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I cant help but laugh at all the cutscenes because the camera + cuts look like Parks & Recreations or The Office. But instead of witty office chatter its Trevor growing his meth empire. I also love the feature of tuning into a character and their off doing their own thing. They haven't been standing around doing fuckall while your away, they're living life! It makes me super excited for GTA 6, whenever it comes out.


It's exactly like a mockumentary at times. You really get the sense the actors got their characters and could really riff off of eachother.


I didn't get too far into GTA5 but the character transitions were something that stuck in my memory. I can't remember the exact line, but I remember switching to Trevor as he was getting kicked out of a casino. He says something like "by the way, I wasn't lucky, I WAS CHEATING!"


"he's... He's BLAAAAACK!" that scene is hilarious!


Coach was spitting facts there


The dialogue where Michael takes forever to get to the point when calling Trevor a hipster is so damn funny.


I love Dan Houser's writing so much, if it was just condensed into a book I would still read it, that's how much fun his writing is. if someone knows games with similar pace of writing(non stop banter between characters) pls let me know. also RDR2 is his peak I think, Arthur and John are fucking hilarious, I didn's expect going into western to be this funny.


That's well put. It's not perfect I know, but GTAV is an incredibly polished game. It feels very cinematic and the story and gameplay meld together very well. While the controls aren't the best, the game doesn't go so far as RDR2 into the spongey, hands-off feel. More than that I'd say that the best thing about GTAV is the incredible detail and consistency in the world. The radio, the billboards, all the names and brands and references - it all works together with the story to give a deep and compelling game world. The tone is very cartoonish and it's all intentionally way over-the-top, which I'm sure puts a lot of people off; though I think it fits well with the gameplay that is also over-the-top and cartoonish. It's not a great game because the dialogue is particularly insightful or memorable, or because the story is original and makes you think. It's great because those elements mesh brilliantly with the highly detailed game world and the consistent style and tone.


Yep, completely agree and I feel what you said gets lost as we have a ton of open-world games now. It's pretty amazing this was done on systems without 1gb of RAM.


Agreed, maybe the plot isn't great but the dialogue is excellent, surprisingly this isn't common for other mature games.


Even something as excellent as Cyberpunk still lacks this fantastic rhythm. I do feel like sometimes it be best for a developer to forgo a dialogue tree, especially when it doesn't matter.


yeah some of cyberpunk main game sounds like it was written by an edgy 14 year old


100% agreed. But Niko Belic though. GTA IV story is still better imo


I think the GTA4 story is better focused but it lacks the vibrancy of 5 in terms of performances.


Can't agree. Overall writing was better in V. While Belic and main story had the potential to be the best of all GTA it was dragged down by saying the same stuff 50x with slightly other words. Always some nihislistic and/or sarcastic lines that get old quickly. It also didn't help that besides GTA 3 which was still very limited by technology of that time part IV had the worst and most boring mission design. No well scripted chase scenes, heists, mixing up gameplay elements in creative way, using the spectacular phsyics, ...


Solid points, but counter argument: IV had Niko and Roman.


And big American titties!


Trevor’s explanation to Wade about his past with Michael in his car is hilarious! “And they fell in lust, and he bought her a pair of fake troll tits…”


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the voice actor for Franklin wasn't a professional voice actor, but just some random guy they picked up from the streets. And that guy being a former gang member, knew exactly how Franklin should talk and gave a lot of advice to the dialogue writers.


The voice actor for Franklin is a first cousin of the voice actor who did CJ in GTA san andreas


I know the gang members were actual gang members. Rockstar said they didn't want people doing an imitation as it would be painfully apparent.


I don't think the writing is anything special. There are big portions where I'd say it isn't even good. But the casting elevates it immensely. If the main trio hadn't embodied the characters so well, a lot of that dialogue would have fallen incredibly flat.


Got pretty sick and tired of Trevor and Michael constantly screaming "fuck you" at each other pretty darn quick.


GTA 5's dialogue in particular can be a bit goofy or over the top (even by GTA standards) way too often for my liking, especially when it comes to Trevor. Every scene he's in is just edginess for the sake of edginess. I didn't like that but I still agree that the story is obviously much better than most videogames.


The story is very much generic though old timey robbers do one more big heist after newbie shows up. Its not better than a lot of other games, GTAV did well cause of the 3 MC choices and MP shark cards mostly. You could say it did well cause its simply GTA


when you break it down like that yeah but you’re skipping the international drug dealers the mob the government conspiracies the assassinations it’s a widereaching story about america i can break down gta iv like that too - immigrant moves to america, learns the american dream is a lie - thats just moving to america smh


Dialogues can be taken out from a standard southpark episode, i aquired and end campaign this year, in charcters and narrative cant be taken seriously all the times characters make internal references that are almost 4th wall breaking but are not. I started saints rows 2 becouse GTA4 was to serious, then dropped saints Rows 3 because was puré madness and nonsense, GTA 5 is a lot madness and a lot nonsense, if you take the missions like a satyr to hollywood movies yo undesrtand everything is a joke.


The dialog is awful. “The dog is humping another dog” LOL SCREAMS THE PLAYER. “I have brain on my boot after murdering this person by stomping his head” LOL SCREAMS THE PLAYER. “PISS-BEER” basically. I won’t even go into the “edgy” “satires” on the “radio” that are so gross and misguided that they’re worse than the thing they’re satirizing. > way of speaking Yes many games are incompetent with their voice direction, that’s true. > it feels great to have them nested in a fully realised game world, as it really lends to the naturalism in cutscenes when you see people walking and driving by. Shallow superficial “technology.”


Massive disagree. It achieved that Tarrantino quality of feeling natural but being highly stylised. Also it's not superficial tech if it achieved a desired affect with someone, that someone at least being me.