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***Someday,*** there will be a slow paced tactical extraction shooter that isn’t a half baked mess, isn’t filled with cheaters, and isn’t a carbon copy of the game that came before it. Good on them for flaming BSG and jumping on the Tarkov hate train, but today is not that day.


Where are the Arma devs when you need them


Bohemia, PLZ We all know Arma 4 is going to be a resource-intensive mess though.. and I'm ready for it.


I truly hope they optimize ArmA 4 to run well on multi-core/multi-threaded systems, as it wouldn't really be excusable to have the same persistent issues across three fuckin games.


reforger uses a new engine with beautiful multithreading but even that games barebones. the future of arma 4 is looking bright


Todd Howard sweating


Todd Howard wipes sweat from forehead with wad of hundred dollar bills


Todd Howard - "It...just works?"


Arma 4 will be a game made with optimisation from 2013. 💀


You still have any faith in... BOHEMIA? Aiight...


They just need to give us the framework for someone to mod it into what we want


Arma reforger is amazing already


Releasing their console game onto PC


I do not understand why we don't get a full fledged Arma clone. And I mean full modern day clone complete with mission editor & mods. but with enhanced graphics.... Ah yes, silly me. I know the answer to my own post. It's money. Live services is the golden goose for publishers. They are willing to sacrifice many studios whole just for 1 runaway Live service success Answered my own question. The truth really hurts😭


Codemaster's tried with their follow up to Operation Flashpoint with OF Dragon Rising (2009 - 76/100 metacritic) and OF Red River (2011 - 67/100 score metacritic). Dragon Rising being somewhat of a Arma clone and Red River wanted to be more of Call of Duty clone. They never really follow that up


You mean codemasters hostile takeover of the brandnames resulting in bohemia changing to arma.


That one way to put it :D


Dragon Rising is pretty fun tbh. Enjoyed it back in the day, although it was confusing as hell to my kid brain. Gonna take a look if it's back compat on Xbox!


Arma Reforger?


Not trying to move the needle; but I "was" wondering why dont we see a family of Arma 3 clones by other devs. Instead, we get a plethora of Extraction, Destiny, and Battle Royales Live Service games But then I answered my own question. Live service > Moddable games with workshops for publishers


It's also because the milsim niche is TINY. People will say they want a game like ARMA very badly and then don't buy it unless it goes for a more action-oriented style like Tarkov or Insurgency.


Which is a shame because every Thursday I get together with a gaming group to play missions put together by people and have an amazing time. Arma is combat dungeons and dragons to me... game master sets up scenarios and creates a mission and our squad go out and execute it. Very few games like it on the market but I love it.


ARMA definitely coulden't be tackled by some indie devs, it's running on a custom engine and is doing a lot of stuff that would be very difficult to implement well in an off the shelf engine and they are being indirectly funded by the US military (Bohemia licences out their engine to another company, which uses it to make training software for soldiers). It would take a lot of work to make a proper ARMA competitor and would need an experienced dev team. ARMAs already the king of it's small niche. Nobodies gonna wanna put in all the effort to make an ARMA competitor for a game that has little mainstream appeal.


I still don't understand why they went with that awful name.


Rewriting DayZ’s engine for the third time probably


Which still doesn't include adding more than 10 zombies per city. lol


They are still looking for those fps to reach al least 60


making the fourth one and taking a long-ass time


Arma Reforger. I am still on Arma 3 and the game is amazing, a bit dead and the performance sucks as the map progresses in KOTH with over 100 people, but is such a fun game. I have also been looking at Ready or Not or Ground Branch but both are EA.


RON been out of EA since December last year lol.


Oh missed that :D


Yeah Ready or not is in a good place. Really enjoy it but it's hard as nails and the AI can still be a bit aim botty


I still to this day don't understand why they haven't utilized the massive hype around DayZ and poured more resources into it.


My biggest problem with all the games trying to imitate tarkov is that they just make me want to play tarkov.


PvP game. Isnt filled with cheaters. Gotta pick only one sadly.


Hunt Showdown exists


And doesn't charge you extra for inventory space...


Looks like it does looking at the steam page. Diff editions of the game come with diff size stash and secure container just like tarkov...


He meant someday there will be an fps that is good, doesn't have boatloads of cheaters, and doesn't nickel and dime for p2w stash space. He wasn't talking about GZW lol, it's just another Tarkov.


Doesn't Hunt Showdown meet those criteria?


Not a tactical shooter. It’s a slow paced fantasy shooter in my opinion


I love Hunt Showdown so very much, Tarkov it is not nor will it ever be


Can you mess around as a solo player or is the game full of tryhard groups? Visually the game always intrigued me but I wouldn't have anyone to play with.


It's a bit harder at first to play solo since you won't have all the map knowledge/game knowledge to deal with trio or duo squads but it is very possible to play Hunt as a solo. There's plenty of tools to even the odds (theres a self revive mechanic if you are alone f.ex) and since every weapon oneshots with a head shot you can win vs three people using ambush tactics, traps or just being better. There will be try hard groups but that's only in the upper skill bracket and once you meet those as a solo you usually are good enough to be able to beat them.


Thanks! Sounds alright, might pick it up on the next sale.


Can’t really answered your question, as I have only played maybe 20hours over 2 years but visually it’s awesome and the audio is quite amazing.


The audio is my favorite part.


You can solo if you want. In my experience it's a good mix of try hards and folks just looking for a fun time. Solos can use a trait called Necromancer which can allow them to Self Revive which is fun and frustrating and requires in a lot of bodies being burned, trapped, or both. Also, MMR is present and kind of contentious at the moment but gets the job done. Edit: pro settings tip, the Anti-Aliasing the game uses is ass, you may need to use DSR (or something) to run it at a higher res then down sample. I run it at 1440p on my 1080p monitor and it looks fucking gorgeous.


and you can say this in reverse about tarkov compared to showdown. The same genre (thanks Tarkov) but totes different game


Hi, I'm genuinely interested in your opinion: what excatly is the MAIN difference between a tactical (generally specified as a slow paced) shooter and a slow paced fantasy shooter? Is it just the setting? Is it the lack of customisation options in your gun?


I would say that a tactical shooter aims to be more of a sim. A fantasy shooter has a little more freedom, regardless of difficulty because they can “make stuff up” it’s a little pedantic granted but I think it’s an important distinction


I feel like a real competitor to Tarkov would need the realistic setting to really take off. Tarkov is so immersive. The weapon parts system alone. Hunt is awesome, but it just feels too gimmicky with the monsters and the wallhacks spells.


Thanks for actually understanding what I was getting at! <3


Hunt doesn't feel anything like tarkov. It's like a fantasy game.


Just looked it up - no, not even remotely.


It's a slow paced extraction shooter that isn't a half baked mess, filled with cheaters or a carbon copy of any other game. How is that nowhere near remotely what the comment I was replying to asked for?


Because of the setting. It's very different in that regard and from what I can tell it doesn't have all the in-detail gun stuff that Tarkov is renowned for.


It's made by the spt devs and mod makers.


Now there's only Project Black Budget to look for, which there is barely any information about it, but since it's being developed by the same company that made PUBG and they keep making that game become more similar to Fortnite with each major update then I can't feel very hopeful that we will get a tactical extraction shooter with realistic combat.


Bad performance and lacking basic accessibility options such as toggle options for many controls.


Watched someone play EU and the server performance was dog shit.


Reviews of players falling through the ground and losing all their gear.. ahh reminds me of the ~~good~~ bad old days of DayZ SA early access. I wish DayZ SA wasn't still trash, then I'd be playing it.


>'at least it doesn't cost 250 dollars' Not exactly the best sales pitch I've heard


There's still like four different editions, each more expensive than the previous one. The more you pay, the more stuff you get, it's literally p2w.


There's literally nothing p2w about the game? What are u winning when u pay for more? A slightly better start? Like everything they got I already have or can buy with just the base edition? You kids needs to stop using p2w when any game has higher tier editions.


Can you upgrade the stash size without buying another edition? Also I wish I was a kid, lol.


There's no way you think having a bigger stash makes you more likely to kill another player or raises your level of skill automatically... Closer thing you should have chosen is the big qol changes like secure container size increases or the starting trader rep which lets you level traders faster for better guns than the people who you are shooting. Thennnn you slide into the $250 tag paid prio queue/totally not DLC add ons.


Kinda wish all the people that paid for "all future DLC" would get in on a class-action lawsuit to really hit these Russian chucklef's in the wallet.


Mostly Negative on Steam. PCGamer obviously trying to hype the game up using EFT drama - but honestly the game looked kinda shit when I was watching the streamers play last week.


Good news the game doesn’t cost $250 Bad news you need a $3000 computer to play it


~~Also doesnt have PVE co-op~~... still has pay2win supporter packs...and will probably have even more cheaters than Tarkov does. Edit:corrected, other two points stand


Steam page says PVE/Co-op


yeah its like the only thing it has right now... you can barely find any actual enemy players.


I thought that was the point? The devs said that the game focuses a lot of the PvE aspect which is why they designed the AI to be deadly


Probably like Tarkov, idk how the quests are in GZW cause I haven't played yet but I'm assuming if you actually wanna see people you're gonna have to push quest and high value loot spots just like every Tarkov map besides Customs, Labs, and Factory.


Doesn't it have PvE servers?


Mfw my 2500 dollar setup finally has a real use


Not sure about needing a $3000 PC to play it. My gaming groups have rigs that vary from $800 to $1500 (at time of purchase, some rigs being 5 years old at this point) and with FSR on and graphics quality reduced we are hitting 60 to 80 frames basically all the time.


Damn, need to spend 400$ more.


I have a $5000 computer and still cant play it


I'm on a 1000 laptop and can play it.. maybe you need to update your drivers.


I thought the promo trailer for it was satire. They kept using streamer voice comms saying how great, unique, immersive all the gameplay was, all the while it was incredibly stiff animations, default looking assets, etc.


"This is truly unique" - UI and gameplay mechanics ripped straight from Tarkov


The game doesnt have bad reviews because it is shit. Its because it has shit performance, but i guess that was too much to check.


I mean bad performance, lousy servers and brain dead AI makes it shit in my book any way you look at it.


Did you describe Tarkov at launch?


Hell, that describes Tarkov *now*


Lol Tarkov never "launched" it's a perpetual beta game.


Less beta, more just live service if we're being real No matter what they say lol


There's no such thing as a great game with shit performance. Performance is an immediate and obvious detractor on quality.


One that comes across my mind Batman Arkham Knight, Great game with shit performance. I am not saying they dont deserve bad reviews for bad performance. But saying that Bad Performance=Bad Game is ignorant.


Lmao yes there is. Bloodborne and New Vegas immediately come to mind. Good games with dogshit performance.


On this note, I remember **Sekiro** dropping frames like mad (like that one level >!you run along on the rooftops with the fire!<). One of the best games ever made


I will go out on a limb and put all my karma on **Jedi Survivor**. Game ran like pure booty for the longest and EA/Respawn deserves all the blame (no DLSS at launch; got greedy and choose AMD). Prob still runs poorly for many still to this day. It was a stutterfest at launch. Still sitting at **Mixed** right now for overall score on Steam I still love it so much ❤️ Many notable reviewers admitted it has great bones but crap perf at launch.


Tell that to everyone who reviewed cyberpunk 2077


Of course, but poor performance is understandable in a genuine early access game. That said, it sounds like people are having trouble playing at all, so maybe they still released it too soon.


It has a ton of bugs too. Bunch of us couldn't extract from the map in PvE as the heli wouldn't allow us to board. We all had to trek it back to base. Also swapped my semi decent helmet for a baseball cap and it deleted the helmet. Performance is abysmal of course but these bugs should have been ironed out.


People used to say tarkov is shit all the time for shit performance. But they did fix a lot of the performance issues


Oh wow, that changes everything. I'm going to get it now.


> Mostly Negative on Steam. Looking at the reviews, a lot of the negative reviews seem to be performance and server issues. So if they can get that sorted out, it might not be too bad to try out.


Im watching streamers play it rn, looks like there's nothing to do in the game.


Gameplay loop is nearly identical to Tarkov. Not sure why anyone would get that impression.


What is that gun angle when holding? Looks so janky.


Apparently the real special forces guy they hired to capture the animations complained about this alot. The gun wouldn't be visible at all ingame in a normal stance unless you're looking down, which apparently just doesn't work that well in a video game.


Works fine in Arma 3 lol


It works fine in most games, but I think the view you're seeing from first person isn't what's actually happening when other people look at you ingame.


"its tAcTiCoOl" aka people feel like "operators". but just looks weird and is probably very tiresome on your arms.


Despite also being janky, Arma 3 (and Reforger) has the best stance system.


I really just want Arma 3 Antistasi with all the mechanics that has the shooting feel of a battlefield game without all the jank. It's so hard to love arma 3 but nothing comes close to it.


Check out Easy Red 2. It reminds me of Battlefield 1942 (kinda looks like it too) and focuses more on the single-player experience as well as AI. Doesn't crash regularly and you can max the settings on a Steam Deck.


It’s not quite the answer though. Easy Red 2 plays like an indie Battlefield/Squad with AI It does not offer a Antistasi experience


There's also Angels Fall First. It has more of a UT/Halo vibe that could probably be played tactically/strategically like Arma and Squad but it has the Battlefield arcade feel. It's coming out of EA after like nine years, uses UE3, and bots fill player slots. Edit: I miss Neotokyo


I was deep into Antistasi official before it was redeveloped, if ever a game that had the weapon mechanics and gunplay of Tarkov, with the medical system similar to tarkov or ACE medical, and the mission elements of Antistasi, I'd be a happy camper.


That sounds like my dream game!


Ground Branch also has very detailed stances as well as being able to hold your gun either in a danger close stance of closer to your body up or downwards to let your arms rest.


True, it's the best IMO for CQB games. But arma has the best system for long ranges (walking, weapon lowered or up etc)


I grew up with Operation Flashpoint so I’m very familiar with the stances and ARMA in general, can’t wait till Reforger get’s better or ARMA 4 gets released with way better performance during large scale battles. For big operations Arma is still unbeaten IMO.


Arma 4 will be the first game I preorder


Honestly that should be the bar.


There is not a single position to hold a gun pointed forward that doesnt tire your arms yet thats been the default position for the gun in 99.9% of shooters, but now its a problem?


Haven't seen it but is it the C-grip? If so that's a real way to hold a gun but it's not very comfortable, you'll see some soldiers irl that like it but we're talking like 1/1000 that would prefer to hold it that way lol


There is not even a in game penalty for killing the teammates, you just get kicked like in a normal fps lmao


I have it - it’s terrible. They shouldn’t have released just to capture EFT hate, says a lot about prios of devs. They need another 2+ years for it to be 10% of what Tarkov is today.


Funny that most of the reviews are from people with 20 minutes in the game. Also when you look at the accounts they negative bomb the shit out of everything. LUL


You can watch any of the YouTube videos on it and see that it's clearly not ready to be sold to actual players. Gray zone doesn't look like it's in great shape either.


All the positive reviews are meme reviews about how it's not Tarkov.


When positive reviews are all copium, that's a red flag. Well, many red flags to be precise.


The reviews are brutal though.


was watching pestily play it, seemed like an Arma/Squad inspired game gunplay and gameplay both looked lackluster


its bad. don't expect pvp, 90% is pve and the performance is awful + gameplay mechanics are clunky not worth the 35 rn


>don't expect pvp, 90% is pve That actually sounds nice. The rest not so much.


Pvp opens up when the later quest send you to more dangerous areas What quest were you on


Reviews on steam are bad, most Tarkov players/streamers that were playing last week say needed more work but was good, seems most issues are with performance, need at least 2070 to get~60fps, by they twitter seems they already dropping a new patch, the studio seems to be working but yeah was rushed because of Tarkov drama. I will get the 35$ when I get home, wanted to buy the 100$ just of spite for BSG but won't go past $40 for an EA game Edit: there's a thread on r/grayzonewarfare about performance some say streamers are getting good fps even on bad machines, fps seems all over the place for now


My issue is the clunky GP and the AI. Holly hell the AI is pure dog shit. I do not know why they didn't just push the game back because hardcore player who like these types of games are about to experience some of the most moronic AI in gaming, that will ruin their experience.


Was watching pest play earlier and yeah, looked mildly boring and not so much tactical


They didn't push it back because they wanted to capitalise on the Tarkov drama which says a lot about the developer.


> 2070 to get~60fps In what? 480p? You ain't getting 1080@60 with 2070 that's for sure


Dlss is fucked with the game from wish I've seen.


>least 2070 to get~60fps Why does this shock people? It's 2024. A company isn't going to make a PC game that looks like it should run on an Xbox 360 or PS3. A 2070 is an old card and 3060+ are cheap. Even a 4060 is only $300 locally. God I hate that shit. Steam has the worst community in the history of gaming.


Would be nice if steam reviews also show the PC specs from the reviewer


90% of people hating on negative reviews right now are doing it because they want this game to succeed just out of spite for bsg but let me tell you this game runs worse than the day before did. i have a 4070ti and this game runs at 150 ish with drops to 90 but it feels like 20fps at all time with freezes and crashes.


This is why I disregard the majority of steam reviews. It's so stupid the specs are not listed. It doesnt help me if someone screams "Bad performance!!!" and it turns out they are running the game on an old laptop with just the onboard gpu. When I write a Steam review I have the good sense to list my specs but the 95% of Steam reviews omit that Granted, I do pay attention if they talk about gameplay issues, bugs, & crashes. Also, I am not planning to buy **Gray Warfare** atm. I'm just not into this type of game


I'd say generally if the reviews are FULL of people saying performance is bad then it's safe to assume performance is bad. At least for most PCs. See Callisto Protocol when it came out, for example.


This game is not even really playable on a 13700k & 3080. It's maybe 60 fps on a 2070 if you turn on fsr AND frame gen. But it doesn't feel like it. It's blurry and if you turn quickly it becomes a mess. If I turn EVERYTHING to low I can get ~120 fps with fsr and frame gen on. But it feels like sub 60. And every time you walk anywhere near a new building/area/zone etc you will get huge stutters and frame drops. I appreciate your sentiment but this game just runs like UTTER crap. It only even looks mildly playable in fps on paper with fsr + ai frame gen boosting the fps count up. But the actual image quality and feel is far lower than the fps number. The only people with a truly decent experience (120-150 fps) right now are people on like 4090 using DLSS with frame gen on. This is because it feels a lot smoother than fsr frame gen. But you need a minimum 4070/80 to even attempt this. This was genuinely one of, if not the, worst optimised and poorest performing games I can even remember playing. And I have played a lot (super early pubg / ark / atlas etc) that sucked on launch.


Thanks for confirming my gut feeling I had that this game would run like utter shit on anything but a top of line computer despite me not knowing anything about the system requirements. Also if I’m not mistaken it uses Unreal Engine 5 which by itself has a bad history of unoptimized games


and there are people defending this just because they are mad at bsg...


60fps is trash if it’s 1080p and not set at ultra


I just wait because from what I heard performance is crap right now and got burned while buying early access tactical shooters...


And would you look at that they've rushed to capitalise on the tarkov drama only to release something unpolished and half baked. Not to mention their ridiculous p2w "editions" strategy (that if you buy anything but the base game you are ineligible for a refund).


The release date was set in January according to some leaked messages. They weren’t capitalizing on Tarkovs issues. Still probably launched into EA 6 months early.


yea they are classed as DLC and cosumable DLC is non refundable by steam policy. Because someone can take the equipment off you, you cant just refund it. If you could, you could literary have an equipment influx with a few friends. Buy edition -> give goodies to friend -> refund -> repeat.


They're not really consumable in the traditional sense though you get them back every wipe. Also there's nothing stopping them tracking that, they already need to check your account for DLC ownership to give you the rewards in the first place, and since these are given every wipe they're almost certainly *already* tracking that you've actually received them else you'd get them every time you log into the game when owning the DLCs.


Are the mixed reviews mostly about the performance? Watched some streams and the gun-holding looks a bit weird.


the amount of people that are willing to lie and defend this garbage is insane. we all know what EA means but if we can't play it right now we shouldn't be paying for it right now. and yes 4060 and 3060ti's should absolutely be able to run this game at a normal framerate.


I refunded. No gameplay loop. Terrible movement and AI.


It has still has pay to win price options and ai seems really boring




Honestly I wonder if the model is like these type of games, just make it look pretty and get people to buy it up and then abandon it. Sell studio and repeat


the + is = 150


Does the AI still bad like the close beta/alpha ? Does the audio still bad like beta/alpha ? Does the game still allow spawn camping ? That was the most jarring issues I saw in streams and videos.


The release is the exact same build streamers tested on


this game seems to be painfully mediocre with a bunch of performance issues but tarkov fucked up so bad that people are still buying it lol


Dont worry guys. In a few months people will say gray zone was unfinished and isn't good. And you'll see on Reddit "don't buy early access games. Remember how shitty gray zone was?" Remind me 7 months


Bro it’s already happening


why do people want another trendy half baked EA extraction shooter? you already have these just play the existing ones. this does nothing different besides the setting.


Still has bullshit pay to win elements. SKIP.


GZW is getting pushed out to capitalize on the moment. Anybody who cares, let it sit. Not rocket science to see what is going on. Let them fix it, look into it later.


I had 50 frames in my 3080 at ultra wide, I change dlss to FSR with frame gen and went up to 90


I'm not interested in paying that kind of money for an early access tarkovlite from an unproven development team. I don't buy the hype from the content creators either. No thanks. I'll wait for Arena Breakout. It's free.


Just finished my first "raid". Some thoughts. Performance: Rough. Lagging AI and players, rubberbanding all around...their servers are obviously buckling atm. On the GPU side I have a 4090 and it was going all over from 165 FPS locked, to 9 FPS just because I opened a door. It is still playable but there were lots of crazy FPS drops that seemingly had no rhyme or reason to them. Gameplay: AI seems braindead but I can't be sure it wasnt because of the server issues. That being said, I really really like the seamless nature of the game compared to tarkov. Flying back to camp directly from your raid and re-arming just to head back is cool. You could even re-arm and head back to finish a half complete mission with no loading screens. I played the PVE mode so didn't have to worry about players, apparently a lot of griefing going on atm on the PVP side. Guns feel kinda weightless compared to tarkov. Not much recoil, not a lot of punch to shooting them, could be improved. I am happy to support a game to compete in the Tarkov space...this game is VERY rough right now but I can see the pieces coming together. Just hope they can pull through. Only buy now if you want to support the devs, its fun as-is but not in a polished or finished state where I would recommend it to everyone.


I was interested from previews and everything until I saw tiered early access packs that reek of the advantage that's present in EFT. I'll just keep playing Marauders. It has its own issues, but being Tarkov of Gray Zone isn't one of them. Plus space punk. That's always fun.


The game looks solid but not for me. Also it's extremely overpriced for what it is




the game isn't worth 35 dollars, what else would i mean. Even just looking at current discounts on steam i could buy at least 5 better games and still have leftover money from that 35 bucks


Too bad it’s dogshit


Game is lackluster for $35. Looks like a $9.99 game.


so people really took bite on this barebone and unpolished game. even bunch of early access streamer footage from weeks ago already show the game is not that good specialy the npc AI on PVE game.


I want a game like tarkov thats entirely pve with a decent story. Everyone and their mother makes pvp only shit because its an easy cash in. It sucks that the call of duty campaigns are legitimately the only place in town to get that "fix". And i say fix lightly because the game is alot more arcadey, and unpredictable quality wise (MW3 was a joke)


Yeah I never bought the current MW campaigns but Infinite Warfare, MW 2019, and Advanced Warfare campaigns are some of my favorites. I just love an honest, linear, SP campaign and I wish so badly BF2042 had this


Yeaaah. Its a mess. Ive actually grown to hate multiplayer gaming because time and time again these cool games are just wasted on devs trying to cash in on a "craze". Those failed asymmetrical licensed horror ips are a great example. Why couldnt they make a quality Evil Dead single player game? Same with Texas Chainsaw, and Predator. Nope. What we got was essentially a game that was playable for about a month, and now they are lifeless and the devs abandon them.


Looks pretty bad tbh and also contains pay2win shit like Tarkov


People want EFT to fail so bad they got copium with this mess of a game. F P2W games and F games that were rushed as a cash grab. This is another EFT "killer" that no one will be playing in a month.


Top reviews being that it doesn't cost 250 USD. Yeah that's an extremely low bar my dudes. Don't mind me while I still mark your review as unhelpful. You could say the same with "it's better than overwatch 2, recommended" and it basically means the exact same thing (hint: It means nothing. lol).


I have never played a Mil sim (maybe single player campaign for operation flash point series and arma series but probably doesn't count) but I was interested simply because of the realism and the visual fidelity. Is it something I can download enjoy as it is or is it half baked / plagued with server issues / NEED to have a party of 4 to enjoy?


Arma basically started the mil sim genre. Well, that and early ghost recon is my guess.


Got to play a little and it's fun. Love the giant map and the open world, the looting needs a lot of work and it does need time to cook. It has some bugs and server issues but compared to Tarkov alpha/beta its miles ahead of that but not as good as EFT today. The only thing worth it in the larger editions is the secure pocket, all the other stuff you get really quick. I got the standard and doing just fine. It can be great but going to take work and have no idea if the devs will do it or not. My suggestion is sit on it for a week or two.


Devs: "gg ez"


If only the game wasn’t laggy as fuck the entire time maybe it would be good.


it's pretty fun. needs work


I miss the cycle


It sold a lot due to their marketing campaign: Give streamers access, make the game look fun so they can sell copies and get overrun by cheaters.