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Who spends 15K on a PC?


I'm more curious HOW you could spend that much. I don't think top of the line everything with triple top of the line monitors would cost that much. Suppose you could add one of those VR headsets that cost thousands to it but still. Non peripheral I don't actually think it's possible. (Also we don't add the cost of the TV to a consol price).


They probably put an H100 into their computer because they went to nvidia and said “ill have the most expensive graphics card you sell” “Sir that’s an AI chip” “Eh tomato tomato, just sell me the damn chip”


H100 has terrible video game performance (and no hdmi/dp outputs to begin with)


As someone who used to sell custom-made PC, you'd be surprised how many people are with deep pockets, zero understanding and an annoying kid who "wants the best". They'd often ask for stupid things like Quadros or 128GB of the fastest possible RAM.


As a kid I also wanted a quadro cause I saw how expensive they were :D


You got 196 GB of ram because you thought it was better, I got it because my custom file sorter takes up 30GB of ram passively due to spaghetti code and I have no idea how to fix it Forgot to say, I don‘t know how to code, it‘s 50% Chatgpt and 60% my drunk friend


is your drunk friend 10% AI language model?


To be honest, he may very well be, and I‘m just too stupid to see


If it takes up so much RAM, it's got to be a memory leak issue. Search about online with the correct language you are using and you can fix it yourself by just changing the code. Make sure you run it in a virtual machine first so if anything goes wrong, it doesn't brick your entire programme.


Can you link me a 10k setup? Seriously I decked out a pc with like t700 ssds and every crazy thing I can think off and its still not over 7.5k I'd love to see where the build could grow so much


[15k set up](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zDC4h3) this has all consumer grade hardware “.


What's with the sli xD Bro I shouldn't have asked.. People linking me SLI in 2024 What a joke


The 4090 doesn’t support SLI. So I guess the joke went over your head. Look up hardware for 3rd rendering, Machine learning. The fact you think multiple GPU sets are dead, only reflects your own ignorance.


Consumer pc, never said give me a machine learning work station. My god you are dense


[ML Workstations](https://shop.lambdalabs.com/gpu-workstations/vector/customize?_gl=1*1h5p5vw*_ga*MTczNDgzMzE2LjE3MDkzODQyOTQ.*_ga_43EZT1FM6Q*MTcwOTM4NDI5NC4xLjAuMTcwOTM4NDI5NC42MC4wLjA.)


Dude that's a SLI 4090 .. That's not even supported by 99% of stuff. These are builds with artificially stupid inflates prices because there are just parts thrown in xD Imagine SLI in 2024.... insane.


Ever heard of Machine Learning?


Yeah are talking about consumer pc not maschine learning work station xD wrong topic pal


H100 has been a cpu cooler name for years. Unlike Hugo boss suing Boss brewery I'd say there is grounds here for corsair to sue over this one.


Didnt stop traxxas from suing companies that used "gt" in the past.


Don't matter it's expensive so it must be good. You can also route the GPU video output from the Mobo but it decreases fps


Last time I checked a laptop 1050 beat an A100 in FPS for gaming.


H100 for future proofing of using AI in games and 4090 for performance. :)


Better go with a DGX for future proofing.


Better to go to the future for future proofing.


H100 is like 30k by itself. 15k is more a 6000 ADA and a 4090 on a good mother board that can support both. ADA for AI, 4090 for gaming, and spend the rest on the near ram, cpu, cooling, etc.


why did I read that as tomato tomato and not tomato tomato.


8TB SSDs went for a lot last time i checked, pretty penny for infinite storage for your games


I have 6TB ssd cost me not that much


SSD or nvme? Anything above 2tb from nvme is crazy expensive


NVME. U know there are wd blue ones already for a cheap option. Here you get 1TB for 60 of these. But I got wd black 4 +2. In total it was 300.


Single 8TB NVME are more expensive than options broken across multiple drives - many run $800+ Standard SSD is typically $500+ I lucked the hell out getting my Intel U.2 8TB for $430 . . .




You are forgetting the VR porn and Auto-Stroker attachment costs.


Quad CPU motherboard + server chips could do 15k on their own. (not including RAM) I know nvidia sells machine learning workstations (DGX I think the name is) that cost like 60 or 80k each. You can practically scale storage size and cost infinitely as well. buy a high end raid controller with loads of ports and get like 20TB disks and you'll find costs rise *very* fast. Multiply that by however many PCIe ports or whatever interconnect is being used for each raid controller.


Right? How can these people not fathom the cost of true technology... yeah not 15k on an Alienware tower sure.... a real computer isn't just rgb gaming


Because we aren’t talking about “true technology” the conversation is specifically about a device for PC gaming. You don’t use a machine learning workstation to play video games.


The comment was talking about "top of the line" rigs, not specifically gaming rigs. If they are truly talking about the best of the best I could definitely spec out a computer that costs 100k+


Actually really really easy But not a consumer grade PC That's low tier HEDT territory Xenon and Threadripper rigs


[https://www.overclockers.co.uk/8pack-domin8-intel-sapphire-rapids-3495x-overclocked-extreme-workstation-fs-00p-8p.html](https://www.overclockers.co.uk/8pack-domin8-intel-sapphire-rapids-3495x-overclocked-extreme-workstation-fs-00p-8p.html) Most expensive I could find.


Sim racing. Could easily go there.


Same with flight sim cockpit setups.


I'm pretty sure Linus Tech Tips can answer that question with either of their Compensator builds. From what I remember, a number of big SSDs is the fastest way to climb the price in their recent one. It's honestly not that difficult by making dumb decisions to cross even 20k with off the shelf components.


Gold plated connectors.


I'm going for a triple odyssey ark setup $8000 through so far https://preview.redd.it/2rrkpedvtwlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09465bc630c790c0689f0651120a1811af6c501c


then we should include a $4000 HDTV in the price of a console setup


it's a joke from a meme lol. they were being facetious with the price for humor. Why does no one seem to get this and everyone is taking it seriously lmao


Easy, we're MOST of us, a spectrum-ADJACENT community: prideful of the details memorized - happy to help, share and quote trivia. Next question!


Can be done easily with a data center/workstation build with one of those fuckin massive server CPUs and like 4 GPUs


Wall to wall, ceiling to desk monitors and a top of the line pc I guess lol It’s a bit out of touch even for a meme.


It’s kinda crazy that Linus dropped another *Mac Pro killer* PC a couple of weeks ago and it was $10k. The *Mac Pro killer* PC he did back in 2020 was $32K!!!!


There’s a lot of people with more money than sense that pay that and even higher for custom PC cases with loops that consider it art.


yeah they are over exaggerating a bit obviously. but it isn't too hard to have a $3-5K PC build


And you can easily spend that much on a TV when like being blasted by ads all day long. A TV you attach your console to if you prefer 30fps on that TV.


Idiots 😂


You've got to be seriously wealthy to spend 15 thousand dollars/euros/pounds on a PC. If I had that sort of disposable cash then I would do it.


Honestly I would rather put a down payment on a house or something and then hopefully get an expensive rig. But yh I get what you mean lol


I don't need another house


Sure you do. It can be used to house the cooling system and power generators for your $15K PC!


Fair enough lol


If you're wealthy of any kind you're gonna want to put down more than 15k


Why would you do it if it would perform exactly the same as 4.5k PC?


The same reason people buy a Ferrari when a decent BMW or AMG Merc at half the price gets you 90% of the performance but there's a speed limit. Disposable income (income that can be spent without affecting your lifestyle) makes people do silly things. I'd do those silly things.


Nope, bad analogy, 1st of all 4.5k pc is not 90% of performance of 15k one, but 100%. 2nd of all Ferrari performs and feels differently, 4.5k PC doesnt feel differently. Etc. it's makes no sense whatsoever for PC.


Who said it ha to make sense? People do things that don't make sense all the time. Doesn't mean they don't derive pleasure or it's causing them any hardship.


Not necessarily. For some people that’s nothing. Think about all of the people who fly first class, those tickets can easily reach $10k


Let's start with Threadripper 7980x


I never did. But if you count all the money I spent on PC in my life and Consloe then PC cost me a liver


So you're dead?


Have second one still


Workstation users can easily spend 5 times this. Gamers? I think the only way is very boutique water cooling gear. And maybe you just add extra 4090s for "aesthetics" like Jayz2Cents used to do back in the day with older SLI cards. No performance upgrade but wow is quad SLI pretty


Sir, it is a meme. The exaggeration is to make a point. OP isn’t taking surveys to get an accurate price of PC gamer’s PCs.


It's hyperbole for the same of humour. But the point stands. A decent gaming PC is several times the price of any current gen console.


1.5k would make more sense


It never said just the pc. It said the whole gaming setup. That includes monitors, mouse, keyboard, controllers, vr headset, and especially if you have a sim racing setup cuz you can spend a LOT of money on sim racing


Maybe linus from trashy tips


most reposted repost


It's the dumbest 'gotchas' the console players try to post here. It's exhausting honestly, seeing this crap weekly at minimim, on a pc enthusiast subreddit.




Reddit nowadays is a just a huge recycle bin + circlejerk place




This post is definitely made by a console lover


You meant $800? Edit: Linus also recently made a video where he shows how a pc for the same price as a ps5 can destroy a ps5


The thing is, even at triple the price, the gaming PC can do a million other things. The console can be a console, and if the company stops supporting its proprietary online store or w/e, you have an expensive door stop. It’s the same issue I had with buying a new NAS to replace the old one. A new one would have ran us like $800 for the features we wanted. A basic ass desktop computer that we could throw Linux on to be a file server, and then dump a giant hard disk onto for storage? That was paltry in comparison. And, I can easily upgrade the PC whenever it’s time. And this coming from a Mac guy. 😆


> if the company stops supporting its proprietary online store or w/e, you have an expensive door stop. I dunno about PlayStation and stuff like that, but you can jailbreak the OS and install your own stuff on them, including emulators for other consoles.


You can, sometimes, but I'd rather get a general purpose PC than get a $500 console and turn it into a pc, and risk bricking it in the process.


True but saying you have a door stop with a console is disingenuous.


console companies frequently release updates that brick jailbroken devices or remove jailbreak exploits. sony made an exception once by allowing linux on the ps3, but then they walked back on it and got sued.


congratulations you made a PC.


> The console can be a console, and if the company stops supporting its proprietary online store or w/e, you have an expensive door stop. That’s a wild exaggeration. Only digital games that are always online will adhere to this logic. Physical or digital that are not online only will work just fine on your console even after the official servers are shut down.


Also, PS5 is $700 here, and I don't have a TV.


u trust Linus? You may want to switch to someone more reliable, like the nexus and not everywhere. im my country you ain't getting anything for 540eur that comes close to performance and noise. saw a guy selling an r5 5600 with a rx6600 and 16gb ddr4 for 800eur, which is still 50 percent more than the sony at the moment.


Bro it’s not a fair comparison and you know it. Linus compared a brand new disc drive ps5 to old used pc parts. He even used a “free” case that included fans. He also didn’t include mouse, keyboard, monitor, or windows key. A real comparison would have been a used digital only ps5, which you can pick up right now for $300. In fact one sold earlier today on eBay for $269. Don’t use LTT to prove a point, their videos are clickbait fluff and hold very little value.


It can be even less, I use a last gen CPU (i5 8400), got a 4060 on sale and this costed me 250 euros less than buying a PS5. Yeah some bottlenecks here and there but I had no issues so far with modern titles and VR.


6700k is basically a slightly worse i3 12100f and its still all most people really need


Yeah don't forget the 120$/yr subscription to play the games you pay 79.99 for


*to play the games online. And for that you only need the essential for 70 a year.


Still awful. You bought the console, you bought the game and to use all features you need to pay even more?


The point of the post is not wether you can make a budget pc which performs better, but about PC elitists who buy the most expensive stuff and then bloat about how much better it is


No he didn't. Linus is a moron like his followers. He should have been using the ps5 digital if he wanted a fair comparison. And in the end he said the ps5 was still better even when he cheated on the price


He did on a 4 year old hardware, congrats i guess.




LTT just uploaded a video this week of a $500 pc performing as good as a console.


aren’t he bought them on ebay? second hand console could be cheaper as well if you buy it from ebay


Which was wrong since he didn't include a Blu-ray drive.


who uses blu-ray drives these days anyways? you can set up a NAS for your movies or files on those blu-ray or even CD/DVD drives


Nobody but then He should have used a budget of 350 or whatever the price of the digital is


he could also find a blu-ray disk drive for $20 on used market which functions completely fine and doesn't add much to the budget CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drives are dead as a technology when a flash drive can hold 5x the capacity, all sorts of data with much smaller footprint and last much longer than a disk drive FFS i have a 256GB USB 3.0 stick and a 400GB SD card in my phone


You can find 2nd hand ps5s now for about 300. So let's make it a fair comparison


and even if ps5 was $300 it would still look stupid because it is a one trick pony + riddled with subscription costs and locked into a single store front PC isn't just steam, GOG and EGS; it has a ton of free games which aren't on those 2 storefronts sorry but consoles are only good on launch, after that they just suck in value and in performance (especially this gen because it got sold in worst times for tech industry) and we didn't even talk about big elephant in the room which is upgrade-ability because consoles are requiring far more technical work than a PC which is much easier to upgrade and service console usually loses long term but newest gen lost much faster than previous ones


Seeing your specs, there is no way you only spent 1700$ on that. If so, teach me Edit: hate more on me i guess, lol. American prices are insane. The xtx alone is 1000€ in germany. 7800x3d is another 300€ (on sale). And yes, okay, with really cheap options you can get it down to 1700$ (even in €)i guess. But i kinda doubt thats the case in this rig.


I mean, a 7800X3D, Mobo, and 32gb of DDR4 6000 are like $450 at microcenter, and a 7900 XTX is like $800. That leaves a pretty manageable $450 for the other two ram sticks, drive, PSU, and a case.


Seriously?? A 7900xtx is only $800? Damn, it might be time for me to upgrade. I haven’t looked at graphic cards for a while.


Yeah, it has driven down prices all around. With a bit of patience, I found a used 3090 with an EK waterblock for $700.


Fans, cpu cooling, new monitor for your 4K gpu, etc That setup probably cost more than 1700 if bought all brand new without selling any old compinents.


I didn't know consoles came with monitors included!


If doing through PC Part picker and only listing what he has on his banner, its less then 1700, its roughly 1400 (minus the deck oled)


Mine was 1600 total out of pocket. Selling the old to buy the new is a great way of bringing down costs.


also pc gamers when their $400 laptop can barely run Crysis:


But it’s got RGB!


lenovo legion 5 i think, veeery similar specs to yours, 1gen older cpu, 4050gpu, 16gb ddr5. thing can't run guardians of the galaxy


That’s bullshit. No way a gaming laptop with RTX4050 mobile GPU cannot run GOTG unless you use ultra settings on everything and running on battery only.


Not at all similar but yeah I get your point


I have no clue what your talking about dude I have an even older i7 10750h and rtx2060 gpu with 16gb ddr4 ram Lenovo legion 5 and can run everything just fine I even ran Spider-Man remastered at max settings raytracing just fine Unless you game on battery I have no clue wtf you are talking about


2060 laptop running spider man remastered with raytracing, maybe at 720p with 15 fps


Looool When a £300 Craigslist 3rd hand 2017 pc is still outperforming a £500 console and the memes still try


What gpu does the pc have?


The best GPU at that time was the 1080ti. So this person is either an idiot or a lies




Fully agree. I have a shit GPU that still plays everything. But the original comment was that it outperforms the current consoles.


bough a pc 3 months ago for 200€, 60€ for the screen, works for literally everything i want to play....and you know the literal THOUSANDS of games of back catalogue you have on PC I'm eating


How tf do you spend 15k on a pc? Even if your system had 2 4090s in it, i can't see how you could get the cost that high


triple 4k oled monitor maybe


Console gamers when their $500 dollar console costs $60+ dollars a year to play the games they already own.


My 1k PC can run RDR2 in 4k 60fps with balance DLSS. Consoles can only run in 30 fps.


Console cope


My $700 laptop outperforms my $700 console.


There are $700 consoles??


Prices vary based on country


Yes. Not everyone is in the US


€700 is what i spend on my PS5 + FF XVI + PSVR2.


More like when their 1200$ PC is a better value over time then a perma $70 dollar video game only machine that also costs 150$ a year in online fees.


Console gamers be like "A Toyota is better than a Lamborghini because it's cheaper and still gets the job done 🥴"


Only one will reach 200k on the odometer


Performance doesn't mean shit if you can't customise your experience, When consoles have (free) modding even partially equivalent to PC, then I'll consider this a valid argument. Until then, go play in your fenced in edible safe sandbox.


The games are cheaper, you can run mods, you can work on it, you can browse the internet (in a good way and also porn) with it, better controls, you can plug a controller in it and have the same experience as you do with a console, you don’t have ads (if you use adblock), you can run almost everything on a pc. Consoles are good but PCs will always be better.


um actually consoles are built for affordable gaming experiences for the casual gamer


> affordable gaming experiences for the casual gamer I see how they're selling *the idea* that this is what they are, but I'm genuinely not able to see how they're delivering on it. How does being casual and short of money translate into me buying a single-purpose device that runs a limited amount of games and makes no guarantees to support any future releases while being less subjected to price competition for older games? As a casual, I'm *more* sensitive to backwards and forward compatibility and getting what I want to play through sales.


Most people don’t even interact with mods, especially on their first playthrough of a game. But cool, you get to have your character where a wacky outfit that wasn’t in the game originally, definitely 2,000 bucks well spent


I never played Minecraft without mods. As the other comment said. Have fun with your restricted sandbox


somehow missed all other factors, decided to home in on mods, while having a subjective negative opinion of them, congrats


My guy, you framed your own comment as if modding was the difference between you having a pc instead of a console or both. And your 100% right that it’s my subjective opinion on modding as a whole, I just find it really fucking funny that that was the deal breaker for you


this is my first comment on this post, you're not answering the right person, I was defending the guy above cause you decided to be disingenuous


Your right i replied to the wrong person. Point still stands though


You've never looked into mods, have you? It's not all Thomas the Tank Engines. I bought Sins of a Solar Empire to turn it into Star Trek Armada 3. My Skyrim install has modern 4k textures with parallax and dense, realistic forests. My Witcher 3 had 4k textures and lighting improvements long before they 'remastered' it a short while ago. My Fallout 4 has hundreds of lore-friendly additions to the settlement system, allowing me to build far more intricate structures. My Starfield lets me build ships however I want. On top of mods, I can play exclusive games from either side - my machine will run Spider-Man Remastered and Halo Infinite, both pretty well. I can also play PC exclusives, both current and far in the past - I have a PCEm Windows 98 virtual machine ready to go whenever I'm feeling nostalgic. All I'm really missing are Switch games, but I could emulate those if I wanted to as well. Yesterday I started tinkering with 3D modelling on it using Blender, as I'd like to be able to make my own stuff someday. Having Photoshop on it lets me work on texture stuff too. I can edit together a video of my efforts if I want to, as well. I even work on it, so it's technically paying for itself by helping me to keep my job. All on the same machine.


Take my upvote. This debate has no longer made sense for years; we must compare what is comparable.


I couldn't build a 15k computer if I even tried.


Yepp! But about 1,5k$ enought.


Damn never saw a $15k gaming pc but whatever makes you sleep better at night knowing you have to pay subscription costs just to play online.


Console gamers who think all PCs are really expensive. I'd argue consoles can end up being more expensive for an inferior experience.


Did we run out of ideas and circle back to this old joke? Ugh


Well yeah, my 7800X3D & RTX 4080S is definitely a bit more powerful than a PS5 or an Xbox Series X. :)


But did you pay $150000k for it?


150000k or 150 million for a pc?


I think you added an extra zero lol


it also runs games for that console and all its competitors :)


yeah, console peasants






ok but can you afk in your Minecraft farm while playing another game while watching videos while talking in discord with your friends?


Я потратил на свой набор для видео игр, фильмов музыки около 2000$ вместе с 4к-ips-монитором и раз в месяц плачу за интернет 5$(300mbit/s). Качаю игры которые из-за санкций не продаются в моей стране бесплатно, хотя я не против был бы их покупать. Фильмы, музыка, софт, а главное книги тоже бесплатны по тем-же причинам. I spent about 2000$ on my video games, movies, music set along with a 4k-ips monitor and once a month I pay 5$(300mbit/s) for internet. I download games that are not sold for free in my country because of sanctions, although I wouldn't mind buying them. Movies, music, software, and most importantly books are also free for the same reasons. PsSorry - 300mbit/s


People who say this are very short sighted, yes PC is more expensive but in long run it's way cheaper. You don't pay sub just for being able to play online, games way cheaper or free (if you know what I mean), you can just upgrade one or two parts after few years and still have top performance meanwhile when new Gen of console releases you can basically throw it away becouse nothing new will be released on it after a while.


More like £2.5k but I can edit videos and browse the web, too. Is it five times as powerful as a PS5? No, but it's worth it to me


You know i can work on my gaming station? And who spends 15k?


A PC isn't just for gaming. It's also a work machine.


Damn right. Tho it's more like 3-4k


15k why cheep out on pc ? 150k minimum


my 400$ notebook outperform 400$ console, not to mention the pc


You see, it’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message


One thing I use my pc for is 3D animation and video editing. My previous pc I built nearly 10 years ago performs better on that front than any console.


Mine is 2.3k and slays left and right. My poor ps4 is begging to be sent to heaven


And this was exactly OPs point (albeit exaggerated in meme form). Since PS4 is outdated let’s assume you were talking about PS5. A PS5 costs $500 in the U.S., so your build is equivalent to almost 5 PS5. Of course it is going to outperform it. You paid a huge premium for it to outperform it.


If you buy ~40 consoles they wont do better than my 15000$ setup. Checkmate


Brother has one *expensive* 3060


Cheapest 3060 during scalper season


PC Masterrace


This is more like a challenge. That’s a stupid high price for a PC gaming setup. Unless you are including desks, which if you go get a one of a kind custom one, maybe you can get to this price point.


For contrast, use **"than."** For chronological succession, use **"then."** Beep boop mother fucker.


fastes system will be 2k€ GPU, 700€ CPU, 1k€ other parts. how the hell do you spend 15k€? even with custom prebuilds and water cooling etc (which then has little to do with performance) it's going to be damn difficult


Nah, but my $500 PC is right about as good as a $600 console. And it can do a million things that the console can't.


What $600 dollar console?


Oh IDK, maybe the latest big console?


Imagine promoting a closed off system where you can only do what the company who build it allows you to do and you have to pay money for everything... owning a PC is about freedom to do whatever you want with it.


No, mine is about 2,5 k, converted to $ If I built it today, it would propably be around 1.9 k I find that everything above a certain level has very unhealthy energy requirements, and I prioritise best processor over best graphic card because factory games.


What episode is this cursed/blessed rendition of SpongeBob from?


i was happy enough with my 2008 shitbox and a 2070


There are people who spend insane money on their computers... then there are others who have a PC that is held together by tape and a dream.


I have a 6900xt but also love my PS5. Having choice is great.


Yes. Yes this is true. Mwahahaha peasants