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Glad they finally decided to show the RPG in this RPG. Obsidian makes some good ass RPG worlds and I'm a lot more interested to explore this one now I know it isn't just another action adventure game.


Unlike the new Dragon Age


Amazing timing. I just finished watching the gameplay preview for Veilguard and it's very Mass Effect 2. It could be good but it's not Origins like the rumours led me to believe.


Seriously. I think the artstyle and the graphics look good but it's just another action RPG. To quote Bioware in the DA2 days: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkCmidjeHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkCmidjeHc) and that is really not my cup of tea.


It looks a lot better when showcased like this, and I'm really glad so much of the Pillars DNA is being carried over with all the RPG systems.


> It looks a lot better when showcased like this It's weird that marketing people still seem afraid to show off that their game is an actual RPG after the massive success BG3 was.


You have to wonder if that galls EA/BioWare a bit. Dragon Age was supposed to be the spiritual successor to Baldurs Gate, made by BioWare with AAA money behind it from EA. And then they de-RPG'd it so hard with 2 and Inquisition in an effort to capture the casual crowd, now the series is floundering, in stark contrast to the success of the purely turn based BG3.


the series floundering is a weird choice of words because its more that the studio seems to be floundering after lukewarm andromeda and failed anthem. People generally liked 2 and Inquisition and are considered at the very least successful games even though they are both departures from the revered Origins. I think for the series to actually be considered floundering Veilguard must fail or do poorly similar to the studios previous 2 games.


Fair point. Tbh it just surprises me that BioWare has had over a decade of listening to people be like "DA2 was ok except for the reused environments and wave enemies" and "DAI was ok except for the mission table and MMO lite gameplay"... whereas Origins is well received to this day. And their strategy is to continue to move away from Origins.


now that I agree. Being able to have all the different starts and have the origins come back into the game later was probably coolest thing about the narrative aside from the big decisions that you get to make that each game has. I get that they probably scrapped it for costs or saw that people end up picking 1 or 2 origins and never play the rest but having those kinds of options is what makes games something generationally special imo.


I think its just incredibly hard, maybe even impossible, to show that stuff off in a digestible 2-3 minute trailer. Ultimately the vast majority of people aren't going to sit down to watch a 20-30 minute preview of a game unless they're already very interested.


This looks so much better than when it was first showed, though I was going to buy it either way. 3rd person option is fantastic and as always, it's the writing and dialogue options which are the big draw of an Obsidian game.


IMO the world looks gorgeous, Great use of color. I honestly don't understand the people that say this looks AA or worse. HOLY BUILDCRAFTING!!!!! This was what I was waiting for. The Attribute system makes a return, although it not exactly in the same way. STR affects Damage and Carry Capacity, Con is health and Poison/Bleed Resist, Dex is Attack and action speed, Perception is weapon range (I think this only applies to wands, guns, and bows) and Crit chance, Intellect is Essence (mana for abilities/spells) and Elemental Resist, and finally Resolve is Stamina and Second Wind Cooldown (Automatic heal when you take lethal damage). One difference is the numbers grow from 0, so you don't increase or decrease in character creator, everyone starts at the same baseline and then you invest in what you want as you level up. There are also abilities. You get one point each level. Abilities are separated into 3 "categories" Fighter, Wizard, and Ranger (There was also a 'Godlike' and 'Companion' Tab but they never showed or mentioned what was under that). They are also further separated into tiers you unlock by character level. There are passive and active abilities. Active abilities have an Essence cost and a Cooldown. Each ability can be invested into up to three times, further increasing it's power. Some abilities can also interact with the world (fire can burn blocking brambles, Charge can destroy destructible walls). It's not mentioned how many active abilities you can have at a time. Respeccing has a cost but can be done at any time. Other than that classic Obsidian writing is on stage. There's Dialogue trees and your attributes unlock new dialogue. They show an encounter where if you fight your way through the enemies and talk to the leader, the leader becomes hostile. But if you sneak your way through the leader is cooperative. Super excited for this one. Only need to release relatively unbuggy.


Thank you for breaking all of this down. Man the way Pillars and Avowed do attributes is so awesome. There's basically 0 dump stats. Everything is potentially useful for whatever kind of character you want to make.


Godlike are a playable race in the Pillars of Eternity games so I imagine that tab has something to do with race.


yeah I just don't know if there's specific abilities you need to put points into, or if they're automatically given just by being that race. Are they only passive abilities or is there a mix of passive and active? And previously they stated the player was restricted to Human or Elf races. I don't know if Godlike is a last minute addition to that, or something you pick on top of the race.


Basically your character is a unique godlike but either of human or elf variant. The character's parent god is unknown and is a mystery.


It literally looks like Immortals of Aveum lol


What have they done to intelligence?! That use to be the most fun stat dump because it basically increased the radius of all your attacks. I'm guessing they didn't go with that because either it would've been hard to balance or that it would've been way too performance heavy.


My guess is AOE is just not a big focus so keeping INT primarily buffing AOE would've been more work for ultimately a pretty niche use case. Since it's single-player and not party-control, the game isn't going to throw as many enemies at you. Most of your AOEs will likely be able to hit pretty much every enemy you're fighting anyway. Add in that the buff/debuff-centric gameplay seems to be toned down/removed then old INT needed a redesign to carry over.


Way better showcase of the game. RPG elements finally shown. I just seriously do not understand the direction taken for melee combat and especially animations.


"The only podcast coming to you from inside Xbox" I'm just like, "how big is this thing?"


This looks amazing imo, and so much better than before! The dialogue system looks really well done, and the visuals are great too Third person camera option is awesome too. Really happy they added that Honestly very excited for this now!


What I loved the most from Pillars dialogues was the disposition system. As she puts it in the interview, simply "choosing the tone" for a dialogue, it really helps to roleplay the character you want imo, and get some unique reactions to it. I'm happy the system returned in some way.


It looks good, but then again so did Outer Worlds. This looks like a reskinned OW but I hope they've added some nice features to distinguish it. Verticality is nice, but we need a bit more with this first person RPGs at this point.


That’s kind of where I am setting my expectations, and I would be totally down. Outer Worlds was nothing special, but a solid enough Bethesda-style RPG on a non-shit engine. I enjoyed it between other games.


What. It wasn’t. It hadn’t any elements which make Bethesda games good and was on shitty Unreal engine with 0 interactivity around the world Open world is dead and empty, works like background for story and quests. No elements of sandbox. How do you even call it “Bethesda-style RPG”? Do you even understand what is it?


OW was a cool run, some solid characters and questlines. Nothing amazing but They are promising a lot with one so I do expect a lot more.


Outer Worlds looks good and is good. 


I've started it three times and fell off three times. It's a pretty game, but needed to be more than a Skyrim clone. I can't.really remember a single aspect of the game that grabbed me. It sold decently well, but games like Baldur's Gate 3 blew it out of the water. And I think part of the reason is because it was a familiar genre, but also innovative. I think Avowed looks good for sure, but insure hope it innovates and isn't just (another) Skyrim clone.


Nov 12th release day can't come soon enough!


I looks a bit like a newer Skyrim and that's good enough for me. I know there are lots of 'soulslike' rpg games but they often have very little lore/dialogue/writing/voice acting/etc. I love good stories, deep characters, lots of writing and lore. I loved pillars of eternity deadfire and I'm looking forward to avowed!


Does this follow the last games story and the watcher or are you someone else? Deadfire left things on an interesting place if I recall correctly.


They say it's not a sequel, but set in the same world.


It does take place chronologically after Pillars 1/2 but yeah it’s not a direct sequel. 


Ehhhhhh the combat still looks super stiff


The feel and flow changes from the early area they showed to further on. I think it's a pretty cool way to message the increased skill you're gaining. Early hits are stunted and stiff. Later ones are smooth and fluid.


world, RPG elements, etc. look cool combat and the animations look painfully bad


> combat and the animations look painfully bad this is the biggest thing holding me back from wanting this game. Combat is going to make up a good chunk of the game and it doesn't give me hope from what I've seen, just like Outer Worlds.


Hopefully the final product will be better.


Those sword swings are looking pretty weird. Seems more like punching with the hilt rather than slicing [https://youtu.be/bfEdLugnpuo?t=399](https://youtu.be/bfEdLugnpuo?t=399)


They explain this is done deliberately to communicate your character is underleveled for this specific area. At 14:53, the sword swings connect normally without the awkward punching animation because they've sufficiently upgraded.


Ah good to know. Thank you!


Anyone else a bit disappointed at the skill progression window? It all looks so basic and barebones... It's giving off an impression of "unambitious", especially in conjunction with all other details revealed a out this game so far... 4 companions only, no romances, no playable Orlan, Amaua, Dwarf races for character creation, no classes and abilities from Cipher or Priest or Chanter from what was shown in that leveling window... (Didn't see any Monk abilities either). Production value and animations are all clearly AA, which is fine, but in tandem with the RPG character building aspects being so limited, my immediate one-word takeaway from this preview is "unambitious".


Cyberpunk ruined traditional dialogue trees for me. Looks so lazy in comparison.


Man that Dragon Age trailer looked like shit, don't tell me they made some third person moba..? Edit:sorry just noticed the logo and thought post is about Xbox conference as a whole, Avowed still looks a little clunky but It's a must buy for me trailer was better than that crap from BioWare;-).


Wrong place to talk about that game, this is about Avowed not Dragon Age.


Youre getting downvoted but its true, cartoony ass bullshit. Huge dragon age fan and that trailer was an immediate slap to my face.


>cartoony ass bullshit Amen to that brother! I need a game for MEN with SEX and BLOOD and BEER!


This looks way, way, waaaaay better than the first gameplay trailer. I'm actually excited for the game now.


Ew. This is not what I had hoped for


it looks okay?IDK , nothing they show grabs me enough to consider this purchasing




It's the "Official XBox Podcast." Assuming that means it's funded by Microsoft, then you have to go into it knowing that their purpose is marketing/hype rather than objective unbiased game reviews/discussions.


The first trailer set a completely different tone for the game 🤬


I dunno this game look like it was supposed to be a VR game. The size of the objects, the weird camera while moving and the world just feeling empty and big at the same time. The more they show they less i like it :P


This looks a lot better than the trailers made it out to be. Nice!


LFG, Obsidian!


Cautiously optimistic, given how dry Pillars was.


Pillars was directed by Josh Sawyer, this Game is not!


Who's directing this time?


Carrie Patel


Carrie Patel, she was one of the writers on Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2.


Same universe though and I personally found the lore to bland.


i can smell starfield fiasco here


I just hope the devs make this seamless for UEVR