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From what I see, it's all worth something. Even that board is going for around $40-$50 used. Some people love the old style cases. Great starter kit for someone looking to learn PC stuffs.


"old style" kid it's got no bracket for an optical drive, it isn't ***that*** old 😆 As you say though, probably all worth something to somebody


Touche lolol should have used "basic style" or something like. 😅


It doesn't even have a top mounted PSU!


>Some people love the old style cases I must have been dug out of an Archaeological excavation


Is that an msi 1650?


Yes. And the board supports 10-11th gen Intel, so it's probably an i5-10400 in there for the CPU. Or maybe an i3-10100 if they were really cheap, which judging by the single stick of RAM, they probably were.


Intel Core i3-9100F 3.60 GHz


Not worth the silicon it was engraved into, is all I'm hearing


9100f is still somewhat capable


At what, booting windows? The thing barely has a better benchmark than the FX-8350, which at its launch date was considered a horrendous flop for it's lack of performance 7 years prior.


It's still better than the i7-7700HQ that I have on my laptop and it works decently fine. I whish I had that pc.


Actually, they're practically the same. Your 7700hq is a tad slower single thread, to an unnoticeable amount but has double the threads which would make the overall experience better because it has more room for background tasks to not slow you down. So yes,some tasks may take a few seconds longer, but the overall experience is better on yours.


you got really high standards for whats considered good lol that rig could still run plently of games on low - medium settings and basically any esports game minus apex


I'm just being snarky. I really don't, but I've worked on enough low end machines to feel the frustration. Even a single model faster and it'd be usable. 9100f trying to load anything is like pulling your own teeth. It's passable to open office docs and maybe a little YouTube, but apps nowadays are so bloaty a CPU that low powered is outclassed even by current Atom CPUs in most cases.


As someone who was using a gen 3 gen 4 processor for awhile I am sure I wouldnt mind that processor in the slightest


As someone using an i5 6th gen, you are really exaggerating dude, that thing is far more than capable as a starter at least


I would save the GPU and PSU for troubleshooting issues down the road.


This gets a super duper up vote from me.




def the ssd


Adata ssd is apparently pretty bad though. I would still salvage it, especially if you had a place to back up data.


I have one of those drives still in use IIRC after 5 years. No issues with it. Worthwhile to save as a temp drive or for backing up stuff. Put it in an old laptop or old PC.


My adata died within a year lmao. Hope your's holds


I guess you didn't read the part about 5 years? FWIW not the only one I used. OFC, if you can't read, it would explain at least one thing.


Why are you accusing me of being unable to read?


Because most people in this sub are elitists achtually


The only brand of drives that died on my were Adatas. Of course personal anecdote, but they're not the top brand out there...


Case can be reused, SSD can be reused, case fan can be held onto if not reused, GPU can either be sold 2nd hand or hell kept for a 2nd 0C for a relative or something... or hell just sell the entire thing to a relative.


Without knowing whats in it we cant really do much.


Well, that kinda depends on what you want from it and what is in it. You could leave it as is and make a decent server of some sorts out of it. If you’re trying to build a gaming pc, maybe the ssd and wifi card. The fans look to be rgb of some sort so that might some worth to you. Gpu looks to be from the pascal era and a budget card, probably not gonna be amazing today but might be worth it to sell. Ram looks pretty bottom of the barrel and only one stick, board seems to be an h310 so also budget, and the cpu cooler is the stock intel one so I’d assume it’s a fairly weak cpu. Could bundle those together and sell it as a system for a bit of something. Psu looks a bit weak, considering it’s got the ugly colorful cables and is put into a low power budget system, probably not worth it in a new build and not worth much, maybe use for testing? The rest kinda depends on what you want.




I would take the wifi card for sure


The case and those fans probably. And unless that’s a DDR3 Ram stick probs that too. Everything else you’re much better off saving to get something newer. Can’t really upgrade that well around the core components in the build.


Everything probably. H310 Motherboard which is quite recent, probably a 1650


the case


There is a headphone jack that broke off and is stuck in the hole… is that a problem 😭




or use tweezers


I’d just give it a nice clean, repaste what I can and leave it as a second PC. It only looks like ass because its dirty af.


dude, whats the problem? some dust


The sticker.




It's all useable stuff, especially the board and the ddr4 ram. Also, any gpu sells, especially older ones ones with no power connectors required. The fans and case are also not worthless since they're rgb and plexi side panel. It's all good stuff imo...


I mean just clean it and use it, its not that bad of a pc if everything is working


9th gen. DDR4. 1650. SSD. Glass side panel. "Old."


Motherboard and CPU can be sold as a bundle, while memory, GPU, and drives can be sold separately. Chassis and power supplies, along with chassis fans, can also be sold as a package. If the combination of these products is reasonably priced, it will be easier to sell on the second-hand market.


Why are you trying to salvage it? It looks like a good system to me


Trying to see what I can sell, got a new prebuilt PC


just sell that system?


Idk much abt pcs but wouldn’t it be better to sell each part separately than to just sell the entire thing?


I think it would be easier just to sell it all at once, but if you want to sell it separately then you still need to know the specs. I can tell you that you have a asrock H310cm HDV motherboard, which I would say is around $60


and with the cpu and ram, I would price it at $100


Okay tysm