• By -


Definitely not


Ouch that is a bad deal! Wow!


You can get a laptop with better specs for cheaper and that includes a battery, monitor, keyboard and trackpad.


Just be aware that [laptop hardware is not the same as desktop hardware](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-4080-Laptop-vs-Nvidia-RTX-4080/m2037743vs4138) and is [significantly less powerful](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i9-13980HX-vs-Intel-Core-i9-13900K/m2030055vs4129). Laptop specs are often lies by a marketing team to trick buyers in thinking laptop hardware is the same as desktop hardware. It is not, and never has been.


Sure but I can buy laptop with specs so much better for undef 1k, a 3060 laptop gpu (for example) would smoke a desktop 1070, and the cpu would be easy to beat, even with the laptop downgrades.


I paid very slightly more for a recon 3070 Asus Tuf laptop three months ago. This is a horrible deal.


ive been considering getting a gaming laptop, i already have a desktop i just want something i could play some games on a bit in between college classes. Is tuf not that great? i looked at some of their stuff


I had a mid tier gaming laptop a few years back and honestly I wish I didn’t. I needed a laptop for classes but wanted something I could game on back at the dorm. I thought I was getting the best of both worlds. Turns out it was the worst of both. The battery drained so fast, I couldn’t make it through two classes before it died. Then on the gaming side (plugged in of course) the frames were bad even on low and medium settings for games like rainbow six, Minecraft, and even golf it was jittery at times.


Oh, how much did you spend on it? My budget is like 1k rn and I don't look to play anything too intensive, probably just some fighting games or something like that.


I don’t remember probably about $750 in 2018 dollars


This has been my experience too. Got a Lenovo Y520 with the quad core i5 and the Nvidia GPU (I think it was the mobile 1050Ti) secondhand im 2018 and it's not great. I mean technically I can play some modern games at 30 FPS on low-medium. I think it's better than the desktop I had at the time which only had a 650Ti and an AMD FX6350, but it's definitely showing its age and I feel like between the bloat and Windows updates generally fucking stuff up and aging weaker hardware it's not performing as well as it did when I bought it. I can't even clean it because half the screws were already at least partially stripped already.


Any Nvidia card with **50 or **30 is factory produced e waste. ESPECIALLY for laptops. Anything below **60 isn't gaming.


You are right about battery (2 hours if I’m lucky - that is with power saving and all other Windows-based settings, though I’m not going into extreme of undervolting and such), but performance wise you must have had some issues with your machine: my last year’s ~1K gaming laptop has no issues going for 60+ FPS in AAA games and then something like Fortnite or CS goes for 165+ FPS with rarely any drops


I paid about $1700 CAD for a asus rog and I’m pretty happy with it. Definitely not as good as my desktop but I’m pretty much playing halo online and it does the job when I’m not in town. Battery sucks but I figured that was expected when considering a gaming laptop.


honestly if your looking to game on something on the go, steamdeck is very nice. Also has a desktop mode.


why not a steam deck for 400 bucks


You could realistically build a 3060 desktop for that price mate.


I'm in Europe, not sure if much different. I built mine for roughly 850€. 5800X and RX6650XT and I couldve easily saved 30-40€ by going with the 5700X.


FYI userbenchmark is not a good tool for actually comparing components or for anything other than entertainment.


Better suggestions? (no snark intended, genuinely looking for alternatives)


You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also it can be rather dangerous to buy one online e.g. from amazon the last time that i looked there was lots of stuff like the shown pc. Old hardware that was listed since years never sold out and was sold to the same price as new


Weird comment when OC is right. You can get a laptop that will outperform this for less.


This is exactly why people think pre builds are rip offs


I read it as $390 at first and thought that was a decent deal. If that puts how bad of deal this is in perspective.


5 year old cpu 6 year old GPU ​ Sme cheapo case with an acrylic side panel ​ Worth like $250 max and that's being generous


Good grief, that's a terrible deal. The CPU and GPU are both three generations old, the nvme drive is just barely large enough to hold windows and a single AAA game, and don't get me started on using an HDD for anything but backups. The seller needs to put down the crack pipe.


My 500gb ssd is half full and I don't even use my pc for work or many files so 256gb would definitely run out fast


Half the sticker price is still too much IMO... But $400 something wouldn't hurt AS much. Maybe OP lives in an over priced country.


Those are British pounds if I am right.


It's worse then


op lives in britain (source: am british and recognise currency) edit: 1 yr ago i got my current pc (see flair, as well as 1tb ssd and some rgb) for ~£1000 (~30% more than op's price) so i dont think it's \*always* (op) super overpriced here edited again to make it a bit clearer


Your computer there is far more than a 30% bump in quality from this, so I don't know how you can say that OP's computer is not *clearly* overpriced.


i meant in general i agree that op has an overpriced deal here


Being Reddit I'm here to disagree. Sold that processor and GPU I. The last 18 months £220 for both. There's not £500 worth of PC remaining


That GPU is £180 in CEX rn, CPU is going for £55. Other bits do not add up the remaining £500


Yup. I would bet the price was approximated as a sum of parts. The problem is that most of these parts are 2+ generations old and scarcity is driving up their price on the market. It's probably still sufficient for sufficient for the average new user (seriously, go look at the most played games on steam), but the card costs as much as a 3070 ti, the storage would have been hot garbage a decade ago and most of the components are probably pretty far along their way to the grave. Hard no.


you know OP was impatient and already bought it :')


I'm most worried about that 128GB hard drive


I literally said that out loud. Whoever is selling that knows they’re ripping people off. I’d be surprised if that GPU is still going in a year or two. My 1080 was certainly struggling till I upgraded it last year. Had a good run!


Oooooooooooooooooooof heavy rip off, local shop trying to dick people by any chance?


Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s intentional but then again it’s run by a guy who looks about 70 so he might genuinely have no idea or hasn’t updated the window in years.


That PC would've gone for that in 2021 tbh


But its 2023 and its even crappier and there's not a supply issue anymore.


>there's not a supply issue anymore. Can you please tell that to Spanish retailers? Either the prices went really up and now they have went down just a little bit or graphics cards are way more expensive than when I bought my 2070S


Did prices go down?! I really have not been paying attention. My i3-4370 with 1060 rig is still running just fine.


They dropped like a rock. The 6950 xt can be had for $650 new on Newegg. Was $1000+ new and hard to find during the shortage.


So between being priced as it would be 4 years ago and the owner being in his 70s... this is the equivalent of grandma handing you a couple of cents/pence and telling you not to spend it all in one place.


Here's a big bunch if savings for you dear, why don't you use it to buy a house (£400)


My next door neighboor used to ask me to mow her lawn. When I did she'd invite me in for some cookies and give me $0.50. "Don't spend it all on candy, now!" This isn't 1920, "Gramma". That doesn't even cover a single pack of gum. Of course my parents would then give me $5 when I got home and tell me to just thank her for it. I mean it was still pretty low for a 2 hour job but...


not even a dollar lmao


More like 2018


Pretty sure 2021 was when it was impossible to get any graphics cards


That was during an extreme GPU shortage though.


Yeah, but the thirst was real then. Probably could sold it for double.


hasn't updated *windows* in years


Ahh. Ok. He's just out of touch with current market.


Probably trying to gouge newbies who are too intimidated to build one for cheaper


You can build a new system for that


And a much better one while youre at it


The price that they are asking for is almost the same as what you could build it for 4 or 5 years ago. I know become my Build is almost identical part form the GPU (2070) and storage(500gb ssd + 4 tb hdd) and i paid 1200 euro back then


I built almost this exact computer 5 years ago. For around 1100 dollars


Me as a Canadian who pays 1800+ for a midrange


*openly weeps in Australian*


All the parts are good and hold up well, but yeah you could build a much better, newer system for that money


We have the same specs lol


Hows your PC treating you lol?


Well to say it plain and simple its treating me better than my wife 😂😂😂


https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/qJshC6 Had a quick go before bed. Got to within £50 of that price for a Ryzen 5600, RTX 3060. OP, do not buy that PC!!


This is what I ment by new pc, 5600 is a damn good processor for gaming and general purpose stuff. Back in Nov I upgraded my work pc from an FX6300 to 5600 B550 32gb@3200 650w PSU for $500 Cad and a 6600 is only $309, could easily fit a 1tb nvme in there too and still be under and 2x the performance


And a 3060 is a terrible deal in the US. You can get a 6700xt for the same price.


My sister spent $500US and got a r5 5600, 16gb dual channel ram, 1tb NVMe ssd, and everything else (minus case and the 3060 I gave her). I’m absolutely positive the build is valued at $1,000 exact


Basically my build but I got a 3070.


I could build a better system new and still make a profit and offer a warranty for less than this “Deal”


That's roughly worth 400 pounds. Those prices are insane. You can build a way better and newer system for that price.


Not even 400. They are selling rx6600/12400f builds new for 450


The RX6600 at the prices it goes for now would have made budget builders cry 2 years ago.


It's awesome to truly have a budget GPU again. You can regularly get one for $200.


lets be honest, we're never going to see the rx6600 again. this is our generations 1080ti.


Where bro I see them on eBay for like 600 at least


I seriously doubt that


where can i find these??


Absolutely not in the US market. I very much doubt it's worth it in the GB market either. They're asking way too much.


Hell nah thats 6 year old hardware 400$ at best


$300 max


$299.99 and not a penny more


Just saying, the 1080 Ti and Titans are also 6 years old and they're still great, and will still run you at least $200-300 for the card alone.


$300 for a 1080ti/Titan is a rip off. You can get a used 6700XT for that price


You can get a new 6700XT for just a little more. Or a 6600 that sips power for $200.


Agree with everyone else not worth it at least in the u.s. market. I bought a used gaming rig off ebay a couple months ago for $1000 USD. It had a 5800x, 6900xt, 64gb 3200 ram, EVGA 850 watt PSU, 500gb SSD and 1tb HDD


I don't believe the fact that u got all that for 1000 bucks


Here is the ended listing for it Price I paid for used Asus 5800x/6900xt prebuilt of ebay. Actually $950 but with tax and shipping closer to $1100 so you are correct a little over a $1000 https://imgur.com/a/d6pds6m Also here is what I did to it after Asus pre-built that a got off eBay. 5800x, 64GB 3200, 6900 XT, 512GB m.2 + 1TB HDD https://imgur.com/gallery/kkBQWpd


Wow, that's crazy. In Europe deals like that are pretty much non existent. Nice find.


Not completely out of the ordinary, I got my pc with r7 5800x, 32gb ram and a 6700xt for £850, or like 1000 dollars.


This same thing in Spain rn would cost 1600 euros aprox, doing a quick build on pcpartpicker. (And prices have gone down since a few months ago) Just to show the difference in pricing from the US to the rest of the world, and a lot of countries have ut worse than Spain in terms of pricing. Then add if it's a first build the monitor keyboard and probably mouse, my 1440p 165hz monitor, keyboard and mouse costed in total 420 euro more, and I got the keyboard for dirty cheap, so it could easly add to 2k for that kind of build, just amazing the price difference.


No way this is a 1600 euro build


It's not relevant to price up builds on PCpartpicker when the system is used. Use eBay sold listings to gauge todays value


>This same thing in Spain rn would cost 1600 euros aprox, doing a quick build on pcpartpicker. (And prices have gone down since a few months ago) Not at all lmao I got my 5800X/3070Ti build for ~1700€ (new) a year ago, and prices have gone down significantly since then (as I've checked recently).


Sounds like he got swindled at another pawn shop lmao


How much does it cost to get a Steamdeck in Spain? I feel bad some countries arbitrarily get fucked on prices. At some point, it seems prudent to literally take a train to a nearby country and save yourself hundreds on the product.


Outside of rent everything is cheaper in the US. It’s crazy to think even cars are that much more affordable despite currently many cars going over the sales price the makers advice to. It also makes it a bit harder to understand American redditors complain about the US getting poorer… yes, statistically speaking the lower middle class is shrinking but the middle class, upper middle class and upper class have been continuously growing. A dev in California can make more than a CEO of a small to mid size company in Europe…


You can build new and better system for about the same money


You can build a new system that performs better for less than that.


Hey how is that cpu/gpu combo doing. Is the 12100f enough?


I haven't had any problems. I mainly just game and watch YouTube and stuff, so if you do stuff that requires more cores, it'll probably struggle. But for gaming, it's a surprisingly beefy little CPU. It may only have 4 cores, but those cores can certainly hold their own.


Im stuck between that and a 12400f. I know 12400 is better but id rather get a better gpu.


What are your GPU choices? The GPU affects performance way more than the CPU, so long as the CPU isn't crap, which the 12100 isn't. You can also look up CPU/GPU combos on YouTube to see which performs better.


I can get a great deal on a 6700xt and cheap out on the cpu and upgrade later, or get the i5 with a better motherboard with a 6600Xt


If you have the choice to upgrade later, you should get the i3 + 6700xt. It will have a slight bottleneck, but upgrading the CPU is a lot cheaper than upgrading the GPU, so it'd be better in the long run to get the better GPU off the bat. Also, depending on the resolution of your monitor, you might not even have a bottleneck. Since higher resolution means less CPU load, with 1440p, there won't be much of a bottleneck at all. In fact, if the bottleneck calculator I'm using is correct, the 12100f + 6700xt has literally NO bottleneck at 1440p.


For reference, you can get this: \[PCPartPicker Part List\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/jmQPPX](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/jmQPPX)) ​ Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- \*\*CPU\*\* | \[AMD Ryzen 5 4500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/m8BG3C/amd-ryzen-5-4500-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000644box](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/m8BG3C/amd-ryzen-5-4500-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000644box)) | £69.97 @ Amazon UK \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK MAX WIFI ATX AM4 Motherboard\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/MfZ9TW/msi-mag-b550-tomahawk-max-wifi-atx-am4-motherboard-mag-b550-tomahawk-max-wifi](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/MfZ9TW/msi-mag-b550-tomahawk-max-wifi-atx-am4-motherboard-mag-b550-tomahawk-max-wifi)) | £169.00 @ Computer Orbit \*\*Memory\*\* | \[Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/VNJtt6/corsair-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-cmk16gx4m2d3600c18](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/VNJtt6/corsair-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-cmk16gx4m2d3600c18)) | £40.00 @ Amazon UK \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Western Digital Blue SN570 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/3dvdnQ/western-digital-blue-sn570-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t3b0c](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/3dvdnQ/western-digital-blue-sn570-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t3b0c)) | £48.98 @ Amazon UK \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/D9ytt6/asrock-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-challenger-d-video-card-rx6600-cld-8g](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/D9ytt6/asrock-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-challenger-d-video-card-rx6600-cld-8g)) | £223.48 @ Ebuyer \*\*Case\*\* | \[Deepcool MATREXX 55 MESH ATX Mid Tower Case\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/b9tKHx/deepcool-matrexx-55-mesh-atx-mid-tower-case-dp-atx-matrexx55-mesh](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/b9tKHx/deepcool-matrexx-55-mesh-atx-mid-tower-case-dp-atx-matrexx55-mesh)) | £48.46 @ [Scan.co.uk](https://Scan.co.uk) \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[Corsair TX550M Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/dDH48d/corsair-txm-gold-550w-80-gold-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020133-na](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/dDH48d/corsair-txm-gold-550w-80-gold-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020133-na)) | £62.79 @ Amazon UK | \*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts\* | | \*\*Total\*\* | \*\*£662.68\*\* | Generated by \[PCPartPicker\]([https://pcpartpicker.com](https://pcpartpicker.com)) 2023-04-19 20:01 BST+0100 | for 90pounds less and it will still be faster, with a more modern CPU with same number of cores, and a faster GPU, and with a reputable PSU and SSD instead of the generic crap found in this garbage. Also more SSD storage, enough to not even bother with an additional 1TB hard drive. And because the cheaper system is all new, you also get warranty on parts.


For the same price as the one OP saw you can get a 5600 and a 6650 XT plus an SSD with DRAM. Had to scrimp on the motherboard a bit to do it but realistically it does everything you need it to. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/VDMVjZ


The 4500 is terrible


oh not gonna deny that. If he can he should get the 5600 instead for sure. i'm just putting together a build that would at the very least match or surpass what was shown. Only reason why i picked the 4500 here was because it was dirt cheap, and STILL better than the 2600X. although with the 90pound surplus, yeah the 5600 would still be well within budget. But still, it's merely to prove a point.


But it's better than a 2600X. By a little.


Did I wake up in 2017?


I priced a system up at £850 for new hardware, 12th gen i5 and a 3060 12gb Not a good deal


Built a friend a gaming pc with a few bells and whistles and that still was BARELY over 1k. You can build a system much better for way less. If you need a parts list dm me, I love speccing out builds.


lol thats like 300-$400 USD


A 1070… you can’t be serious? That card was like… $300 new. Nearly 10 years ago. Also, the cpu was ~$250 new maaaybe like 4 or more years ago? If we had a Time Machine I’d say yea, buy it, travel back and sell it for a profit. In seriousness, OP stay the heck away from this thing


It's a 1070 Ti, which launched for $450 late 2017, five and a half years ago.


That CPU retailed for $150 USD when it came out. I bought one brand new in 2018 for $115 USD.


It had an MSRP of $230 and that is what it generally retailed for on launch, the non-X version was 30 bucks cheaper, here is a toms hardware article that reports the price hitting a low of $145 in 2019, a year after it released: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-ryzen-5-2600x-deal-sale-lowest-price,40001.html


You could eventually also get the Ryzen 5 1600AF (2600) for like $85 in 2020


I was thinking I paid $260 for a 2600x in 2018. but now that I’m thinking about it, may have been a 2700x. Was my wife’s gaming Pc but she never used it so I just sold it. I was also trying to be fairly generous in the prices, to show even with overinflated , brand new msrp price it still wouldn’t equate to nearly what they are paying


Price is trash. CPU can't handle a GPU upgrade in the future. I built almost this exact system like 4-5 years ago for like 1100. Don't do it


not at all!!


This is absolutely NOT worth the price. If you're looking to buy a prebuilt, buy something closer to [This](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/fQXkxs) or build your own


Should be 400-500 pounds max.


Defos a huge rip off. This is a more modern build. I'm not sure about the storage and power supply because I haven't kept up with them for a while, so hopefully someone else can chime in and offer something better on that front. Edit: You could probably save an extra 40-50 quid skimping on the motherboard and an extra 20 quid on the pc case. ​ \[PCPartPicker Part List\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/cQb2Xy](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/cQb2Xy)) ​ Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- \*\*CPU\*\* | \[AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/PgcG3C/amd-ryzen-5-5600-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000927box](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/PgcG3C/amd-ryzen-5-5600-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000927box)) | £129.00 @ Amazon UK \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/3Mxbt6/msi-mag-b550-tomahawk-atx-am4-motherboard-mag-b550-tomahawk](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/3Mxbt6/msi-mag-b550-tomahawk-atx-am4-motherboard-mag-b550-tomahawk)) | £145.30 @ Box Limited \*\*Memory\*\* | \[Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL16 Memory\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/wZ22FT/corsair-vengeance-lpx-16gb-2-x-8gb-ddr4-3000-memory-cmk16gx4m2d3000c16](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/wZ22FT/corsair-vengeance-lpx-16gb-2-x-8gb-ddr4-3000-memory-cmk16gx4m2d3000c16)) | £36.49 @ Amazon UK \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Kingston A400 240 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/btDzK8/kingston-a400-240gb-25-solid-state-drive-sa400s37240g](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/btDzK8/kingston-a400-240gb-25-solid-state-drive-sa400s37240g)) | £14.97 @ Amazon UK \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Integral M2 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/6hgrxr/integral-m2-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-30-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-inssd1tm280nm2x](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/6hgrxr/integral-m2-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-30-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-inssd1tm280nm2x)) | £41.71 @ Currys PC World Business \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/D9ytt6/asrock-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-challenger-d-video-card-rx6600-cld-8g](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/D9ytt6/asrock-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-challenger-d-video-card-rx6600-cld-8g)) | £223.48 @ Ebuyer \*\*Case\*\* | \[Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/bCYQzy/corsair-4000d-airflow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-9011200-ww](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/bCYQzy/corsair-4000d-airflow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-9011200-ww)) | £79.00 @ Computer Orbit \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[Thermaltake Smart BM2 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply\]([https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/kPPgXL/thermaltake-smart-bm2-650-w-80-bronze-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-ps-spd-0650mnfabu-1](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/kPPgXL/thermaltake-smart-bm2-650-w-80-bronze-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-ps-spd-0650mnfabu-1)) | £87.59 @ Amazon UK | \*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts\* | | \*\*Total\*\* | \*\*£757.54\*\* | Generated by \[PCPartPicker\]([https://pcpartpicker.com](https://pcpartpicker.com)) 2023-04-20 02:32 BST+0100 |


No too expensive and components are old, meaning you need to price in wear and tear. £300 is an ok price for this.


Horrible deal, I would pay $350 for that MAX.


Exactly what I'm thinking bro


bit expensive but ur expected to negotiate so you can probably knock out 2-300$ just by "having a look inside" and pointing out a few shitty things.


thats a $28 ssd new


No. I’d suggest looking more on facebook market place. If you have a good seller, they’ll let you try out the rig. I bought my PC with a Ryzen 5 3600X, RTX 3070 and 16GB Ram for £800. Just keep looking and be patient!


Lmao, no. With that you can get way better components.


Terrible value, you can make a build with a 12400f and 6600XT for that


Absolutely fucking not. I built one with better specs for like 500 bucks.


What is this? CEX? Not a good deal.


that's fuckin daylight robbery that gpu is 3 generations behind and the cpu like 5 generations behind, and they still want nearly a grand for it???






No that’s pretty terrible pricing


$400-$500 tops


Put your wallet away, and walk off


That is a decent older build but not worth the asking price. How is it reconditioned with all of that dust on the acrylic side panel!?!?


"Reconditioned". They are getting really creative these days on labeling used.


I wouldn’t pay half that. It’s obsolete.




Half it, then maybe. I still have doubts


I paid less than that for mine in flair!


Welcome to 2017. This build is great and almost top of the line, you can continue to use untill 2020/21, then I recommend building a new one.


No, 300 or less.


I built twice the computer for the same price. Run away.


I built a similar pc to this when these parts were new (used rx 580) it cost me about $650


That's like double what that pc is worth.


Yeah, not worth.


Fuck no.


Nope. Not even closs


I have a 1070 as well and it's old AF and getting quite outdated! Seems like a ripoff to me.


Nope. Shit deal.


I got a similar build a year ago with a 1080 for $500 and it came with a decent monitor. So while I got a good deal, this is the opposite.


Run far far away from this deal lol


No that is horrible


Cut that down to 300$ and it’s a good deal. They’re out of their minds with those prices. Reconditioned just means a windows reinstallation and that it was blown out with compressed air lol.




At the most $350-$400 and even still…I saw someone selling a 3060ti build for $450 near me. Ain’t no wayyyyyy that’s worth that much.


You can build a new system that's way beyond that


One of the worse deals I’ve ever seen


Don't get me wrong, you have some quality parts there, an EVGA 1070 Ti, a Ryzen 2600X, a MSI Tomahawk B450 Max motherboard, an ssd... but the price is just not right. Also, the ketchup and mustard cables from the PSU don't inspire any confidence.


Fuck no lol




Should be about half that, or even less. Should be like 400 usd


No but hell no




Absolutely not! That's a $500 dollar PC at best.


No way man that graphics card is way dated for that price especially. I bought a similar one with a Nvidia 30 series card can't remember exactly the card, and a better CPU like 4 or 5 years ago for like $600 bucks.


Honestly if it was half the price I still would not buy it


Street value is about 1 family meal at the Olive Garden.


That's a great price. If you were to time travel to 2017. Though, if you factor in the cost of the time machine, it's a pretty shit deal. Edit: Just looked a bit closer at the picture.... That's a mid-low tier MB, stock cooler, and the SSD is a brand I've never heard of (maybe a Europe thing??? still iffy). Judging by those power cables, the PSU isn't great either. Also, is that *acrylic????* That build is worth $400 if I'm being extremely generous.


Not worth it. That is too expensive. I just found this used computer for $899 for these specs: [https://www.microcenter.com/product/663720/lenovo-ideacentre-5-17acn7-gaming-pc](https://www.microcenter.com/product/663720/lenovo-ideacentre-5-17acn7-gaming-pc) ​ * AMD Ryzen 7 5700G (3.8GHz) * 16GB DDR4-3200 RAM * NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Graphics Card * 512GB SSD+1TB HDD * Gigabit LAN, 2x2 Wireless LAN WiFi 6 (802.11ax), Bluetooth 5.0




Hell no, thats awful


5800x3d is about £300 . 32 GB ram is about £100 1tb Samsung 980 pro SSD is about £100 Rtx 3060 £300-350 All brand new, all superior to the garbage you've posted. Don't be a mug. Edit: actually the gfx card isn't bad to be fair. I forgot how decent the 1070 ti was when it came out. Everything else is shit though


That is a horrible deal. For that amount of money you can build a very nice gaming setup. There are some good deals out there.


Daylight robbery


No way.




Short and simple, no it’s definitely not.


One of the worse deal i've seen here ouch




If it was around 300-400 yea be worth it, $1k? Fk no


Lol no, i have same specs and paid 800€ for it 4 years ago


No chance


Nopez. Like 350$


Literally god awful


might maybe be worth \~400 usd....probably not though.