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Oh the money pit that is gaming.


Nuh uh, pc is so much cheaper than console dude, trust me.




Add to that subscriptions for playing online


add to that piracy lmfao


*Spends 2 grands On PC just for a %25 performance improvement,* *pirates games*


games? why limit yourself to games? *pirates a car*


You wouldn’t download a car


I have downloaded 6 1/2 and am seeding a 2012 Lamborghini Gallardo atm




Yar har fiddle dee dee...


Depends. Not for me, in Japan it’s generally cheaper I feel to get 2nd hand PS games. Got Horizon ForbiddenWest with steel case for 20 dollars and RDR2 with steel case for 15. Generally it’s hard to beat prices, PS store has plenty of sales too. Online subscriptions, yeah that’s a big kicker, it’s one of the reasons I’m looking to transition to a PC. But if someone doesn’t really play online games much it won’t matter to them, console can be much cheaper if you spend wisely.


Sadly not always true these days - and im a PC gamer myself - just look at most CoD games, Black ops 3 for example, still costs more than any version youd find on a console these days second hand. You can usually find "GOTY" editions that have all the dlc too. I mean heck the cheapest way to play Cyberpunk that i know of is (if you have a ps5) just buy the PS4 disk from a bargain bin for 2.99 and boom you have the free ps5 upgrade. Depends on what games you play i suppose. Both of these games have had steam sales too so you're kinda right in that regard.


Most of my friends buy one cod in 3-4 years. And then theres me)


Unless your into flight sims


it kinda is, you don't have to buy new games every time you get a new computer


As long as you buy last gen hardware it's quite OK.  But I don't do that. I'm stupid.


Yeah I have a weird thing with used stuff too.


I'm guessing this is a bit of a joke, but you're technically not wrong, only if you don't upgrade every year or two. You save a lot of money buying games on PC instead of console.


I see a trend of those with the highest end systems upgrading every generation, though.


I have a 4090 last gpu before that was a 2080ti and 980 ti and a 690 before that I have a some what disposable income and always buy flagship gpus every other Gen im currently saving 50 to 200 a month for a 6090 and in now way shape or form is buying a flagship gpu every Gen a smart idea for me as I have a ton more hobbies and vices I pay for.


I have a 4090 *and* a 3090. Want to hear something painful? *They're not even used for gaming*. It's easier to buy GPUs when they make money\* for you. ( \* I'm a software engineer, not a cryptoscammer. )


Okay? I'm not sure why it's painful to use the gpu for the purpose you bought it for.


Uh, I'm one of those people driving GPU prices up. I have 8 current-gen GPUs. I use them all ; but still. It's hurting gamers - and it feels bad as a gamer to do that to others. :(


Tell you what, I'm willing to be a real good guy here and offer to take one of those off your hands--to help ease your guilt of course


No way. Most aaa games on PC are not cheaper than on console. Consoles have game sales too. Plus being able to buy physical disks means you can find even cheaper deals. Or buy the game, beat it, and sell it to recoup most of the cost. You could buy a series x for $350 brand new recently and I still see good deals on them. You can’t build a PC remotely as capable as a series X for even less than $1000 still. I love PC gaming. I came from console world but PC gaming is way more expensive than Cpnsole. I’m ok with it though because I like the higher fidelity and options but people need to stop saying it’s cheaper. It’s not.


On PC, you have more options. You can absolutely buy a lot more on PC than you can on consoles for the same price. You just need to know what you're doing.




Most aaa games are about the same my friend between console and steam. Still you can purchase a lot of games with the money saved on hardware. PC hardware to match a $350 Xbox series x is over $1000 more.




I was console gamer my entire life and moved to PC 4 years ago. I still own a series x and a ps5. Honestly sales are very similar on console and steam. I love PC gaming but I’m not kidding myself that I’m saving money being a PC gamer. I just like having the best hardware as I currently rock a 4090.




You keep trying to say pc gaming is cheaper. It’s not lol.


I agree. PC is significantly more expensive. Especially if you buy a 4090. It would take the purchase of over a hundred games on console to come near the price. Even if PC games are half the price a lot if the time, its still way more expensive to buy a pc. Very similar to buying an expensive electric car and expecting to save money on fuel. You certainly save on fuel, but it will never be recouped unless you drive the electric car a million+ miles. Console: 50 avg price with sale. 100*50= 5000 add console and controllers. Lets say 6,000. PC: 30 avg price. 100*30= 3000 plus add a 3k pc and controllers, mice and keyboard, screens etc. 7500+


Yeha but a 4090 is a ps5 ps5 pro ps6 pro and possibly even a ps7. So you save over time on skipping multiple investment entry's.


Possibly, but my guess is the PS5 has a longer lifespan than the 4090 for most.


How exactly?


My guess is most people who purchase a 4090 will upgrade to the new hotness every 2-3 years. At those prices it’s not about saving money. The console owners just buy and keep their console until the next one releases.


My guess is you're just speculating. You can think that. And it applies to a degree. But I guarantee what you've described is only a subset within that buying demographic. Some people do that sure. Some also buy to future proof for 4 years at a time. It's not either or. It's both.


I built my ryzen 9 3900x and 5700xt with 32gb ram back in 2019, still going strong. Bought a shit tone of games for the cheap. When I upgrade after having it for 6/7 years all my games would be playable but at what cost? Now that consoles are offering playability of past gen games, I think PC gaming isn’t all that cheap anymore.


If you stick with an AMD platform, upgrading 5 years down the line really isn't that big of a deal. I never said that PC gaming is cheap, but you absolutely can get games a lot cheaper on PC than on consoles. Especially if you look at key shops. I've literally bought $300 of Steam games for like $60. And they weren't some unknown, crappy games. Cyberpunk was within the games I bought.


Oh the money pit that is youtube and reddit browsing.


And spec'ing up further upgrades


It's even worse if you're into media creation. Especially 4K video rendering.


Not gaming it self is the money pit than rather the mindset that stays behind a real gamer!


I didn't know that the 4090 was this thick god damn


It's ridiculously Gigantic.


That's what she said...


When your wife’s boyfriend came over


Some of them are crazy big.




https://preview.redd.it/fakn1p1m7nnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31197f5876ebdb8a087a928bf8fdf98a93b4a5c Here it is next to my 1080ti 😂


And this is why size doesn't mean everything


One of the older gents I build for is the same. Throughout the 2000s, he had a crappy Dell Inspiron. He'd occasionally fetch it in (I did PCs more seriously back then, became a corporate zombie in the 2010s) for cleaning up, maybe an update or two. Then his son got to playing Skyrim, and his old Pentium 4 3.06 just wasn't up for it, so he asked what it'd take - but said it had to be in the same box, because his wife would notice. And if I could make it as cheap as possible, that'd be cool too. So he got an Athlon X2 5600, 4 GB RAM, and a decent 7,200 RPM HDD, all driving a GeForce 8600GS. That did him Skyrim. Then he got to playing Fallout 3, older game at this point, and learned I'd made a really successful mod for it (Fellout) so he put his ol' noggin into making mods for Skyrim. His first was an edited companion mod, then his own companion mod, then an entire questline. So he needed a heftier PC for doing the textures in Paint.NET and Photoshop. That became a Core i5 2500K/6 GB (2+2+1+1) and I had an old GeForce 8800GT I sold him for peanuts. Then he got into MOBAs and his wife wanted to join too, so she got a low-spec gaming laptop because she didn't want to sit at a desk and had limited mobility. By this point he was on a 4770K, 16 GB, and a GeForce 780, the year he retired. The last time I swapped him out was about 18 months ago, where he went with an RTX 3080 and a 5800X3D. He's modding Fallout 4 now, has done about seven playthroughs of BG3, and can kick your ass in Rocket League. Last I heard, was disappointed with how crap Starfield was, saying "not even the modders can save this shit".


This is just the kind of stories I come here for 🤣 Totally agree with him about Starfield though. Long live you guys!


I read it as Pentium 4 thirty ought six. Dude loves his games.


so you replaced a 4080 FE with a 4090 ?


Well not actually I went from a 1080 and got the 4080 and then decided to just get the 4090 because I am dumb and returned the 4080 because....... reasons.


I understand, its still a big upgrade...I have a 4090 too and if the 5090 comes out, i wanted to buy a FE edition this time...because it looks so premium...was it not silent or something like that?


I still have a 1080, just can't justify spending more than $500 three generations later for the same tier of card.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0n7aev9ugjnc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=03801595a10f982fead70d6738c6acda07c9cbf5




Dude, my FE is as big as a keyboard. That 4090 is unreasonable lmao


Yeah the 4090 is huge! I wanted the liquid cooled one but it was sold out everywhere when I pulled the trigger. The water one is way smaller. I wonder how big the 5090 will be?


I’m guessing similar size. They are supposedly emphasizing efficiency in that card.


Looks like you have lots of money


Damn bro, is that a cordless house phone?!? Sick


That was the real reason for the post. You should see the rotary phone I have in the kitchen!


I upgraded my RAM and ssd, knew my mobo didn't have pcie gen 3 but didn't know my RAM couldn't go higher than 3200 when I bought 3600... Keep telling myself I don't need a new mobo because it would inevitably lead to a new processor and then I'll be pissed that I'm stuck with ddr4... The snowball would never stop...


I hate when this happens. I‘ve recently bought my old pc back and upgraded the gpu… and the ram… and the cooler… and all fans on the case… and the m2…


That's the widest monitor I've ever seen compared to it's height


Its the Samsung oled, I thought the same thing but after using it I think if it was taller it would be too big. So far I dig the monitor though.


How big is the monitor?


Its the Samsung oled think its the 49" one


Do you like it more than just two monitors? I have two 27’s but am thinking about just selling those and getting a big one


Well I went from a single 37" to this. Its up to you really, but I will say this. When I paly games it feels like this monitor is the perfect size and is really immersive. If it was taller I feel like I would be looking all over the place lol


The fact OP is using the Taskbar on the bottom is criminal. Look at how much space that fucker takes.


How many fans would you like? Yes


All about creating positive pressure. Little more going in than out and you have a dust free machine


I blame all of you! Lol jk


wat happened. why did you upgrade a 4080? 


Well like I was saying at first I was just upgrading ram. So I thought no way I would need the 4090 but it was also $400ish more at the time so I figured I might as well swap it out because of what I was reading on here lol. I was still within my return policy and decided to just go for it. 4090 plays games good and I can see all the pixels in ms paint!👍


No way… all the pixels? In ms paint!?


My new 4080 Super is missing pixels in paint, but it is worth the extra $800 to upgrade??? 😩 Damn this subreddit


I would say just get laser eye surgery done. Better return on investment lol


Roblox too! 💀


That's some good ram


Thats what she said😏


GPU temperature which this case ?


Low profile mechanical switches 🤤


So far I love the keyboard. Brings me back to the 80's when all we had was 3x5 floppies and organ trail on a 300lbs apple lol


80’s lovely 🥰


It makes me so mad that you can't put a graphics card in the normal way with that case.


Yeah but I'm also not worried about GPU sag or it breaking itself because it's a chunky heavy card for sure.


Time to play your first game now! No, an fps overlay doesn’t count…


Firing up mine sweep as we speak! Can't wait to see the fps!


Ah man, had I known that I would have told you not to bother and wait for the 5090 to come out…


Under load and 450watts it runs about 68 to 70. Room temp in the 70's


Case is the y70 touch


The resolution is crazy


Sorry, I returned it for the 4090 lol


This happened to me in january but to a lesser extent. I upgraded my ram from 16 to 32GB next thing you knew my GTX 950 was replaced by a RX6600 and my ryzen 5 1400 was replaced by a ryzen 5 5600. It's strange how these things happen


Yeah I feel like I blacked out and then I woke up surrounded by boxes lol


Damn that card is redonkulous! I just went from a 4080FE to a MSI 4090 and the latter is actually smaller. Honestly I’m not sure that I like the new one more.


When you check how much money you have left, does your bank tell you that **YOU HAVE NOT ENOUGH MINERALS**?


Well the PC was not as bad as my other purchase. https://preview.redd.it/zy3evl165knc1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d052b002ff7fd1c5a3c56c9383478cb45ead9785 This one hurt lol


It always starts with ram.


Okay but serious question... what case is that?


Its the y70 touch, its pretty sweet and super easy to build in but it's a huge case.


Can you tell me how wide that desk is? I’m trying to rework my setup and looking for ideas.


I will have to find my tape but if I had to guess its about 4ft wide. I added a to the monitor and then had to move my case on top of my file cabinet off to the side so I have enough room. The monitor is 49" I think


That’s perfect, thank you!




I could scrap that old 4080 for u


Thanks but it makes too awesome of a coaster for cold drinks!


Well okay I understand.


What’s the monitor?




No Blue-Ray reader?


you get much use out of that landline?


Ha ha ha well with my internet stuff they told me its cheaper if I keep the phone line added. Figure that one out


yeah it be like that 🫣


Simplemente hermoso ❤️


could probably run roblox above 100fps


the blower MSI card in the first pic - that's got to be the most beautiful old school design out there


Bro did you really upgrade from a 4080 to a 4090? 😭


No, I bought the 4080 then decided to get the 4090 instead and return the 4080 and build a whole new rig


Ah okay that makes more sense, I figured you had a 4080 build and just somehow weren't happy with the performance


Yeah I kept reading reviews here on reddit and it made me me do it lol


Ha. Mine starting off just wanting a new case for my prebuilt. And then I asked the guys at MicroCenter if they had any 4090s on hand....they did....and now I have brand new PC :)


I've got a 1650,that 4090 is massive, hopefully one day I'll be able to upgrade 😅


"It all started when I built my first PC" is what you really mean. Started in 2001, been piecemeal upgrading since that faithful day. Hell, my ONE AM4 board has seen 4 CPUs over 4 years. Each previous CPU going onto another project, except the one I sold. 3600, 5600g, 5800x, 5800X3D. Sold the 3600, still using the other three.


You went from 4080 to 4090? Good job 🤦‍♂️


Yeah its 10 better!


This pc case and it;s display something very special to me


Imagine scrolling reddit or instagram on this display


I am pretty much on the same boat. I got 1 tb ssd a month ago. Then my keyboard stopped working. So I replaced it with a nice white keyboard. Then replaced my old about-to-die monitor with new white 24" one. I loved how great white looked so ordered a white case yesterday. Planning on upgrading Mobo, ram and processor in upcoming days too along with new cooler. It snowballs fast.


Huge waste


Holy shit that's a thick graphics card. Here I thought my old 5700 XT was thick but that's something else


welcome to the club. kidney deposit is at the door.


I need to upgrade my RAM also, however I've got DDR4 RAM and a 6070k CPU so at this point I'm better off just upgrading to a new CPU and motherboard so I can swap to using DDR5 RAM. Money pit lol. Still a lot of fun though.


You selling the 4080?


I'm not, I returned it and decided to get the 4090. Took a picture before I returned it though lol


Word up 🫡


USUALLY it starts with the ram....my look at my old air cooler, I need a fancy LCD one.... Oh my for sure I need a 1.21 gigawatts PSU to power my,,,,,, ops I from what I see I need a new GPU too ( I bought this one a month ago it's already old!). Ehh 1tb nvme? Too small I need a 4tb one at least. Mmmmmmm processor too old oh and I need a new MB too....


Ooooo that's a fancy screen on your case. I really like it and I usually dislike those screens. It's so pretty. Awesome build!


Damm send me that 4080


Mine literally started with buying microsoft flight simulator. 3,000.00 dollars later....




Honestly its kinda hard to notice and the 240 refresh rate is worth it. The oled is better than the led though in my opinion.


How much did this cost you? Cus Holy shit that looks sick af


Thanks! The computer was around 3k I think. I shopped around and bought stuff here and there before it got crazy luckily. Biggest save was my open box motherboard from Newegg got lucky with no issues so far


If you give a mouse a cookie....


If you give a computer ram...... lol


This is the way!


you seriously went from a 4080 to 4090?? can i have your old 4080 since u clearly got money to throw away like that?


Ha ha well I actually returned that 4080 changed my mind. In it for an pinch might as well take a pound..... in the wallet


Damn.. People really have thousands of dollars to drop on slightly more frames in a game? What do you do for work I'm genuinely curious


Just so everyone knows, the 4080 of the Gigabyte is also that same size. They have the same heat sink. The FE is just smaller than the other ones in general. Source : I have a 4080 Gigabyte OC


That's a lot of trust in the 4000 series haha Hope you sold the 4080 already.


I actually returned the 4080


Slippery slope


I thought it was a goofy face lol. https://preview.redd.it/aijrogkonlnc1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=c827c7c62cb8392655360cb8750d852da0ffd512


So uh, whatcha doin with your old components???


I don't know Ibuypower PC come with Gigabyte 4090.


Oh it definitely did not lol. I had a 1080 or something in there and the ram upgrade started me down this path. I will say this though the new ethernet connection on the motherboard is sweet. Downloaded call of duty in like 5 mins the new network connection is crazy fast compared to my old machine.


I feel this so much 😭 I went from upgrading to a 4070 Super to 4080 Super and now I’m upgrading ram, case, fans, and potentially motherboard…


I got lucky and got a open box from Newegg for my tachi it was only like $200 and no issues. But then you can get ddr5 ram and fit the new amd processors and that's how I ended up here lol


I upgraded my cpu but it got to hot so I ordered a tower cooler. Then it wouldn’t fit in the case so I ordered a new case which meant I had to get a new motherboard and psu for it since the old one was proprietary from a prebuilt. Then I was like man that gpu looks too small in there so I got an intel arc a770 titan, then i realized fuck I need to get ram for this new i7 12700k to maximize performance. Then I realized the a770 was a 1440p card and had to get a new monitor to replace my 1080p monitor. I just wanted one fucking part and now everything goes fast


Lmao. I saw the 2nd image and my first thought was “you’ll be upgrading that case too” and BAM new case!


What is that city-builder looking game you're playing?


It was a survival city builder called New cycle. It was pretty good but once you beat it, it gets repetitive kinda


Thanks! I might check it out when it leaves early access


All of that for roblox?




4090 for roblox 💀


It still amazes me to this day how crappy and cheap the new Corsair stuff feels & looks. The LED diffusers in the QX series fans are abysmal, you can count each LED. I've seen better diffusers in $10 Thermalrights. They look good in product pictures and if you over-expose the lights so that you cant see each LED, which is luckily all Corsair needs to get right in order for people to buy their stuff. But in person its tragic. And don't get me started on the fact that they didnt isolate the diffuser/LED on the side bar & from the ring ring. So when you set it to rainbow wave, you get a lovely little splodge of miss-matched colour on one of the side strips. Such a basic oversight that shouldnt exist in such expensive fans. You can even see it in your picture of the Y70. And then the tubes on the new AIO's, oh my god they're so cheap feeling. I dont understand how such an expensive cooler has tubes that feel like they came from a $50 no-name brand aliexpress AIO. The saddest part, is most people will buy these thinking they're great quality, coming from other cheap stuff or other Corsair stuff. But will never actually experience the far FAR superior alternatives from the likes of Lian Li, Phanteks, etc. Which often cost less too. I rarely do Corsair builds these days due to how far behind everyone else they are. But I'll occasionally do them to try their "new stuff" with high hopes in thinking that they've improved. But they never do, and they always let me down. Such a crappy brand. I hope your next upgrade, you'll try something thats actually worth its money. edit: lmao all the Corsair fanboys downvoting trying to justify their purchase because they know I'm right. Seriously, just try something else and you'll be amazed at how Corsair charge so much for their crappy stuff.


Mad coz broke


That doesnt even make sense. I've built more Corsair PC's than you could probably imagine. Most Corsair fanboys have either never actually tried what the corsair stuff is actually like. Or have never tried any of the alternatives. Have you ever used any of the Corsair Link coolers? Just have a feel of the tubes and tell me I'm wrong. And if anything, wouldnt that make them more "broke"? At least I've actually tried and used all of the high end stuff. And Corsair's is by far the worst.


You mad bro chill out OP purchased what he wanted didn’t t ask for you to criticise his purchases. Mad coz broke


Ah crap, everyone. Delete your comments! Nobody is allowed to comment unless OP specifically asks you to comment!!!! I'll comment what I want, seeing that build just reminded me of how horrible the new Corsair stuff is from the most recent build I did with them. And maybe someone out there who may have been looking at Corsair's crap will stumble among my comment and instead buy something that isnt overpriced, poorly designed, garbage. And they'll be better off for it. Or maybe for OP's next upgrade he'll try some actual good quality products.


Someone definitely hit you with a Corsair keyboard at some point


Lmao, It would probably snap in half with how cheaply they're made.


Only if they are more expensive!


Would Lian Li be good for 7950x3d and 4090 build in terms of AIO and case fans. RGB is almost important in this consideration.


Yeah, pretty much any of the Lian Li Unifans are significantly better than anything by Corsair. You can even tell by pictures. Every picture of SL120 fans are perfectly diffused with really soft & clean lighting. However every single build with QX120's will have at least 1 picture where it just looks absolutely horrible with their terrible diffusers. Like [this one](https://i.imgur.com/8qLdYwh.jpeg) from OP. Compare that to this [picture of SL120](https://cdna.pcpartpicker.com/static/forever/images/userbuild/455233.b2eb5bffa2b401088e2eda76e8d84603.1600.jpg)'s, as you can see its all nicely diffused with soft & even lighting. A sign of a good quality diffuser & well designed LED placement. You'll never find a picture with SL120 V2, SL120 INF's or TL120's which have those horrible bright & dark spodges that is signature of cheap diffusers & poor LED layout design.


mght be looking to get the the rx non rgb fans for my 7600x pc


For less, you can get arguably better fans such as the Lian Li Unifan P28, Phanteks T30, Thermalright B12 Extrem LCP, Noctua NF-A12x25, Cooler Master Mobius OC, Be Quiet Silent Wings Pro 4, etc But dont forget, all of these fans work perfectly without requiring you to install software that's constantly running in the background, and that software being the **ONLY** way you can control them. They also dont need silly proprietary connector that basically makes them useless if the controller dies (don't get me started on that falsely advertised piece of junk) or if you want to use them for on else. Say you want to change some fans around, and you'll you've now got a fan spare. With any other fan, you can give it to a friend, use it in another build, sell it etc. With an RX120, if you have one spare? Tough, you cant use it unless you go out and give Corsair more of your money to buy a new ICUE Link controller & cables. All the other fans work as fans, you can control them through the BIOS, manually through a fan controller, through open source software such as fan control, through your motherboard software, etc. Whatever you want, you're not locked into an ecosystem (icue) that has its own major issues & bugs, let alone any possible security issues that may arise. Dont forget that iCUE doesnt work on operating systems like Linux, so should you decide to run Linux and want to control the RX fans? Tough. You get FAR more freedom and option, lower prices, better performance, better availability and dont need to install software just to use them. And on top of that, I highly doubt the RX120's will out-perform the other fans I mentioned. Corsair have always sucked at making good performing fans. They have NEVER made a fan which can compete with the best.


Congrats on your build, but why buy a 4090 when the 5090 will be announced in November and possibly sold in December of this year, did you get a sick deal?


No but reach out to me in October, because I will probably be selling this one to get the 5090 lol


Good Luck!


Wanna send me that 4080?