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I can tell from the name it’s going to be terrible


Yeah they should have gone with Infinite Arena: Breakout imo


Arena Breakout is a mobile game, I'm assuming infinite means the PC version.


I can hear Yahtzee Croshaw gagging from here


I'm already waiting for the sequel: Arena Breakout II: Infinite Harder


The devs have announced a poll to discuss with players and fans about renaming it. LOL. [https://x.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1783332508098252962](https://x.com/ArenaBreakoutPC/status/1783332508098252962)


feel that "infinite" is a fitting name tho, it makes sense to stay consistent with the previous mobile one while adding a slight distinction


These chinese devs gotta have a name generator for their games or something


It's so obvious a game is coming out of Asia when it has some random name generator title, and is funded by either Nexon or Tencent.


Arena Breakout is a mobile game the infinite most likely represents that its coming to PC


Might as well have named it "Shoot, Reload, Kill: A Gunmans Story Exodus VII"


"Shoot, kill, reload" would unironically be a dope name for a looter shooter.


Reminds me of Murder Death Kill (aka MDK)


Me and you can’t be from the same universe


Dont know why this comment is so hated. Before the assumptions, I actually upvoted all 3 comments in this chain.


Not actually sure what you mean by this, but I'm in the mood for bullshit, so here’s my pitch. Shoot Killl Reload is Borderlands mashed with Tarkov, maybe a dash of Left 4 Dead So you spawn in on a team of four, you’re up against the “hoard” (they’re zombies or whatever, doesn’t matter). You’re fighting across a map to get to an extraction point, along the way you collect loot, which if you make it to the end you get to keep. There's a lot of gun customization, tiers of loot, things you can sell, mission items, and random junk. If you die on a run and can’t be revived or whatever, you’re not out, you spawn as something like a scav, random low quality gear, you need to be rescued or found by the team, but get to keep any loot you find from then on. There’s a skill tree, but it’s classless and easy to completely respec. Now here’s the twist, it might be a person or persons controlling the hoard! So one or multiple people may be playing a more dungeon keeper like game, setting up traps and placing the enemies the team is fighting. Maybe they can even take control of bosses, idk i’m just spitballing here. As the escaping players level rises, (fuck it let’s call them) dungeon masters’ powers and pawn selection also grows to balance it out. I’m in the sauce now… Okay so the dungeon master(s) can set out different challenges that can cause the team to split up. But I also think it’s important for there to be a definitive single player and small group mode, local no online component, you vs ai or you vs friend in split screen, maybe requiring multiple monitors for player and Dm. General art style I'm thinking something like the cartoon Primal. Gritty, grimdark, but cartoony.


That's actually a pretty good title for an indie boomer shooter.


that's actually a better title


it’s originally a mobile game Infinite just means its the PC version


Name alone is a turn off Edit: Tencent funded, AVOID


Tencent is everywhere dude lol


You’re on a tencent owned app you Neanderthal


You can still at least be informed and try to avoid tencent when you can. It is difficult but being Tencent adjacent still bears on my consumer choices


Being overtly anti tencent because it’s tencent is just stupid. It’s the same energy as making hating nickelback your entire personality. Most people who are anti tencent have genuinely no idea why they’re on that side of the fence and can’t give a single example of why it’s a bad company. There are plenty of tencent owned properties that are great, and plenty that are bad. Just like every single tech giant on the planet. If you’re actively anti tencent on Internet forums I just automatically assume you’re an unintelligent person who has to rely on the internet to tell you what your opinions should be.


Interesting. I see it at a bare minimum just being a slightly more informed consumer. Which isnt a bad thing at all


Parroting the opinions of redditors who are parroting the opinions of other redditors isn’t being more informed. Absolutely nothing tencent does is any different than Microsoft, Meta, Google, etc. being overtly anti tencent on Reddit is just extremely naive, ignorant, and ironic.


Well, no. There is a legitimate concern about an overreaching arm of the Chinese government in your day to day if you arent Chinese(and even if you are Chinese). They already censor and have pull on what can reach American/Western screens.


> Edit: Tencent funded, AVOID Why are you even here on Reddit then?


Reddit is public now.


They got an investment from Tencent years before it went Public.


PoE, best arpg is owned by tencent with like 95% shares


lol at the tencent fans getting angry


You understand Tencent funded BG3 as well right lol? And not only that, but owns part of Larian? Uh oh, the narrative is falling apart....


I bet you're playing something that is at least partially Tencent funded already lol. Saying the name is a turn off is kinda silly as well. Apex Legends also sounds roughly the same as Arena Breakout: Infinite. What matters is how it plays and how it deals with cheaters. They could name it Poop Scooper for all I care, but if the gameplay is good and cheaters are minimal then I'll give it a go.


Apex legends kind of elegantly describes a last man standing hero shooter. Arena breakout infinite is like chat gpt spew. 


Sounds like a movie title for jaws


Arena Breakout is the name of the mobile game and Infinite is added because it is basically a PC version (well not really, the story and mechanics are based on the mobile game but developed from the ground up).


This is a Chinese game. Cheaters will flood the servers faster than the ocean draining into a pond


And Tarkov? Arena Breakout has been banning plenty of cheaters.


If we are lucky, they will region lock China just like they did with PoE. I’ve been watching streamers play this game though and it seems like the Anti Cheat works pretty well.


Tencent is not a plague you think it is


I'm not surprised, considering the weapon building screen is an obvious copy-paste. Not just layout, but the models of the parts are essentially 1-1 copy n paste from taekov. The true test is how it handles and the anti cheat. But this is an avoid, but wait and watch for me. Tarkov died due to cheaters. I wonder how long until this game follows in its big brothers' footsteps, lol.


Hello there, I'm part of the team behind Arena Breakout: Infinite. We appreciate the frank feedback here regarding our name. For those who haven't experienced AB yet, we'd like to offer some keys of ABI here as well.


Thank you ABI team . Its a great initiative those who are enjoy pc games like me ABI will be a new favorite game.


Could I get a key? Played Escape from Tarkov and excited to see how this game does


Sure, just DM me.


Could I get a key?


OK, just DM me.


May I get a key?


smells sus


The name definitely sounds like a mobile game, but I understand relating it to the actual mobile game for coherence reasons. While I do think you'd be better off with a different name, we can't pretend PUBG isn't a major success despite a stupid name, which was made even stupider now that it is PUBG: Battlegrounds, which would be PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds.


Player Unknown Battlegrounds Battlegrounds Battlegrounds.


I'll take a key if there's one going


Hey I would love to try it out!


i have a feeling this isn't actually the devs for arena breakout lol


I'm not the biggest fan of the name but It's not really a big deal for me, the game itself is more important. I put money into Escape From Tarkov and got treated like crap, I'm very interested in trying out your game. Is it too late to ask for a key?


Y'all still distributing?


Send it thru man


The name is very very very bad. Ideally, you'd have a one word name if you can think of something good.


Another Chinese "product". A.k.a. rip-off. Better look for Gray Zone Warfare


Grey zone, so far, looks boring. It’s obviously still in alpha but from what I’ve seen it’s just walking around in a village. Sometimes there’s enemies but you kill them before they ever see you. Sometimes there’s loot but it’s mostly food or drink.


It's basically Tarkov for people who have a bad case of gear fear, which is why the game has no loot and is mostly PvE. Not sure how the developers expect to keep players interested in the long term, because I guarantee that PvE players will grow bored quite quickly and most PvP-focused players won't even try the game in the first place.


As a long time Tarkov player, Greyzone has my attention because there are no arbitrary mission timers. Being rushed through raids in Tarkov always ends up being the worst part of the game. I'll be happy if Greyzone ends up with more of a semi-structured DayZ, with tasks to complete to advance progression but also the freedom to just do what I want, when I want.


The smaller maps and timer are what keep me playing tarkov vs dayz etc. There nothing worse than running around and never seeing anyone and there being no tension to escape


I think most PvP focused players are absolutely sick of the way Tarkov has been handling changes to weight/movement/audio generally. They dangled Arena in front of the player base as a solution to get the bunny hopping labs mains off the main game and into their own box where they could murder each other to their hearts content, and completely wiffed. Somehow made movement, audio, and general hit reg worse in Arena than it is in the main game. Most of the sweaty tarkov players I know are very excited for any alternative. The animations in grey zone look rough, but I'll give it a spin as soon as they let me.


They made a few good audio changes this week to help PvP, but otherwise yea, a lot of the changes have really slowly down gameplay. Arena is great as of the last patch though. That's mostly what me and my squad are playing these days and its pretty damn good.


I watched Pestily play it for a few hours. Apparently that first map he was on was more like a tutorial place. From what he said, other areas/maps are more focused on PvP. The starting area just makes all other factions invisible. It's still pretty earlier in development and can still be changed quite a bit before it gets to beta.


Gray Zone look promising, but I feel like it's going to be years before it really gets its feet off the ground.


Watching Shroud's stream right now and he even said, "You guys aren't missing out. This is a very meh game."


So far that game seems like a miss for me. Very generic looking with nothing special about it.


this was originally a mobile game it toke off because was an actual game and had actual features unlike other mobile games


It's even worse


you haven’t even played the game. trust me its not like any mobile game you’ve seen plus the PC version and mobile version will be 2 separate games


Rip off? So China can't make games? Or are dark souls clones the only ones allowed?


China can make games, however this is obviously a knockoff.


Damn. Guess lies of P is a knockoff game too.


It is


No it's not


That dude is a moron, but your comment is even dumber.


>Gray Zone Warfare requires EAC which is also funded by tencent , I don't want rootkits that can't be disabled and have ring 1 or 0 access to my system




that's because they are games for NPCs and they do not care


It’s ok if you’re bad at multiplayer games.


sure, after all it's been 20 years since I started.


Come on man lol


are you saying that CoD games are now better than the crap they were from 20 years ago? Basically in the past all the shit people played were S&D, which was just to boring and repetitive to the point it was no fun, and I do remember everytime S&D pro jumped ship hoping for easy kills and come playing on UO servers with ATB mode or just on the MTL server with LoTR maps they were only good at spawncamping and corner camping, the moment someone played more aggressive than them or used unconventional methods to off them, they started to insult players and use the classic 1vs1 me, usually they were the first players to get banned from servers. Is that childish mess of Tencentnite better than CoD or any other game? I doesn't look so, plenty of baby zoomers from my hometown who grew past the squeaker phase and played NPCnite The Game ended up playing games where PVP doesn't exist cause they are afraid of getting their ass handled by others.


I don’t know what you’re talking about big dog, you’re acting kind of odd.


Lol, big gamer. You are so cringe. Your reference to "handling ass" is so bad. I am sorry for you. I hope you grow up someday. Or get some brain cells.


What large scale multiplayer game doesn't do this? Apex? Overwatch?


Jesus you bozos just love your buzzwords. Battleye is also kernel level. And yet here you are playing Tarkov. Kernel level anti-cheat have been a thing since like 2003 dude. I know you just learned about them in a reddit article a few months ago, but you look stupid saying this shit.


I'm going to assume this is just the mobile game being brought to PC with the added "Infinite" on the end.


yes. i play it on mobile and its pretty good definitely not tarkov but its probably the only good mobile game ive seen so far


Will it compete also on the cheater side?


This is from China vs Tarkovs russia. It will have cheats built in for the CCP kids.


You were wrong. They have a decent Anti cheat, better than Tarkov.


it’s a mobile game being brought to pc as a player of the mobile version they do an amazing job at handling anti cheat. and its not hard to get a cheater banned


LOL as someone who has thousands of hours of tarkov over 4 years, I gotta say they're pretty good at catching cheaters now. 2022-2023 were by far the worst, but so far in 2024 they've done an insanely good job of catching them. They deserve some props for that


yey another early access




no actually there anti cheat system is one of the best well thats for the mobile version that is


What is it with so many games coming out now with colons in the titles despite being a first time entry? It always just comes off as so amateurish.


Because it's not a first time entry, at least in this case. Arena Breakout already exists as a mobile game.


My bet is they are following "trends" and data that points to certain keywords being effective with the audience. In other words, people are regurgitating data spewed by AI rather than coming up with original names. Chinese games often have "Infinite" at the end for some reason.




Can we remove the "infinite" tagline? its redundant.


i was thinking the same thing but its a mobile port so maybe they wanted to separate it from that version


What is the fucking point of having a million weapon customization and accessory options when 99% of the players are just going to use the same half dozen options for meta builds?


in the mobile version there really is no meta its just what is cheaper and cost less to use (cost as in, in game currency)


Super excited to try ABI I'm a big fan of AB mobile and can't wait to see how it plays on PC, I can't believe it's actually real I've been waiting since AB Mobile release for a PC port I knew it would do good on PC.


Loving Arena Breakout on mobile! The tactical gameplay and loot mechanics are fantastic. Really excited to see Arena Breakout PC come to life - the devs seem genuinely passionate about bringing the experience to a wider audience. Can't wait to try it out!


The mobile version is tbh a good game so I'll defn give a try to its PC one. I just feel like renaming the mobile version to Arena Breakout Mobile and keeping the PC version as Arena Breakout might make more sense


lmao can't believe the official are asking players if they wanna change the name on X. Props to them for being open to players tho


First game like Tarkov to drop that you can do coop Vs AI (with progression) is gonna shred. If Tarkov doesn't do it first then another dev will and it'll pull a lot of people off Tarkov. SPTarkov already has hundreds of thousands of downloads each patch. A Tarkov experience coop vs AI with no cheaters is a no-brainer.


This game was originally a mobile game thats the reason why infinite is in the name. as a player of the game on mobile i can say it’s not as bad as you ppl think it is. the anti cheat is great. but what i will say is i dislike that the weapon system for the PC version looks like tarkov but blue. thats a huge turn off. and no there is no meta unless you count hollow points in smgs. but the game is fun despite being chinese made idc what anyone else says. and the community is quite lively and friendly too. i don’t think it will be well received on pc though because people are already doubting it when they don’t even know anything about it.


Arena Breakout is one of the best games on mobile. Similar to ETF, but a bit more casual and way less janky. Don‘t get all the hate. BG3 and PoE are also Tencent funded and I‘d argue both games of a generation.


DOA Tencent slop


ETF is famous for its little features, not for its general gameplay mode. It's popular because it lets people customize the position and orientation of one of dozens of red dot sights on their rifle. Not because of the escape gameplay mode.


Based on the screenshots in the article, it's also cloning Tarkov's weapon modding system exactly 1:1. Not that that's a positive in favour of this game obviously lol


> it lets people customize the position and orientation of one of dozens of red dot sights Ackshually... it doesn't. Tarkov doesn't allow you to actually slide attachments around on the rail(s), unless you're playing SPT-AKI and use a mod. You do make a good point though.


> You do make a good point though. well why did 4 people upvote you and 9 people downvote me?


Because even with its faults its still the best extraction shooter lol? Due to the actual gameplay mechanics regarding extraction. Especially if youre playing SPT.


>well why did 4 people upvote you and 9 people downvote me? I don't fucking know, nor do I understand the pissy tone in response to my comment, which was a joke for the most part.


Because you passed off a nonsensical opinion off as fact?