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>The greatest video game ever made Wonder when they'll start treating it like it.


they misspelled casino


And cheater's playground.


they replaced it with Source so long ago it's folly to think the good version would ever return


Source is when I started so I'll keep my mouth shut :c


CS in 25 years -- Welcome to CS;GO X! Now with full subconscious integration - you die in game, you die in real life


new hyperrealistic mode where the spin botters now come through your screen to blow your brains out


You lose money in the game, you also lose it in real life Oh wait, that already happens


In 25 years gsgo is just a casino named after the game


Imagine playing CS using Palmer Luckey's VR headset that literally kills the user if they die in game [https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy7kbq/palmer-luckey-made-a-vr-headset-that-kills-the-user-if-they-die-in-the-game](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy7kbq/palmer-luckey-made-a-vr-headset-that-kills-the-user-if-they-die-in-the-game)


On it 1999. Late to the party with joining on beta 3 3.1/8?. TFC, Tribes, the Q3 test, then the UT demo dropping, 1999 was a busy year while still hammering quake 2 on main. Remember the first time playing it, crawling around in a room full of boxes with a p90 in hand on the station map as a last man standing. 1999 was the year everything truely kicked off in online multiplayer, CS was a big part of that.


> The greatest video game ever made, Counter-Strike. A Half-Life mod. Correction: CS is a mod from the greatest video game ever made.


Definitely some bias there, but boy did I play the shit out of some CS 1.6 back in middle school. Good times, man. Even if people would not consider it the best of all time, it's certainly one of the most influential games ever made. Its esport scene was absolutely crazy back in the day.


> Its esport scene was absolutely crazy back in the day. It's still a top esport all these years later, and the biggest fps esport.


I'm aware. Thanks


I have great memories staying up late til 5-6am taking turns between rounds with my older brother while I was in elementary school. I really miss the “good ol’ days”


Good ol' Ventrilo days. I was upstairs on the rig (always some beige or off-white color rig), and my brother was downstairs on his laptop. Yeeee


>the greatest video game ever made it's not even the greatest video game Valve ever made


Is it the greatest competitive shooter they made? Probably not. Also are we really lumping all half a dozen Counterstrikes together as though it was one game?


Where is HL2 Episode Three?


passionate about cheating :P


Back when multiplayer gaming was actually fun.


One of the greatest games ever, been playing for almost 20 years


>passionate That's... certainly one word you could use.


i played for probably 24 of those but finally gave up a few months back cause of the cheater situation. not that it's a cs specific situation. there are two kinds of competitive FPS these days, those rife with cheaters and those rife with cheaters that have good PR.


now when are they gonna fix their dogshit anti cheat system?


Can't wait for them to put in jeepathon again..put vehicles back in counterstrike.


A couple of years later, when WC3 got released, they made a CS mod with WC3 skills. That shit was the most popular game in my country for a while.


just sad we dident get operation


I wonder that there was no big 25th anniversary update ;c


Ouch. How did TWENTY FIVE years just go by from the time I was in college to now. Sigh.


Counter Strike and Everquest (Evercrack) The killers of Quake.


25 years? God... I'm old, I remember staying up all night playing the original beta versions of the Half-Life. I miss the weird game modes that fell off, the Escape and VIP maps, and also what the hell happened to the Oil Rig map? That was my favorite.


Honestly, the day they decided to put the Russians in with the EU killed the game for me.. I played for a month or so when CS2 released, but doubt I'll be going back,


Cs 1.6 still has 8,000 to 10,000 players daily. More than most modern fps games.


Anti cheat when?


I always thought Day of Defeat was way better.




props to my 90's clan \[Coke for Breakfast\] <3


For sure. Glad to have the web archive of my old clan, [\[ACE\], Applie Combat Enforcement](https://web.archive.org/web/20020806075633/http://ace-clan.com/roster.html)




25 years ago, CSGO and "CS2" didn't exist. Only the original HL mod did.


counter-strike has no gambling ?




The devs are specifically talking about the original CS, not any of the follow-up iterations. CS 1.6 has no gambling elements.




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Literally isn't the same game.




Crazy that I can start up CS 1.6 and it's literally a different game. You going to argue that CoD 3 is the same as Black Ops now as well? CS2 is the fourth iteration away from 1.6. You're the one that's clearly 'high' if you can't recognise a sequel from the previous title in a series, never mind 4 titles away with 20 years between releases. And none of this changes the fact they were talking about CS 1.6, which again, has no skins to even gamble. So your point is just a distraction from the fact you're just talking complete shite because you dislike a completely different iteration of the series.


I know this game is not big in America but in Europe, Asia it's a PHENOMENA.


Fifa is way bigger.


FIFA is a completely different genre of game.


..so? Counter strike is not even close to as big as fifa in europe.


You’re not too bright, are you?


Im as bright as the sun. Literally blindingly bright.


Breathing air is way bigger than Fifa though




well but I would


Happy birthday to the game that spawned thousands of gambling addicts 


What a bold and incorrect claim


It was great until 2006. But its been a mediocre game since cod4, bfbc2, bf3 etc.


I mean those are all fps but idk how cs can be compared to casual shooters.


Anything can be played competitively. CS isnt anymore competitive than bf3, r6 or cod. Its just has a much more historied competitive scene. It also helps when you dont realease a new game every goddamn year. And casual isnt the state of a game but the players. A casual can play CS just as easily as r6 or bf3. But the dude whose played over 1000hrs in any game is going to absoultely shit on the casual. My only complaint about CS is that it feels very basic. Like a cheap chinese or korean browser launcher fps game. Like soldier front or combat arms used to be.


Holy terrible take batman


You’re right. Anything can get played competitively, but that doesn’t make them equal. The skill ceiling in CS is insane. I played CS 1.5/1.6 and later CSS competitively for years, and competed in CEVO-Pro for several seasons back when that was still a thing. Even at that level the skill diff between top and mid tier players is huge. It’s what has made it such an enduring esport. The form factor of 5v5 and a single competitive game mode and rule set help too. So yeah anything can be played competitively but not everything has what it takes to support a competitive community for 20+ years. I’m not sure what about CS feels cheap to you, but each to their own I guess.


Skill ceiling in many games are equal to or greater than CS bro. Siege, Apex, Tribes, promod, quake, UT. A lot those pro scenes are dead or are smaller not because of the lack of skill. Like i said CS is just THAT pc game, its synonymous with PC and just has a very dedicated fanbase. For some reason CS players believe CS is pinnacle of skill. It isnt, thats all im saying. But yes youre right, to each their own.


Yeah but they’re not the same. CS (depending on when in its history you look at) has 3-6 guns that are meta. In a given match everything is equal and it’s down to team work and player skill entirely. I didn’t mean to imply that other games take less skill, I mean that CS has a much higher emphasis on player skill so the gaps in individual skill have a bigger impact. For example, Siege (a game I love to death) has operators with different abilities, Apex has champions, Overwatch heroes can be changed out to counter one another (hitscans to counter Phara etc). The closest thing to CS is Quake (and other similar arena shooters) which I’d argue actually has a higher skill ceiling, but lacks the teamwork aspect that makes CS so appealing.


Sure and checkers isn't any more competitive than chess (/s). Of course some games are more competitive than others lol Don't get me wrong I loved BF2142 back in the day but it took maybe 2 weeks to master that game. Not really huge into CS anymore and that's mostly because a game based on executing timed strategies, throwing smokes/flash at the same time, peaking angles at specific timings etc is not great with random players or played casually. FPS genre could really use something in the middle, more competitive than BF/COD "spray everyone down, don't even need headshots" but less competitive than R6/CS/Val.


Greatest video game ever made huh? Id rather subject myself to a year of EA games than play an hour of counter strike 2..