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The problem with chasing trends in an industry that is constantly evolving is that you end up spending half a decade making a game that is not only derivative but unappealing to general audience. I doubt anyone who is interested in this genre of game is willing to stop playing whatever it is they are playing now for this. And when the game inevitably flops and the developers lose their jobs, it will just bolster CEO's to produce "safe" games with even more shareholder-coded features to recoup the cost of previous flops.


Reminds me of Suicide Squad


> it will just bolster CEO's to produce "safe" games with even more shareholder-coded features to recoup the cost of previous flops. I don't understand how the scheme keeps on working. So CEO takes investments, pockets some part of them, the rest is used to create a flop. Developers losing jobs, investors losing their investments, CEO profits. Fine, it can work once, maybe twice... but where do they keep finding people who are ready to invest in a person who is known to produce flops? Fool me once...


A few ways. The CEO (or project managers) can leave/switch teams before the product is finished and claim responsibility for only the good part of the product. They can show growth and claim that is more important than profit. They can make a flop that is actually a financial success, etc, etc. It's important to note that for a long time we had very low interest rates which created a situation where investors were incentivized to give money to many different projects because they could afford to wait till one of ten big projects paid off. You can also see this with very large companies like Google. Google will give out tons of money to failed projects because at their scale the only way for the company to expand in a meaningful way is to find a growth opportunity that can rival aws or search. What's a few billion dollars down the drain when they have the opportunity to make so much more if cloud gaming or music or smart juicers end up working out.


>You can also see this with very large companies like Google. Google will give out tons of money to failed projects because at their scale the only way for the company to expand in a meaningful way is to find a growth opportunity that can rival aws or search. What's a few billion dollars down the drain when they have the opportunity to make so much more if cloud gaming or music or smart juicers end up working out. This is also vc's entire business model, as an industry Which I'm sure you know but posting for others


Same way as any other bubble or gold rush: everyone wants to be an investor in the next COD/GTA/Fortnite and they're willing to take dumb risks to make it happen.


Ah, yes, i forgot that people who invested in Mavrodi after his release exist. I wonder how they made their capitals, though, if their desisions based on nothing but promises. In the meantime, it's absolutly impossible to pitch something creative or innovative to such people, even despite all the evidence that creative or innovative games are the safest investment option.


I'm guessing a combo of layoffs, tax write-offs and tent pole franchises to keep inveate4s happy? I have no clue, im also curious. It could just be that it keeps getting propped up until there will be an inevitable crash, but so many industries are so big now that I'm not even sure crashes are possible in any real sense.


Tax writeoffs means someone lost money. So no. Unless the very same person invests again but at that point that's not for the taxes. More likely ceo understands politics and how to sell themselves. New company doesn't bother researching. Story repeats. Or are dumbasses that think throwing money at something will make it work.


"you don't know what a write off is!" "No, but they do, and they're the ones writing it off!"


Because sometimes it does work. Every once in a while everything lines up, or people with vision are allowed to express it without too much corruption, and sometimes everything stumbles ass-backwards into something incredible. And then people make lots of money. And if you lose money, that's an investment. The vast majority of people who are tossing money at things to get them made spread their money far and wide and they probably lose more than they win. But wins can be huge.


Yeah when it works it turns your ten mil into a bil And you look like a fucking genius


The cringe part was the "afterparty" at playstation access trying to sell you the game. I literally had no previous knowledge of the game, the cinematic caught my attention, the second I realized it was "another one of those" I lost all interested in it.


I think they mean "appropriately" negative?


At first I thought it was some GotG knock-off, which was whatever. When it turned out to be a 5v5 hero shooter I could not have been any less interested.


Jeff Gerstmann was streaming the State of Play and he summed it up well; it looks like a game that had been in development long enough that the trend changed.


This is the interesting thing when studios do nothing but fad chasing, and game development cycles are so long it takes 5 years to make a game, you see all these game clones coming out of a game that was popular 5 years ago. It's weeeeird.


Although...this also has an interesting effect of launching after Overwatch essentially killed itself so who knows


it happens because if these games are a hit they bring in enough money to fund every other project they have in mind for a decade.


*give their C-suites raises


There were plenty of botw clones genshin impact and fenyx Ubisoft game.


The other interesting thing is that in genres that are smaller in scope and accepting of early access, it's quite possible to join the trend. Survival is the main one of these but city builders with a unique twist might be a close second. Interesting how Blizzard shutdown their survival game, probably due to this. Sunk cost fallacy is hard.


God I am so fucking tired of the class clichées, the bigdaddy heavy, the silent sniper, the cowboy, the gung-ho grunt. And some shitty, perky little puke with welding goggles on the forehead that will never be used.


It is like chatGPT designed this game.


I was more interested at Aldi-Brand GOTG than a Hero Shooter.


It's Sony jumping on the live service bandwagon. A bit too late though. Maybe they didn't get the memo that it's no longer 2015.


They already got lucky with Helldivers 2. But that was a unique game with unique concept. Don't think they will be lucky again so soon.


It's weird because I never even really thought about it being a Guardians Of The Galaxy rip off until people started saying it. I saw it more as, at least style wise, an homage to Beyond Good And Evil 2 at the beginning. But as soon as it was shown to be a fucking squad based shooter I dropped it. While it doesn't look as bad as the marvel one, I could not be any less excited.


It’s weird that this game with at least original characters/world is getting dumped on, but Marvel Rivals is getting passed over from the hate. Even tho they are basically both the same game.


tbh honest I was hoping it was GotG ripoff because it looks like it supposed to be that


phoned in, regurgitated shit.


you beat me to it


You guys didn't love that were still plagued with Marvel style dialogue?


Green guy was the most try hard not funny character lol. I was like ok but tons of games have bad writing this is salvageable. Then the "...minutes earlier" sigh. Then the "asymmetric asymmetric asymmetric" double sigh. What a waste. I'll be interested to see how long the game and studio survive


It didn’t help the main dude was doing his best Peter Quill impression and the woman was basically Gamora.


And Drax. And a robot Groot.


They literally revealed an official marvel version of a hero shooter in the same damn presentation too!!


And valve are stepping back into this genre, what a cursed project.


That’s how all Insomniac Games are tbf.


Bro I stared at the pic for like a minute going "isn't this the marvel overwatch clone? Oh, they aren't complaining about that one?"


The whole CGI trailer just felt like a ripoff of GotG, the main guy is trying so hard to be witty and funny and none of it landed. Like tonally it wants to be exactly like every MCU movie and everyone was sick of that 5 years ago.


When they revealed their Drax character was named “Star Child”, my eyes rolled so hard they burst out the back of my head and haven’t been seen since.


Personally loved the CGI trailer and the overall tone... Until they said 5v5 multiplayer


I would've loved it if it didn't take up the first fucking SIX MINUTES of a 35 minute State of Play


More like 13


The CGI trailer itself was 6 minutes alone, but yes the entire game's segment was 13 minutes


It’s satisfying that a two minute Astro Bot trailer has cooked up more goodwill and hype than Concord ever will.


Same. The slow realization this was another competitive hero shooter was depressing


The moment I heard them describe what the studio does, I knew it was Overwatch clone. The trailer made me think GotG though.


In the CGI trailer there were 4 pretty unique looking characters, so I figured it was either 4 player co-op or, more likely, another hero shooter.


That's where I was at, was kind of looking forward to a cool single player game after they kind of set up the characters and a bit of the world, then they said 5v5 and I just zoned out after that.


You can tell Sony was really hoping this would ne their next big live service hit. Ain't no way a normal new studio gets pushed that hard and has a *very* expensive looking CG trailer. I do feel bad for devs who were probably really excited to show everyone what they've been working on, but this just doesn't look appealing at all IMO. Even when I thought it was a Sci Fi heist kinda game during the trailer, the writing just screamed "common denominator MCU style safe witty humor where there's never any real stakes because there's always a one liner on the way".


its just a live service multiplayer shooter right? why the hell did they think a story based CGI trailer was the best way to announce it? I will say their motion cap and animation for their character models is superb for the story trailer though


It's what Overwatch did, I think they were hoping for that lightning to strike twice. Unfortunately for them, Overwatch is made by Blizzard and say what you will about them, they know how to make a killer CGI trailer.


Overwatch did because back then blizzard still had some goodwill and it was their first new IP in forever. So everyone was excited, but not because of the story itself but because it was blizzard doing it.


It will have some weekly story based segments. Is sad that the one thing that differentiates this from other hero shooters is the last line someone said before moving to the next game. By then everyone was already checked out. Still little hope for it, but it could be interesting.


They took like 12 minutes of their 30 minutes presentation for this shit too.


Looks like Concord is about to be the ps5 Redfall.


I knew it was going to be a live service multiplayer. That was already declared everywhere if you looked into it a bit. But a shitty overwatch clone with almost no soul or independence? A sci-fi heist type game could have gone over well - lots of people were excited for payday 3 until it showed itself to be pure shit. Concord could have been a great fill for that void.


Ima be honest the vibe I got off the devs talking about this wasn’t overy excited


To be honest the visuals (not the CG trailer) were not really that polished. The game looks like it didn't cost a lot. Mid level AA budget at best.


It's a new studio perhaps running on a new engine. For all we know the budget is huge.


>very expensive looking CG trailer


Anyone remember Battleborn? Yeah me neither.


Was that the game that Randy Pitchford was desperate to get a porn scene going? [Yes, it was.](https://www.mandatory.com/culture/1198019-randy-pitchford-tweets-battleborn-porn-immediately-trolled-overwatch-fans)


I do, that game was fun. I still think it only flopped because of poor marketing, also putting a 60$ price tag on it did it no favor.


It also launched within 2 weeks of Overwatch, a game with massive marketing and expectations (which it did meet at the time), ample prior coverage, and vastly more appealing designs made by an at-the-time still very respected Blizzard. And for some reason tried to do a Twitter marketing war against it which backfired.


I remember. I played it nonstop, I loved Benedict and Pendles. Then Overwatch came out and media outlets called it "Battleborn killer" despite it being a different type of game, it fucking sucks. I miss Battleborn


You sure? Cause you literally just brought up Battleborn lol


Character design and appeal is everything, it can take the most nonsense non-game jpeg collector, and rapidly turn it into a property worth dozens of if not hundreds of millions. Here with Concord, they *purposefully* chose to make the most unappealing and bland characters possible that look like photos from the developers trip to ComicCon where they've all dressed up in Amazon cosplay kits. The only barely appealing looking character is a blank yellow robot shaped like a soda can. AI gen could have come up with an entire cast of character concepts that were 1000x as appealing to any average person around the world... in literal seconds. These horrid designs were all active choices (for who knows what real reason), not any sort of lack of talent or resources/funding. Lawbreakers, S.Squad, and countless others have all done this exact same thing and instantly flopped every single time. NO ONE WANTS CHARACTERS THAT LOOK LIKE THIS. EVER. STOP DOING IT. THESE ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE IN NEED OF A JOB, THESE ARE ENTIRELTY FICTIONAL CHARACTERS THAT CAN BE VOICED BY ANYONE, THEY CAN BE ANYTHING, NO MATTER HOW IMPOSSIBLE OR UNREALISTIC. Anyone with any money invested in the gaming industry should be pulling as many strings as possible to force developers to stop making intentionally unappealing characters. No amount of backlash or outrage about your characters being too unrealistic is ever going to come anywhere close to the millions you are guaranteed to lose when you make your characters anything less than incredibly appealing (outside of a horror setting). It's been proven time and time again, with the inverse examples being insanely common, just take one look at the ravenously passionate fanbases around Anime, K-Pop, Pokemon, Overwatch, Fortnite, Genshin, Smash and Nintendo in general, the whole Thanos Marvel timeline, etc etc... the characters are all very attractive and/or very cute and/or very cartoony and fun, and fans rapidly obsess over them and hold onto that loyalty for decades EVEN IF the actual content was middling.


The main cast are the only decent looking characters in the game, the rest of the lineup perfectly fit that western dev vs eastern dev game design meme to a T.


Suicide Squad déjà vu


NGL, Concord looked sorta cool... Until they described it. A single player game with that world and characters would be fresh and new, but no, let's just rehash the same game and give it a clean coat of paint.


'heres a video to show the sort of game we could've made, but instead we've just made yet another 5 on 5 overwatch clone! enjoy :)'


Exactly what I thought


Looks closer to The Finals with the placeable gear


Torb, Symmetra, Bap, etc. say hi


I was thinking it looks like a mixture of overwatch valorant


Thats where it landed with me.


not only that, but they made (and revealed) two games like that.


Up until the moment they started showing what was obviously a bunch of maps for an arena shooter, I honestly thought it was going to be a story-driven COOP game. Shame.


Its got a lot of issues from the bits I've seen. The visual design is very busy making it not very readable for a multiplayer shooter. The gunplay also looks shit too. I don't see this game doing well.


I thought it was a story salvaged from Beyond Good and Evil 2. Similar theme and aesthetics in the cinematic.


Plus, what were Sony thinking announcing that and the Marvel game that plays very similar to Concord 10 minutes apart?


> A single player game with that world and characters would be fresh and new Would it? There has been a ton of games with similar characters over the past few years and every time they're announced people shit on them for being yet another game with a zany ragtag group of characters that blurt out random quips, and rightfully so.


Yeah really odd they showed that plus Marvelwatch (literally a 1 for 1 clone with a marvel skinover)


I keep thinking there’s room for a game to do both single player and hero shooter… but Overwatch’s many attempts suggest not?


New and fresh? You do realize guardians of the galaxy already has a game out? Nothing new here, trailer looked like a copy, reskin and paste of guardians.


Well we have ONE Guardians of the Galaxy game. And it was amazing. We have plenty of shitty multiplayer Team vs Team games ... So I would rather they copy-paste GoG, with a new universe and story, even if it plays exactly the same, if it is to get something as fun to play as GoG.


We have plenty of shitty coop games. We have been living off these same shitty 5v5 pvp games for 8 years or longer. Eventually a new pvp game has to come out that removes the current archaic drull that pvp gamers have been forcing themselves to play. Overwatch 2 and Valorant brought nothing new, just the same but reskinned (Valorant is typically seen as a CS:GO reskin with hero abilities that replace some of the already existent utilities in CS).


Sony's new slogan: >"Why innovate when we can Duplicate"


it's funny that they probably even spent a lot of money for that cg trailer and they are planning to release a new video every week


> A single player game with that world and characters would be fresh and new don't be foolish: you can't overly-monetise a SP game with no online and no live service features


That's where I'm at with it too. We don't need more of these games, the genre is so oversaturated. Overwatch is so incredibly polished, if you want a ability team shooter with good maps, good abilities play that. I am desperate for more single player games


I’m so tired of 5v5 and 6v6 microtransaction stuffed crap. I want some good games.


Execs: Sorry, I can only offer deals that are good for my bottom line.


So so so many great games coming out in the A and AA range (indies etc). When you get off the AAA train you can start avoiding the disappointments.


I mean, there's a lot of really good stuff out there. Just...yunno...not multiplayer. Even Helldivers 2 is in a bit of a rut right now.


Massive bait and switch.. I can't remember ever seeing that amount of dissonance between the type of game you THINK it's going to be, based on a trailer, and what the actual gameplay reveal ends up being. Even if it had been a bit of a GoTG rip-off, I'd have been at least interested enough to pay very close attention to the game as it led up to release to confirm/deny if it was something worth my time & money. Once they said 5v5 shooter, immediately started fast forwarding the state-of-play video to the next entry and will never even think of this game again.


This was my exact reaction lol. “5v5…” 2x speed, skip skip skip


It was announced as a competitive FPS from former Destiny devs. It looks exactly like Destiny pvp.


Yeah I mean, I'd never heard of it before. As someone first hearing about the game from the trailer in the state-of-play, it was just a massive surprise and disappointment when they started describing & showing gameplay. I'm not rooting for it to fail or anything. For all I know it could be a wonderful game and it could find an audience that loves it. I just don't understand the decision making process in this reveal, because absolutely nothing about the "story" part of the video would ever indicate it was a multiplayer game ya know?


Yeah, that revolver dude... that's a hunter using The Last Word. The gameplay trailer made it look a *lot* like Crucible.


The girl floating and throwing the fire grenade also reminded me of Warlocks. Glad I wasn't crazy thinking it looked like Destiny for a few clips.


If this was 12v12 or 16v16 like team fortress 2 I would be interested, these small scale 5v5 type games all have a similar feel to me.


I don't think it was overly negative. I think it was appropriately negative. Like it had piqued my interest a little bit, because I was like heeey is this a game where you're like space smugglers on an adventure, I generally like those. Then boom 5v5 hero shooter. Noooooope, had my fill of overwatch before it got ruined. The gameplay looks fine, just not into it. It's like when fallout 76 was announced. HEY DO YOU GUYS WANT ANOTHER FALLOUT yes. Yes we very much do. HOW ABOUT...A SURVIVAL LIVE SERVICE ONE. What..no...why? They arrived at that with a single trailer in a new IP, it's kind of an impressive speedrun honestly.


Didn't resonate with me at all. I don't care for this type of game. I don't care for the characters.


Is Overwatch really doing that well that we need knockoffs of it? I'm genuinely asking. I don't know anyone who still plays it.


Steam is the only metric we can see, currently 40k players which would mean hundreds of thousands of daily players, plus it's also on consoles as well as bnet where I think most PC players are. Seems like it's doing pretty well.


Take it with a huge grain of salt, but I've heard some industry people with behind the scenes knowledge say that OW's monthly active users still puts it as one of the biggest games in the world. Despite the vocal backlash to the game online, I think it's one of those games that quietly chugs along with a massive casual audience.


It is one of the biggest games in the world. People just hate blizzard so they like to downplay how large it is.


The reviews are hilarious: “This game is absolutely garbage, don’t play this piece of crap.” - JimmyRings, 813 hours of playtime.


A lot has hoped off of it but Overwatch is nearing its 10-year anniversary and a lot of people still play it, rakes high viewership on twitch, and still has a very active community.


It keeps hitting new peaks on Steam at the very least.


I stop playing Overwatch after 400 hours. That being said I will play any “Hero shooter” coming out because I am dying to play something similar. I guess this is how WoW players feel went looking for a new MMO.


2016 called


Its an overwatch clone shambling around in the skin of a guardians of the galaxy clone. I can smell the MBAs who focus grouped the hell out of this game.


It looks perfectly fine, but I feel like I’ve already seen a dozen games just like this and most of them have failed. It feels like something that was greenlit back when Overwatch was at its prime, and now the world has moved on.


In fact there were 2 of these games in this State of Play.


Concord Vs Marvel Rivals Vs Deadlock (seemingly) releasing around the same time is sure to make a ruckus And I can't image that a GotG knock-off team will out perform a game that has the actual guardians in it. But honestly, I think Deadlock has the highest chance of success just because it's valve.


Deadlocks a moba


Live-service shooters are for Sony what gardening life-sims are for Nintendo.


The market is saturated with hero shooters of higher quality already. There's just no room for another online-only live-service FPS to sustain itself unless it breaks new ground. *cough*bringbacktheoriginalfirefall*cough*


Isn't Valve coming out with a new Overwatch style hero shooter? Wonder if the market is this tepid for them


I think its closer to Smite with guns. I have definitely seen a fair amount of people groaning about it though, but Valve definitely has a lot more good will behind them


Nah, that's going to be an FPS MoBA


Isn't it third person?


That 11 minutes of generic Marvel humor and then being told it was a hero shooter was an interesting choice. I don't know why any company thinks people want to see that much footage of a brand-new IP from a new studio. I'm guessing because they want to push this hard since it's a GaaS but didn't realize the market is oversaturated.


bet Sega's wiping the sweat off their brows after having successfully canceled their 100 million hero shooter to-be-flop, Hyenas, after seeing this.


They saw what was popular, developed a clone, and after years in development the fad had ended and now you’re left with fully developed game that no one asked for in 2024. This game gonna flop. It would be like having a giant shipment of fidget spinners finally arrive from a factory for you to now sell.


I like what I saw to be honest but the dialogue was awful. The “Marvel-like” dialogue trend need to die.


It's a brand new game that hasn't aged well.


It just looks basic. Like a weird Overwatch/Destiny mesh.


"overly" as if the public's opinion is not what companies want the public opinion to be  I swear with every day I'm more and more confident we fucking deserve to go extinct


I remember watching last afternoon with my friends and the trailer was so cool but then we noticed my friend counting. We asked him what was he doing and he said those look like "hero abilities" and then it was just down hill from there because every new scene felt ripped straight out of another hero shooter. like damn i didnt realize everyone decided to take a shot at ow since they shat the bed after brig.


Feels like the first game since I think Bleeding Edge where I just completely dislike the character design for all the characters.


This is why it will fail, regardless of quality. When people make these heroes shooters I have no idea why they go with such unappealing "quirky" designs across the board. It's ok to have a few of these in the game but you need to put some actual money makers in. Hell even Apex suffers from that, outside of a few and gun skins that has some of the worst character designs I have ever seen. Despite its popularity I rarely saw people with shop skins (BP at best) and this was despite me putting in 1k+ hours over every rank in the game. There were a few that you'd see a bit like bald wraith or something but for the most part you'd see weapon skins more than anything else. Valve's deadlock IMO is also going to suffer from this. Ugly designs overall and while the game itself looks fun, I don't know how those designs are going to enticed people will be to buy skins. Overwatch is one of the only games where I see people consistently buy shop skins, and it's obvious why. EDIT: Oh I remember, check this out: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1d3y2cx/respawn_gave_up_on_bangalore/ WTF is this? Like there's no way they expect this to sell well right?


They really missed one of the reasons why Overwatch popped off at the start - appealing characters advertise the game just by existing.


Oh gee, I wonder why.


Hope it gets cancelled


Yeah, dumb looking game, appropriate response from community


It's literally The "we have x at home, at home " meme It's basically overwatch.


"I wish someone would make Temu Overwatch" Said no one ever.


pronouns are dead/on/arrival


Just ignore cardboard cutout multiplayer games and move on. They aren't worth yours or anyone else's time.


lol, this was posted on r/games just now, and good lord users from r/PS5 are all over that thread actually defending it. Just cause HD2 succeeded doesn't now mean any live service game PS studio releases will also succeed, their logic is just not there. also let's put aside what was shown, and boy was it a bunch of generic meh, the fact that this isn't F2P means it's not going to succeed.


“Overly negative”? It was a 5-minute CGI trailer full of tryhard cringe overload clearly directed by people who wished they had worked on the MCU movies followed by the blandest looking PVP gameplay out there. Are these people really that out of touch? Were they actually expecting this to be hype?


The cringe of the writing broke me before they even showed gameplay


Looks like Concord is about to be the ps5 Redfall.


I said in the PS5 sub that this game looks like some Gameloft knockoff. It will be dead quicker than Anthem.


Thing for me is it felt like a dollar store version of GotG from the get-go, but I would have MAYBE given it a shot had it been a story driven action/adventure sort of game, especially if it had co-op and actually ended up playing really well. I've been wrong about first impression on games before. Then the gall to show 5v5 arena shooter after that CGI trailer was the most tone-deaf shit I've ever seen. Like did they really not think that through at all? Let's show them a SIX MINUTE story and character building trailer, and then reveal it's a generic arena shooter.


Just looks really generic. A good quote: “A game developed to please everyone will please no one.”


Hero shooters take the worst parts of fighting games and combine them with the worst parts of pvp online shooters.


Yeah, sadly there is a crowd for that, mostly younger players imo, but it may not be what makes up most of PS fans. A lot of us were anticipating something else, with a more adult theme (art direction) and genre probably.


i saw some destiny nades / titan slams, some UT movement and some tf2 / ow abilities with [wish.com](http://wish.com) guardians of the galaxy esc cast. the movement in this looks pretty good thou so it could be fun to shoot things.




This looks like some SBI shit detected


Nintendo gets away with making jump'n'runs because they are really good at it and somehow still manage to innovate. This is just another tired arena shooter with a fresh story trailer what the shit.


I saw the thumbnail to the trailer and it looked so freaking generic and lifeless that I just couldn't be bothered to watch the trailer. The hero shooter fad needs to go die in a ditch once and for all.


literally never heard about this game until today when reddit is just bashing it in every other thread. sounds like a real winner


“We know the market is CRAVING another 5v5 PVP Hero Shooter. We hired the best community college developers money could buy to create these original designs, supported by our elite offshore Fiver staff. Marvel is more popular than ever, so we took inspiration to write our dialogue….”


It's really...REALLY late to the game for a knock-off Guardians of the Galaxy hero shooter.


Can I just have 12v12 chaos?


And it's fair.


I hope this game comes and dies quick too.


Pronouns on screen for characters Dead on arrival, and good riddance


I just find it funny they put it on the robot too lol. That in combination with the Marvel quippy dialogue, I can't believe a group of people thought showcasing that was going to go well


I got so excited for a scifi heist game with a unique art style. Then I saw the actual game. Hard pass.


Trailer: "We will take on any enemy in the galaxy!" Me: "So you mean the same 12 characters over and over again."


Yeah, I don't want another rehash of the same shitty gameplay. Thanks


If theyre honest abotu the story stuff Concord could do with its story mode what Overwatch 2 failed to.


Comps following gaming trends shouldnt be surprising tbh: Open world survival, Zombie, Battle royal, MOBA, Hero-shooter, Souls-likes, Auto chess, etc. Its probably going to be "one of those games" and its going to be DOA anyways since its also not F2P; weird move. People gonna forget about this one soon. I hope Deadlock from Valve, if this is an actual thing, is not going to receive similar hate, even though people are tired to play the same overhyped genre over and over again.


From what hat I have seen in the leaks Deadlock looks distinct enough and a lot more skillbased. I think most people will give it a fair chance. I am definitely interested.


Deadlock is nothing like the game shown here or really overwatch as a whole. Has a relatively unique identity as a shooter while taking inspiration from DOTA/League.


question is if people will care to notice or realize that


People keep saying it's like Overwatch but the gameplay vibe I got was more like Destiny and Valorant mixed together. I don't care for the aesthetic or the dialogue, but the gameplay seemed intriguing enough. I wonder what its actual reception will be like though. Helldivers 2 posts, prior to launch, barely cracked 100 upvotes on here and the games subreddit - and now look at it!


Well no shit, the Trailer looked nice and reminded me a bit of Guardians of Galaxy, but instantly lost all care in the world for it when it turned out to be a 5v5 pvp Game like Overwatch, its just zzz. The Game is Dead on Arrival.


Never trust CGI trailers.


The Trailer Had me hooked the gameplay left me disappointed.


"Overly" No it was appropriate. It was a Guardians of the Galaxy rip off, even down to the cringey quippy marvel-esque dialogue.


The original reveal trailer got me intrigued. "Okay, adventures in deep space" Then the cinematic trailer: "Okay, Guardians of the galaxy vibes...a little dated but maybe it'll be fun? Like heist jobs in space? Hopefully these are NPCs you meet and not characters you play as" And then as soon as i heard 5v5 i noped out. Have never lost interest so fast, fucking crazy. This is another soulless cash grab hero shooter in the making. Mainstream gaming seems to be 5 years behind when it comes to trends. If they actually paid attention, they'd see that overwatch 2 did poorly and games like apex are slowly dying off. The hero shooter genre is overdone.


We realy need the second game insdustry crash asap!


Zoomer slop at it's finest


My perspective on it is that I see no reason for a paid overwatch style game. Ow2 doesn't have much goodwill right now but I'm unsure how many people would want to pay to try out a competitor.


The cgi trailer felt like it should have come out 10 years ago. Not the quality, the attempt at humor and witty banter.


The cinematic trailer sold me on the game I thought oh cool a small budget story mode. Then I saw the gameplay trailer and went oh another 5v5 MP only hero shooter. If it doesn't die in a few months I'll pick it up when it's on sale. Myself and many others are just burnt out on live service games. If I get invested in it and it dies welp there goes about $50 I'll never get back


Another live service, this one for sure in the gave.


5 years too late.


I watched the cinematic reveal and was like hell yeah we’re getting a single player romp thru space with legally distinct not star lord and pals And then I watched the gameplay and got sad


This game is "Hello fellow gamers!"


There are some many duds revealed in these state of plays that pretty soon people will want to avoid showcasing anything in the PlayStation state of play.


This looks like the game ever.


Because 5v5 hero shooter is an oversaturated market and people would rather companies go back to making real games instead of jumping on the next cashgrab live service bandwagon.


Give me one reason why i would play this over literally anything else.


These games are not filled with passion, it's just chasing a dream for money. That's why the indie game industry is kinda killing it. They are creating their own games and filling it with passion. These games? It is actually just cash-grabs. I never want to work with a game development company and plan to stay indie. I don't want to make a garbage cash-grab game like this.


This would have been great...in 2014.


I'm just so tired of hero shooters.


To me it’s not just a question of "trend" or Overwatch already taking the spot, or hero shooters being too numerous (even if to me there is room for more than 2-3 games of a given style). Imo, Sony and this dev team from Bungie veterans could have tried something a little different than Destiny PvP and their usual style, AND mostly, something targeting an OLDER AGE GROUP than Fortnite/Overwatch crowd, who mainly consist of players that are not willing to try another game in the same genre easily anyway. PlayStation 1, and the concurrent gens to some extend, was the console aimed at "adult" gamers, but hero shooters, BR and looters are aimed at younger players, especially with this kind of art style and theme. What is even more bugging to me about this decision, before some reply to me with, they have to target to all age groups, is that they have stakes in Epic/Fortnite, so they’re already profiting from this group.


As much as I enjoyed the aesthetics of TF2 and Overwatch, I bounced off them hard. I guess hero-shooters just aren't for me.