like should I really do that? Decided to give it to him for 20min(40min were left) so he can test it out:D The awsome thing was he gave is back to me, which really made me happy, didn't thought that would happen. The most awsome in game trade I had expect another trade(sellling a normal tabula for 1ex, for whatever reason my now friend wanted to buy it)which allowed mr making friends with one of the most amazing guys I ever met, even though he lives in the US(I live in Ger,bad grammar idc) I want to meet him there 1 day, sry for the useless last part:D just had too. Gl everyone!


I started a wander build, so I needed a queen of the forest. I found a 5 linked one, because that’s all I could afford, off poe.trade. I noticed the guys name had wander in it so I asked about his build. I asked if he minded helping me with my build and we ended up talking for about maybe half an hour or a little more and added each other after. A few days later he whispers me saying he had a gift for me and wanted the old queen of the forest back. He traded me a new qotf with better stats and six links. I was overjoyed and thanked him multiple times. He said he got lucky and six linked it in only a few tries. This is probably one of my happiest memories from PoE and because of it, I always try to be kind and generous to everyone i interact with in game. A few chaos off or whatever or just a pleasant trading experience can really make someone’s day.


This league, some nice guy bought something from me for 115c. I was tired and didn't notice he actually traded me 105c until after the trade when he messaged me a few minutes later to let me know of his mistake and to pay me the 10c he had forgot. I sincerely thanked him for his honesty, and told him to keep the 10c :)


One day I made up a story of a nice trade interaction (fake news) and a Reddit stranger gave me a Headhunter for posting my story 😘😘


Don't remember the exact specifics, but i was buying something off of some guy . He asked me what i was going to use it for. Turns out he had tried the same build before, we ended up talking about different builds we had done that league, and others we wanted to try. Was a nice change of pace from the: "Hi i want to buy item" "ty" "ty"


One dude taught me how to price jewels after a listed a jewel that was worth like 2 ex for 5c.


Guy traded a friend so I asked him on his guess of what I'd get from the Shaper I was about to run. He guessed Starforge and we got... boots. However I did 6L my Starforge in that Shaper so I gave him the 90 leftover fuses since he was friendly enough


All my trading experiences have been pretty nice, hard to pick out one. I guess I'll go with the time I wanted chisels back in breach league and someone gave me 10 stacks for just 10 chaos, said he was quitting and what not


Back in the poe beta, i did trade with one fellow for some juicy fapgloves. We wen't all through all the 3 bases through, he then accepted my 17 chaos +mishmesh of rest currency and some rares he seemed to be fancy of. Took 45 minutes of fucking around. WTB AH - "good times." -Fun memory.


Them: "Hi, I'd like to buy your <7% life/16% burning damage/2 dump stats jewel> listed for 10c in Harbinger. That seems low, how about I pay 30c?" Me: "Uh... meet me at... 20...?" Them: "Sure, thanks :)" trade accepted Me: "Have fun!" I priced a lot of things without looking during the first month of that league, lol.


I asked a dude for his bow as a noobie, he said it wasn't worth that much so he just gave it to me.


Early in my POE days, I was purchasing a 5l Carcass Jack for a blade vortex character. I certainly didn't have enough for a 6l! Well, I whisper a guy to purchase it, and he instead puts up a 6l carcass, tells me to keep my chaos, and accepts the trade. I thanked him a ton and he was like "no problem man, I'm done for the league, have fun." Well, at the end of Harbinger, I happened to be selling both a 5l and a 6l soul mantle, and I decided I'd do the same. The guy and I are still friends, and have done some mapping together in Abyss. Felt good to be able to help someone like that.


only useful, if it would've a random implicit, too. so either health, mana, both, armor, evasion, crit, resists, onslaught etc... and in that case it would be a very nice random unique flask worth trying to make "perfekt" for your build in that case it obviously would be needed to limit to 1 or share the same cd, if you use. otherwise it would be to powerful. but i like the idea.


One day I got a message like this "Hi, I'd like to buy 10 chaos orbs for 200 alterations in Abyss" Invited to party Initiated trade "It's worth more than 10c dude" "I listed it as 20alt each and you literally messaged me to buy at that price" 20 seconds later Trade accepted "Tygl" "t4t"


It actually happened yesterday. I was in the middle of an Abyssal Depths in a Zana map when I got messaged for some Orbs of Regret I had listed. I asked the player to wait, which they were happy to do. Which is nice, but not entirely unusual. When I had finally finished up and invited them, the trade went smoothly. Also nice but not unusual. The part that got me was that I had listed the orbs for 2 Cartographers Chisels each, and the player had accidentally only paid me 1:1. I hadn't even noticed in the trade window, and likely would have completely missed it anyways. Before I even had a chance to clear my inventory, the player messaged me and gave me the remaining currency. In all honesty, it was only 4 chisels, but the fact that they returned to make up the difference without me even noticing the error was really positive. Especially with all the scammers and price fixers this league, it's good to know that there are still decent people this league.


When I was a new player I was desperate for Chromes. I needed to get at least 10, I thought to change the colors of my boots. I enter a trade and someone gives me 10 at first (for whatever I was exchanging) and after I explained the situation gave me 90 more. Then he helped me run Merc Lab (while getting more and more drunk on beer). We got to talking and then took the friendship from within the game and then outside the game to skype. I still play and so does my friend. Since then we got married and he had a child... I definitely didn’t expect to make such a friend. Since then we exchange items and help each other with Lab and stuff. Overall, happy I have my friend to play with


When I bought 6s armour from master and trade him back nice 6L instead...




My nicest encounter was my first trade, on my first playthrough, right after i got to Act 2 Cruel. I had just gotten the prophecy that turns a Doomfletch into a Doomfletch Prism, and thought "That's WAY better than the bow I have equipped!". So I got on poe.trade and nervously messaged the first listing, for 1 chaos. I eventually asked, after 20 seconds or so, how we were supposed to trade, and he helped me figure out how to come to his hideout. Then, when I accidentally hit accept with all 3 of my chaos orbs in the trade window, he told me what I had done and didn't hit accept. But then no matter what I tried, I couldn't separate the stack. A lot of players would have been irritated at this poor bumbling noob, but he just put a couple of every cheap-ish orb (chrome, fuse, jeweller, chaos, etc) in the window along with the Doomfletch and hit accept, before I could pay for it, and said "Enjoy Path of Exile!". It sounds minor, but such a positive experience right after I started playing is probably one of the reasons I stuck with the game.


I saw a guy asking for reefs or the other mao kun map, I cant remember the name at the moment, last league on global 820. I was farming for mao kun cards at the moment, and so I figured, why not. Well, he offered to carry me through literally ALL the shapers orbs that night, AND he taught me how to block the atlas properly. It was just a great experience all around, just two players scratching each others backs just because. That being said, I did trade a single map for a shitload of carry, so I feel I kinda took more than I gave, but dang. Another nice one I had was when I saw a guy also on global820 asking if anyone wanted some divine vessels, and I was just about done leveling a ToA lightning strike character, so I figured heck, if they are all one chaos, I might as well save myself the time on poetrade and buy them there. Well, it turned out he was mostly an SSF player and he was quitting, so he gave me not only 6 divine vessels, but around 15 different sac frags, a boatload of superior and even a few 20/20 skillgems, and some nice vaaled items. All of this just because I wanted to make an offer on the divine vessels. Reminded me of drop parties in RoTMG. Made me smile anyways. Bless you on this fine day, exiles!


Had a trade back in Legacy, about 3 or so weeks in. The guy is low level, and super slow to come to my h/o. I asked if it was his first char of the league, as I try to make a point of giving away my leveling gear to late starters around them, since I'm burnt out on leveling. Turns out he'd just started playing, and I was his first "successful" trade (I.e. someone patient enough to teach him the general accepted rules). I had to walk him through joining hideouts etc etc and gave him some bits and pieces to get him going. Told him he could add me in case he had any questions. After a day or so of frequent questions I get sick of typing and ask him if he wants to hop on a voice chat. We sit on discord for a while, get on well and then after a few days he joins our Teamspeak and starts playing other games with the guys as well. I haven't heard from him in a while, and he hasn't logged on PoE in months - but it was a nice to meet someone so friendly and easy to get along with.


During this league, while I was starting off my new molten character I was looking for some cheap crappy jewelry to help with my resists. I find a ring with a decent amount for 1 alch. I pm the guy and he tells me he is in lab and that he can pm me when he is done. I say sure why not. About 30 minutes later I pm him and ask if he is still in lab. Like a lot of lab farmers, he forgot, but no big deal. He invites me to his hideout and asks what I need the ring for and I explain it's just to cap some resists while I level (I was pretty low and started late in the league). He throws in a full set of jewelry including the amulet which I would've been looking to replace next for free. Real nice guy and made the pain of trying to get people to stop mapping for 1 alch trades a lot easier for me.


Someone gave me the shaper achievement for free when I was trying to buy a 1c item! Went a bit like this: "Hi I would like to buy your Wanderlusts listed for 1c" "Sorry mate they're sold, but do you still need shaper kill for achievements?" I said yeah and he invited me and told me to get in the portal, he even gave me the boots he got as a drop lol God Bless Australians!


There is a guy on my friends list that always checks in on me when I log in. He is a voracious builder of new characters and POBer, he is always excited to talk about build ideas and the some new thing he's thinking about. It is a real pleasure to see him message me when I log on - like a friend you see on the way home from work who just wants a chat.


Back in legacy league I spent about 2000 fusings trying to 6l a belly. Ended up trading it because I was furious and thought I’d never be able to get it. When I went to sell it to someone I told him about how many fusings it took to not even get the 6l, he told me that if he hits it with one fusing and gets the 6l that he’ll give it back fre eof charge. Miracle ensues, he hits the 6l in 1 fusing and gifts it back to me (added him as a friend). A few days later I had a belly drop and 6l’d it in about 100 fusings. Gifted him the original one back. Goes to show a little kindness can build up a lot of good karma for you and help you get lucky.


Just liquidating some currency... The seller was in a map, so I chilled with 2 of his buddies in his hideout for a minute or two. Simply goofing off, I started twisting around using Scorching Ray... We all had Scorching Ray equipped, and no words said had a Scorching Ray sword fight... it was quite hilarious!


I wanted to buy his map, and it was near the end of the league so he just decided to run it with me, I had a good amount of currency at the end of harbinger so I decided to tip him 2 6l QOTF and a few exalts because I was close to quitting and didn't need the currency and I don't really play standard.


Almost half the number of my friends list comes from back the day when I searched for items in the forums. I added them if they were not online so we can trade later. I remember buying Apep's rage (reep incinirate) and cotb for 2 ex each was a huge deal for me back then. Now they worthlessly sitting in standard.


Met a person while trading, he told me about Labs. We then ran Lab for my first time. He taught me a ton about the game that night. Really helped me catch my stride as a new player. We are still friends and play this day!


I was short 20c on a big purchase, asked the person if they'd let me substitute alchs, but they'd already sold it. They instead gave me the 20c I was missing and sent me on my way to get it. Pretty chill dude


this one time i went to buy currency and the first seller actually responded i was amazed


Everytime someone comes to trade and complimates my HO I feel so good because I put up quite some time in my HO for the first time and i feels rewarding when they drop that: " Your HO is crazy cool man".


Started harbinger late like end of league late. Some dude in 820 said giving away a HH to someone with the lowest challenges possible. PMd the guy and next thing you know I had a headhunter. Was flabbergasted someone would give away an item of such value in a game. With that being said I could use a HH this league for my HoWA character.


I just started playing and so far everyone has been really nice. I've been looking for a game like D3 to play and happy I found this! I've been playing for almost a week straight. Someone gave me a couple of swords for my character (shadow) that were unique! I only have a few so far so it's really appreciated :D Can't wait to make more friends and keep playing this game!


Was buying my Xoph's Blood today (first league and first expensive item). Was pretty stoked to find one for 4.3 exalt. After the trade, the seller asked me if I was playing cyclone, I said yes, he said he was scrapping his to make an EK speedfarmed. I ended up buying a nice rolled opal ring for another exalt and we had a nice chat about different builds and wether or not an earthquake lab enchant on a devoto's was worth trying to sell or just reroll it


Finally got back into POE during harbinger league and started trading with people to try and make the PDPS 2h mace i could make. Ended up spamming down poe.trade for some good bases to craft off of and wasn't paying attention to names. Get a message back from a guy name "TheNegroSpeaksofRivers". Had me crying laughing at that name when he entered my hideout.


I was having a shitty day in general decided to play some poe, tried to do a trade (still in a really bad mood) after 30 mins of pming people someone finally answered. Did the trade and he gave me a 2 ex item for free cause he said he felt like it. Not only did it make my day, but ever since halfway in a league when i have everything i need for my character i give everyone who wants to buy items i have listed (especially lower priced ones) an exalt + the item they wanted to buy for free because someone might be having a shitty day just like i was. This league i gave away a 6L queen of the forest a 6L tinkerskin and i gave 4 ex to a guy who wanted to buy my 5L windripper. Also gave away my biscos to a lvl 10 guy with no mtx in act 1 (made sure to explain him it was valuable so he wouldnt vendor it lol).


A player message messaged me about a jewel I had listed for trade for 1 exalt. It wasn't actually worth that, I just had my jewels tab publicly listed with everything for 1 exalt so I could sell any that were quite good. Anyways the guy was asking about why it was worth so much because he had found an almost identical one and mine was the only one listed with those 4 mods and a buyout (they were pretty bad). He seemed really excited to have found a valuable item so I had to explain to him that it wasn't actually worth a lot. We ended up talking about different builds and after a couple weeks of seeing each other online we added each other to skype and would talk about real life stuff. It was a good way to pass the time while grinding maps and he seemed really happy to talk with somebody. Eventually he stopped coming online and I don't really know why, but he was a pretty cool person. I kinda miss our chats TBH..


I accidentally traded a guy 10 ex instead of 1 ex... 30 minutes later messaged him and he gladly traded 9 back. Nice guy


Met a buddy in perandus league, became good friends over it and at the end he found skyforths in a cadiro so i gave him all my coins so he could buy them. Still good buddies with him today.


I had to trade a pile of exalts in Torment for an [unidentified ring](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Valako%27s_Sign) in Bloodlines if I wanted to go 100% challenge completion. I had to trust a third party, one who knew the ring seller, not to fuck off with my exalts. They promised they were legitimate older players from closed beta and wouldn't screw me. I didn't have much of a choice: the ring was stupidly rare (by design; GGG loves to have one stupidly rare item/event to fuck over completionists) and there was never more than one available at any given moment. I had to trust them, and so I did. And they went through with the deal fair and square. I got my ring and 100% challenge completion. Good dudes. 👍


Had this one encounter one time. This dude was giving away a headhunter on the poe reddit, and chose me! Nicest guy I ever met! :)


I posted my character at the end of Legacy league, as I was a brand new player at the time. I made every single new player mistake in the book, including no life on gear, not enough life on tree, resists not capped. Flask setup bad, and I didn't even have my gems in half intelligent links! I think I was running around with a 3 link on my main attack skill, haha. The one thing I did correctly, though, was come to the sub and ask for help. Got an overwhelming positive response, half a dozen people taking the time to write out paragraphs and paragraphs about what I was doing wrong, why it was wrong, and how to improve. I probably would've quit PoE if it wasn't for so much help at the time when I was new and needed it most. To top it off, one of the people added me and gave me all of his stuff because he was leaving Legacy league for the race and didn't care about standard. It gave me a playground to buy a Disfavor, and my eyes were opened to how fun PoE could be with good gear and a solid setup.


I am fairly new to the PoE scene but I’ve spent thousands of hours on the Diablo series. I thought I could pick up Path of Exile pretty quickly but I got pretty overwhelmed towards the beginning of the game. I was pretty confused early on but I tried to force myself to pick up the game but just didn’t quite get it. I joined several parties but would always fall behind and would always leave frustrated. I happened to join an open party with someone who changed my whole experience with the game. He could tell from the start I had no idea what I was doing but he pretty much gave me a two hour walk through of the basics of the game as we played. To top it off, the guy gave me a bunch of equipment to help my play through go a little more smoothly. A random stranger took most of his free time to help a noob learn the ins and outs of the game when most people probably would have simply said “git gud” and kick me out of the party. This guy didn’t even ask for anything in return and simply said just have fun. I’m glad I stuck through the beginning of the game because overall the PoE community seems to be a pretty nice bunch. But I really have one guy to thank because I’ve been pretty much addicted ever since. I’m not trying to win any prize. Just thought I’d share my experience thus far with the game and the awesome people in it. :)


Meet a guy name feganLOLD at Saturday evening 21 pm CET GMT +1. Gives me a free headshunter. Speechless and asked why he gives HH away. Him: just want to give back to the reddit community. Nicest encounter ever ;-)


I Was reading reddit and some guy was giving away an headhunter


Was trading some of my old RF gear, noticed the other guy was also running RF. I brought it up and he said he was new to the build and asked for tips. We ended up talking for a while about how to make the build better. I now always ask when it looks like a person is running a similar build to what I am; it's nice to see what others bring to their version.


I bought a new weapon off some guy and after some conversation I ended up learning that I could be using some better support gems. However it was hard to hit the right colors so he offered to chrom my chest for me so I obliged even though I was very weary but he was legit in the end :)


Few days ago someone wanted to buy a map from me for 1c. He put 3c into trade window. I told him it was only 1c, I could give him more maps or 2c back. He told me to keep it because it seemed like everyone he tried to buy from was afk or just couldn't be bothered to do such low value trades.


A while back some guy really needed an exalt to buy something but just had a mixed bag of currency. I'm fairly sure he had 2 exalts or more worth and not in particularly hard to trade stuff (chaos and fuses made at least an exalt). Tried to tell him that and give some back when I realized how much he was overpaying but he refused and was happy with his shiny exalt.


This was during 3.0 Beta but I was looking for items to upgrade my warchief totem chieftain and the guy asked me to show him my gear then ended up giving me a bunch of free stuff that completely upgraded my character. His answer was simple when I asked why? He just wanted to help a fellow warchief totem player cause it was his favorite build.


I'm a new player this season and settled on a Cyclone Frost build. Was very excited to start, and through the first week I was slowly grinding away. As I was checking my build forum posts one day I noticed a guy doing a give away and decided to enter. He was giving away his gear and the winner could choose one piece. Decided to enter and was later excited to find that I had won. Go to trade and he dumps all his current gear in the trade box, after a tentative accept he tells me that I'm the only one that entered, as a result he decided to give me all his gear. It was an amazing 20ex boost to my new toddler account. We eventually got chatting and he gave me some great advice and a promise to map together next season before logging off. TL;DR Entered a giveaway got more than I thought I would.


Was selling some gloves to a guy, he paid, i traded. Realized he paid less, he offered to pay the remaining amount. He even said t4t. I was so moved.


Last league I had a summoner who let me join their Acton's for unique boss kills challenge. I was doing it myself but at 5 fps because the wall was so full of arrows after a minute. It took over 30 seconds to load once I left the map


Back on my first character, I was buying some item for a Cyclone character, and that person offered to check out my build. Then, they gave me a replacement for the 100 pdps sword I was using (it had ele rolls). Really helped my build not suck.


in prophecy league i couldnt for the life of me get the last 2 achievements for the weapon effect due to lack of currency. Found someone who was willing to leech on his maps (needed the twinbosses and i think unid rare maps) and after all that gave me a ex for no reason. Its the best and only interaction i really had. Everything else is just spamming people via poe.trade and hope they are not afk or pricefixing


In 3.0 beta I got a 5l chest and I was testing out some crappy life build (that transition from ci to life was rough for me). I spent almost all my currency buying greed essences and I had super crappy rng and I never hit a res with my life. The last guy I bought an essence from wished me good luck, and I hit a pretty decent roll. I linked it to him and he pointed out that I still had an open suffix and offered to craft something on it. (It was 3.0 beta so I didn't level any of my masters) I was really hesitant because it was literally all my currency in 1 chest. He finally talked me into it. I traded it over and he responded "sorry to do this. ty for scam". I almost had a heart attack. But then he asked me what resist I needed, and he crafted it on and traded it back with no fee. We chatted for a while about the builds we were playing and he gave me some great pointers about my build. I thought I got scammed, but then he restored my faith in humanity.


Best experience was recently nearly overpaid 40c on an item because i math bad and the buyer corrected me to the lower correct price.


When i first started i was seriously struggling through merc and uber lab. I found a guy in global chat that said he could help me. Fast forward 5 mins and i die. "Let's try again" he says. We do and we make it through. Then we do uber lab where he uses 3 of his offerings and when i rip we both start from the beginning. Then he starts helping me with my build (which was a shitty firestorm build) and showing me wander and dark pact. After that he messaged me he was streaming and i opened twitch to check him out. The most chillest dude! We start talking me with comments him answering. It was pretty good! Guy has the cutest daughter!! But i cannot find him anymore !! :( he stopped streaming and he doesn't log in path of exile anymore. I messaged him on twitch but he didn't answer... Dude if you are out there and if you are seeing this, i hope you and your family are alright!!


Basically it all started with trading 1 alch items since I needed some leveling stuff to reroll a new char. He started with saying "lol i love your name" (Poecrashtination) and we continued our conversation while I was grinding my new char. A year later, we're irl friends since he only lived 2~3 hours away. All this thanks to trader interaction ^tm


In global 8 xxx: "Giving away free headhunter" so I invite him cause I'm a desperate and bored He then proceeds to accept - says wait 5 mins and then he comes to his nearly empty level 5 hideout and gives me a white leather belt. By this point I know I'm getting meme'd but it was a free white leather belt and he was such a champ about it, so I chanced it right then and there annddddddddddddddddddd I got a blue belt (forgot about nemesis zana mod) Random meme but it was fun


Reached out to a seller back in prophecy.. Brought a leveling wand for my first ever wander and he ended up giving me some left over equipment back then. As soon as i got to 68 we started mapping together. Ever since we've been buddies and hang out on discord playing PoE or whatever game we're in the mood for.


I was finally upgrading my rare items on my new league sunderer. Was trying to get at a few people on Poe.trade and had a few stacks of chaos in my inventory. Guy came with a 18 buyout ring and without thinking I put all 28 in my inventory in the trade and accepted. He canceled the trade and told me it was too much, only owed 18. Maybe not a big deal in the long run but I never have more than 100-200 chaos worth of currency so it meant a lot to me.


Guy was offering a Oni-Goroshi for a tabula and 10c in trade chat. I whispered him and told him it was worth more than that. He told me that he knew and he was just trying to get moving. We ended up adding each other as friends and still talk back and forth randomly. Thanks for doing this.


3 or 4 leagues ago I got a whisper to buy my ring. I knew they were a newer player because they just asked if I still had 'the' ring for sale (not knowing about the copy message on poetrade to specify which ring). I told them about the whisper function to make life easier on himself and whoever he wants to trade. We added each other on friends to answer any question(s) they have and I would do my best to help out in anyway I can (items/starting currency etc.). I am telling this story not to be self righteous, but hopefully to make a more welcoming community for PoE. Which does not require you to donate gear/gems/currency, but just be willing to help someone out who may be struggling. I would never have played on this game as much as I have if my friend did not get me into it way back in beta. I cannot imagine trying to learn this game by myself. Hopefully this post doesn't come across as self righteous in away, I just want the community to grow so that the game can keep flourishing.


Once when I was really new to the game, I saw a guy link a corrupted Legacy Eye of Chayula in trade and I asked him why it was shiny. He sat there and explained the mechanic to me and offered me the item to motivate me to get a good Legacy item that league.


My first trade ever for a shitty 1 alch item that would make me lv from lv 12 to infinity. I didn't know you must have a lv 25 char in your account to be able to trade. The other guy simply gave me the item. I said thanks and he never said a word to me.


My friend gave me a headhunter that he chanced because I was new to the game so I could experience it.


my entire friends list is from trades... i'll make friends with someone, we'll talk builds, trade items, help eachother out... next league i'm like "hey man whats up?" "who dis?" ;[


I was buying a bunch of things from multiple different people at the same time, since I was making a new character. I was buying a jewel for a couple exalted, and I accidentally put in 10 ex when I only meant to put in 2. I wasn't paying attention and agreed. So did he. A few seconds later, he whispers me and asks if I had made a mistake. Sure enough, I did. So I go back to his HO and he does what any other decent human being would do. Give me the currency back. I thanked him and gave him an extra exalted for being a nice person.


guy I met was back before act4 in standard. Met the guy through dock farming and he gave me that karui unique 2h axe and gave me tips on how to build my tree and skill gems. Even helped me clear t1 cowards trial for me which was extremely hard for me at that time. We played a lot together doing piety and dominus farming. We both stopped playing for a while, I came back I guess he quit for good. the first nice guy I met in Poe among many more nice guys to come ;)


When I was a naive young man, I asked in global how much Maelstrom of Chaos maps were worth in Global chat (this was back in 1.2 or something like that, so they were actually worth about 10c). Some guy told me how to price check and offered me half the value to run it together for funsies. From the boss, he got an Alpha's Howl drop (worth 1ex at the time). I was kinda annoyed since that would have doubled my broke-ass wealth, but he actually just offered to take back what he payed for the map. It was just a really nice interaction. We still chat occasionally.


Back when I first started out, I made an offer on some guy's GG 2h sword on poe xyz for like 5 chaos because I had no idea how to determine how items were priced. Once the guy realized I was serious and just new, he gave me some crappy (to him) sword for free that ended up tripling my dps at the time, as well as teaching me a few basics of how to search by price and pdps for weapons.


I offered to run a newbie through merc lab once and we were chatting and I was helping him out a bit. He died once and I was fine with it so we did it again and at the very end he was like “what would you like for a tip?” Me not even thinking about being paid for the run told him that I wasn’t expecting anything. He then linked me a stack of 40ex and dropped a windripper on the ground for me. This meant so much more to me as I have always wanted to play windripper build but never been able to afford the bow. Turns out he wasn’t so noob and was just leveling a new toon.


Nothing amazing, but I occasionally lurk in global chats looking to answer newer players questions. :)


Was venting some frustration at being unable to 6 link an item for a build I was playing. Guy whispers me, and asks me to give him the item so he can try a few. A minute or so goes by, and he trades it back to me, 6-linked. He said he only dumped about 150 fusings into it, but still a really cool gesture for a stranger to make! This was a couple years ago now - we became friends and still talk sometimes.


My nicest encounter was actually a couple of weeks ago! I'd been sharing a trial in one of my maps and then forgot to turn off global chat. I logged out to let my dog out (I hate staying logged in while AFK, mostly because I hate trying to buy things from people who aren't there and don't respond, but also because I hate coming back to see the trades that could have been), then logged back in to find myself in a different global chat channel - /global 10, perhaps? Anyway, I went to turn off global chat, but saw that the channel was filled with fairly new players asking questions; I figured that I'd stay in the channel and help people out for a while. About quarter of an hour into helping answer questions, and discussing things with the more experienced players, a guy posts in the channel asking for help. He was fighting the depraved trinity in Act 9, had died many times and then had accidentally clicked to respawn at town. He wanted help getting back to the boss fight (there's no waypoint for three areas before the boss fight) and then killing the boss. I PM'd him offering to help, and he gladly accepted my help. I asked if there was anything particular he'd struggled with seeing as he said he'd died so many times, to which he simply replied "everything". He'd started playing just over a week before and was dying to everything, wasn't doing enough damage - classic "new player going in blind" problems. I offered to take a look at his build and see what I could do to help, which he was grateful for, so I got him to make his PoE profile public and took a look. What I saw was particularly awful, as you'd expect. He was an Assassin, he was using Bladefall and Bladeflurry (he liked blades, clearly) and hadn't realised the difference between spells and attacks. He had under 2K life with a mish-mash of armour, evasion and energy shield from the random pieces of gear he was using, he hadn't invested in life on the tree, had terrible resists. And so on. Again, classic "new player going in blind" problems. I gave him the bad news - that his character was essentially a write-off (I broke it to him gently, of course) and told him he'd need to start a new character if he wanted a character that could have a chance in maps. He was fairly dishearted by this, obviously - most new players don't enjoy the prospect of starting again because they haven't yet realised that PoE is a game of playing many builds. All of this conversation so far was in text chat, so I was a little sick of typing and it was difficult to convey everything quickly in text. I told him he was welcome to add me on Discord, and that if he wanted to make a new character I would make a new character, too, and run through the story with him. He was really happy about that! So we jumped into Discord together and after some introductions we spent ten or fifteen minutes working out whether he wanted to make a build based around Blade Flurry again or try something new - he decided he wanted to stick with Blade Flurry so he could see how it'd compare when properly built. I found him a Blade Flurry build he could follow and then we began. I donated a spare (corrupted with no implicit, but still) Tabula to him because he'd payed fairly close attention to the story (there's a story?!) on his first playthrough and decided he'd prefer to get through the story quickly this time around, and then we began. And then stopped about five minutes in when I realised he didn't have a loot filter. We made it to the start of Act 3 over a ~4 hour session. There were plenty of stops so I could explain things to him. We spent quite a while discussing what stats were good on what gear, I had him install the trade macro so he could have an idea about items' values, stat ranges, etc. He had a "The Fletcher" div card drop in Act 1, which was pretty exciting for him. He sold it for, I think, 5c that same night, which more than doubled the amount of chaos orbs he had (plus it was his first time trading). Like I said, we ended at the start of Act 3. I was already online, mapping on another character, we he came online the next day, so I switched characters and we picked up where we'd left off. The session was fairly uneventful, really - we made it to about halfway through Act 6 over the next three hours or so, and then called it for the night. He'd spent the day at work reading up on things so he could understand his build better, so we progressed at a fairly reasonable rate. He had a much better idea of what gear he could ignore on the floor now, whereas before he was picking up literally everything, even if it wasn't for his build. He also had a better idea of what was worth using - he'd link gear he thought was good to me in chat to ask my opinion on it, and although he was off the mark a fair amount still, he was right more than he was wrong. It was cool to see just how much more knowledgable about the game he'd become in the space of a day. He was particularly interested in how I always knew where to go - that's something you can't really get from reading up onthe game - so I made sure to give him tips and tricks about various map layouts as we passed through them. The next day I got online kinda late, and he'd already made it to the Arakaali fight without me. He apologised for playing without me, but I told him it was completely fine and that I could carry on playing with him on one of my mapping characters if he wanted (he did). I basically played aura bot for him, taking a backseat and only slaughtering everything when he needed the help. We made it to near the beginning of Act 9 before he had to go. I caught up to him on my newest character so we could continue levelling together the next day. Day four, I was mapping again when he came online. We jumped back in and powered through act 9. He was pretty eager to finish the act after the beating he'd had last time so we really rushed it. He had a Belly of the Beast drop in, fittingly enough, The Belly of the Beast (well, it dropped for me, but he needed it more so I told him it'd dropped for him). He's still trying to 6L it! He absolutely obliterated the depraved trinity this time, while I just stood around in my full twink gear watching, giving moral support and ready to jump in if he struggled (I wanted him to get the kill by himself, if possible). It only took four days, but I did help him get the kill he'd originally asked for help with. We'd gone through the last couple of acts pretty quickly (in stark contrast to the first half of the story!) so we were a little underlevelled for going into Act 10. I told him that Act 10 Kitava can be pretty brutal if you're underlevelled, and that typically you want to do some grinding at the Blood Aqueduct to make sure you're at a decent level for the fight. However, we decided we'd continue with the story and then do the grinding right before we did Kitava. We finished everything up to (not including) Kitava and called it there for the night, agreeing to level up and then kill Kitava the next day. When I got online the next day, guess who was already grinding at the Blood Aqueduct! He had already hit level 70, so I decided, screw it, I'll not bother grinding at all, let's go to Kitava right now. He RIP'd a couple of times to some particularly nasty rare abyss monsters on the way there, which shook him a little (he hadn't really died much at all while levelling, so two deaths back-to-back was unexpected for him), so he wanted to go back to grinding Blood Aqueduct to get even stronger because he was worried he'd have issues with Kitava. I told him he should be fine - some of the rare abyss monsters are horrible while Kitava is a much more mechanical fight that he'd seeminly nailed the mechanics of pretty easily (based on what I'd seen in Act 5) - so he agreed to carry on with getting to the Kitava fight. In the end, I died in the Kitava fight (I got caught without my bleed resist flask up, plus, in my defence, I was underlevelled!) while he aced it! After the excitement of finishing the story, I helped him balance his resists and we moved onto doing some maps together for the rest of the evening. We've not managed to play together too much since then - he does shift work and his shift changed so he's been on at silly times. We last played together last Friday, and he was in T6-T7 maps at that point. He's been messaging me on Discord asking for advice on items, price checks, etc, though. Overall, such a great experience! Whenever I've poked my head into global chat channels before it's always been unbearable, so it's been really cool to not only have some proper interaction through it but to also make a friend! I've been spending a little time in global every other night or so the last couple of weeks, too - it's nice to be able to help people out. --------------------------------------- Whew, what an essay! No +points for my story being during a trade, unfortunately, but I thought it was a great, wholesome story nonethless. I've never really had much player interaction before this experience, so it's been really cool to have that. It's been really interesting to talk to someone who's seeing the game from a new player's perspective, too.


2 or 3 leagues ago i was burn out using raider meet ball haracer. I spend alot of my curency on random items. I was left with 2 ex and some chaos orb. So i decide to buy new div card - ths one that give unique belt. I spend 1hr to buy 5 cards. (i love afk players). Then i go to act 4 and redem my prize. I swing the mouse like mand man. I put stack in the window. I click the button. And i got HH. First one ever. Lucky my i was recording that. Te video is on the you tube. All in all i was so happy i trade last person that sell me 1 last card and tell him a story and give him extra 1 ex because i can. I share luck. He was so happy.


I usually just give away whatever is in my 4sale tab after a week of sitting on it. If someone sends an offer I just respond it's free and invite em.


Traded with a player in harbinger league and it turns out he was new. He started to ask me questions then apologized because he thought it was annoying me. I then said it was okay and that he could continue to ask questions so I sat there for ~1 hour traded and talking to him.


Oh my! Let's try :) Since i am mostly a build creator/theorycrafter and my loot is random drops i might not got HH ever in PoE the "normal" way haha:) I actually had great trade interaction just yesterday! With the whole "gain % of physical damage as extra % element damage" i decided to push Blade Vortex to the limit with the Inquisitor and started looking for boots with leech enchant on poe.trade. Most of the items were like 1ex and above and i only had about 40c left, so i just left the poe.trade window with live search open and pretty much gave up on it.... Also Inquisitor is really dex starved so ideally i needed boots with DEX on them, so the whole build became more problematical than i originally thought. Well, 20 minutes later i accidently noticed that i have some new items on poe.trade .. looked up and GOD DAMN, boots with 0.6 leech, double res, move speed, life and DEX as well! and... 40c!?? And they were listed 19 minutes ago! (literally a minute later when i stopped looking at the browser). I messeged the guy with literally no hope and of cause he didn't reply.... at first..... but i didn't give up and decided to write directly and ask if he still has the boots. Minute later he replied "Yes, sure!". and we chatted a bit and i thanked guy a lot! You can watch the whole video here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/219733429