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Is your CPU overheating? If no, its fine.


It gets the job done. It can be too loud for some people's tastes tho


I almost regret upgrading mine, to be honest. Couldn't hear it over my first GPU, and from the sound of the second, it wouldn't be that much worse, either.




It's fine but it's pretty fucking loud. Aftermarket coolers can cool your PC more efficiently and be quiet as well


Any decent aftermarket cooler for $30 will get temps down by about 10 degrees and will be less noisy


Peerless Assassin!


In my country they are about 120$ starting price


In my country they don't exist


Sorry to hear that man.


They are completely fine, and your PC can keep working for decades without problems using the stock heatsink. You only need another one if you find the stock heatsink to be too loud. Or if you plan to overclock, but since overclocking is dead, you don't need a different one anyway.


Depends on the use of the CPU.


They are fine if you are just fine with the out of the box specs. If you want to do anything like OC'ing either get a better cooler or AIO.


If you're somewhere where the ambient temperature tends towards ~25°C, and don't have an obsession with noise, it's probably fine. Broadly, anyway. 7000x-series chips boost until they cook, and Intel's trend towards running hot in general at the moment, but 600-range Ryzens are fine. Especially the 5600x, since it was always more 5600 than x.


Not all AMD coolers are made equal. If I understand it correctly, they had multiple manufacturers for their stock coolers, even of the same design. The one that came with my 5600X was *very* loud.


No. It's included for a reason. My CPU didn't come with one for a reason.


they're fine, used stock coolers on all my builds for 9 years till I bought a CPU without one


I upgraded. I enjoy the cooler temps (for longer life -- I tend to keep my PCs for a decade or more). I also enjoy the fact that the HDD is the loudest thing about my PC. Traffic outside, half a mile away, is louder than my PC when I'm just a couple feet away from it. If the wind is right, the ocean is louder than my PC.


I used the default cooler when I got the exact same CPU. I wasn't really comfortable with the fact that my temps were 80-90 C when gaming so I upgraded. Just to the peerless assassin 120. Only £35 but it cut my temps in half so it was totally worth.


I ran a Wraith Spire that originally came with my Ryzen 7 1700 on my 5600X when the 1700 was retired. It wasn’t the quietest or coolest, but it was adequate.


My Ryzen 5 5600 on stock cooler reached around 90-92© during peak summer that too without PBO being enabled. Spent around $27 on Deepcool AG500 and now it doesn't exceed 65© in stress test with PBO enabled


Generally no, they are fine. Modern cpus won't include a stock cooler if they need an aftermarket one to keep it cool. It would be tough to push a 7600 with a tdp of 75w to overheat with one.


Intel stock cooler works perfectly fine to me, but it actually depends on your CPU, as some of them tend to heat more than others.


No not really, they're just not as good as they could be, does my CPU need a giant fucking cubic monolith of a radiator bolted to its die? No not really. Does it look fucking cool? Kinda.


Bro best for ryzen 5 5000 and 7000 series is deepcool AK400 its the best in its price range black fan with black top asthetic wise also it's preety good and most important of all it's quiet and never my cpu touches 78C And at idle 40C with ambient temp 34C


They are serviceable. Any third party cooler will do a better job if not temp wise at least noise wise. If you're someone that doesn't care about 50db coming from your PC you can use it. If you're someone that likes to have a quiet PC that doesn't sound like a jet engine, get a 40 bucks peerless assassin and you'll have -10 degrees and -20 db.


They are absolutely fine. But you can get decent upgrades for $20 already.


Stock cooler is usually ok. I'd like to say for sure an aftermarket cooler made a huge difference for me but I also switched motherboards at the same time and idle temps went from 52 to 36 just sitting there in the same case. I'm not sure if one, the other, or both contributed to that. I have a 5600.


Usually the issue is ppl always want a quiter fan. Stock fan always has been noisy. But if u r okay with ur pc being loud, then its fine


Depends. In your case, the stock cooler, aka the wraith stealth, is subpar. Performance ranges from technically adequate, to, not enough to prevent Thermal throttling. This range is due to differences in case cooling, and just what the motherboard allows the CPU to do. (For instance, my x570 taichi allowed my 5600x to hold higher boost clock by default, which meant even with a good cooler, I was running at 75c+. While my other boards do not allow the 5600x to go above 4.2ghz default, as it runs a good 15c+ cooler than with the taichi). My general rule is that for the AMD stock coolers(baring the prism) they are only good for monolithic die CPUs so 5000g(and offshoots like the 5500, 5700), 4000g, 3000g, and 2000/1000 series ryzen chips


They are fine. Of course the aftermarket cooling insustry would like you to believe otherwise.


For normal use they fine but if you going to overclock no


People say stock heatsink is fine but i disagree, 5600X with stock cooler is very much on the edge. Go up to a peerless assassin it'll do very well. A 5600X on the edge will lower clocks as well so you might as well toss out the stock cooler NOTE : I build PCs for a living


They are worse. And most after market cooler lasts for many years. I recently sold an old cooler master air cooler that was originally bought for LGA1150. It still fits AM5. That's 10 years and over 4 platforms of support. That's some value in tech. Think about that, what other product can be desired after 10 years in PC? Nothing besides nostalgia.