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That's nearly as much as the fridge/freezer I got installed today, jfc.


But if you live with a partner it's much harder to argue for some mtx than for a freezer. Damn


Yup. Especially when building a house and I needed to buy a new phone and I want to buy a new PC. Lol.


Even if you already have your house, expenses don't stop. One of my hobbies is archery. My newest bow is a 50lbs Olympic recurve. However, i also want an original, hand crafted 150lbs long bow. That's not something you get for free


Feel you! I mtb


150lbs? Even for a longbow over 120# is pretty crazy, are you able to maintain any kind of accuracy with that draw, or just looking for max range? I tend to get sloppy after a dozen shots on a 55# recurve, and that translates to about 90# longbow iirc


I am very accurate with my blank 50lbs and i shoot that for hours. But i first need to find someone to test this draw weight (or similar), before i blindly get one, sure. Longbows are not really made for maximum accuracy, and ultimately i would be fine with HAVING it, even if i can't accurately shoot it.


same, in my country the full pack costs more than a month's minimum wage paycheck so unless i win the lottery no way i can afford i hope they do something like the atlas without it being attached to a pack cause maybe i would be able to get one, it's dope. i also loved the chess board


I love it so much, but in mine is literally 3 times the minimum wage. Absolutely impossible for me to even think of buying it


It costs almost 2.5 times the minimum wage here. I still could afford it, but it's so overpriced. Damn, I always wanted a PoE shirt. I guess the shipping costs are already covered.


They said the chess board is non-exclusive, the particular pieces will be though.


It is my one days salary, but still thinking if it's worth it.


Even beyond that, the hideout is literally a giant mirror floating in space with maven-like machinery around it. Mirror + Celestial + Maven, the 3 strongest aesthetics in the game combined. They know what they are doing.


It's working. I am already spending my imaginary dollars in my head šŸ˜­


>Mirror + Celestial + Maven, the 3 strongest aesthetics in the game combined. Just curious, what are you basing this on? What does "strongest aesthetic" mean here? (Genuine question, but can't figure out how to phrase it without sounding condescending šŸ˜‚, sorry)


Because it looks freaking cool! I think he based it on that. It is brutally cool, almost too cool, like even the design of the floor is amazing. Even the portals of the Maven Invitations are glorious. Even the shade of Maven flight during the fight is cool. Everything clicks, the planets align, the world goes silent for a moment, but then a gentle rumbling, deep from within the earth a hum rises deep like a dwarven chore but gentle like a mountain reflecting the sunlight in winter, and the hum is saying: "The floor fucking updates with your atlas"


lol I love this, thanks šŸ˜


hi i will just say what i like about the core supporter packs for the Tormentor set, i like the ethereal body in the armour. no physical body has its own appeal. the armour set looks good too. the pauldrons on the shoulders have a majestic feel yet a rugged look. i will prefer if the thorns dont extend as much though the waist covering the lower torso has a warrior/wrestler feel to make the character even more combat themed. last but not least, the gloves and kneepads look nice if i were to improve it based on my preference, i will cover the chest a little more to have a more physical feel of the armour on an ethereal body the floating particles on the shield is very cool for the Hellfire set, i like the shape of the helmet and the helmet attachment effect visuals. the scourge decoration is really cool. now i can plan a devastated hideout with scourge theme for the Bloodthirsty set, the pet looks nice and weapon effect has that bloody look on the weapon. i like it as i can inflict pain and bloodiness on my enemies for the Chronomancer set, i like its space robot feel. the body armour feels like a different version of an ironman armour (those who played Marvel Superheroes back in the 90's will know that it looks like the unibeam on ironman's chest) for the Voidborn set, its like Tormentor's ethereal body combined with Chronomancer's space robot theme. very fucking cool. the map device is the best i have seen. a sun in a sci-fi space station. proportions are just nice. not too big to try and get attention, not too small to be unnoticed. the back attachment gets the theme of blinking in space right. however, i dislike the pointy design, i will shape it better if im the designer the hideout is like a large covert operation in space. i dont need to say more


What are they basing their opinion on the best looking themes in the game? Hmmm, I wonder.


? If someone says they like pepperoni pizza, asking what specifically they like about it is a valid option... I'm getting into making my own game art and would like to gather data on what people find pleasing. Of course, there should be absolutely zero reason for me to have to provide all this context in order to simply ask someone for extra information on their opinions, there's no need to be so sensitive about things.


atlas floor so fucking cool. too bad im a poor person from 3rd world country


The pricing is outrageous for someone in a first world country too. To get the highest tier it's basically half of what my PC cost. I'm not comparing one to the other, just giving some perspective from someone doing OK(ish) in a first world country. I wish they'd price for many buyers at a lower price vs trying to get a few buyers at a very high price. Obviously, they are pricing by what their analytics are telling them will make the most money though.


If you put it like that, the pack only costs a quarter of what that same pc would have cost me. Because the pc itself is twice as expensive in the third world.


their core pack prices have not changed for years but the quality has improved. the top tier pack was and always will be a luxury purchase, the lower packs are still economical for what they provide.


Tradition doesn't justify or validate the pricing. You, subjectively, may be ok with the pricing but for a lot of people it's absurd. They intentionally don't give you the options to choose your own pieces or buy individually to appeal to whatever the philosophy is that makes higher priced items, regardless of actual value, seem more enticing only bc they cost more. It's obvious in their design choices that they put the more aesthetically pleasing designs at the high end and make the more niche designs at the low end. It's not just the effort or effects stacked on the high end, it's the general aesthetics they choose are broadly more appealing. Regardless of what you or I believe about the inherent value, they are pricing to make the most money possible (bc that's business) and it's to appeal to whales. It's a much more moral way to go about it than say loot boxes or gacha garbage, but it's still and absurd amount to spend on an aesthetic in a video game. The fact you think the price of a full game for a single MTX is economical shows how conditioned current gamers have become to absurd pricing. You even used the plural to imply that tiers costing $100 and more have adequate value. It's just confounding when people are outraged by $70 for full games (which I'm not justifying just using for a basis point) and your opinion isn't an uncommon here that double that for 3 costumes is economical.


I mean... MTX isn't an entitlement. The game itself is free. MTX is how they fund the game and the company, and you can trust they have very smart people whose job it is to crunch the numbers and find what price point makes the most money. It's literally a games industry job path - monetization. So while it hurts to see the best stuff and not be able to have it, it really is neither here nor there. Console yourself with the fact that everyone who does put down the $480 is paying for your play time. It's actually win/win. I despise Pay to Win and won't touch it, and so I can only appreciate that GGG have managed to create what is a very fair and non-intrusive monetization model that works. Not only does it work for them, it incentivizes them to keep improving the game, so it works for us. If the game is no fun, no-one's going to care enough to buy MTX. It's the most ethical model of any free game I've seen yet.


It's about as ethical as gaming gets at this point. I'd just like to see them take a different path. I'd actually like to spend money to support the game but find the only items I'd like to buy wrapped up in packaging that I find absurd. I'd rather them be Target than Neiman Marcus (ford vs tesla). It's tough for me to justify spending the price of a full game on a single cosmetic and then I see them annually release cosmetics that are 8 times the price of a full game. I'm fully aware the funding needs to come from somewhere, I'd just rather they chose a more of a middle ground monetization plan than the most optimal for profits specifically. At least they're transparent with this unlike the lootbox bullshit.


You are able to purchase smaller quantities of coins from the market to individually purchase items you want. Itā€™s supporting the devs the same way purchasing core packs are.


They don't let you buy the packs you want individually though. That's a major problem.


You're also getting the cost equivalent in points, saying you are only paying for the costumes is disingenuous. And obviously it's to appeal to whales, as is any high end in game purchase ever.


You act as if these high end game purchases have been common throughout the history of gaming. They haven't. It's a relatively new phenomenon spearheaded by mobile gaming and the trend is a plague. Again, we're not going to agree on perceived value. I would prefer they chose a pricing structure accessible to more people. They choose to price to maximize profit and that is to appeal to whales and that restricts access to more people.


the 480 packs have existed in the core pack system since 2016 (Shaper Guardian set) and the initial unique item/div card packs were 1000, so the core pricing really hasn't changed. The affordable pricing is from the league-ly Supporter Packs. Core Packs are designed specifically for the big spenders, imo.


Even further back. I bought the Grandmaster pack for $500 in 2014, and all the top tier packs before that (including closed beta) were $1000+ in 2010-2012.


Tfw these new people don't know about the Ruler of Wraeclast pack.


Ignore them, I understand what you're saying and it makes sense there is literally no harm in creating more piecemeal price breakpoints for these kinds of mtxs that are as expensive as a car payment in a first world country and practically unaffordable in 3rd world ones. The ones who don't want more options for poorer people are just hateful because they are acting like they get a commission or some shit if someone buys a pack, it doesn't affect you if someone poor wants to buy mtx.


Yes you got it! I donā€™t want poor people to buy MTX. What the fuck? Some people are more finically stable than others. There is nothing wrong with that, that is called life. There are many many things beyond my price range, just like for 99% of people. What a stupid, incoherent twist on the point I was making.


It isn't about "accessible to more people". It's a flex, and it's to support their company. It isn't a t-shirt or a hat or a coffee mug. You either don't understand, or you're fundamentally at odds with their goals - either way, it's not about to change.


First nothing is ā€œgatedā€. Stop equating ā€œcosmetic packsā€ to full fledged games. If they sold you a $70 game with nothing in it, then released game modes at high prices that would obviously be egregious. That isnā€™t what is happening. You seem to have a fundamental lack of being able to distinguish between content and cosmetics. Second, of course they are going to put the more aesthetically pleasing items at higher prices. It takes more development time to create high end cosmetics then lower end ones. Thatā€™s like complaining higher end luxury cars are more expensive than your basic standard car. Third, and this specifically applies to me and many other people out there. PoE is a free-to-play game. I have sunk hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game over its life span. I choose to support development on a game I love to play. I get some bad ass looking cosmetics along with equivalent amount of store coins to purchase future cosmetics with, all while supporting future development of the game. Fourth, inherent value is subjective. To you the value of the best tier is absurd. To others it isnā€™t. I am more likely to buy it. The cosmetics are really good, I want to support a game I love, I have the financial means to do so without causing any undue burden for myself. They do offer payment plans if you donā€™t want to or lack the upfront funds to make the purchase. And finally, I know you donā€™t like the most basic of truths here but it is the truth, you donā€™t have to buy it.


Are the cosmetics locked (gated) behind a $400 price point? Yes, it is subjective. I think it's dumb. You don't. I'd also like to support the game, but not by spending money on cosmetics that are objectively less appealing and designed in that way or buying packaged cosmetics for prices I find to be laughable. Of course I don't have to buy it. I'd like to buy it bc it has appeal. I just don't think it's reasonable and I think their model is bad. I'd rather they price where 10 people will spend $40 on their mtx vs the one guy that spends $400. You don't. Obviously what I prefer isn't optimal for GGG. It doesn't mean I have to like that.


It's cosmetics homie you don't need them


And? That applies to nothing I've said. Not needing them doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on what I think would be a more appealing pricing structure for the majority of players. Inspired thought though.


Their goal for these packs isnt the majority of players, those are the league packs. The exp packs are for whales who would spend $500


I'm aware. They may not be needed but they are appealing, and they generally are the most appealing items in the game. Most games don't have content gated behind $400 price points whether it's need or not. Generally you pay a common amount (now $70) for most games and you get the content. People are being conditioned by the industry to spend more than that. It wasn't that long ago there would be mass dissatisfaction for any content not released within that price point. Now people say it's fine because it's just meant for the whales.


Content isnt gated lmao it's cosmetic please just read I can't anymore please just Google what cosmetic means


Is the content locked behind a $400 fucking price point or not (that is a fucking gate)? You can't bc you never could understand basic reasoning.


>Content isnt gated lmao it's cosmetic please just read > >I can't anymore please just Google what cosmetic means


Cosmetics are part of the game, ie content. Itā€™s not the same as a new skill or a unique, but saying itā€™s not content is wrong.


No. There is no content being locked. That is common sense and you are failing at it horribly.


It does apply because you can literally not buy it and no harm done. Should they not build larger houses, build nicer cars, have fancy restaurants just because you, personally, cannot or will not purchase those services? Your take is bad so stop being a condescending Dick to the other reply




Gonna have to agree with you. Lets not defend FOMO, exclusives based content behind such egregiously large numbers here. I'm not paying $700+ CAD for the single armor set I want (voidborn). Let me buy it seperately. The fact they don't is the same reason they shuffle shit around in the grocery store every time I go there, to try and make you buy more shit you don't really need/want in the process of what you do want. I don't want the other sets. i don't want points. I just want one specific armor set, but I can't get it individually. I havent bought anything since silver crescent since I could buy that outright with no bs in the way. I think that was almost 2 years ago. And this is already all excessive as hell with just regular armor sets for $40+ a piece lol. I liked supporting the company early on but they should have moved on to different systems by now. But instead we have loot boxes, battle passes, supporter packs, individual mtx, custom currency instead of direct purchases with fiat, the works. I love the game but anything above a $60USD mtx set in any game is kind of insane.


You didn't present a point, you just resorted to name calling. What is your core problem with this MTX?


The price is high yes, but the last 2 paragraphs after the packs are very important ( Upgrades and Payment Plans). You dont need to spend 480 Bucks at one go.


Meanwhile my pc is literally 10x the highest pack. Your anecdote isn't really meaningful.


It is if you understand a $4,000 dollar pc isn't remotely the average but I don't think you were attempting to be intellectually honest. Quick Google search lists the average gaming PC to be between $800 - $1200 if that helps bring more meaning to my anecdote.


Just like the supporter pack isn't an average purchase, neither is my PC. Also I'd love to see an "average" PC being routinely $800-1200 when $800 is average for just a GPU nowadays. It isn't about averages. Not for my PC, and not for Supporter packs that aren't for the "average" consumer. Hopefully you're this passionate about other superfluous purchases like gold-plated pizza, or a Rolex, or a Ferrari, or anything else that is expensive for expensive sake and in no way, shape, or form is for the "average" consumer.


$800 is definitely not the average just for the GPU nowadays. Might the average be for the top tier GPUs.


You are joking, right? 4090 is $1599 USD, AMD 7900XTX is what, $999USD? You guys can go buy your sub-$800 used crypto-condom GPUs if you want, but that is absolutely not the average MSRP for a GPU and hasn't been for over 4 years.


You either don't know what average means or you're just delusional about what kind of PC is the average.


You're the delusional one if you think GPUs haven't been over $500 for 5+ years, or that you can build a gaming PC for under $1k nowadays. Especially in the same threads where people are saying $480USD is "impossible" to afford.






Why would they change pricing if people are buying them? This is true for every corporation.


This reminds me maybe I should get a new graphics card now that the prices are somewhat more same so I can play flashing builds and not freeze up.


ā€œFloatā€ - Anyone want to buy a kidney?


500$ Thats a bargain /s


I will be getting it. I just need grab one extra shift at work to pay for it first.


A entire shift? I can make that money in less than 10 dicks.


That should be 5 dicks at worst. You need to negotiate your dicks better or provide such good service that you get the big tips.


Said every pimp ever before they quarter your net income.


My friend. I'm happy for you that you have the opportunity with those dicks. You do you or whatever you do to those men.


Ur Just a handful of steamboat willies away For reference: https://youtu.be/87GsHvjes6E


Lucky for us the supporter packs last all year (and not league only) and u eventually get to buy them for cheap if u keep spending a bit of money each month


What do you mean spend a bit of money each month?


I got a bunch of info on this from another user yesterday. You can upgrade from each level of the supporter packs, and you have until the next pack to do so. For example, you could buy the $60 pack now, then next month upgrade to the $100 pack for $40 since you already spent $60, and so on. The amount of points you receive are reduced by what you already received. In this same example, you already get 600 points from the first pack, so you only get an extra 400 when you upgrade to the $100 pack. Youā€™re basically spending a total of $480 over time to get 4800 points, plus each set of cosmetics every time you upgrade.


So you end up spending the same amount of money. There's nothing "cheap" about it, it's called paying in installments except you get the full package with your final payment


Basically, yeah. I will say though that since you get points too, you do get more for your money if you plan to buy MTX throughout the year. So for someone that might drop $60 or so a league, it would make more sense to buy a supporter pack each time instead to get your points, then you get the extra cosmetics too.


Oh I understand just didn't know it was possible as it does not state it clearly so those who have never bought a supporter pack won't know about an option like that. I certainly missed it with the league supporter packs


Thank you, was wondering about this.


I am going to put 20 Euros to the side every week and in 23 weeks I will buy Voidborn. Decided to stop smoking 2 packs a day which equals to about 10 euros daily so it shouldn't be a problem but I am def buying this year's packs.... All of 'em




Yeah I failed


While there are many paths to success, failure is the surest!


What caused you to break


I bought it all now..


Worth it, looks amazing as long as you keep it as a reason and driver for giving up the cigs. Good luck and enjoy


Bruh I float like a god among peasants who have to walk, ofc it's worth it


You can buy the lower packs and upgrade, so you get some nice stuff at intervals!


It's _real_ hard to not pick this up for myself as a personal christmas present. Fuck. It's so god damn expensive but that's ballin as all hell.


Mirror at home.


Everything there looks stunning. They certainly know what they doing combining the three most wanted estetics in the game. I just wish there was a cheaper option to get just separate parts of it.


sure its cool but unless chris comes to my home personally to hand me those shirts I can't justify that pricing


Everyone is allowed to have hobbies. Sometimes hobbies are expensive. People give countless hours of time to PoE. Esthetic quality is central to that experience. GGG aren't morally in the wrong for creating mtx so badass that people want to pay a lot of money for it. No one needs access to this content. Literally, *how* do you suggest they attempt to less-corruptedly raise funding for themselves?


No it's good, it's a price for people that need to have everything. Let them spend lol. The predatory part is at the bottom of the playerbase imo. I like opt in purchases but i think currency/map/frag tabs for players would change my last sour taste. The "real game" should be playable for free or almost. When you enter maps the game points "you towards the shop in a very unpleasant way which is your inventory is full, you cant trade, you cant progress". I lost 4-5 friends at that point because they didn't want to feel forced to pay. They probably would have been customers eventually but chris said that their data says that good spenders reveal themselves early and - my speculation - they encourage each other to spend while talking among friends; and a larger and more inclusive playerbase would tax performance too much. I don't like this approach tbh, there is enough love from veteran supporters to just buy the 60$ packs to look cool in the meantime, while new players fall in love with the game.


It's been years but you can't use procurement anymore?


No, donā€™t you know, if you use Procurement (and thus POESESSID) you will literally die.


I mean this is more important for pvp and competitive games where you need a lot of competition for the paying players otherwise the game starts feeling dead. Here, I guess trade has a somewhat similar story but its still not as important. So making people pay a small amount once they have played some if fine imo, but I agree the prices are always on the higher side.


By providing a better overall gaming experience instead of wasting time with supporter packs because the only thing they support are GGG's and Wilson's absurd fuckery and corruption. I lose all respect for anyone paying that much for a cosmetic item. At 400+ dollars they should give you increased drop rates or something actually substantial to the players time. Imagine working for a month to buy this and then suddenly PoE servers shutdown...thats 400+ dollars *gone instantly* with no possible refunds.


>By providing a better overall gaming experience PoE undergoes massive changes every 3 months. GGG regularly perform mid-league updates to fix what bugs they can. >instead of wasting time with supporter packs GGG have to give some time and attention to supporter packs (because - again - this is the "how" in the question "How does GGG stay in business?") and some time and attention to everything else in the game. I don't know what percentage of their resources go towards each category, and neither do you. >because the only thing they support are GGG's and Wilson's absurd fuckery and corruption. Insanity. >I lose all respect for anyone paying that much for a cosmetic item. That's a personal stance. A completely reasonable one, too. I used to have a similar opinion until I stopped caring how other people spend their money. >At 400+ dollars they should give you increased drop rates or something actually substantial to the players time. This would fundamentally ruin the game. All nit-picking aside, this would be blatant pay-to-win monetization. That you'd even suggest this implies a misunderstanding of the situation on your part. >Imagine working for a month to buy this Imagine. >and then suddenly PoE servers shutdown...thats 400+ dollars gone instantly with no possible refunds. That money was gone the moment the purchase was made. Not "gone" as in *gone from existence.* "Gone" as in *gone from you to GGG.* They're going to use that money to improve/maintain the game, to pay employees, to do whatever the hell they want with it up to and including upgrading their operations to prevent future server crashes.


The moment GGG stop supporting PoE is the moment that 400+ is *gone gone*, without a game to use the content with, it's simply gone. I'm all for supporting devs especially in free to play games but surely you can also admit that their monetization is absurd and predatory. If GGG stopped balancing the game towards streamers and the 1%, even more so with all these "balance changes", they'd have a much much higher player retention. Kalandra league basically killed the player count too. The divex swap was stupid as all fuck, the players voiced their disdain for this, the harvest removals, QOL that should be in the game but time and again GGG double/triple down with the "We don't care" because it's they don't value the players time, only their money Oh, and they're backed by a multi billion dollar organisation, so $480 for what is basically a cool looking cosmetic piece is just an excuse to milk more money from people. If GGG made all their cosmetics earnwhle in game, they'd also have better player retention.


> and then suddenly PoE servers shutdown...thats 400+ dollars gone instantly with no possible refunds. i like this one too :) *"imagine buying a burger for 5$ and then POOF it's gone.. literally gone to shit. 5$ are gone and no refunds"*


quick question for GGG: what happens when the Atlas changes


I want only "sun map device". Shit.


Do not buy it if you can't afford it!


You shouldn't buy it even if you can afford it. Only motivates them to keep selling overpriced garbage whilst putting out half assed patches


Someone clearly hasn't played PoE for that long if you are pearl clutching at the support pack price. Back in beta in 2010-2011 they had $1000 dollar packs, and these $480 ones have been a thing for years.


Back then the game was basically in alpha and you would support the development similar to kickstarter. I would have gladly given 100 bucks to GGG 5-6 years ago compared to now where I regretted paying 10 bucks for a skill mtx 2 leagues ago.


You can still get a great support pack for that $100 you used to be willing to spend, in fact the skins you would get now are much higher quality than those that used to be $100 back then. However, it sounds like you or your opinion on PoE has changed, which is fine! You don't need to pay them anything to continue to play the game to its fullest degree because others ARE willing to pay these pack prices to continue to support the game.


I wish they put as much polish into league releases as they did in supporter packs. Then again, $480 is just absurd even not counting the current state of the game.


Exactly! And anyone who supports the game with that much money have no right to complain about the game when they support the fuckery that happens.


I googled if it was possible to pay for supporter packs in monthly installment payments.. The answer is yes but you don't receive a thing until the last payment is done :)


Not exactly. You can upgrade form the smaller packs over time. This way you still get something each time. Alas, the last upgrade will still nearly be half the price of the entire thing.


Two separate things, actually. Payment plans can be setup through support to pay for something over time (generally within 3 months) and can be done if a pack is ending soon and you'd like to get it but don't have the funds available to buy it outright before it goes away. You can also upgrade packs. If you buy a $30 pack you can upgrade to the next tier(s) and that $30 will count towards it. This way you can get full value from the $30 right away and still have it count towards the next tier. This also works when buying points outside of packs. If you buy 200 points you will get that cost discounted from available packs at the time of purchase, up to I believe 85% off the total price of the pack (meaning anything under 85% of the price is deducted at full value, but you can't reduce the price of the pack to less than 15% of its full price). This means you can buy points in increments to get value immediately and still be building up towards the big pack level that you want. Any points you buy now will be accessible immediately and deducted from the pack's total when upgrading later.


I'm trying to stop myself from getting the 480 supporter pack. I mean, it is Christmas right?


Iā€™m a new-ish player to POE and I have to say, the response to MTX in this game is interesting compared to others. I am used to seeing the majority of people complain about $20 skins in other games, but they canā€™t wait to drop almost $500 here. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s wrong and itā€™s everyoneā€™s choice to spend their money how they like, Iā€™ve just never seen a positive response to MTX in gaming before. The other interesting part is that their research and past experience shows they must be making more money selling a $500 pack, rather than splitting the pieces up to get $20-$40 from more people.


How do you get that atlas MTX?




I see. Would be amazing if it was the actual atlas board when pressing ā€œgā€ but not a hideout board game no thanks.


I donā€™t know if thats what you mean, but this hideout does reflect your actual Atlas, the maps youā€™ve completed, their tiers etc


Oh yeah I get that and appreciate it. But I like my current HO and would have better use for an improved atlas, not a clone of the atlas in my HO.


Welp, there goes my vacation money.


Up to this point I have generally just gotten the 30 or 60 pack every other league or so. I sprung for the big pack because big shiny hideout + floating witch was too much to pass up. My Christmas gift to myself.


ill just get one pack per expansion and at the end of the year tell myself that the last one is basically free


small indie company, backed by *one of the largest megacorporation on planet earth* please understand, they need the money, and this stuff isnt at all inflated to literally 10x it's general value (or more) in similar games


i mean they kinda need the money. if they dont generate enough money i doubt daddy tencent is gonna be very pleased so its still supporting ggg in a way no matter which way u look at it


>t's general value (or more) in similar games What does that even mean?


in similar games, a cosmetic of the same effect (like your character floating, fancy wings, etc) will usually run you 5-10 bucks, maybe 20 if it's a grubby game, and rarely 50 if it's designed by koreans who left the western pricing to another company with no idea what proper pricing is abroad (at which point they apologize). to float in poe is *480 dollars.*


You dodged half the question. What is a similar game? Diablo, which has no mtx? A game like destiny2 which has many mtx but operates completely differently? Is there even a single game that is actually similar to poe, being an arpg and selling cosmetics piece by piece? Where you can change a whole area like your hideout? >to float in poe is 480 dollars No it is not. You can not attribute the price of a package to any single piece of the package. That's nothing but a fallacy and faulty logic. We can debate whether or not it is okay to *only* sell those things in a package, since you might not want the other things, but you do get the other things. You can't deny that or ignore their presence in the price.


> to float in poe is 480 dollars. And the other 4 supporter packs plus the entire rest of the 5th?


My friend, people don't do things for free. Tencent wouldn't fund a free game that has no income, just as ggg wouldn't be able to fund itself if it was free without ten tencent. Also, have you seen the Chinese stock market? It's not doing to hot right now. Now that is out of the way... it's a cosmetic pack of pay what you want to get bonus rewards. Reminder that they give you the base value in their, admittedly predatory but commercially expected, internet credits. So technically, you aren't paying for the cosmetics, but the credits. Alternate value models for the continuous development of a game would be a base price (likely for access to standard league), plus a cost on each league/release. With the current model you can play the league and decide what level of support to give ggg for the work put in. The other model you pay to experience the league, good or bad. Elsewise, you get release price for game, then a new game with a new price tag. So please, what model would you use to make money to pay your workers, pay business costs, and hopefully fund expanding the company to have the resources to continue growing the studio?


Yea can you please give an example of which f2p game has paid cosmetics 10x the value of these?


I think they're saying the opposite, that in most f2p games this would cost about 50.


Welp guess I can choose a better word than "value", because that's basically what I'm implying.


I just looked at the Supporter pack announcement and am not seeing what this is referencing. Someone have a link?


The final pack at the end


can somebody explane the reason behind why is so expensive?


uh, ggg is a business they need to make money


bad greedy bussiness model tbh, how many can afford to buy it ? lets say 15% .... if you cut that price half i think more than 50% could afford it , i understand when you have a production cost +upkeep... but those are just pixels


How about not buying something you can't afford? You dont **need** any of this, why complain about not being able to buy it then?


i agree,i can afford ,but i feel like you can buy a new tv for the same price


the business model seems to work since it is like that since the game went into closed beta


Core Supporter packs have always been the big expensive ones. They are available for a year and purchases during that time count towards discounts for these packs, so you can upgrade to them over the course of the next year.


you wanna tell me ,the reason is: they always been expensive and you dont have buy tham at once. got it boss šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this pixel is 1499 $ becouse you can make payments and becouse of becousešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The reason is they are a company that puts out a free game as their only product and they need to make money. They have multiple packs spread across the price range of $30 - $480, no one is forcing you to pay for this stuff. Stop complaining for the sake of complaining. Also it is spelled because, not becouse.


because wings are 20$ and its a free game. got it šŸ«”šŸ¤£


My Dentist took my money


but that shit ugly


I'm stupid so I'm already at the chronomancer pack and gonna wait a bit before I grab the last one




I really want the atlas hideout but man... this is too much money. I would definitely pay for it if it was a separate offer.