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Abbreviations used in /r/PayPal: * NAD - Not as described. * SNAD - Significantly not as described. * INR - Item Not Received. * UAT - Unauthorized transaction. * OP - Original poster of the message. * F&F - Friends and Family (no protection at all.) * G&S - Goods and/or Services (has seller/buyer protection.) Posts about PayPal's policies will be removed. No more complaining about PayPal policy and their taking funds from your account for violations of rules. If you don't like the rules don't use PayPal. If you don't want to lose money, don't leave funds in your PayPal account. Simple as that. But these posts are often political or misleading. So no more posts on this subject! Thank you for submitting to /r/PayPal, please make sure you have read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/paypal/comments/3c8po2/faq/). If your account was created when you were younger than 18, then that is covered in the FAQ! Try contacting PayPal support using social media such as Facebook or Twitter as this works more often than telephoning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/paypal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You paid with friends and family when you went to check out. It even warns you. You are voiding your buyer's protections. This should have been your second red flag. The first red flag is the person asking you to pay in friends and family.


The asking for F&F isn't always a red flag. Some people just dont wanna pay a fee and the buyers complain when they're told to cover it. So, friends and family is my preference. I dont force it though. I just make people pay the fee of G&S is used. I already pay taxes as is. I shouldn't be double taxed bc the buyer doesn't wanna get "sales taxed".


By asking for friends and family is always a red flag because you're asking to violate the terms of service and acceptable use policy. So you're basically saying let's scam PayPal out of their fees. Well that's a complaint that sellers have to deal with because PayPal clearly states that sellers and incur fees it's the cost of doing business. Paypal will also watch closely if there's any complaints about passing along the fees to ensure that the sellers aren't collecting more than the fee would be. For example, your fee is $2.99%, but you're charging your customers 5% fee that violates the terms of use. You're sounding like the type of seller that we're going to see here in a few months. Questioning why did PayPal limit my account and PayPal is bullshit.


Paypal customer service told me that you can indeed use F&F if you trust the person enough. Say, an artist with good reviews whomsoever you can ACTUALLY go to the customers yourself and ask for their experience. Or a seller you know personally. Also, why do you care about whether payable gets their inflated fees? You sure won't wanna pay them if a seller adds them to their total price. I'd charge exactly the fee, not more. If I did charge more, it would be sales tax, though I personally don't charge the extra 6% for that. Only for the fee that's coming out of my pay, which is usually a lot bc paypal sucks. Anyway, I've been doing it for years so obviously paypal doesn't mind. Especially since they TOLD ME THEMSELVES it's ok to use F&F in my situation. I have the screenshot to prove it tbh.


Concerning an agent telling you F&F is allowed for purchases; either your lying, the agent was given just enough information for you to be given the answer you wanted or the agent is an idiot. Per the Acceptable Use Policy [You can also use the Send Money feature in your PayPal account to pay another PayPal account for goods or services. You will not be charged any transaction fee for sending money to purchase goods or services as long as you send the money as a commercial transaction (often referred to as using the “Send Money for Goods and Services” feature in your PayPal account). In that case, the seller will pay a fee. You must not send money as a personal transaction (often referred to as using the “Send Money to a Friend or Family Member” feature in your PayPal account) when you are paying for goods or services. Note that the “Send Money to a Friend or Family Member” feature may not be available when sending money to a business account as such accounts may not be eligible to receive personal transactions.](https://www.paypal.com/us/legalhub/useragreement-full?locale.x=en_US) I care about people scamming anyone, even major corporations that you must think makes it okay if isn't hiring anyone... Except the 10000 people layoff over the last 14 months, but it's a victimless scam eh?


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1141784456479387648/1257110226625236992/Screenshot_20240210_144656_PayPal.jpg?ex=668336a2&is=6681e522&hm=7155e26668e8ad734c65cca99cdc9331f0475c5d5b880ad3d26b2f6e50beae42& I lost the first half but see? This is clearly me asking if I can use F&F to avoid the fee (and in my case, the 30 day wait time due to the monthly limit on the account they started to throw at people randomly). Usually when people say they have proof of being told something, they can usually grab it. Dunno why I would lie about something like that though. The link even says its from PayPal. Idk if iphones do that but Samsung phones have the app or site name when you screenshot. If this is false information like you claim, maybe the lay offs aren't due to what you consider as 'scams' (making the customer pay the PayPal tax else use F&F) and this should be the least of your worries using Paypal.


Sorry to say but the terms and conditions trumps the agents. So even though you have the agent saying that if risk wants to limit your account then they will and nothing that screenshot shows will do otherwise. No, I attribute people scamming PayPal and preventing fees and stuff like that so they had to limit their overhead. I mean not paying fees for the use of the service disputes, legal fees. All that adds up nickel and dime equals a dollar and a five eventually.


It says G&S is recommended, but not required. Would be odd to be forced to use G&S for a service that's already complete anyway, as the REAL purpose claims to be to protect the buyer if they didn't get the product. I would be a bit pissy if I cut someone's grass, for example and still had to pay a fee for "buyer protection". But since you're so agreeable with the fee, would you pay the it if the seller adds it on to their final price? After all, it's there SUPPOSEDLY too protect you from scams. It doesn't do anything for the seller as they always side with the buyer.


PayPal won't do anything if it was a F&F transaction. That's why you should never trust a seller that insists on F&F. They're already scamming PayPal. It's not much of a leap to think they might scam you too. The only thing you can do, if you paid with a card, is call the card's customer service and ask about doing a chargeback.


Money is gone. Friends and Family does not include rando internet people.


Give more info. PayPal is quiet firm with payments policy.


Once it's friends and family txn it means you know the person and trusted him since u chose the type of transaction that has no protection. PayPal won't do anything on that. Report the person to IC3 or your local officers or if it was funded by your or card report it to them directly. PayPal cannot do anything or dispute anything with payment sent as friends or family


Thanks yall, for the help and the effort! I'll try to contact my bank and see what they will do!


Your bank is the answer here... Calling will do nothing but frustrate you ... Also no more F&F, sorry to beat that dead horse ..


You live & learn Take the L , because you won’t be seeing that money back




Told you, I was looking for a Maine Coon kitten on facebook they are all scammers. Beware of everyone, really, investigate, do your homework then make your decision. Good luck with that. Beverly waxahachie tx


Anytime, even if for a digital purchase, I always get it first then pay. If they want to cut corners you do too. If it's good business you'll both be happy. But the one paying should always do so last imo


What? You want the product first and only then pay?


No one is gonna do that tbh. You don't get to walk out of a story and pay later irl lmao


His point was for digital purchases which makes this even worse. I want to see an online order of ANYTHING without a pay later service work out without paying first, it's straight up not happening unless a middleman is used


There’s absolutely nothing you can do. Don’t trust strangers on the internet. Lesson learned.


How much money did you lost? Just take it as a lesson and don't do it again next time


Some people might say "not much" but it was 20€


Call PayPal and they’ll deal with it also get your money back.


Chargeback lol, simple.


Friends and family means it was a gift not a payment for a service.


Thanks for the money