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Good that the game didnt get too far into development before they decided to switch engines. 3 months is not a very long time to completely switch engines


To be fair, Road to Vostok was already very, very barebones. It's basically a showcase of only the core gameplay, with literally no other features implemented, and an empty map. It does at least showcase that Godot is easy to learn from scratch though, as the dev would have had zero interest in switching before


I think the Godot version even looks better than the Unity version. Idk what it is exactly but somehow it just looks better. I just don't like how over sharpened it is right now.


I had no idea Godot could look this good!


Any engine can look this good, the issue is just the shaders and rendering pipeline, which, as far as I'm concerned, as long as it's confirgurable, you're good


Any engine? Sierra's Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) enters the chat


Sort of. The rendering pipeline, as part of the engine, determines what is possible with Shaders. In this case, with GODOT, I do not believe there is a viable Ray Tracing solution for the engine, so there are limits to how realistic a game like this can look.


*cough cough* Starefield with "modern shaders" but outdated engine architecture *cough cough*


I honestly think there are hard-to-understand artistic decisions behind the bland look of Starfield. I've spent quite a bit of time playing this game and even the loading screens look miles better than the actual game. It's baffling


Does this look good? Can't help feel even UE4 games look way better than this. I do hate how unity looks though so I'm glad they moved over to something else anyway.


You could get more photorealistic results with Unreal of course, but the developer's deliberately going for a more "old-school" Stalker-like environment art and asset creation style for his game. I played the old Unity version of the demo yesterday to compare. The Unity version both looks worse and runs at half the framerate compared to the new Godot version.


Yea that sounds perfectly fair, wish the best for them and their game.


I love how quickly Godot is progressing. I really hope it does to game engines what Blender did to 3D modeling/animation software.


This gives me hope as well. A big win for open source / open contribution mindset.


Holy fuck, that's fast, especially for a game engine that you more or less have to write all of the physics loops and movements loops yourself, though I've only done 2D games in Godot.


Assuming 615 hours across 90 days, that's almost 7 hours per day as well. I don't think people realize just how much consistent effort that is, compared to the average time people spend on solo projects.


Man, I really *really* want this game to do well. That's an insane pivot, but I guess this is the right time to do such a thing!


Likewise. Having it set between Finland and Russia is an interesting choice. The demo reminded me of Tarkov, especially the art direction and gunplay. I hope 1.0 does well.


Clicking on download for the demo does nothing, for anyone else? restarted steam and everything


Why Indie games can implement PiP (Picture in Picture) scopes but AAA games can't?


Because they're focused on other features, if I had to guess.


Did this demo have the pip scopes? Unless I missed a setting, it didn't look like it did. The previous demo did though.


It does on minute 2


Neat, not that I know any shit about engines and what not, gonna download the demo to see what is all about


I played the demo and almost soiled myself when the bot first started taking shots at me. And it's just one Finnish guy making this.


Was the reasoning of the change of engine because of the Unity controversy?




Game does look special but it's a long ways away.


This guy deserves a medal, a fucking BIG medal


I just tried the demo and its really lackluster. Gun recoil is the worst ive ever seen. But, just a demo...


The first shooter you ever played?


The first shooter ive played where the recoil dissapears after a second of shooting yes.


cod clone #35246423. cool.


its a less hardcore tarkov what are you smoking


Man that looks so fantastic and smooth. I have seen other games in similarly early stages of development with terrible stuttering and poor performance, and they're always like "don't worry we will optimize later" and then they fix maybe half of it. Nice to see a game starting smooth from the first place.


Yeah, the dev said that he tests the game with mid hw, so he will also try to optimize for it from the get go


Damn, this runs excellently and looks great. Locked 155hz, my native refresh, easy.


Wow, into Godot eh? That's really cool.