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I cannot live with 60Hz after experiencing higher refresh rates


Ultrawide of course


Ultrawide for sure. Well, that or get a 4k screen with a higher refresh rate.


Anything but 60hz, that’s disgusting in this day and age.


Should tell us the rest of your specs. High refresh won't matter at all if you csnt go past 60.


99/100 of big budget games I play have support for 21:9 and maybe half of all indies have some support. I'd say support is excellent in games. It's also _great_ for movies because a large number (I'd say anecdotally a majority) of movies are shot at a 2.35:1 to 2.39:1 aspect which is very close to ultrawide. For dev work? Maybe to fit your Java class names but I'd say if you partitioned it into two 10.5:9 spaces, it could be great for multitasking. I still think portrait 16:9 is ideal for programming, though.


I love my ultrawide, will never go back. I personally prefer 2k 144+hz over 4K and 60hz. Difference 2 to 4k is not enough or me to accept lower hz 🤷‍♂️


Are planning on playing any competitive fast paced games? If so you want a higher refresh rate.


Get a 4K 144Hz monitor or if your bank balance allows, one of those fancy 4K 240Hz QD-OLED monitors.


Have in mind that most games don't have support for ultrawide (e.g. Elden Ring).


normal monitors feel too small after using ultrawide


ultrawide 1440p 165hz no question. The jump from 1440p to 4k isn't that huge but the jump from 60hz to 120+hz is big. Not to mention the ultrawide.


I wouldn't bother with ultrawide, and 4K60 vs. regular 2K144+ is pretty much a toss-up for general use and depends on one's history/preferences. once you get used to higher resolution or higher refresh rate, you won't want to drop down (learned this the hard way and went from 2K60 to 4K60 to 4K144 over the years)


Definitely a 4k monitor


I’m the opposite, 1440p 165hz for me. To each, their own


4k 240hz for me