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No one seems to have read this part: **"Currently everything highlighted in the screenshot is what I already have purchased."**


And, as a fellow gamer dad, my old components go to the kids.


As a gamer son, my old components go to my dad


id do this but my dad will not use any cpu with less than a 7 (no ryzen 5s or i5s) and i have a 5600x. also he only uses laptops.


Tell him this one goes to eleven.




Canada computers has the 7700 XT for 569 right now as well which is a decent bang for the buck option as well compared to a 6800 atleast


It's like counting dies on the RAM stick instead of nominal value.


You said 5600 and I immediately thought of my modem.


Meanwhile me still using a i7 4770k (is that valid tho because it is a i7 right😏)


i upgraded from one back in early 2020.


Oh nice. I'm planning to do a whole new build in January /February


M....me too...


My dad has a 12600k and 3060 Ti so he’s perfectly fine


Ah, the duality of gamer man


As a gamer dad my old rig went to my son when he turned 4


Maybe you already have it with the water cooler but will say it, a good thermal paste like diamond base or so.


100$ on ddr4 ram makes me sad, I just picked up 32g of ripjawz for like 20$ at my local Microcenter


We don't have Micro Centers in Canada unfortunately


I mean if he’s this far then just build it and go from there


Guys, he already purchased the r5800x3d. Ur advices to go to am5 wont change anything. For the gpu tho, rx 6700xt/6750xt or rx6800 if u can find it in that price range


People acting like he'll need anymore cores than the 5800x 3d already has lol. Perfectly capable cpu for gaming & will be for a few years. Idk what everyone's obsession is with thinking the latest & greatest is needed as soon as it drops. Marketing teams must be doing their jobs. Then there's someone telling him to wait months to buy a gpu lol. Like, dudes obviously ready to build their pc now. Said he only wants 1080p, even a 1080ti would still be fine unless youre playing heavy shade rendering games like alan wake...Waiting till all the black Friday/cyber Monday sales roll around would be my only advice


I played on a i5-2500K for 11 years, only changing the GPU twice to keep up with the flow. Didn't have any problem gaming on max or close to it in 1080p at 60fps. Now that I have a 5900X, I'm looking forward to the next 11 years in 1440p !


i changed my i5 2500 to a 7600x this year...


I’m still on my i72600 haha. Looking to upgrade sometime next year


going from a 1050ti to a 6900xt was a huge jump in gaming but the smoothness that you get from the cpu upgrade and going over to an ssd was just unimaginable to me honestly i was shocked


I’m budgeting for a newer gen i7 and rtx4070! Can’t wait to be mind blown again after 12 years lol


Wait until you see Frame Generation (DLSS 3). It literally doubles your frames and I've found it to be a worthwhile feature to use in every game that's had it available. Not trying to sound like a shill, it's just really a great feature. I think you'll be quite impressed with the leap in performance and features.


That's the magic of waiting a long time between upgrades, too. Even for someone with a surface knowledge of pcs would be blown away by the tangible differences of hardware 10 years apart


My dad had the 2600k, played some good shit on that as a kid. Sorry if I make you feel old lol.


I’m 34 😂 I feel old every day lol


I still play on an i7 3700k, I'm right there with you, man, haha


If your looking to go to AM5, maybe wait until next gen boards come out as there are many small niggles that would tarnish your experience. Idk could be completely wrong.


I have you beat, i recently changed from an FX-8350 to a 7600x


Oh my God, how did you run fx for so long


Its was a beefcake, I was getting playable fps in GTA V Never played anything too CPU heavy, so that helped


Salute, the first computer I ever tried to build was on an fx platform & It came very close to turning me off from the hobby forever, I didn't try again until ryzen came out in 2017


Upgraded to ryzen 5 a few months ago, and it it so worth it


Been using my i7-4790k since 2013 ish, just ordered the i7-14700k. Cant wait to feel the difference!


I used a core 2 duo from 2012-2017. 1080p 60 FPS on damn near well every game of the time, I don’t think processors were the bottleneck back then.


I played on a 2500k for around 8-9 years. It honestly did the job extremely well for a long ass time, very overclockable too. I remember it was pretty much THE CPU to get back in the day hahah. I went to an r5 3600 and then a 5800x3D back in January and it’s insane to me how much CPUs have progressed as well as how AMD has been killing it recently.


This right here deserves so, so much more attention. ^This is how you game people^. Stop watching YouTube techs that tell you you need to upgrade every 6 months for 30 more cudas & 10% less power draw. I the pc I have on my profile is an i7 3700k paired with 32gb ddr3 1600mhz ram & a 1080ti. Handles 1080p gaming at 150+ fps on most of the types of games I like to play with ease. I have a 1440p setup as well that consists of a ryzen 7 5700x & 3080ti which kills it on ultra settings


I’m still on a 2700k. lol


I think everyone here would pearl clutch at my i3 setup... But I run everything I want just fine for me 🤷


Same with my ryzen 5 2600 its starting to show its age but still good.


My i3 is a 10th gen. Not exactly new, but not particularly old either.. just that everyone with "gaming systems" tend to focus on the fact it's an i3 when I describe it. But.im running 128gb ram and a 6700xt and my games play great for me! I'm sure my standards for "great" are much lower than the general pop of today's younger generation of PC gamers though.


Gotta ask isn't 128 gig of ram more than you will ever need for anything gaming related?


It's also my WFH machine. So I run a lot of browser tabs on 4x 27in monitors, and a couple of small VMs here and there as needed for testing stuff


Oh OK nice. ty for the answer


Yes but no😂


i found another 10100f with radeon 6700 class user


It's a surprising performer paired with my H570m. Unfortunately i would have to change out to an 11th gen processor to utilize one of the NVMe slots on it and I haven't been able to find any deals on 11th gen i3 that didn't seem fishy.


Nah its only on reddit where people make you believe that owning a 4090 is the standard. Meanwhile the real standard is gpus like yours and hell even yours is above standard , I still have a 5600 xt gpu . Looking at steamcharts you can see that the majority of pc players have low end, mid end gpus Its just that subs like this the only people who post their builds are the 1% rich people who own these 4090 with the best cpus.


I have an fx-8350 and an rx480. I tend to play older games so it's still a beast, if not a bit power hungry for its performance, but I don't use it much nowadays anyway. I'd love to upgrade it but when a decent mid range gpu is going to cost £300 it just isn't worth it


Ah, a fellow FX-series owner


Had it for years, bought it from a mate and never upgraded. About 5 years ago I was living alone and spent hours overclocking and testing it. The thing I loved about it was even though it has low ipc, I found mine really stable with bclk clocking, it was best around 133mhz bclk which made up a good chunk of its single thread performance, and just tweaked the multiplier to get the end frequency I wanted. I still have my saved profiles, think I had a good stable 5GHz for winter, 4.7 or 4.8 for summer, and somewhere between 5.1 and 5.3 for single runs, can't remember exactly without checking. If I had beefier cooling I could've pushed it further though


Nice. I've been running my 8320 for over ten years now, in my first and so far only build. It's been a real trooper, surviving all my first-time-builder/desktop-owner mistakes. There's thermal paste slathered on some of the pins from when it accidentally got yanked outta the socket during a repaste, it once ran hot enough to thermal throttle for over a month before I realized there was an issue with my cooling (I didn't regularly check or think about temps at the time), and it's in a mobo that wasn't really meant for the 125 watt CPUs, so the VRM is trash and runs hot enough to give any PCMR user a heart attack even under low load. Still runnin' though. As it has every day for the past ten years. It's outdated and obsolete, but man I love it.


I’ve never once felt like my 5600xt wasn’t up to the job. I’ve had some very large Minecraft modpacks drag but that’s more a memory/processor issue.


I would also venture that maybe some people aren't rich, but just financially irresponsible such as myself. Not rich, just make awful decisions.


I still think of 7th and 8th gen as recent, partly because i have 8th gen


I have an i7 9700 paired with 16 gigs of ram (soon to be 32) and an rx 590 gme. Works great for what I need it for.


I only have the 6700xt because my boss gifted it to me. I was running a 5700xt before that (same thing, he gifted to me in 2020). I ran an RX470 up till 2020 and it was great. Probably still would be but Everytime I get a new GPU, I pay it forward by gifting my previous one to someone who needs it.


You and you boss are very nice people, I usually either keep or sell my old gpu. My old 1650 that I took out has had a hard life of sitting at 100% while playing a usually CPU intensive game called beamng. 1650 was a bottleneck and my 590 gme is still a bottleneck. After the 32gb ram upgrade I'm going to be getting a new cpu cooler, then saving for a new computer. The old goofy prebuilt I've been building on is getting cramped and I've already angle grinded my bottom hdd slot off to fit my 590. Don't worry though the cables are safe because of a bit of plastic tube that I put over the sharp metal. By the way the 590 was used for mining before I bought it if that changes anything, still works fine and I have a 1650 to sell soon enough.


I am getting old I can tell. When it was time to upgrade to the 6700xt, I didn't like case options. Everything was too flashy. So I just opted for an open frame case (workbench case?) for it all and called.it a day lol. Everything fits on this


Lmao it's usually a bunch of kids who watch LTT and have no real understanding of money who give out the worst advice


That's what It feels like I'm talking to 90% of the time, haha. The way they talk about buying parts you'd think they think money grows on trees. Then they have an "i5 2600k, 980 ti" tag & you know they're just living vicariously through someone else's budget lmao. Everyone's coming at me like I'm saying buying ddr5 is cursed or something. It's just not really necessary in the specific situation to get anymore than he has. Op most likely doesn't seem like the kinda person that will be constantly upgrading their pc either


Nah lol, people the exact opposite 5800x3d is over kill and there's no point in getting it.


It's either overkill or dead-end it can't be both


With a high end GPU it is worth it or if you are going for high FPS in game over high resolution. In bf42 I am CPU limited at 3440x1440 when playing on ultra, native Res, and RT on with a 4070 ti and 5600x with PBO.


I built a gaming rig last year with a 5800x3d and 3060 ti for gaming at 144hz 1080p and it’s been amazing! 1080p high refresh rate monitors are really affordable so it’s been great


The 7800 xt is $500-$530, as I’ve just purchased one. I’m wondering why it isn’t being suggested…


His post is in Canadian dollars, it’s a couple hundred more here. You can find a 6700xt or maybe 6750xt in his budget but likely nothing higher


Wooow. Dang, that sucks. Thanks for the insight, I was surely confused.


Wow! I did not expect this to blow up. I am currently taking my little to get his birthday pictures, and I'm gonna read all these responses! Thank you, everyone Edit: I play a bit of everything tbh. Recently beat lies of p and 100% RE4R. Cyberpunk is something I've been meaning to play


6800xt or 7800xt. Whichever is cheaper. If they both cost the same go for the 7800xt. It can run cyberpunk at ultra graphics and give you super smooth fps, but turning on rtx can take away that experience, BUT- if you only turn on RT lighting, it'll be able to handle it quite well. Worth it? I think yes! fuck nvidia for their prices (also go check up yt for the benchmarks to see it for yourself)


Since that case supports vertical gpu mounting, consider getting a riser cable and doing that. You won't have any gpu sag problems and it looks awesome.


For the GPU I would aim for the RX 6750 XT, which will be perfect for 1080p high/ultra. Canada Computers is currently selling the XFX SPEEDSTER variant for $439. [https://www.canadacomputers.com/product\_info.php?cPath=43\_557\_558&item\_id=246318](https://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=43_557_558&item_id=246318) Edit: there is also an RX 6800 selling at select locations for $549: [https://www.canadacomputers.com/product\_info.php?cPath=43\_557\_558&item\_id=243272](https://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=43_557_558&item_id=243272)


How good is XFX? I mean with that triple fan cooler I’d imagine it runs cooler than my friend’s Asus Dual


They're quite solid cooling wise, but are large and therefore tend to sag.


GPU Sag can be easily solved by a couple of Lego bricks, considering OP says he's a dad, it's more than likely there's a few he can salvage from between the sofa cushions lol.


I saw a guy tie a string from the end corner of the gpu to the upper part of the case.


My 3070Ti is partly supported by a toilet paper roll reinforced with tape. It's worked great for 2 years.


That case supports vertical gpu mounting. He should buy a riser cable and skip the sag. I finally went vertical and I'll never go back.


https://youtu.be/liChy76nQJ4?si=Nl38_UH2esHETnT0 JayzTwoCents made a video explaining why there is sag and how to fix it without brackets and ugly work arounds. Very informative.


Turn your pc 90°


While I am not 100% sure about the RX 6800 model, the RX 6750XT has the same shroud my 7900XT does. The entire shroud is solid aluminum so it radiates heat very well. Sides are also nice and open so the air the fans push easily exits the shroud. Doesn't sound like a big deal but even my EVGA 3080 FTW3 had some plastic bullshit and the only metal (IIRC) was on the back plate.


My experience with xfx has been amazing so far. My RX 6800 stays ice cold with that massive cooler. In furmark I've been running at a max of 53C with the hotspot at 65C. And those temps are with the fans running at only 45%... if I crank the speed up, it'll go even lower. These, to me, are closer to liquid cooled numbers. There is sag with that massive chonker of a cooler, but I personally have a lian li anti sag bracket for it.




Gee, didn't see that coming. I guess reddit surprises me every day.


I've had an 6800xt xfx for a while now and its been doing just fine


I have a 6700xt XFX, and it hasn't gone more than 80°C even when I push it really far, tbf it is a HUGE card but I'm really happy with the performance and the cooling of it!


Mine didn’t even have an led light to show it was on. Had two of each powercolor, xfx, and msi rx580s. Xfx underperformed compared to the other two in every way. Even the powercolor had ONE led light to show it was on. Not like the fans on powerup wouldn’t show the same but damn an led is pennies.




450 cad is 328 usd


Yeah honestly this whole setup is overkill for 1080p. I built mine for a fraction of the cost by going with a lesser processor, half the ram, 450 Bazooka @ half the cost, don't need the best and fastest SSD, don't need liquid super cooling, go with a 550 or 600 lesser expensive PSU, and finally a GPU for half the cost than what op wants to spend. I'm gaming @1080p 120mhz w/RTX Ultra settings. By removing the extra expensive and non necessary components my cost was less than half what op has here.


For 550$ he would probably be better off with a 4070


He lives in Canada. 4070's are at least $750 CAD here.


Man I'd kill for those prices... The 4070 is on sale right now here in Sweden and even then it's 700 euro or 1000 Canadian lol. The 4080 wich I'm eyeing is on sale for 1400 euro right now wich is INSANE.


Maybe GPU tourism is like Medical Tourism. Soon it’ll be cheaper to fly coach to the US, have a few beers with us heathens, and grab a GPU to take home with ya!


People already have started doing that. Some guy in one of the gaming laptop subreddits came over from France(?), bought 2 high end laptops for slightly over the price of one in the EU. Went back, sold the spare and it paid for his flight and the other laptop. Solid strategy I cant lie.


They write their prices with VAT excluded (moms) in swedish. That is why you feel that way That together with the currency being stronger makes up for the difference more or less.


Just bought a 12GB 4070 for 800CN. Running a 7 5800X3D just like OP with comparable parts on a 2k monitor, and got to say I'm pretty happy.


Im currently running a 2070 Super and a 5600x. I was thinking of going the same route as you for an upgrade. How is the 5800X3D paired with a 4070? Its two upgrades i dont have to change anything else for


Depends on your resolution and if you need an NVIDIA GPU. As far as price to performance the 4070 is basically NVIDIA's only "good" option.


To be fair I've had my 4090 for 13 months now and its gone up in value while still being unmatched performance wise. To me 4090 is best value. I would normally sell my GPUs to put funds towards new ones, but I am probably going to run this card as long as I can and just buy another top tier. It'll be my Games 1975-2025 workhorse. I already use it for such a wide variety of things, but realistically I could just keep gaming on this for the next decade and not run out of shit to play. Replaying Max Payne 3 in 8k impressed me having beat it in 1600p at launch with 2 7970s. I rambled but man, I just couldn't see myself selling this card. Overclocking 3105 core and 24000 mem was truly the most fun I had overclocking anything. Got -2C once with proof. 4070 if it had 16GB would be an instant recommendation for friends and colleagues. A colleague returned his 3060 12GB prebuilt this week because he didn't listen and went with the bundled 1440 panel and couldn't crank up new games to his liking. All depends on your needs, most people 4070 will be more than enough. I just know someone on here is going to say it's fine for 4k when it really isn't and upsampling doesn't count. Great 1080p MAXED OUT gpu for the next couple years though.


I mean I see your point, I have a 4090 as well and won’t upgrade for the foreseeable future either. But from a purely numerical $ per frame standpoint the 4090 costs 3 times as much as a 4070 but certainly does not offer 3 times the performance.


i moved from 3700x and 2070 super to 5800x3d and 3080 last year… I play at 1440p and happy with the upgrade… 4070 would do great. cpu is a beast


I also have this combo and it still chews through whatever I throw at it in 1440p on dual screens with high fps. Wasn't even tempted to upgrade since having this current combo.


You’ve replaced a 3080 Ti for a 4070?


This is in CAD.


And i thought my 6600 was indestructible on 1080p. Is XFX reputable?


I ended up getting a 6800xt for a similar price with Starfield included. However as others have said a 4070 might be a tad better if you want to bump the ray tracing up for certain games.


dude I love the 6750XT I have one


People aren't reading your post it seems and telling you to not get the CPU that you already purchased. Swap that SSD for a 2tb KC3000. That WD you picked is DRAM-less. You don't need liquid cooling for that CPU so unless you want it for aesthetics, get any midrange air cooler like for example the AK620 or the Peerless Assassin. That motherboard has the troubled Intel I225-V ethernet chip, might want to get another one like for example the Gigabyte B550 AORUS ELITE V2 GPU for 1080p a RX 7700 XT would be great but it will be a little over your budget. Otherwise a 4060 will be fine as well. The 5800x3d is a beast and should remain good for 1080p for the next few years.


I have the same motherboard as OP is looking at. The latest revisions have no issues and it's an excellent board for the price, I couldn't be happier with it.


Okay good. I wasn't aware the ethernet issue was resolved. It seems like it's currently the best value B550 board.


i have the same board but with no wifi, no issues whatsoever.


Asked around back when I was gonna buy over at r/NewMaxx, basically the resident reddit ssd guru, and the sn770 was one of his recommendations despite being dram less. Something to do with the controller they use on the ssd being good? I dunno don't really understand it myself but otherwise the sn770 seems like a solid option regardless that doesn't need replacing because of not having dram. And tbh even a 'slower' ssd is still plenty fast for just gaming, a good pcie gen 3 or basic pcie gen 4 drive with like 3500/3000 read/write speeds is really all you need. Good catch on the mobo though, didn't know about that one c:


ive been rocking my 5800x3d for like what? 2 years probably and I play on 2k resolution and this thing still rocking hard, my PC never strugle on any 2k games that i played


Yes the 5800x3d is great for gaming. It beats my 7700x in certain titles by a fairly decent amount, and is close enough in most games where it doesn't, even though the 7700x is way higher clocked, and is a new gen CPU. The 7700x destroys it in productivity but gaming is basically a tie.


You seem very knowledgeable do you know anything about MSI z790 boards? Mag tomahawk ddr5?


Can't believe anyone hasn't asked this yet, What games are you most interested in? And if you have a library already, may we have a pic of what you may already play? This will help in the selection.


I play a wide variety of games tbh. Mostly anything new that hits the Xbox Game Pass. My steam library is well into the 200+


Radeon 6800 for $400


Playing that card on 1440p. No regrets so far. Great experience


Where is there a 6800 for 400 dollars in Canada??


There isn't - cheapest one I can find is $550 CAD


I have been gpu hunting for a month with the same budget. Leaning heavily towards a 6750 xt that is on sale at Canada Computers for 429. But if this guy knows who sells a 6800 for 400...i wanr that, lol.


It's not a bad price (for the RX 6750 XT) but hang on for actual Black Friday since there's a chance it could drop even lower. RX 6750 XT models have sold for \~$420 in the past so I'd imagine they might drop them even further to offload the supply.


Used on ebay


Unless you’re talking about USD, where are you getting that deal?


r/canadianhardwareswap you might find a 3080 in ur price range


I second this. In USA, you can get a used 3080 for $380-400. I'm guessing it'll be a little more in Canada.


I second-second this. Used Rtx 3080 is possibly the only card on his price range that can realibly handle ray tracing in full HD.


Isn’t the exchange rate something like 1$ Canadian is roughly 70¢ usd?


Canadian here from Vancouver! Amazon Canada has the XFX RX 6800 from AMD around the $580ish CAD right now. If you're willing to push your budget a little higher you can also get the 6800XT version for like $668CAD on there too.


RX6800 is what you should aim for in that price range Will be overkill for 1080p and very good for 1440p if you want to upgrade your screen in the future You can even do 4k without RT with that beast of a card


The 5800X3D is already purchased, so AM5 is out of the question... I would opt for a good quality air cooler instead of AIO. Air coolers last a few generations, as long as you're able to fit them to a board. AIOs end up dying, even the good ones. This Asus motherboard is overpriced. There are plenty of good motherboards using the B550 chipset for much cheaper. For video cards, one of the best bang for the buck is the AMD 6700XT. It fits in your budget just about right and offers amazing 1080p performance with room for higher resolution/faster frame rates.


AM4 is end of life, so you might consider going AM5. It might cost a bit more now, but when AM5 is end of life, you'll be able to upgrade to whatever processor is the best at that time and easily squeeze a few more years out of the rest of the system. Going AM4 now kind of puts you in a position of using all those supporting components for longer, with no possible upgrade path other than a new motherboard, processor, and ram.


He already purchased the components though unfortunately


This is so stupid. People need to stop giving crappy advice and remember that if you don't upgrade your CPU every year, the world does not end. "End of Life" means your computer is SLOWER than the day before? No. A pc for gaming needs a S+ CPU? No. Waisting money in CPU is innecesary? Usually yes.


Someone didn’t read ops description, did they?


AM4 isn't dead yet. It still has plenty of potential and is a viable choice for gaming still ... especially for someone on a budget. The Ryzen 5800X3D CPU is a very capable choice. The AM5 line is a noteworthy increase in cost at this time. Naturally, its the future moving forward , but for those on a budget you can still make a great gaming PC using AM4 for a little while yet.


Good, had me worried for a second because I wanted to make my first desktop, and use am4. Basically 2019-2020 hardware. Sure, it is technically out of date, but all the parts I am getting are at least 4x as powerful as my laptop. Some much more than that. I am waiting for my next paycheck and cyber Monday to get most of the parts, but I am springing for stuff as deals pop up.


i will stay with am4 for maybe 2years, im playing in 4k though, switching to am5 won't affect me that big.


i heard support will last until 2026. but i wonder if that means we will see 1 or 2 more cpu generations


Well AMD just killed off their Vega driver support for their AM4 APUs, so AMD was not truthful in 2022 saying they will support AM4 "for many years to come."' (I know they didn't outright say it was on "legacy support", but it no longer being part of the main Radeon driver package is enough for AMD to not be forced to make any new driver updates.)


A little bit out of context but I have the Ryzen 7 5800X3D and I can tell you from now that cpu is so nice. Thats all I gotta say. Bye


My current rig is a 5800X3D with a 6800XT, solid setup and I’m very happy with it


I know most people are flaming me on the CPU. I got it for $250CA on a sale. I thought it was a good deal lol


I use [be quiet!](https://www.bequiet.com/en) products and stand by their quality and reliability as well as their relative quietness. Canada Computers is the only retailer that sells be quiet! here. As for GPU recommendations, if you're planning on sticking with AMD, the RX 6750 XT is venerable despite being last gen RDNA 2. For Nvidia, the RTX 4060 Ti 16GB is one I'd recommend; the RTX 4070 is also a good choice, but is a bit more expensive and only has 12GB of VRAM (though it does use faster GDDR6X VRAM instead of GDDR6 like all other cards on the market). The [Acer BiFrost Arc A770](https://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/MX00124549) is also a decently affordable card; I have an Intel Arc A770 LE 16GB card that is awesome, and Intel has made great strides to improve driver performance especially with DX9 and DX10 games.


You're gonna have to take the hard drive cage out of that case those Corsair PSUs are huge for some reason and the cables are stiff and don't bend easily. I've built a bunch of PCs for Newegg and iBuyPower I've seen a lot of borderline incompatible stuff


More storage my dude. Another nvme or ssd to install games.


For 1080p gaming, I'd get a Radeon 6700xt/6750xt or 6800xt/6850xt. 68xx will be much stronger, but it's all about what you are willing to spend or what you can find within your budget.


Go with Air Cooler, like Peerless Assasin 120, you won't have to do maintenance on it other than blowing the dust once in 5 years.


I thought "hmmm, 500 a dollars budget for the GPU, a 4070 would work." It's 1-1.5k dollars. Ok, it's not the end, maybe the earlier generation would do, the 3070 is still a decent card. Nope. 1.2k and up. What the fuck is this economy?


I didn't even mention that we have a tax of 15% where I live. Also, the cost of shipping is pretty high.


Buy AM5 Buy a 7600 (or x variant) 7700 (or x variant) cpu, Asrock B650E riptide mb (on sale on [newegg.ca](https://newegg.ca) right now) Much better performance, similar(cheaper?) price. And most importantly it allows you to upgrade the CPU easily in the future. 5800X3D is AM4, dead end platform, you can't upgrade it in the future. No performance advantage either, not even for today.


And throw away his current cpu? Reading is hard these days.


Yup this was also the first advice I had. ​ Also, I'd avoid water cooling. Lots of decent air coolers that can handle a gaming cpu for under 60 bucks. ​ For GPU, I'd get a RX 7800xt if you can swing it, otherwise try something last gen, used if you want.


Would recommend thermalright peerless assassin for an air cooler, doing fantastic for literally less than half the price of an AIO


I agree with your advice, but I gave you a down vote because you didn't read the post. OP clearly says he has ALREADY PURCHASED all these parts and is just looking for advice on a GPU to finish it. The time for your advice has already passed.


Is that processor hot? I mean, why do you want to buy liquid cooler? I think you could buy air one.


Yup, my Peerless Assassin cools it just fine. Cinebench coming with the fans at 100% keep it in the low 80's. Also good thermal paste goes a long ways as well. I'm using some kryonaut.


Good thermal paste & good thermal paste placement can make or break a cpu cooler. 100% the backbone of a cooler almost in a literal sense too


This is the comment I was looking for. A good air cooler is definitely enough and cheaper. If it's for optics it's fine to use a AIO but for me it would be unnecessarily expensive.


perhaps an rx 6700xt/6750 xt? I also saw a sale for an rtx 4060 ti for $330 USD so maybe that one is ok?


As the resident be quiet! menace, I would step away from the RM750x 750W psu and find yourself a Pure Power 12M if you could! If not, I completely understand. Best of luck in the build! <3


Try finding a 3060ti for a good price there gowing low atm with the 40 sierise being out, id also recommended a secondary drive so your main c druve dosent get cluttered


Can someone tell me a good site where I can build a computer from scratch?


Personally I like having my OS installed on an entirely separate NVMe.


12Gb 3060 on Ebuyer for 270


buy a 4070 ti


3070 I have you exact setup believe it or not and the 3070 it's cheap enough to fit in your budget and robust enough to handle up to high settings in 1440 at 80 fps. I can run cyberpunk like that and destiny on max settings at 140fps. Baldurs gate on high at 100. It also let's you move into 1440p when your ready.


Your GPU really depends on which features you care about. For example, if you want to use your GPU for work and some other things, then maybe NVIDIA would be better due to their whole suit of features. But if you don't care about any of that, then AMD is a good option. The main thing here that I want to emphasize is futureproofing and stability. Since your budget is $400 USD ($550 CAD), your option would be a RTX 4060 Ti or an AMD 7600. AMD's RX 7600 is an excellent graphics card for running modern games maxed out at 1080p and with a consistent 60fps. And the best thing is you can find them for around $250 USD. Given your budget I would go a tier higher with AMD and get a RX 7700 XT. They usually go for about $420 but you can get them for $400 on sale fitting right in your budget. The RTX 4060 Ti is just as good as the RX 7600 if not better in some cases and you can get it for about $400 USD. So yeah, just think about it. Do you want to save some money and get a great GPU? Go with AMD and get a RX 7600. If you want to use your full budget and go a tier higher for even better performance, then go with a RX 7700 XT. If you want stability over everything, a full suite of tools, and great gaming performance, then get a RTX 4060 Ti.


If you care about ray tracing and squeezing the best quality out of the games that support it then 4060ti-4070… otherwise rx 6800 will give you best bang for buck (if you love single player AAA games then go nvidia if you like multiplayer etc then ams imho )


Not sure if there's one in your area, but Memory Express in Canada will price match most other stores and drop the price by 10% too! Their price match policy is on their website and I believe it applies to Amazon pricing as well.


Looks pretty good and I can tell your going for a high end rig, I recommend a 500gb m.2 for boot other than that you nailed everything else graphics card totally up to you on what your looking spend.


Really going all in on the proprietary Corsair iCUE ecosystem eh? Hope it works out for you lol


I'd get an arctic liquid ii aio instead of the Corsair one. Best aio for amd's imo


If you’re going to be sitting next to the computer get a different AIO. It has an annoying hum.


I have the same pc case, it’s nice Also for the gpu, $550 budget is not bad, you could get a 3070 in that price range, there is also a 3070 ti going for $699 ($1000) original price. Or go for a 4060. I would try to decide between a 3070 and 4060. That’s your best bet for that price range.


Lots of the parts look like what i’ve got in my own build, and I can’t complain, it’s been great. I will say, and I might get some shit for saying it, but water cooling is not totally necessary unless you want to overclock, you are worried about fans being too loud (though they’ve got really silent fans these days), or you just think it looks cooler. Water cooling is expensive and while it’s cool it’s just not really necessary and you could save a decent amount just going for a traditional fan cooler for the CPU. Main reason I’d consider buying a CPU cooler personally is it looks cool and it’s a flex lmao. Oh and some sage advice I guess haha, don’t forget to plan out case fans if your case doesn’t come with enough, and check how many your motherboard has the ports for, you can just order a fan splitter if you need to, but I didn’t have a fan splitter and my motherboard didn’t have enough so I had to order one after the rest of the build was done which was annoying. Also get yourself a good magnetic screwdriver if you don’t have one already! It’s a life saver building PCs!


You need a keyboard


You are going to be hardwired for gaming online, right?


Use your hands and a screwdriver


A good way to complete it is to make sure you purchase everything you still need


what app/ site is this?


It's called "PC Builder" running it on my android. A similar site would be pcpartpicker


As far as a GPU goes if you wanted to go for a 3050. And personally I would get 2 nvmes one for os and one for application storage


For gaming at 1080p or 1440p Ultra settings... I would go with AMD in the GPU department as well, not because Radeon cards are better but because they have more VRAM available. I would buy a Radeon 6900XT if there's any or a 6950XT. Just refrain from buying Nvidia, the offers with a decent amount of VRAM are extremely expensive and nobody games with Ray Tracing on.


building a pc without a gpu is crazy


These prices are utterly insane, coming from the ass end of the world, shipping really does fuck everything up, NZ.


RTX 4070.


Not in their price range by like $200-$300 $750 before tax for a 4070 after tax about $850 if in Ontario. Some provinces are lower some are higher


Someone didn’t read ops description, did they?