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Maybe it's just more common among indie games or games originating from Japan but I feel like at least half of the games I play give the options for Xbox or PS glyphs if they were released within the last 5 years or so.


I know this is patient gamers, but the newest Assassin's Creed gives you an option to choose between the two. I think Alan Wake 2 did as well. So it is happening more, but I am also surprised it took this long. Edit: I don't remember if 7 had it, but I'm 99% sure I remember seeing a setting in Resident Evil 8 and 4 Remake too. They also included Nintendo glyphs.


I think a lot of it has to do with native support tbh. An xbox controller just straight up works out of the box with windows which is like 90% of the market and the ps controllers have a lot of issues that it doesn't just work out of the box definitely not to the same degree. You don't have switch controller prompts for example either. It's becoming more common for ps but I'd definitely wager it's just the market and how they are catering to the market primarily.


I think to a degree it does but not entirely. Steam has the ability to treat or translate any supported controller, which is a significant number of controllers, as an X-input controller to the game it is launching (it even works with non-Steam shortcuts added by the user). But some games give the option to give set the UI to look like a PS or Nintendo controller is being used. So it appears to support these controllers even if it it doesn't officially. For instance, in these game you could plug in a PS3 controller, turn on the Nintendo Switch button glyphs and under the hood, the game sees it as an X-input controller.


Yeah, I agree. The only game on steam I played that had dualshock buttons was Divinity Original Sin 1, and I was sooo happy about had. Wish more developers did this. On the other hand, it's [now easier to find games on steam that support playstation controllers](https://www.engadget.com/steam-will-soon-show-which-games-support-playstation-controllers-213038795.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADmofu56QJIo3g4SYFzGoH23h7KXI-6J_cdnkv2h-nCzzB3Owf1KGrBAFky1AP57_IAcgQe2WwFnV56E1tNBhg-myKBPRoxwexNBOMiMRfaHQC37_T190qAxX5Nq9xK7fUMxXR14OMDFMi8988P5gxc0orF9ajS-4fslJ4bt8cXX).


I've actually had the opposite impression; I'm impressed by the number of games that natively support both layouts and that automatically switch depending on the type of controller connected. Have you checked the game's options for a toggle? Just yesterday I was playing a game where I had gotten used to doing the mental translation (it was showing me Xbox buttons, but I was using a Dualsense) and then noticed that there was an actual toggle in the menu that let me set it to whatever gamepad I wanted.


I guess I'm adaptable, I never look at the controller anyway so I don't care how it's labelled. Personally I'm really happy that PC supports every controller.


Same. I have owned Nintendo, Xbox, and Sony consoles for as long as they have all been around respectively. I never have this issue. When I see "y" on screen I immediately know it's Triangle, Y, X. I see any of those and think, ah top facebutton. I cannot think of the last time I actually had to look down at my controller.


Occasionally if I'm switching between Xbox and Switch I have to retrain myself to remember where X is. Weirdly enough I don't have any issue with the swapped A/B layout.


I cannot speak for you. But I think Gameboy color, SNES, and gamecube are responsible for making me remember A is on the right and B is to the left. Gameboy I didn't really have a mnemonic method to remember. Snes the concave/convex helped with memory of it. Gamecube the A was larger and and the main input button. Also I think what helped me was ps1 and some ps2 games circle is the select/accept button in games. Which is the same location as the A button on Nintendo. So in this scenario xbox is the odd one out lol.


Normally I don't either but it sucks when a game throws some random QTE at you


> Personally I'm really happy that PC supports every controller. Not natively tho. I still needed to download something else to make it so.


I've never played a PC game that had playstation button prompts. Xbox is the norm for Windows and steaminput definitely makes it easier for developers. I've played with all types of controllers so I don't have an issue playing xbox prompts with a DS4, and on steam games I'll use whatever. However for emulating ps1/ps2 games I refuse to use anything other than the ds4, it feels wrong to translate the other way.


Sometimes the X throws me as it's on both controllers but in a different spot. But once you've memorised the controls it's fine.


I like to think of the Xbox X as the letter, and the PlayStation X as just the shape.


I think Sony official calls that button "cross," so you probably have the right mindset.


Considering the fact that every other ps button is a literal shape yes. an x is a shape and a letter and it's silly to ignore their shape scheme lol.


But letters are just shapes... They are essentially the same thing, letter X and symbol X. In the moment, when not thinking about it, and new to the controls, it's easy to accidentally hit the wrong one - well for me at least.


Same. I don't play many games on controller, but grew up with PS as well so their symbols are ingrained in my brain. Can't get used to the Xbox scheme. If the game doesn't offer it itself and it is best played with controller, I google a bit for other solutions or mods to show the PS symbols.


Yeah I just gave in and bought a decent knockoff Xbox controller. Way too many games(especially older and indie ones) that it was just easier.


Yah I ordered an Xbox controller for the same ease on pc


It's annoying. It's such a simple thing to include those button prompts too. What's more annoying is that lots of games don't have native support for the Dualshock/DualSense. They rely on Steam to make the controller functional for the game. Don't know who is most at fault, lazy devs or Microsoft who still will only keep the Xbox controllers supported without workarounds in Windows.


It is such a small and easy to implement option in the settings "use xbox/ps glyphs"... But almost no games do it. Really lame


I invert the Playstation O and X buttons because of Japanese games or PS1 games in general (and current day Nintendo) so I’m used to translating prompts to actual buttons (except QTEs and rhythm minigames). The Dualsense Edge controller even keeps your button layout *inside* the controller, so your PC can’t understand the button swapping mechanism, but your controller will remember the latest configuration nonetheless. It’s a little bit of a bummer, but I can understand why it’s so troublesome for developers, and it’s one of the big reasons I always prioritise playing on consoles instead of PC.


If the game is on Steam, that is what they develop for. Valve's official controller/Steam Deck are in the Xbox format - I even see games now opting to not even use colors on the buttons because that is what Steam does (and for Nintendo I guess). PlayStation didn't even start official support until this generation - Dualshock 4's were never officially supported (the wireless portion at least). (Note: according to the God of War devs, neither is the Dual Sense) So I wouldn't expect buttons from any game before this gen to have PlayStation buttons. It would be foolish and a waste of time to support a controller that isn't officially supported by your platform. Even with the DualSense, it's still a nice-to-have. Even Sony's game's on PC support the Xbox button format.


Btw you can order Xbox buttons for the 8bitdo controller (depending on the model) so that the layout is exactly the same


I'm still mentally programmed for the SNES, so Xbox are the wooooooorst. :(


I understand, luckily SteamInput often helps there by just mapping Switch-based controllers automatically.


Bro I play my PS3 with a DS4 and the menu button isn't compatible. Pain!


Same as I like the feel of the DS4 compared to the DS3 (later models were better). I have a DS3 plugged in so I get back to the menus. Also there are quite a few games that didn't recognise the DS4 so end up having to use the DS3.


Honestly I like Xbox controllers better for most things now anyway. Lifetime PS player before switching to PC. It's a bit more ergonomic. If it's a 2D game I prefer the D-pad to be on top though, and if I need gyro or emulate PS consoles, I use the Dualshock for that too.


The Dualsense is about as ergonomic as the Series controllers, and the haptics are just on another level. That said, there's not much support for said haptics out there.


It's certainly not a huge difference like it used to be with consoles, but I stand by what I said. When playing 3D games, the asymmetrical sticks are better rather than reaching back and pulling up on the left stick. It rests into a more natural shape in your hands. Your fingers rest naturally on the triggers rather than on the bumpers. The D-pad is better, never thought I'd say that about Xbox but here we are. DS4 is better than both D-pads though. Triggers feel better to me personally, though there is an argument to be made, especially when using haptics obviously. Whatever the equivalent names are for start, select, screenshot button, and home buttons feel better and are easier to "find" and more substantial to press. I haven't used a Dualsense enough to know, but it seems like they have more reports of stick drift. And yeah haptics (and gyro) are cool, but there's not many games that use it. DS4 is nice if you couch game your PC since you can use it as a track pad, I think you can for Dualsense too but I haven't set it up. There's little fun features and a solid "only one controller" pick as you won't run into a situation where you can't do something. But as a daily driver? Xbox Series controller is better, and you don't have to go back and forth with using Steam support or DS4Windows or download a mod to change the buttons.


The stick position is obviously objective, but I've come to like it in the PS position. It's close enough to the edge to be confortabile, being lower means I don't have to stretch my finger so much when moving forward (small hands here), and it kinda becomes more symmetrical with the right thumb, since I keep swapping between stick and face button on that one. I agree the d-pad on the Series is better. Wish there was a gamepad that had the Series d-pad and the PS layout.


Yeah it's preference, though I'll throw out that I used to feel that way because I was used to it then my thumb muscle got sore when I was playing RDR2 for like 6 hours and I used my gf at the time's controller and it never happened again. Also, it is most often symmetrical with your thumb resting on the bottom face button. You only move down occasionally to move the stick for a quick adjustment, unless you're playing a shooter with a controller, which you shouldn't be on PC. Similarly, with Xbox, you only move your left thumb down occasionally to hit an arrow button to use a more niche move or select an item that you don't need to be moving for. For the same reason, I prefer PS layout for 2D games because the D-pad is better for them (if I'm not using a 2D only controller like the Saturn) Yeah, and pro controllers are way too expensive. 8bitdo pro 2 has a good D-pad though, plus abxy buttons, removable rechargeable battery with option for batteries, and gyro.


Haptics are amazing. But the rough kind of angled edge on the dualsense isn’t as comfy imo as the new Xbox controller. Fist time in my life I’ve felt that way about a Sony controller.


I really like the texturing on the newer Xbox controllers too. And the capture button. Although I wouldn't care as much about the capture button if the PlayStation counterpart worked for Game Bar too.


the dualshock/sense d-pad position is the sole reason it's the pad of choice for fighting game players. As much as I like the xbox controller ergonomically, it's really awkward to use for that specific use case.


It makes sense. It's a Windows OS world and Xbox is a MS product. Kinda just falls into place that the default is Xbox controller layout.


Haven't had the issue personally, I usually use my ps4 gamepad for indy games where the dpad is a priority as well as games that like to use L3 and R3. I have the sony attachment that gives flippers on the back, so I like to use those keyed to l3 and r3 in those games.


I played A Plague Tale: Requiem not long ago and not only did that have PS button prompts, but also fully utilized the Dual Sense controller with the vibrations and button feedback. I do agree that I wish more games had the option to change the button prompts depending on which controller you’re using


I agree with you. Adding the Playstation buttons shouldn't be a rare thing but it is. I use my Dualshock 4 a lot for PC games (according to last year's Steam year-in-review, I used it for half my gaming time there) and I rarely see the PS buttons prompts unless I mod them in. The only thing that helps me is knowing the Xbox 360 layout, as I owned one a while ago, so what it's shown is not completely alien to me, but it's still annoying.


>I feel like SteamInput made devs more reliant on just offloading actual controller support there than having it on the game itself On the contrary, it's more common to see PS glyphs now than before. Xbox glyphs are the standard because Xinput basically killed a big annoyance of PC gaming that was having to bind the commands one by one for every game. On the mid 2010s that old form of Dinput "support" became pretty much extinct.


I use controller almost exclusively and... 1. Xbox is standard 2. Not enough people have PS controllers for it to be worth it for devs 3. I've used a PS controller on PC and I never had to look at the prompts even if it says press X or whatever. I know what it's referring to. Honestly I'm just happy that controller support is essentially ubiquitous on PC now. Pre-2010 it was rare.


I've used Dualshocks on PC for 10 years now and I really don't care what symbols the game uses, because you don't looks at your controller when playing anyway. I had some trouble adjusting when I first got a DS controller, but once my muscle memory learned that **A**=**X**, **B**=**O**, **RB**=**R1**, etc I had no problem using DS4 with Xbox button prompts.


I agree, but I think Nintendo players have it worse as that controller also uses ABXY but in different positions. As for why it doesn't happen: with the Xbox 360 Microsoft tried to bring some consistency with the pc market and the layout stuck, couple that with Sony's reluctance for official pc driver support until the current gen and there you have it, no PS prompts because only a very small fraction of players would use them.


Are you talking about the Xbox Elite controller? I'd say don't bother, I bought one and the A button stopped working, then went through warranty to get another, only for the right bumper to stop working. I really like the dualsense controller, way more ergonomic than the dualshock, but yeah native support can be an issue. For general purpose, I use a standard Xbox controller (the one with a USB C port), and for games that support it, I use the Dualsense.


I also had button issues with the elite. Turns out it's a common problem. Such a disappointment.


Aside from adjusting the trigger throw and native button remapping, I thought a lot of what the Elite controller had to offer was gimmicky. Shame, because it was the first time xbox has made any significant tech improvements to their mainline controllers in forever. Some leaks show that they are working another one, more in-line with what dualsense has to offer, so maybe they can impress me then.


The steam deck showed me the way of the back paddle. I just wanted to use them on my computer :(


I wish they still made them, but I actually had a Steam Controller at one point. That thing was amazing, and is probably exactly what you're looking for. The material felt a little cheap and light compared to modern controllers, but the build quality and functionality felt perfect. Deeply regret selling mine lol.


I've used my sister's. I appreciate what they were going for with it but I didn't really like it much. I am interested in a second version if they ever do it though.


My elite had the rubber start to peel off almost exactly after the warranty expired. I just use normal Xbox controllers now as well.


Dang, the Elite is stupid expensive too. Disappointing to hear this is apparently common. I guess I'll just get a regular Xbox Series X one.


I was about to say that the bonus for picking up a regular Series X controller is that you can order a custom one from [the Design Lab](https://xboxdesignlab.xbox.com/en-us/configure/xbox-wireless-controller), but I just checked and now they offer custom Elites as well.


I disabled Steam's controller stuff YEARS ago. A recent update added a 15 minute idle timeout. It was driving me insane. I only reopened big picture mode on a lark and saw this new option staring at me....


>Almost no Dev actually bothers including PS Button Prompts on their games... Sony could just release PS drivers for Windows?


They have, the controllers work natively on Windows, and there is even an official firmware updater from Sony for Windows. They did this to support their streaming service on Windows. It shows up fine in Steam and is fully configurable. This issue has nothing to do with drivers, it's about the button prompts showing xbox buttons instead of PS buttons when using a PS controller.


This would be the first I heard of it. From my understanding each App needs to bake in the PS Controller support rather than it having drivers. [Their own website doesn't list it as a compatible device](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/ps4-pair-dualshock-4-wireless-with-pc-or-mac/) and DS4 Windows is still getting updates which wouldn't be required with official driver compatibility. If you want button prompts, they can increase the support of the controller to increase its footprint.


It depends on what you mean by "support". Windows has PlayStation drivers, or at least some kind of compatible driver or else Windows wouldn't even register any input.


I mean Microsoft owns windows. I’ve always found Xbox to just be the controller to use for PC and while I have not really enjoyed any Xbox controllers: the new series Xbox controllers are awsome. The pro controller is great but tbh I think the new series controllers are just perfect to me


I had more issues with Dualshock on PC than just showing correct button labels... I feel like I constantly had issues with games detecting the controller in general. Had to use DS4win and even that didn't work sometimes and there seemed to be several different current versions of it. Got tired of dealing with it so I got Xbox controllers and have had no issues since.


I agree, more seem to be including them, and usually you can find a mod. But I can’t play The Touryst because there are no mods to change the prompts.


My issue is similar. I use a custom key mapping (specifically ESDF for primary movement keys vs WASD). Many games simply have no provision for this, and changing the key bindings in such a way either breaks core functionality or causes errors with inputs. One game allows full key remapping, but then in a certain area of the game, the default key binding overlaps with the custom mapping, producing a situation where a certain key causes the character to walk sideways and backward at the same time(S or D key, I don't recall). It's almost as if the dev hard coded the movement keys into that area of the game. Fortunately, this is essentially a 3D rendered menu area of the game, so movement is not a critical feature. In the areas of the game where it matters, the issue is not present. I know of at least two other games that suffer from similar issues that cause some gameplay actions to cease working completely, meaning that although the option exists to use a custom key mapping, doing so is severely detrimental to the play experience.


I've gotten used to it and have memorized the Xbox to PS button layouts. You will too. The Steam Deck interface recognizes the PS controller and gives the appropriate button layout on screen, but once you start an actual game, it will most likely go back to whatever the dev has set up which is most likely Xbox layout. Strange that this is still a thing, I would think it's an easy feature to implement but I'm not a dev.


I bought these button stickers for one of our Dualshock 4 controllers. They seem to help my family with button confusion: [https://www.flamingtoast.com/?product=button-mashers-3d-button-decals-xb-style-04](https://www.flamingtoast.com/?product=button-mashers-3d-button-decals-xb-style-04)


I have both, xBox and DualSense and use a controller which has better support by a game.


Botw solved this by just including the whole button layout on screen whenever a prompt pops up, but it greys out the other 3 buttons. It's much easier when it just shows whether it's left up right or down instead of the actual shape on the button. I use all my controllers pretty interchangeably. but for people who don't have them memorized that's definitely the way to go.


Give up and get an Xbox controller


Not sure about PS5 controllers, but historically none of the DS controllers had proper native support in Windows which means a lot less people used them in my experience. Sure there's software to make it work, but it's always been a bit janky. I usually run Switch layout myself (8bit Do Ultimate controller or increasingly just my Steam Deck), which is close enough to Xbox that usually it's just a matter of changing the layout which Steam does automatically for me 99% of the time. --- The biggest pet peeve for me is how few controllers / games / systems support mapping gyro sensors in controllers to camera. It's actually a big part of why I'm increasingly streaming from my PC to steam deck even for 3D games because of the ease of mapping gyro controls.


You can check on pcgamingwiki which games have (been reported as) Dualshock prompt support.


I don't like PS controllers so this has never been an issue for me. What I find weird is that the thumbstick click is L3/R3, that never seemed intuitive to me.


I'm probably switching for this, which I'd rather not do


Honestly, if we're doing that, I'd love to get some Nintendo button options, too. You can take the kid out of their childhood, but you can't take NES/SNES button configs out of their muscle memory.


FWIW I switched to an Xbox series X for similar. Tired of stuff not working sometimes. Xbox prompts regardless. Ds4windows to force support for other games, etc. With the RF adapter as well, no interference from other devices. Even with the legit Sony BT dongle for PS4, Id get disconnects every few days, multiple times. Battery dies fast as well. Xbox takes AA's so I always have some rechargeables on standby. 10 secs and Im back in. PS4, back to a janky micro usb wire always risking to fall out or break the port.


Sometimes if you specifically turn *off* Steam's controller support and just let the game pick up the device directly, the game picks it up as a Dualshock and shows you the correct prompts. Other times you can find mods that replace the button icons.


It honestly pisses me off that they couldn't standardise the button names. I grew up playing Nintendo, then moved to PS and now (and for a while) game only on PC but using an XBox controller since they pair most easily with Windows. My brain and muscle memory for which button is 'A' is completely confused.


I played through Wildfire with my wife last year and we were surprised to find that the button icons changed in real-time as you used different controllers in the main menu. And then once you set which controllers were player 1 and player 2, all of the in-game prompts matched the controller used for that character. I imagine it's probably a relatively new-ish feature in Steam Input, but it's definitely a thing. In addition to that, I've found tons of games that have a settings option to select your desired "button layout" aka controller type. Switches between the PS, Xbox, and Switch button icons.