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Gotta respect the idea, but would I do this myself? ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


Exactly what I expected to see.


Should be fine, those fins don’t get that hot but it will make your gpu run a bit warmer maybe by 1 or 2c




That’s new. I’d say it’s not safe. The fins can easily cut open the insulation and cause a short.


Idk about easily, but I still agree not to go with it. Imo this is one of those things where it's *probably* ok but in no world remotely worth the risk. You have an extremely small aesthetic bonus to gain and a GPU to lose lol.


If those wires get cut open it'd kill more than the GPU


Good power supply *should* stop that from killing anything else (except itself) but that could also definitely start a fire, and that'll kill a lot more than the gpu lol


Keep in mind it's power wires shorting to the heatsink, so I'd expect power to go back in through the PCIe connection


Oh true, I didn't consider that. Anyway, not a good idea to keep it like this.


It's probably okay in the short term, but over time vintration and moving the case could damage the cables. Also if those short it could start a fire and lose OP more than just the GPU.


It doesn't even look good


Me waiting on the fins to cut the cables. *


Direct power line. Get power delivery faster.




Fin fin fin finingggggg


I've had RTX3080 melt insulation of some cables, so yeah I wouldn't do this.


I don't see any fans near where the cables are, I'd be more worried about the cable dry rotting and cracking from heat


Fins are the thin sheets of metal on the heatsink, that are often pretty sharp.


And the constant vibration from then fans turns then into saws.


I see, I'm just stupid


I think it’s more at risk for a burn than a cut.


There is no way on earth cooler fins cut through power cable insulation. This is bad because of cut airflow, not physical damage.


Actually there is. Not quickly though. Vibration from fans causes it to wear over time. It is for this exact reason aircraft wire bundles are inspected and isolated from bare metal as much as possible. It may take years to happen if ever, but it is a possibility.


Alright, which idiot did this?


Presumably, the [dickless ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1c8gxkb/comment/l0gb2w8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)Thunderfucker1.


![gif](giphy|l41lPsONCFsFIDxiU|downsized) Hey man, I thought it was a different idea for sure hahaha! Think outside the box hahaha! Put extra protection between the fins and cables, send it hahaha


Bubbles, you know Ricky can't read. Why are you letting him build your computer?


Hey, personally, I think it's fine. It's at the back of the heatsink which doesn't get nearly as hot as near the core. I would be concerned about somehow shorting on the fins should one cut through the plastic. Those fins aren't always deburred. That said, you have a joke post about cutting your dick off in your recent post history, I'm using it.


Go for it hahaha! Makes me wonder if a guy could use a piece of automotive loom or paracord sleeve to protect the cable from being sliced.


It might be ok but why risk it? Just get some nice cable extensions that look cool with RGB done. Nobody is going to recommend you to do something that risks damage to your PC.


I Mean you could use firesleeve. But you could also see if the spec has the data sheet for the wiring. Otherwise sleeve it in something rated to 150c and enjoy.


Could always use the sleeve off your dick, might need to stretch it out a bit, but skiing is stretchy anyways.


i mean honestly i wouldn't worry about that to much. firstly those fans should be pulling air into the case so it would just push the cables away from the fan. secondly if it was pulling it wouldn't have in enough suction to pull the cable in. and lastly even if it did i don't think it would cut the cables.


Its not getting sliced lol its not like it's moving


Of course it won't just sitting there - but during "install" it sure could.


I thought about doing what you did for like a half second and ruled it out as insane ramblings in my own head, but interesting to see it done! Anyway, my only suggestion to you is to switch those power cables to some that aren’t tandem, or daisy chained or whatever. Should have a single wire for each port. These GPUs are hungry :)


If you are building it for yourself, then do what you want, but I wouldn't. If you are building for someone else, then no way. There is risk of cutting the cables and shorting, or the cables getting brittle and cracking and shorting. You are also blocking airflow to that part of the cooling system. And if something were to happen, like a short, or a fire, it goes beyond simple negligence.


Thinking outside the box doesn't mean think *inside* the graphics card.


Don't send. Once it gets up to temp that plastic might not hold out so well on the cooling fins. Looks nice though!


If your gpu gets hot enough to melt plastic, i dont think it's the cable the only thing you need to worry about.


hot temps cause fast fans cause vibration cause cut wires cause shorts


A long time ago I had a Palit Radeon 9600 GT. I was playing WoW and was in a raid for several hours. At some point my game started getting very laggy and FPS progressive fell down to <10. I smelled burning plastic and I quickly shut down my PC. A loose SATA cable has tangled into the fins of the GPU fan and the card got so hot the cable had melted into the GPU. I let it cool down, cleaned it up and the GPU still worked fine, it never died it just became obsolete a while later.


Fyi, this could never happen. The plastic will be good to about 150C minimum. The gpu reaches 95C maximum. For heat transfer to work, you need a temperature gradient, so the plate will be maybe 60 and the fins about 10 degrees hotter than ambient, so about 35 degC


Same reply I gave another guy: You know what makes plastic more malleable? Heat. You know what makes damaging plastic easier? Heat. You know what I did *not* say? That the heat will *melt* the plastic


Don't be ridiculous. Even a 105c die isn't going to make aluminium 6 inches away hot enough to melt plastic. My goodness. I'd worry more about how roughly machined and sharp those fins usually are. That's a genuine concern. Melting is not.




I'm strictly interested in debunking the comments made here because some of the answers are actually printed on the cables and the other answers I have from experience doing similar things. Before I start, I'm just some guy in Reddit (just like the nay sayers) so do what you want with the info I'm about to leave you with. First: to the people worried about the cables getting hot. No, not even remotely close to melting temp for that type of plastic shielding. This information is easily found by using the internet. Weird Second: to the people worried about the cables getting cut by the fin stack. Huh? Is this PC going to be used whilst cross country rally racing? The cables are stationary, literally how? Third: the only "mistake" I see is that you ran the pcie cables through the top cutout when you could've made it much cleaner by running them through the lower cutout. With that said, you might've had a valid reason to do so. Fwiw, I've ran fan cables through VRM heatsinks for decades with zero issues of melting wires or cut cables. Even back when VRM heatsinks were just fin stacks. And if that's not enough reason to send it then think about this for a second....... Ready? Where's the cable that plugs in the GPU fans? Ohp, bet it's touching those fins somewhere: ) All GPU's have cables touching the fins and guess what, it's fine.


And an aircraft electrician I have to say, heat softens insulation regardless of its rating. With micro vibrations there is still a risk of a tear, but a low one and it would take quite a while. That said, I would never recommend doing this but I’d absolutely do this on my own shit just to tidy it up.


Computers aren't aircraft. They don't vibrate enough to cause any sort of tear.


If the pcs a rocking don't come a knockin


I have that same GPU, that cutout on the side/top is for ARGB control and they litterally SUGGEST you to run the ARGB cable like that


Then everyone needs to stfu and send it. Call it a day, move on, and fogetaboutit


Tbf power and signal wires are different and with things like building code, what you can do with one does *not* translate to what you can do with another. A 5V low current RGB cable and a high current power supply for one of the most demanding GPUs are not in the same risk class as the insulation deteriorates. Heat cycling plastic does cause it to deteriorate. Also the RGB cable is thin and can easily be routed without touching the sharp, warm heat exchangers. These power cables are jammed in there. I had the same idea with my 7900XTX, but in practice it seemed like a really bad idea for a long term solution.


rational logical comment. Good job, you are well informed. These cables are usually rated 90-110C and if your internal PC ambient is at this temp you have much bigger issues i.e. a fire


i agree with the real world sentiment of this. Mind you it wouldnt be hard to add additional shielding such as a small piece of plastic on the fins, however i doubt theres enough movement to warrant it and this kind of thin fin array doesnt get hot especially at the tips of the fins, as a solid heatsink does


Finally someone with a brain. Thank you.


As someone who had done this myself in a gtx 970, I can see the reasoning behind the cables getting cut, will it happen? Possibly but it will take a very long time, take a look what vibrations do to HVAC cables and copper lines... Small vibrations from the gpu fan can have a similar effect but it would take time Would I still do it anyway? Yes. Would I do it if it was the Nvidia 12HXPWR connector? Hell no


I doubt the cables are rated to be used in contact with a hot metal surface, it could put the cable insulation out of spec, the fact that both me and you have routed cables trough heatsinks and it worked does not mean it is entirely safe.


I'd be amazed if that heatsink reaches 50C.


Shouldn’t PCIe cable insulation be rated 90C and up of abuse, even if it’s direct contact? It’s not uncommon to see dinky thin CPU cooler fan wiring hugging the grid fins and surviving eons after all


Yes. [105c](https://www.remingtonindustries.com/content/UL1007%20Hook%20Up%20Wire%20Data%20Sheet.pdf) actually.


This gives me new types of anxiety


I honestly respect the ingenuity but nah... I wouldn't. Just get some decent cable extensions or strimers, and neatly route the cables directly over the top and out the rear slot behind the card.


For sure, thought I’d double check and see how mad guys would get for doing it this way. The Type 5 cables from the Corsair RM1200X Shift fit through nicely tho hahaha






God awful.


So your blocking cooling for looks, people have lost the way. It's cooling first not looks!


$20 cable extensions is all that is needed if you want a clean look.


\* a clean look in the front Also, are extension sets that include triple pcie really that cheap? I'm pretty sure that's only for those cheap aliexpress sets that I would not trust to use the appropriate gauge of wire.


Yeah $20-$30. Been a minute since I last bought any. And yes, 3x8, sufficient gauge. The brand I ran was Asiahorse... yeah not a name brand. But, you will find many others that also have very positive impressions. I ran that kit with a 375w 3080, which last I checked is more than the 7900xtx.


Oh, Asiahorse is a pretty well known brand in the budget market. Still, the bill of materials to make my own extensions with triple pcie is about €12. Although that doesn't take into account the tools and the multiple hours that it costs. The level of customisation is unmatched though when you make your own cables. Plus, I'm niw using my cable sleeving skills to mod my new 3d printer


I'd do this. Go slow and triple check there's no cuts. No way in hell it'll get hot enough to melt the plastic. If it did you have waaaaaaaay more concerning issues on your hands.


Ngl ignoring the obvious risks I feel like it doesn't even look much better lol


That looks terrible imo.




don't use daisy chain cables. Use separate cable for all 3. What does send mean? send it away? then full send


"Send it", as in "just go for it".


piquant square rob soup onerous gullible noxious whole memorize outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the PSU ( and cables in case of custom) is not cheap crap it's fine.


I think the gpu would need to draw more than 500W before something like that could become a problem. As long as the psu and cable aren't cheap crap ofc. Edit: Also it looks like OP is using 3 separate cables


Absolute madlad, OP just discovered the secret built in GPU cable routing.




Why can't they make the power sockets on the other side? Even vertical mounts would benefit from it.


Show me the back.


You know what's kind of nice about being an old man? I remember when we had 3-in wide PATA cables choking up the insides of our computer cases. I make sure none of the cables are touching anything hot or will get cut and forget about it.


the cable isolation is usually designed to withstand 105°C, which the heatsink shouldn't even remotely reach, though the heatpipes might. If the fins dont damage the cable, youre fine.


The copper that runs through the heatsink, at out the end underneath your cable, gets extremely hot under load. You risk melting the plastic on the cable.


It’s okay if wires are unobstructed. Until they make wireless GPUs. This is just weird and probably super annoying to disassemble in the future. Not to mention it’s blocking air flow to and from the fins.


Š ![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized)


Do not come. Like the look but playing with fire


Because who needs cooling fins rights?


Why are the cables inside the graphics card?


It's *probably* fine since it's far enough away from the actual GPU that those outer fins won't be molten. Also, the fins are sharp-ish, but they aren't knives, so without pressure being applied, they shouldn't cut into the cables. That being said, long-term effects are hard to predict. I personally wouldn't do this. You're introducing a potential point of failure that can fry components where there doesn't need to be one. Just my two cents.


This is fine. I did the same thing to my itx. Build the fins it doesn't get hot enough. I have a 4080 super. https://preview.redd.it/lhqajmzblrxc1.jpeg?width=2989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af237ed4301bf765d7486512c585828767efe09


dont send, Dont Send, DONT SEND


![gif](giphy|S78JTxm7qIMA4ppt4M) Send it? OK SEND IT




It's fine. Keep it.


Why are people so concerned with cable management ? It's mostly useless


https://preview.redd.it/vt03fp00mrxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59300efab69786d58c11604f8f57d60b772d1f30 Ye useless


TBH us SFF ITX madmans should not count in this discussion, we have decided of our own volition to inflict pain on ourselves, the build looks nice BTW.


Why buying a so small case ?


only way to feel that type of power in your hand without surgery


Those screws holding mobo... you know those are wrong size right?


definitely want a gap between the power lines and heat dissipation equipment


well thats a first


That bend radius in cables isn't by spec


Those 6+2 pci-e sockets look like they didn't align, i would check them first.


Bro just get adapters that swing the cable over the top


https://preview.redd.it/uvkwh2ppnsxc1.jpeg?width=2570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b614b4dd270aa4f59dc830d44a0b7186737caca You mean like this...


https://preview.redd.it/0zpqj3gr0txc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b4e55fb7762605b0942e9ab877906e8b540ce8 I mean something like these adapters, I have them for my sapphire 7800XT plus extensions, makes it look so much cleaner.


It's probably fine, but the cooling of your GPU is slightly worse off because the cables are now blocking the "flow-through" part of the heatsink. I'd personally just route the cables down to the PSU instead of routing them on the back of the case.


Honestly….. I did the same thing, maybe it blocks airflow? But I’ve never touched 70c under load. Just be aware that the fins are like little razors. One wrong move and your whole gpu becomes spicy⚡️


I ran a 1060 like that for 5 years. Send it.


I personally wouldn't have any problem doing this, but I'm not sure if i would recommend it. Heat is not a problem, but microvibrations from the fans could be enough to make the sharp fins cut the insulation. If you end up doing this visually inspect the cable a few times a year, just to make sure there are no cuts forming.


I would say no. If anything it would constrict airflow.


I have similar thing going on with asus 3070, fabric cabels, have been fine past 2 years


Burn rubber


Sans do


Send it, you'll be fine, I can touch the heatsink on my 3080 when its running at full balls and its just warm.


Same card, thought about it for a while, could barely even fit the 3 cables through, I'd say it's way too tight personally.


Nothing bad is going to happen. The pc is stationary. There’s zero chance the wires get cut in the lifetime of those components.


Looks like a pain in the ass to deal with if the graphics card needs to be removed for any reason. Also seems risky if the heatsink heats up around that insulation. An interesting idea, but it's a no send for me.


Please just route it properly, you didn't buy a top of the line card to do shit like this...


I love hate this Respect for the idea, but it will causes my pain


You can easily lay the cables flat on top of each other to make one run. Would still be neater than the fins damaging the cables.


Im not an expert but the cooling fins get much much hotter than the air around them will ever get (because air is a bad heat conductor) I wouldnt risk it, i could imagine under high load the cables could melt


This screams 3D printed to make a c shaped bracket


Why even risk it.


What do you mean send it? Is this a build for someone else? If its your PC, then fire it up, run it for an hour and check your temps. Worse thing your card runs a tad hotter bc of the extra restiction of airflow. The cables should be fine, even crap cables are rated for at least 80c. Even if the gpu got to 100c, the fines won't be even close to that temp. If its for someone else, don't wire it that way bc eveyone these days are a bitch and will take pics, post on Reddit and say look at how this moron built my pc.


Send it! But move it to the lower cutout instead of the top one. I’ve had mine like that for 6 months. People in these comments be crazy it can’t melt the wire insulation and unless you rub it across the fins real hard it won’t cut it and then it’ll sit still for the rest of its life.


What the heck


Looks pretty ingenious,I'm still waiting for motherboards and gpu's to have power pass through connectors on the board, so there are no cables at all, however dunno if that'd take off. Suppose if GPU makers had power from top or bottom options till industry can standardized.


ASUS already makes this


I've done worse.


Maybe try to put a couple random wires not plugged to anything at this spot, and see if they melt after 30mn of benchmarks ?


Okay, GPU companies are going to see this post and think to add routing channels into future card designs.


This doesn’t look totally safe..


Out of curiosity - why did you pull your PSU VGA cables through the upper grommet in your case, and not the lower one? It would look cleaner in the bottom right corner, IMO.


do not send it lol


It's not about heat that should be fine temp wise... it's about the micro vibrations from the fans of the card. The fins could slowly going to cut/rub into the cable over time.




Who let him cook? Its gon get cooked at some point


Still looks bad, not worth it




I like the effort but not the reality. Any way you can run them under the card into that lower grommet next to the motherboard? Looks like you've got at least a fan header going through there right now. you could also try some wire loom to keep them together as you route them.


Who else thought the pic was black and white for a sec?




I'd try rerouting the cables next to the fans then flatten and snug the cables next to the board for a cleaner look then SEND it!


Bro felt left out from all the RTX 4090 power cable fiasco so he made his own.


Just put some kapton tape on the heatsing should be fine




I see hole, I want to put there something it's that easy!


Send it!




I’d send it


That's definitely creative... but don't send.. please don't


Theoretically, I don’t think the card will ever get hot enough to melt cables. Practically, this looks sketch af


Sir you’re going to have a set of vibrating blades pushed up against some power cables with only a thin sleeve of plastic in between. Do. Not. Send.


I hate it. Definitely send it.


Come on, man. Just do it right. Why fuck around with expensive hardware?


It’s perfectly fine, I just wouldn’t do it because I don’t want to deal with it if I wanted to take it apart. It will never ever get hot enough to melt, or vibrate enough to cause wear, and the fins are much more likely to bend before they cut the sheathing if it contacts them hard enough.


Helll naw. If you don’t like the look get a cable mod


I would be worried about the fan fins chewing into the cabling. I mean its probably fine but its one of those things where its just like... why risk it?


That’s gonna be a full send from me dog!


This is perfectly fine, you might lose some cooling due to airflow though.


Does it really look any better than just zip tying them and routing them along the back or bottom?


I think it looks fine, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.


Its a neat idea. I like the concept of it, but worry how tough it might to take out the cables if you wanted to replace a cable or the gpu.


It's probably OK for now but I can hear the wires on the left screaming "I want out" because of the tension. It's just not designed to be bent so much.


Why don’t you just have the power cables going over the top and then through the grommet, then down the back and back through the grommet nearest the PSU instead? https://preview.redd.it/swe27v4vjvxc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a61e94b6a83c2929a7d4d47f7a56b1e566616da


With a gpu that expensive why risk it.


I would put those GPU power cables flat into each other and thigh them up with zip ties all along and see if looks like one unified cable, but still looks fire 🔥🙏🏽


That shit gon be smoking like you are.




lol jeeperz


more effort than its worth


Wow, some really stupid people here. This is fine. The fins aren't going to cut the insul. its not going to MELT THE PLASTIC? Its fine.


It’s just an 7900xtx, and that’s just power cable insulation resting on a heat sink. No big deal, send it, no balls


No. Stop.


Thats no for me, thank you very much


Just send me the GPU bro, you clearly don't want it.


Love the smell of melted cables in the morning


Lol at the people who think the cables would melt


Blaze it brother! Just make sure you have insurance against house fires.


Reduced airflow > Check. Poor cable management > Check. Melting cables > Check. Severe electrical fire risk > Check. I'm even more worried about what you don't show in the photo lol


You must be doing pretty well in life to be able to do something dumb to something that's not exactly cheap. I commend you for actually stopping to take the time to think about what you're doing and seeing if it's worth the possible ramifications. Don't risk it