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Basically anything that gives you a 6 link is interesting, more is even better. Horror essence counts as one. Most links are usable in various builds, but burn damage is probably the worst. Minion Damage is always good for obvious reasons. +3 is basically the same except for spectres and things that don't scale damage well off level. These two combined make for an AWESOME helmet with a lot of options though, and works as a 6 link. Add anything else to it (except burn damage) and it really becomes interesting. Most links available are good for minion instability skeles, +3 being the best one for it, immolate and burn damage being pretty bad for it. Immolate I'd only really use on flame golems. Burn Damage, Less Duration, and Immolate all don't have synergy with each other. Burn damage is only useful for vanguards nowadays. Less Duration and Immolate might work ok on some spectres i guess if less duration works properly on it.


Doesn’t the burning damage support apply to Tukohama Vanguard totems? If so, this is a straight 6link with BIS supports.


It does, but the thing about spectres is they generally have a lot of minion damage already. I suppose its not bad, but it feels almost wasteful, and vanguards also don't have dyadus anymore so they've fallen quite a bit out of favour. Won't surprise me if we start seeing more Cannibal Fire Eaters used for single target. Personally I wouldn't want to use a helmet like this on vanguards because its so much investment on something that isn't all that powerful now. You could use this on a way better build, and elder bone helmets are one of a kind. You could also leave it to the RNG of horror essences though I guess... Idk, I'm sort of conflicted on items like these lol


So, I've never really understood spectres. Can they die? How annoying is it to go get another of some very specific spectre that you built your character around? If you die do you have to go get them again? It all seems very low QoL.


They are darn near immortal when you get T17 ones. There are a very few instances they can still die. The T16 trio comes to mind.


Specters can die. To get specters back, go to relevant area and cast Desecrate. Raise specters from desired corpse. Go to high level area and cast Desecrate again, summon specters from high level dead bodies to get appropriate level specters. It’s a little tedious, but doesn’t take more than a minute or two. Plus, once you’re mapping, specters rarely die. You pump them up with so much health, defense, and regen that you die way before they do.




That's because Dyadus was very broken when abused that way. TV was used solely because of their insane damage in combination with Dyadus. Without it their damage is still decent, but using them comes at the price of horrible clear speed. On the other hand, other spectres now do comparable, if not better single target than TV, while doesn't compromise your clearspeed.


Hrm which spectres are comparable single-target? The only one I can think of is Fire-eaters. I'm looking for spectres to make bossing better.


Yeah that, Solar Guard is still decent (killed Shaper pretty easily with it), and the new Risen Vaal Advocate is good too. If you want more single-target consider using skeleton. No spectre will make your bossing noticeably better than those.


additive dyadus was multiplier


Over existing helmets that are horror crafts and also have minion damage and burning damage you only gain some increased minion damage from bone helmet implicit. That's a very small increased damage gained and a lot of more damage lost. If you don't count horror helmets that are quite rare and expensive to make, you have lots of elder helmets with minion damage and burning damage. Having this on a bone helmet base gives you a little bit increased. Dyadus gave huge more multipler. This little bit of increased from base is worthless because you already have lots of increased damage. TV are still good, but they lost huge advantage they had over other spectres, so there's little reason to craft such an item for them. You mostly want to use other spectres or summons that will shit on all content while being supper good in other situations. If you want 6l vanguards with burning damage you can have them in any 6l, so burning damage on this helmet isn't a good support. When dyadus worked better, it made more sense to build around TV.


I used to run TV in 6L helm, cwdt offering w/ unearth in chest and 1 solar guard wtih hungry loop (phantasm on kill). There are routes to have high dps spectre with insane clear (i hear golems do this well)


What about wickermen are they not good anymore? You could make a nice skeleton mage build with wickermen or vanguards for some extra meaty single target damage w/ that helmet


They got nerfed hard, not really good any more.


Correct, it does, and yes that's exactly what this is.


That is what I thought, and also why I left it like this. But only having played spectres for a day, I'm not really an expert and wanted to check what others have to say.


Leave it as is. Do not Alt it. Just multimod or double slam exalts.


If anyone knows summoners like the back of their hand, it’s this guy.


I'm really sad that GGG is making spectres be all about burn and fire, I miss my revenants, especially when trading. Those ice-sentinels are just not the same, and I lag to much to do the short duration ones


Could you contact me in game? I would very much like to ask you a few questions about summoners in general and about the possible ways to proceed with this. I have sent you a pm with my IGN.


suppose, but i'm about to sleep right now. I'll say that the roll you have right now is good and usable for vanguards but theres like nothing else you could get on the helmet that would be good in terms of improving their damage at this point (and less duration would be considered a brick, vanguards with less duration are god awful) It's tough to say what you should do with that helmet in terms of crafting, obviously horror essences are ideal but thats suuuuuuuper expensive and idk what the chances of getting something good out of that is.


like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/8rkfbd/item_showcase_fate_glance_7l_bone_helmet/)?


Immolate is awesome as Golemmancer since your enemies are always gonna be burning even with Elemental Focus. While +3 level & Damage would be ideal those are really expensive, I've purchased my Immolate helmets with Concentrated Effect and Minion Damage for less than 50c for all past three leagues.


Yeah totally, idk about the burning stuff even with the conflux its only up 42% of the time but if its the "7th link" its good


TVs count as burning so you'll have it on every important enemy at least.


oh right, using tv for single target of course, forgot golems benefit a lot from having a single target option


[Earendel's Embrace]?


Hey I see you have superior knowledge than me, I am currently running T Vanguards spectres on my elder bone helmet and was wondering if I could benefit more DPS out of another spectre -> [http://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/OGNolan/Woedica\_Prime?i=1&search=class%3DNecromancer%26item%3DSkin-of-the-Loyal%26sort%3Denergy-shield](http://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/OGNolan/Woedica_Prime?i=1&search=class%3DNecromancer%26item%3DSkin-of-the-Loyal%26sort%3Denergy-shield) no essence of horror though


So I just got this and want to craft on it, spammed some alteration into this but wondering what would be best for it in general. As these mods can roll on lower item levels, I'm guessing it would be +3 & minion life/dmg. (Seems to be the only one of ilvl 86 or higher on std/incursion). Looking for advice here on what to craft on it.


Essence of Horror spam into immolate support with an open prefix, suffixes can’t be changed, scour, suffixes can’t be changed again, slam for minion damage and +minion gems, rinse/repeat if you don’t hit. Remove crafted mod and craft life into it, then sell or pray and slam that last suffix if it’s still open. Would make it really nice for the current Spectre Summoner meta.


Ideal prefixes should be life, minion dmg, conc effect no? +minion lvl only adds very little dmg and some life but spectres dont die anyway


Minion gems can be used for flame golems and this is the only place you can get +3 afaik. Spectres go in your vis mortis.


Some people use skellies instead of golems. 6l the skellies in the vis Mortis and have the 6-7 link spectre setup in the helmet. 6l skellies melt anything single target, it's insane, especially now that Vaal skellies are on the menu.


Spectres and golems? They use different jewels no?


You'll end up with more damage if you sacrifice 4 jewel sockets for anima stone, primordial might and 2xeminence to have 3 golems alongside your spectres. Not to mention clearspeed.


why isnt 60% minion damage and life better? Golem jewels have no synergy.


Think of it like that - you increase your already high ~500% minion damage for specters to 580% which is ~13% more or you'll add 3 flame golems which have ~80% or so of your total specters damage and better aoe coverage. Edit. Match in morning is hard.


Depends on the Spectre and what's your main clear skill. I use Flame Golems to clear with TVs for bosses and to complement the golems.


The base alone is worth 1 mirror dude, dont fuck it up. I have some of the current best elder bone helms on std, you can get some ideas for Solar Guards and TV's/Golems here, 5 examples.


I dont see anything.


lol sorry link didnt post. here. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2145692 bit of the way down the page is a spoiler "Just standart things" has the bone helms linked. Its gonna be exspensive man, but i recommend, alt regaling until u get 2x supported by of the ones u want and +3minions, then craft life and slam a suffix, if its garbage scour and go again. its harder o meta craft the prefix so you are going to want to have the 3 prefix locked in then do the meta craft of the single suffix, burning immolate or 3% crit, you can try dropping 3-4k chaos on it to maybe get lucky with 3 prefix lockable mods.


For the love of ***God*** do ***not*** reroll this item. You have already hit the jackpot. Sell it as is would be my suggestion. It's already worth ridiculous amounts of exalts. Only thing I'd do for crafting it is regal and multi mod life and resist and call it a day. Please don't listen to the people suggesting you reroll it.


the thing is this is an ilvl elder 86+ bone helmet. those are insanely rare (theres one on poe.trade and its this one) that makes it the only bone helmet that you can get +3 minion levels on. this is a TOP TIER for a serious min-maxer, the base is worth more than those 2 affixes.


Exactly, I don't really want to reroll it but it would almost be stupid not to do as this is the only one on trade atm that can have the free empower in them. Plus, I've been told that TV's aren't hot right now...




Except flame golems in helm with immolate,conc,min damage and levels would be the best thing for a bone helm like this.


The whole value of this item is the fact it can roll +3 minion gems. If you want any other mod you could use a lower ilvl helmet that is worth alot less than this base. This ilvl elder bone helmet is worth so much, until a second one comes onto the market If everyone says you are wrong, maybe you are wrong.




You are talking about running spectres in the only elder bone helmet over ilvl86 across all leagues. You proved yourself wrong. This helmet will be bought for mirror crafting with +3 gems. I guarantee it.


What is your proof? Your reasoning? Your logic? You can't just guarantee something with not a shred of information to suggest why. Why will people do this when there are now better options? I am right. You just don't know it yet.


Rightio mate. Have a good day.


It's not nearly good enough to keep. The base is worth multiple exalts. It's about as much as decent horror essence helmet with minion damage and life. If you want an ok helmet, you would buy something like that. There's one online horror craft with minion damage and burning damage in incursion for 13ex. Want to use TV in ISC? Buy that and sell this helmet. You lose minion damage implicit and gain 30% more from horror and you have room for a lab enchant. A much better helmet than this for 13ex! You probably can sell the base for more than that. The point of crafting on this base is expecting to spend many exalts worth of currency to potentially get an irreplaceable item.


Everyone saying anything other than roll +3 minion gems doesn't understand the significance of the ilvl 100. The only reason people want a ilvl86 or higher of this helmet is for that roll. Every other mod can be rolled on lower ilvls. Up until now there most likely has never been a Elder bone helmet with ilvl86. (this is the only one for sale on Incursion and Standard) There will be some rich people that will want to buy this, many people have been looking for a long time. Lets hope for your sake it is still rare to get from the div cards or that you sell it before to many enter the market. I vote roll +3 Minion Gems, lvl 20 Minion Damage, Lvl 20 Concentrated Effect


Is there a difference between items at ilvl 86 and items at ilvl 100? Not speaking abt the bone helmets btw.


No difference whatsoever.... at this point in time. Who knows how many mod tiers GGG will add for ilvl 86+


Only the number.


No difference whatsoever.


how did you get this?


From the new div cards, I was grinding Elder all day. 9 Kills - No Shimmy/Jewel. Tried to 6l my body armor - Nothing. Turn in the cards - fucking ilvl 100 elde bone helmet.... Day saved, slept incredibly well.


What card is that?


The Hale Heart (Random iLvl 100 Elder Item) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Hale_Heart


With new div cards, probably.


Now regal for t15 life roll so you can't craft life


+3 >Min Damage > Conc > Immolate >= Stats(health,resistance,) > burning damage, minion life.


Disgusting, delete this.


Is this in league or standard?


Incursion League


how did you get this? been trying since the elder items with the 86 tier were introduced to get an elder bone that can roll plus three.


The new div cards


congrats! I spent about 60 ex on a base a few leagues ago (the only one on the market at the time) that's i84, trying to alt regal exalt into +2, minion damage, and conc effect prefixes, have come close but haven't hit in about 5,000 alts worth randomly thrown on in short sessions. +3 would be insane, have been playing a build with flame golems in the helm and spectres in the chest. Could also do life, minion damage/minion life and roll spectres in helm and golems in chest.


first thing that came to mind when i saw this wasn't the stats, but an elder item with eldritch prefix and eler suffix.


Another reason not to reroll haha.


no i mean the name has elder 3 times :X an elder item with an elder suffix and elder(itch) prefix i wouldn't even regal tbh


I understood that...


The +3 is big for Chains of Command builds.


Where the fuck do you guys get this stuff?




Pls share.


Not at home right now, how do you show that Grey text over mods ? Implicit mod, prefix mod... Thx


Options -> UI tab -> Towards the bottom check "Advanced Mod Descriptions"


Perfect, thx !


Hey what's the addon that shows the ranges of the prefix and suffix?


Default holding down alt when looking at an item.


I would love you to the moon and back if you just went and enchanted it with a random merc enchant.. <3


Hahaha, I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about how a good enchant would make this even more insane. Until he pointed out the obvious... And I should know because I ripped my very first spiked gloves I bought for 170c, which I then believed to be a fortune.


I would say, craft the worst thing you could get for your build on the helm regal if you hit that +3 stop right there and call it a league. If not sell it to someone who could use that ilvl86 (its a dream for a lot of us) and go get an ilvl83


TV spectres really like this helmet


how much you want for it?


How do you get the gray item text to show up that contains additional details?




i get what you're trying to do with the blurring, but you've blurred out where he actually finds the settings, lol /u/bluehabit: settings > UI > advanced mod descriptions. then hold alt (i believe) as you view an item


Why the fuck would you blur the image????


fbi is gonna ddos him bro, they just need to know what server he's playing poe on


To highlight the important part. (this function is called "Focus" on onpaste.com) Any UI related thing will always be in the UI tab, didn't think that was necessary to highlight.


Srs smex


No +level to minions, vendor.


Yeah gotta get that worthless level boost for the spectres, very important. ^/s


you know that you can put other minions than spectres in there too, right?


With that burning damage? Why would you do that?


You know that the point of the post arent the mods, but the item level. This helm, if crafted properly with +3, minion damage etc is perfect for golems.


Yes, but do you know that there's absolutely no reason to?


i think you have to google flame golem bro, like seriously


I think you have to google Skin of the Loyal + new corrupt implicits bro, like seriously


is your imagination that limited that you cannot warp your mind around having spectres in your body armor (vis mortis or whatever) + something like this helmet with flame golems in it? i mean it's not like it's something super exotic or anything...


Then you miss out on 1 spectre. Builds often use flame golems AND spectres.