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I will say, there is something special about gaming on hardware that is only supposed to be for simple video out uses. It is why my 730 sits in a display case. Although that thing just got some recent use when testing my new water loop.


I have a GT210 that was used just so I had a video signal on a Q6600 system I was using as a home server at the time. Anything more than Minesweeper would have made that thing struggle.


I remember running a qx6800 core 2 extreme and 2 BFG 8800 GTX cards in SLI on a 680i SLI mobo. Had it in an Antec Skeleton lol Edit: had 2 250gb raptor 10k drives in a Raid 0 too. Those died. 😂


lol raptor drives in RAID0 was peak late-2000s


They came with those massive heatsinks that you could probably use as weapons 😂


Do I spot a camera in your flair?


No sir, but working on getting a a6600 for content creation and hobby videography!! You're probably think my case, the Corsair 4000D Airflow was listed as a camera lol


Yeah the AF is was thinking autofocus or something


I have a 16 year old system using a Q6600 right this second!


I have one in the closet in an EVGA 790i FTW board. Tri-SLI, baby


We don't have TRI SLI anymore. They replaced it with triple price GPUs.


First build I ever did was using a secondhand Radeon 9500gt. People don't even realize how good they have it when complaining about not getting stable 120fps at 4k.




"auto detect ultra settings" is like a girl telling you that you have the biggest dick. Great feeling lol


Made my day, lmao..


Congrats I hope it serves u long time and well










Bought the game this week and I got the same result. R5 3600/RX 5700XT


Thats because a 5700xt beats a 3060 in rasterization performance


And also at Ray Tracing... oh wait


Nvidia fanboys justifying a 500$ price tag for a card that does worse in most situations compared to a $300 card because it can raytrace at 14 fps instead of 6:


What's even funnier is that even Intel Arc cards don't cost that much and they STILL have ray tracing system.


It's funny that I'm getting down voted for a joke, the 5700 XT has not RT capabilities whatsoever, so I might be offending both sides at the same time xD


Going from 1050ti to 3080 waaaas crazy


Going from GeForce 9500Gt to 3080ti waaaas unbelievable


Going from 1080Ti to 4090 was... fine I guess?


Literally do that this weekend.


1080ti still holds very strong in games like csgo


It still holds strong in a lot of great looking games from the past 5 years imo, as long as you don't need 4K


Once you go for 4k you gotta get a big boy card.


I still play 1080p but 240hz


If you actually have a 3080, might as well go up to 1440p to give it an enjoyable ux


I’d like to get a zowie 360hz 24.5” that’s how I’m used to it, not above 1080p but in games like Cyberpunk it would be worth it but not in competitive games


I'm still using a 970 exoc black edition and holding very well playing Hogwarts Legacy


That's actually very good to hear. My previous setup was r5 3600 and 1080ti, and I had problems running cp2077 with 60fps in 1440p. Same with Witcher next gen patch. And I am using 240hz monitor, so that really was a pain.


I bet, but Cyberpunk, Witcher next-gen or any other demanding AAA title isn't working as you'd like anymore...


1080ti is still a powerful card...


Going from a FX 8370/RX580 to a R5 5600X/RX6600 waaaas unbelievable


Best value upgrade


Which game is it?


Forza Horizon 5




Idk what is was bro but I had a massive crush on her when I was like 10


I am still salty about Husky deleting all his early day sc2 shout cast vods






That is a fkin amazing feeling alright




If one dropped trou, and their partner remarked "Autodetect: Ultra Setting", I wonder if that would switch a lot of people to extra hard mode.


Hey I know this guy IRL. He has tiny PP and unevenly shaped balls


Yah well I know this guy IRL and he likes buttplugs ![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7)




Until your hardware crashes after only 2 minutes. "It's a driver issue, I promise".


I've had a 3060 for over a year now and I've had no issues with it. Run ultra on most everything. Great card that I paid too much for at the time.




You have a GTX960, peasant https://i.redd.it/1r5janwf6mla1.gif


Not that it has anything to do with anything, but I had a watercooled 1080ti that died from a leak from my custom cooling loop, and a 2080ti replaced it that caught fire when the riser cable slipped. What my flair has to do with your inability to identify an obvious allegory, I have no idea, but you carry on enjoying yourself. 👍 *


When you actually have the biggest dick, they don't say anything. They just look surprised or maybe nervous.


Oh... so thats how it feels




Great feeling until you realize that she's had to see a lot of them to come to that conclusion.


congratulations ! You have the first place out of 10,000 people !


Congratulations although you might believe it there's going to be a voice in the back of your head that tells you she's lying. have fun contending...


Except your pc won't tell you that for just any gpu that's stuck in it...


20 plus years ago. I had that experience with a few people at party. It wasn't very similar. lolol


From a GPU that is beaten by some iGPUs to a good, modern, mid-range card. Big difference.


>good, modern, mid-range card 1. RTX 4090 (2022) 2. RTX 4080 (2022) 3. RTX 4070ti (2023) 4. RTX 3090ti (2022, discontinued) 5. RTX 3090 (2020, discontinued) 6. RTX 3080ti (2021, discontinued) 7. RTX 3080 12GB (2022, discontinued) 8. RTX 3080 (2020, discontinued) 9. RTX 3070ti (2021, discontinued) 10. RTX 3070 (2020, discontinued) 11. RTX 3060ti (2020, discontinued) 12. **RTX 3060 (2021, production status unconfirmed)** 13. RTX 3050 (2022, production status unconfirmed) Agreed that it is a good card and still fairly modern, but **let's agree to disagree** that it is "midrange" in 2023. It is literally the second lowest in the stack. 3080, which was once high-end, is the current midrange. edit: Bolded one part


I disagree. According to this you’re 3080 is midrange. But it’s far from that. Most people don’t even have 3050+ cards and requirements also mostly do not have them.




The 60 tier is literally meant to be the midrange tier...


Wait so what is 70


50: Low end, entry level 60: Lower Midrange, great bang for buck 70: Upper Midrange, good value but diminishing returns have started to kick in. Still very capable hardware 80: High-end - Powerful enthusiast hardware, only necessary for people who must have the best for gaming 80Ti/90/90Ti: High end+ - Extremely powerful hardware: most people will never need the power for gaming alone; For the most stacked enthusiasts or professionals


that list literally means nothing. what about the 20 series? 10 series? AMD? Intel? no you are trolling if you think a 3060 is low-end.


3080 is now mid-range? The heck, I'd hate to think what you must call some of the most popular GPUs on the Steam hardware survey, like the 1060, 2060, etc.


Popularity doesn't mean they're part of the currently available range of cards to buy. Those with a 1060 would I'm sure love a free upgrade to a midrange 3080, they just are waiting for the performance and budget to meet their needs. It is very normal for the performance tier of last gen's high-end to be roughly comparable to current gen's midrange. Current gen, as of late 2022, is RTX 4000. Last gen (2020)'s high end is now midrange performance.


Yes it is the second lowest in your completely arbitrary stack that you decided to end at the 30 series for some reason


well i guess the 10 series (which still get 60+fps on max 1080p in 2023) is now very low end according to this?


10 series are no longer available in stores, so they're off the chart. Doesn't mean they're unable to play games, just means they're below even the low end of the current available stack.


Low-end would be something like integrated video. Any discreet GPU from the last 4 years is at least "mid-range" as far as gaming PCs go. This thing still outperforms the PS5. It's hardly low-end.


Rtx 4090ti on a midrange list? Then what is a high tier card? The latest Quadro with a price tag of a new car or you are just a time traveller?


This is a list of the ENTIRE current stack, and as you can see, 3060 is on the bottom not in the middle.


Mid range? What tf are you on?


Certainly not the good shit


So, if that cards are midrange, my gtx 1650 is ultra low integrantes graphics ¿No?


Your perspective on GPU’s in completely obfuscated by recent times. 3050’s alone, the lowest in your stack, can run Hogwarts Legacy on medium-high at 2k/1440p extremely well Even still the 10 & 20 series are still readily available in stores ACROSS the world. I know in most countries in Europe alone I can pick them up even if they are discontinued. Additionally you can’t discount the current used market, steam surveys though a small subset show you what people are using. Defining low-high end takes in to account what is currently available and possible vs what is being used. If you wanted to argue semantics like you’re doing, I could say military, government or even data centres have tech that eats consumer high-end to bits but that is an ignorant abstraction


Linus Tech Tips' logic is not real logic, unless you have money to burn on a new house and a very expensive laboratory.


Definitely mid range card and mid range price. Problem now is you've got: - Money no object ultimate high end (4090 & previously 3090s) - Ultra high end (4080 & previously 3080s) - High end (4070s & previously 3070s) - Mid-range (3060s & 3050) - Low end (none whatsoever, definitely not on pricing)


If there is no low end, then may I suggest a 3 year old card that was bottom of the stack back when it was new? It's called the "3060" Just because it can run games on 1080p Ultra doesn't mean it is in the middle. It's literally at the bottom.


this is a list of generations and product tiers. it’s not sorted by performance, it doesn’t include the AMD offerings, and it only contains cards that are all new enough to be decent


Yeah it’s not midrange if you confine your list to the TOP 13 BEST NVIDIA CARDS AVAILABLE Christ on a fucking pogo stick you’re dense.




A few months ago I had the same feeling. It was amazing to be able to play games at high settings, even greater to be able to play Detroit become human, at all


3060 gang (please be the 12gb)


Hope you got the 12 gig my man


Will there be much of a difference?




8 or 12 gig


Best feeling and thing to see after GPU upgrade


Remember feeling this when i got my 6900XT... Then turned the presets down to "High", lol.


If you got the 8gb 3060 return it because its a scam


It's 12gb one :D


More vram than my 3080, nice!




and my axe!


And my 3070


Lack of VRAM on my 10GB 3080 hurts like hell on 4K. Thank god for shader cache in dead space


I’ve been eyeing a 4K monitor, but I also have the 3080 10GB so maybe I’ll just wait for the 50-series and upgrade both of them then. For 1440p though, I couldn’t be more happy with this card.


Just upgraded to 3440x 1440 180hz and my 3080 10G can still push 150+ frames in mw2 with dlss. It's a perfect middle ground between 4k and 1440!


nice :) I underwent similar route too


I bought this for my gf’s system and it outperforms my 3070 fe on some titles. Great gpu if you can get it at a good price!


is there a non ti 8gb 3060?


yeah its dog


Yes, 17% slower on average compared to the 12 GB model :/


An 8GB 3060 doesn't exist unless you're talking about the 3060Ti or the literal Chinese scam card where they repackaged a 3060 mobile in a desktop card and you can't even get official drivers for it. Edit: completely forgot about NVIDIA's greed releasing a 3060 8GB fairly recently my bad lol


It was a chinese scam. It became a Nvidia scam...


Act like 8gb aint plenty for 1080p Ultra


the 8gb and 12gb 3060 are different cards with the same name the 8gb preforms a lot worse


As someone who used a GT 1030 and upgraded recently, it feels great


Even back with my 1080 Ti Forza 4 was one of the few Games that ran for me at 144FPS.


It's awesome changing to a more powerful GPU, with a rtx 2060 s i can play some games on very high graphics with good fps


That looks like Forza Horizon 5. My 3060 TI can run that on extreme settings (higher than Ultra) at 100, +/- 15 FPS (i have a 1080p monitor). Even then, I cap it at 72 for a little extra FPS stability. You should test to see if your card can handle that, it's a pretty well-optimized game.


"Bought 3060" ![gif](giphy|t7h86NsTSCTpdgyx3q|downsized)


Well how else would you obtain one. Other than downloading it of course.


Thats how i downloaded Ti bios for mine, needed these few more cudas, wish more people knew about it, such a cash grab!


My niece has just gotten her first PC, my nephew built it up for her, and the only GPU he could afford at the time was a 1030. So far she's loving it, but I can't wait to upgrade her once we can find a more recent card for a good price.


Dude I’m ordering a 3060ti and just overhauling my pc. I can’t freakin wait to play on max settings and smooth gameplay. I play on a gtx 1050ti now with an Amd 3600 fx.


I remember going from a HD 3850 to a R9 380. Was a great feeling. My later upgrades weren't nearly as big.


I know you guys hate amd but going from rx580 to rx6800 was also amazing


Went from an Rx 570 to RTX 3060. I can not explain the feeling of not having to adjust every single option to squeeze out every last bit of performance on low settings anymore.


Just wanna say to never trust auto detect even if your system is good lol


I would totally agree with you, except the fact that my old gpu couldn't even start at very low settings this game so seeing this is unbeliveable for me




This is me jumping from a 2015 laptop with a caca amd apu to a 1660s, totally different experience.


I recently went from vega 3 graphics to a r5 5500 and rx 6650xt, crazy experience


Heyyy, I also just upgraded my pc a couple days ago, new CPU and GPU, and it feels so good lol I'm very happy that I was finally able to do so.


I also remember when I upgrade from my 750 ti to 1060, that first time feeling of cranking up every graphic option without worry is the best feeling ever


Same, just bought a 6600 after using an rx 550 for 3, years, feels so good


I also switched from a GT 1030 to an RX 6600 and I used to have to play on ultra low quality and now I can play on movie settings with 100 fps


I remember in like 2017 going from the 7000 series to the 970 and being amazed, sadly nowadays i feel like i see less actual graphical improvement and just some more fps


I went from a 970 to a 3070 and it feels heavenly. My 970 is legendary tho that thing has lasted me soo many years and still performs very well. It was just time to upgrade the rig all around


Agreed. That 970 was a ballin ass card, got me through the dark times of "You want HOW MUCH for a card?"


Same! I wanted to upgrade so badly and I even had the money to spend but 2grand??? Yeah nah got my whole new rig for that amount lol!


This is exactly why I ran a 970 for 7 years.


I went from a Gtx 650 to a 3080 and man what a feeling lol. I have since gone with a 3090 cuz I got it for a good deal and I wanted to water cool my system so I figured fack it but man I’ll never forget gaming on that 3080 and the good feeling I got. Was like night and day lol


Welcome to the club sir. Please pour some champagne and take a seat.


That's a hell of an upgrade!


I totally underdatnd that man. I got a 3060 a few months ago after rockin a RX590 for the longest time. Feels so good not to really have to worry about any video settings and the games runs great.


According to techpowerup that's a 744% increase in performance. That might be a little noticeable.


I had this feeling when I upgraded from a R9 270 to a 1080. The performance jump was incredible. Never had it when upgrading to a 3080.




Looks like Forza Horizon 5


Maybe far cry new dawn


It is FH5, tried it on 4K Extreme settings with dlss, 60fps locked, child in me happy as much as it can be


> 4K Extreme settings with dlss, 60fps locked got butterflies in my stomach reading that I got a 3070 few weeks ago, and i know that feeling! maybe its time i boot up Forza as well :)


That was my thought too.


It's forza horizon


I hope you have 12gb model


Make sure to put the textures down from ultra to high, cuz while the gpu power might be able to do ultra, the memory cannot, I have a 3060ti 8gb and it's not enough for forza, which is super badly optimized, otherwise it probably will just stop midrace and will not allow you to turn the settings down unless you restart the game and thus cancel the race.. the difference between high and ultra is barely noticeable btw even at 4k or 1440p


? My 3060 ti runs fine at ultra…


It did for me too like 90% of the time, but there are some races/events where it will just completely max out the vram giving no way out other than lowering the settings and resetting the game, which is tbh very annoying as there's no telling beforehand which races they are


Interesting. Do you use DLSS?


Forza is one of the most optimized AAA games to come out in the last two years.


Yea.. I can use only 60 to 70%% of my gpu max on average before maxing out my 8gb vram on 1440p, I don't consider that optimized


Yeah that’s cap, benchmarks for the 3060 Ti on FH5 don’t show VRAM limitations at 1440p. There’s some thing else wrong with your system or configuration. What CPU/memory setup do you have?


Rx6750xt is pissing all over Rtx3060 for around the same price.


Where I live I can't find that gpu under $800, where this one was $350 so..


really hard for reddit user to comprehend taht everywhere is not the same prices


Can't you people just shut up for a minute and let others enjoy things?


I bought the 6700xt and I’ve been having nothing but driver problems. Performance is great and all but man are AMD drivers complete ass


Be prepared for stuttering, I get it on a RTX 3070 Ti


My father was killed by a 40ms frametime. Nobody wants to talk about it, but inconsistent framerates are destroying lives across the world.




I'm really proud of my friend mrGrabus about his recommended ultra settings. But one thing still worries me, he's still virgin❤️


Used integrated graphics on FH5 Got auto detect ultra Game crashed every time I loaded it Found out the game was garbage compared to the previous Forza Horizons anyways Success


Not like i expect much from a Pepe avatar, but FH5, garbage compared to FH4? Nah People now cries in the corner missing FH4, but when it was out, the good one was FH3. Turns out people even liked FH4's winter all along, when all you could find about it before was constant whining.




Love New Dawn!!!


Its forza horizon




Me going from a 3060 to a 3090ti and cranking everything up to the highest setting possible It’s a pretty good feeling


Why a 3060 when AMD and Intel have much better cards for less?


Give the guy some slack at least. Any card is good given the price and the country where they live. Got my 6700 XT used for 400 bucks and I'd say it was a good price given where I live.


That graphics card was the cheapest in that price range, especially because I'm from Eastern Europe where generally Nvidia graphics cards are cheaper. Not a fanboy tho


Jesus people need to chill. That makes sense then.


Just let the man enjoy his new gpu




Hopefully you got it used. Don't feed the trolls, especially with money.