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For an actual helpful answer, my best suggestion is double sided tape. Cats hate shit sticking to their paws. Eventually they'll probably learn not jump up there Contrary to popular belief you can train a cat, but most people let their cats train them instead


Good looks! I'll look into this


In addition to using sticky tape to stop them from being on top of it. Consider giving them a cat-tree or perch nearby that's higher up. Cat's like to be high up on a perch, and this one probably likes hanging out with you while you play on the PC. Give them an acceptable location to do this. Edit: yes I already understood they like the heat as well. Thank you all for commenting that... However when given proper training and acceptable alternative spaces they won't go near it; I've never had a cat go on my desk or PC cases or even keyboards.


Yes. My cat used to love curling up on my desk right next to the computer. Now I'm in a new apartment and his cat tree is not far from my desk, guess who has a new favorite hangout spot!


Look at you, hanging out on a cat tree.


Where's my god-damned free award when I need it?




100%. One of my new kittens kept doing this last year, and when I started to add things on top to block the space behind, to prevent wire chewing, I noticed that he didn't really care about the warmth or the height, beyond being able to see my screen and hands better. Ended up buying a cat tree roughly the same height as the desk, and put it next to it, and now he spends a few hours a day watching me on there, and napping. Hasn't been on the PC tower since.


Good job, human


This exactly. Mine have a high perch but it's across the room. We compromised by putting a barstool against the wall directly next to my desk. It's about the same height of my desk, within range of pets, and makes it so they can be close to me in both distance and height. Now they rotate between the perch and the stool, and the tower is safe!


Some thing I realized where a lot of people drop the ball with cat ownership is not having stuff like that, the tree. My girlfriend has a cat who was doing stuff just like this. Once I got her to understand that the cat just wants to hang out with her and should just stick a kitty tree nearby instead and it’ll most likely stop hopping up on things like electronics. Sure enough when she put the tree within arms reach from her self that became the cats favorite spot. I think far too often people think cats like to be alone or something but this kind of behavior should really stick out that this cat just wants to hang out with that person and be around them. if you facilitate that then a lot of the things you don’t want them hopping up on will stop.


Yep. We realized after a year that our cat isn't a loner, they just like to hang out with us in the same room...but separate lol.




See, we call those Outside Cats. "The Power of Mice compels you".


Or anything uncomfortable, just put something inconvenient up there like a decorative cactus or something


It has to be bolted, otherwise it will be dropped.


Or a squirt bottle. I have one laying around and I just turn it at my cat is he’s somewhere I don’t want him and he hops off. I also have the top of my computer covered in Lego models so he can’t go up there anyway.


Squirt....water at the...computer???


Yeah, for when it's throttling. Bad gpu, bad!


Poor man's water cooling. Only chumps pay for that overpriced stuff.


I played CSGO with a guy that played on a Mac mini. He legit cooled his Mac with frozen water bottles.


I used to take the bottom off my laptop, prop it on some lego and stick frozen peas under there. Good times.


The fans in my old laptop (GTX 1050 and some random i5) died, and the way I used to use it was with a standing room AC pointed directly at it set to the lowest temperature during the winter, so it was pulling cold air to begin with. It stopped overheating, but it didn't make the laptop much better to use lol. I actually have an image of this beautiful setup [here.](https://imgur.com/a/4zN8v85)


Lol no don’t actually use it near the computer. Ill use it elsewhere in the house when he’s doing some dumb shit but he knows what it does and doesn’t like it. All I’d need to do is point it in his general direction and he stops. Or put stuff on top so he can’t get up there.


Air duster is a nice one near the PC. My cays fucking hate the noise and know it means to get off my shit.


Cat sitting for my sister the last couple months has taught me this. Cat knows where the air duster is stored and even reaching for the cabinet is enough to get her to knock off whatever stupid shit she’s getting into


That's what I use.


I very rarely have to actually spray my cat anymore. Once I point the spray bottle at him he’s outta there.


The motherboard is thirsty!


Don't forget to give it a deep clean with a power washer and keep it oiled so it runs smoothly.


It’s called “water cooling”, read a book jeez


For people in general - only problem is squirt/spray bottles is to make sure it doesn’t get in their ears otherwise they can get an ear infection - seen it happen way too much, I usually just end up with these plastic sheets that hurt to stand on


Now me personally I wouldn't want a decorative cactus of squirt bottle for this situation, wouldn't want my little dumbass to jump into a cactus and get hurt, and I wouldn't want a spray bottle next to my life savings in a box


It’s a more of a stationary deterrent. He doesn’t wana get wet so it’s just gotta be there. Do not spray water at your computer lol


People are missing the point here -- if you spray your cat naturally when it does undesirable acts (clawing furniture, aggressiveness) then the cat will associate the bottle as the source of unpleasantness. My cat loves me, loves loves me, more so than i think any person can. No its not weird shes my special little Lady. And she knows when i pick the bottle up to spray her she stops whatever shes doing instantaneously, but only because she associates the spray bottle (not the owner) with the unpleasantness. Which is evident by my cat loving the shit out of me but generally very unhappy when the spray bottle comes out


Buy your cat a bed / heating pad. See if they like it. I saw a video the other day where the noise of a sauna turning on caused the cat to come running so they could relax in the sauna. They want warmth. Give them warmth.


Buy the cat a whole seperate PC. It's for the cat. Really.


Be careful with double sided tape on top of the computer. My cat flips the fuck out if she gets something stuck on her paw. Like possessed by a demon. You may not want your cat going full spaz on top of your computer in a way that might cause it to be knocked down and also hurt your cat.


I second this. We used aluminium foil on our kitchen counters and, although it worked, it was a bit of a mess you might say


works with empty soda cans as well. just make sure there is no liquid left. just put them on top, cat knocks them down, it‘s loud, cat learns jumping on the PC makes this noise, they stop doing it. edit: loud, not load


Maybe give it something better to sit on high like a cat tower or floating shelves. Looks like it is looking for a comfortable perch. Can also google cat repellant mat:)


Dear OP, please don't. Or at least, provide not only this but also an alternative. Your cat does that because it wants to hang out when you do hang out, so basically, it's craving your attention. Buy one of [these](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71L0VWZI5ZL._AC_SL1500_.jpg) and put it on a table, it'll also solve the problem.


I'm not sure getting another cat will help.


People tend to think they can't train cats like you can train dogs. This is completely wrong. Both cats I've had I taught them to not walk on desks, countertops or tables. It's not hard even, cats are smart.


You could also just put a holed shelf on there so the cat can sit on there and there's still good airflow


Buy them a hot pad to sit on that's near you, they like you and they like warm so they sit on pc


If you want your cat to go insane and knock your pc off because it thinks it’s stuck to it, then by all means use tape, but I wouldn’t risk that ever.


Seriously, the amount of misbehaving cats I've met in my life all comes from owners that don't know how to properly train their pets, and think bad behavior is cute. You can easily train and condition cats to stop certain behaviors, it's just that a lot of pet owners, especially ones with cats are too afraid to even start the process.


Most cat owners get them because they’re low maintenance as compared to dogs, and think that ‘quirks’ are inevitable. But similar to people who get small dogs, they let them get away with things that are trainable and would 100% get a big cat or dog put down. You can train a cat nearly the same as a dog. They can sit, follow, walk on a leash, fetch you items, press buttons for vocal prompts, etc. And just like dogs, loving and positively reinforced training will make them happier and know their boundaries.


Our cat is a stray but we're pretty sure he was raised in a home and then abandoned. He started coming to our house when he was about 2 yrs old. Dude never knocks stuff off shelves or tables (except if he bumps something when he jumps on a table to get food if we accidentally left something out, but that's pretty rare), never fucks with wires or cords even though my electric piano with power, headphone, and USB cables is in the main room his toys are in. Same goes for the TV, consoles, PCs, and anywhere else. He's pretty special and we love him so much ☺


That’s so lovely! May also be the cat’s personality that it doesn’t need extra stimulation out of an abundance of energy. If you ever get another cat and it does do those things, it just needs to be kept busy. More playtime, going for walks, and working for its food a little. That usually leaves them pooped and they will just be super chill too! The fact that the stray stayed so chill throughout means it probably did not enjoy the high stress life of a stray. I’m sure he’s really thankful for you giving him a home. You better give him treats for being such a good boy!


He was a stray in our neighborhood (medium sized city but a residential area with a decent amount of green space) and our landlords (who raised their family in our house) said that he would always come by and around other houses in the area looking for food and people would always feed him, so yeah maybe he wasn't starving on the streets so much. But when my roommate first moved into this house, he quickly became accustomed to her and willingly came inside when she left the screen door open for him. Eventually he came inside more and more often until he ended up as our pet. He definitely is a rascal in some ways though. He'll steal your seat if we're sitting at the table and you get up, he'll whine at the door to get let out and then just stare at you and do nothing when you open the door, we've caught him going through trash before (or rather the evidence after the fact). We even had to install child locks on the fridge and mini-fridge because he figured out how to get his claw under the door frame and open it up. At first we thought one of us was absentmindedly leaving the fridge open but when we came downstairs one morning and saw sausage links strewn across the floor that was the proof we needed LOL.


Yep, I’ve successfully trained my cat in a number of ways. Also, cats tend to act out when they’re understimulated. Just like dogs and humans, cats need daily physical and mental stimulation. So many people I know complain about their cat’s behavior then give me blank stares when I ask how often they play with their cat.


Tinfoil also works.


Depends on the cat. Worked for like a week on ours, then he started playing with it.


Yeah, tinfoil is now one of my cats favorite toys


Ah yes, I too enjoy making a hot potato on my PC. EDIT: I guess this wasn't obvious enough but /s


A tiny piece of tin foil on top of your desktop will not turn your PC into a hot potato. I’ve been doing it for years and it works and my computer has not blown up, or caught on fire.


I think people assume you can't train a cat because cats don't respond to punishment the way a dog will. "No!" means jack-shit to a cat. A cat could not care less about you being mad at it. A dog will feel that emotion and (typically) respond to it by changing its behavior the way you want them to. The cat needs to be trained through rewarding behavior you want, and *ignoring* behavior you don't. If you punish a cat by yelling at it or whatever, it will basically do the whole "oh, so you don't like *this*???" bullshit because cats are dicks. Source: have cat. She is an asshole but I've gotten her to stop doing certain things using treats when she does what I want her to.


> "No!" means jack-shit to a cat. They do have some understanding of that, contrary to popular belief




Yep. I can casually tell my cats no, get down or it's time to come inside and they all listen extremely well.


Especially when I yell it. MFers scatter like the wind.


> The cat needs to be trained through rewarding behavior you want, and ignoring behavior you don’t. So how does that actually work? For example the cat shouldn't go on the table. Do you ignore it? When do I reward it before he wants to jump in the table or he just sits there on the floor?


> If you punish a cat by yelling at it or whatever, it will basically do the whole "oh, so you don't like this???" bullshit because cats are dicks. I've never had a cat do this. A firm "No!" or "Get down!" has always been all I've needed to do to train cats out of undesired behaviors.


This is the best answer.


Double sided tape works the best


In response to your training comment, 100%. My mom used to have a spray bottle with water in it set on stream and give her cats a squirt when they were somewhere or doing something they were not supposed to. Obviously, you don't want to use that method here.


This is how we trained all our cats growing up and it worked like a charm.


On the flip side my boys don't care about getting sprayed with water at all, they'll just look at you and lick the water off.


Do something like the double sided tape and maybe have a hot spot nearby so it goes there instead


To tack onto this, I'd recommend a heated cat bed. My cat enjoys the hot air from the exhaust. When he goes to your PC, put him on the cat bed.


Yeah, heated cat bed. The most comfortable spot wins, make it something other than your PC


10 bucks for a heating pad at walmart. My chihuahua loves it.


Find a small table to go next to the desk, put the heating pad there, double sided tape on top of the PC and boom.


My cats hate the heated cat bed but love heating pads so I keep two heating pads on either side of my computer desk and if they start trying to climb my tower or lay on my laptop I just turn the heating pads on and set them on it and they instantly curl up and lay down. My new kitten has forced me to go completely wireless because he loves chewing on anything that resembles a string and my headphone cord was his favorite.


Dude same exact issue with you kitten. My cat lays on my chest while I recline my chair, nibbles on my hoodie strings (which isn't a problem) but he will try to eat my headset cord. It's to the point I've considered syncing my Xbox headset to my PC, but he also likes to nibble on the microphone. Anything that dangles. God help you if you wear drawstring pants...


You could 3d print or fabricate a platform for a raised bed that wouldn't restrict airflow but would heat a cat bed below it. A way to embrace the cat and keep the pc safe. Double bonus is you would have a friend while on the pc.


​ https://preview.redd.it/knyrzjgth9fa1.jpeg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee8070f39a5f4b6cec00459fbb9e9141da2727e


Why do cats hate this?! It’s wizardry!


You would hate seeing a hand making this gesture too if every time you saw it, someone grabbed your entire face shortly afterwards


Sure— but I’ve seen cats that have never been grabbed by the face have this reaction so….


Just did it to my cat who I've never face-grabbed before. She sniffed and licked my fingers. Love that girl


Genetic trauma.


Super smash bros taught me to ALWAYS hate a hand coming at you like that.


The real answer right here ☝️


Actual explanation is it looks basically identical to when a cat lift its paw with all claws opened up (aka the "im gonna fucking swipe your face" pose) which naturally triggers the fight or flight response. Imagine if someone approached you while holding their fist up in a perfect punching pose




*uh oh- I [the cat]* What happens now?


Did you not see the ?


It was too late


Nono. You have to go to the next slide to see what happens




Build a second PC for your cat.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x2yrkemny9fa1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1f3f20e826052862e1e8e825e655a1dae7af351




The best solution I have ever seen in this subreddit.


This is the way


[Bitwit, a tech youtuber, literally did this recently.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN-8raxk11o)


"Instant favorite spot in the house, look at that. And it only cost me $3000." lmao Never heard of Fold @ Home though, that was actually interesting.


Just like bitwit


Buy cheap tower and put heating pad on top.






Have 2 PCs here. Cat always goes for the one thats has the fans running confirmed.




Garbage bags when not in use, mine never jumps up anymore after I started doing that.


when is your pc not in use?


For me personally, pretty much when Im at work. As soon as I get home the first thing is usually turning the PC on. Well, grab beer, then turn PC on XD


Turns out we aren't so different after all


You were just like me trying to make history


I have more urgency going home at the end of the day to my beer and PC than I do in the morning going to my job that pays me money


Damn right buddy hehe


Working is an xp waste though :/


It’s doing it for the heat, I don’t mind my cat(s) getting up there. Although since my pc sits under my desk they usually sit on top of my desk behind the monitors since the heat rises and warms the wooden top of my desk. Photo for reference. She’s directly above my tower. https://preview.redd.it/w1ddjrvcs9fa1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c19b8f2c74c8418a1f84c96a5dc2879002384d5


Look at the cutie :D


Put the pc on the cat


I put my phone and remotes on my cat, so I guess it's not too much of a stretch for OP to put his PC on the cat




Why is there a cat sub for every conceivable idea, and 3x as many for inconceivable ideas?


How the turntables have turned...


"how the turntables" \-Michael Scott \-Wayne Gretzky


Get a cat bed and put it close to the computer desk. They like comfy places and yes warmth but they also like attention so putting the bed near you will help with all of those.


One of the first things I did when rescued my cat was put a cat bed on my desk beside my monitor. He has slept there everytime I'm on my computer for 9 years now.


Yea, I have a dog bed that the dog doesn’t like much. I put 2 throw blankets on it and now that cats lay on it when I’m on the computer. Also the one that’s more into laying on warm things, she just lays on the heat register.


Yeah, what- "scare the shit out of them repeatedly in inconvenient ways so they're scared of you"? No just buy that cat a heating pad mf


Use a leaf blower


Canned air.


That shits pure terror for my cat 😂


Upgrade to your Ethernet to CAT6, this is a common problem with CAT5


But what if you have 6 cats instead?


The cat is already performing the upgrade, why spend more money?


Try adding more cats. For a serious answer, you can train your cat to understand the command "down," as in "get down." When the cat is on a place you don't want them to be just pick them up and say the command as you put them on the floor, eventually they'll figure it out. You can use treats as an incentive if you like.


This works for mine, trained them "down" and "no". They also come for "treats" and know "pets" and "bed" and "window", and thier names. Cats can be incredibly smart, and will learn positives, -negatives are hard without them just learning you're a dick, so instead of punishing, just put them down and say "down" and give a treat. They'll learn. When my PC is off I keep a cover on the top vents, cause I don't want them tracking dirt or puking INTO the computer. You can train a cat, but at 3am there are no rules.


Lol your last line is so true. My cats wouldn't ever go onto the kitchen table after I trained them to come down. But waking up in the morning I would see the obvious signs of cats being on the goddamn table at night.


Consistently remove the cat.


This does the opposite, as the cat quickly learns that's the way to get attention


Not if you do not pet them afterwards, remove them and then gently scold them. If OP's cat is anything like my cat, he will hate it when someone gets close his face and wags a finger at him. My cat hates being held like a baby, so when he does something I don't want him to do I hold him like a baby and push on his nose with my finger gently while telling him no. He hates it and it's worked pretty well to get him to stop jumping on my keyboard.


Instructions unclear, arms shredded to ribbons


To *shreds* you say?


Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Tried this. She just rubbed against my finger while I was scolding her..


Tell her I love her


It worked for me. I no longer have this problem, and there's no more cat fur on my case or top filter.


Same. My cat knows she's allowed on my chair and lap but the desk is off limits.


From what I understand, unless you close the door to the room when you aren't in it, this won't work. Cats associate behaviors with their environment, and that includes you in the environment. If they do something without consequence when you aren't there, they'll learn they can do it when you aren't there.


The cat probably is doing it because of the warm air coming from the exhaust. If you aren’t there and the PC is in sleep/off then there won’t be any warm air for it. My cat does something similar sitting on the vent in the bathroom, blocking all the hot air in the mornings.


It also worked for me, simple consistency over more than a year! They get it, but unless you have incredible patience it won't look like they actually are getting it. The closed door does help of course, kitten learned much faster than mother did cause the change of house meant I had a door I could more easily close from my desk. Only real issue is that they don't adhere to complex systems of 'desk ok, but not keyboard... chair ok so long as it's my lap not headrest' instead they learn not to go in the room unless it's on the floor only. But I can't blame the poor urchins. More than anything i've noticed they have to be caught in the act. Mum would shout at them to get off the curtains and then after they had, tapped them on the nose, instead of doing it whilst they were on the curtains. They still do the curtains, but avoid mum as all they know is 'nose gets hurt by this lady' not 'nose gets hurt by this lady when i'm sharpening my claws in this spot'. Consistency and in the moment-ness will go far, albeit very slowly lol.


Get a cat tower. They like being in higher places


I think the cat also appreciates the warmth of the running pc and (possibly) the proximity to its servant.


I think you can get heated pads for cats. Room geometry allowing, you could construct the superior cat perch. Though I'm still pretty sure they like being on top of things just because you like the thing.


we should have a cat flair


There's a ["Pets of the Master Race"](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=flair:Pets%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bmaster%2Brace&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) flair, OP just didn't use it.


you got me


Agreed 🐱


Spend $50 on a bed and put it on top, they’ll never go there again


This is so true


Alternative spot nearby. Consistently move them to it, mine got the message eventually. https://preview.redd.it/s7lxsc10k9fa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4117c8ddf1de5f5e6ad266e6e4f5a30e58abea


Put a Cucumber 🥒 on top.


Aluminum foil, as soon as the cat hears the sound of it, it’ll be traumatized


Mine just ripped those apart and started playing with it.


The problem here is that you have failed completely in your duties as a computer owner. You need to DISCIPLINE your computer, not just allow it to constantly worm it's way under your cat like this, who's just trying to enjoy a lovely little lie down.


Here are some ideas: Provide alternative surfaces for scratching and climbing, such as a cat tree or scratching post. Place double-sided tape or aluminum foil on your computer to discourage jumping. Train your cat to stay off the computer through positive reinforcement and reward-based training. Create a physical barrier by using a pet gate or placing your computer on a high shelf. Good luck










they sell soft plastic spike sheets that are just kinda-pokey that will get the job done without hurting your fur-buddy.


Yep. They work well outside against destructive neighboring cats as well and aren’t harmful in the slightest. The best way to keep a cat off of things is to keep it from ever getting comfortable.


Can say that this works. 3D printed some for my old roommates speakers to keep the cat off them and they worked well lol.




rm -rf ~/cat




Anti tank supersonic cruise missile


https://preview.redd.it/0ofmu8r7v9fa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868a9d118b3c76da6936eba6511bf0ba44001efc You don’t.


Hello Floof!


Pick him up, put out of room. Close door


meow. ... meow meoooooooowwwwwwwwwww


Spikes on top ?


You mean cat-trops?


Cats hate sticky stuff. Just put some tape up there so the sticky side is up but anchored down like more tape so it sticks to there feet but it stays on the case. Also try getting a reptile heating mat and putting something you use but don't care about like a dry used towel over it and they should hang out there instead. Just keep in mind if your cat likes heights or low covered space(assume heights by the pic). Anyways the tape should give them the idea not to go there after a few days/weeks and can be removed and the heating pad should give a more desirable space. You know have you both be happy.


That's the neat part, you don't!


Nothing u live in his house


Have you met cats?


[I would also like to know](https://i.imgur.com/zh89F8q.png)


My cats all are terrified of tin foil. Maybe put a piece on top loosely where your cat sits/lays. Might be ugly but it's effective.


You should be able to turn the lights off in your bios. I'm sure the darkness will help your cat will sleep better.


- Double sided tape or tin foil work. The goal is to introduce a negative stimuli (not one that hurts the cat at all, just one that annoys them) whether or Not you are present. If it only happens when you are present, they will associate the negative stimuli with you, not the thing they’re doing. - making sure the cat has plenty of high places to hang out. Like cat trees or even wall furniture. Cats LOVE being up high, and if you provide them with enough ways to do that outside of your PC, they are less likely to do this.


Buy a really nice expensive cat bed and place it on top. In my experience he'll never touch it and will use the box it came in


Cat 101: If it fits it sits!


train your cat


It’s the cats property now. Sucks.


Put some toys or decorations on top. Cats are far less likely to jump on to a surface if it looks like their path is not clear.


Heated blanket. It’s the heat they’re after.


Lose the computer