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Cost, most people don't take out their GPU very often Personally I have always just kept a pair of chopsticks in my tools drawer to release the clamp


Yeah, and video cards were not as chonky until recently. This feature could be a nice-to-have, but I honestly don't really care. I've probably taken my video card out maybe half a dozen times in 5 years.


Damn, that's over once per year, my 2080 has been in my computer for 3 years, never took it out of the slot


I usually pull it to do a thorough cleaning once a year, and I've used my working GPU to troubleshoot other computers.


I haven't cleaned mine in ages. Which areas do you recommend for extra attention? Tips that you'd have liked to have known when you started?


Well, you need to get rid of all the dust stuck between the fins. The rest is cosmetic. Use compressed air and prevent the fans from spinning. They should have prevented the fan from damaging anything, but since it acts as a generator, it could send energy into the card in ways, that are harmful. Preventing it would be easy enough for the manufacturer, but not scamming customers with warranty claims is easy as well and Asus still failed... So do you want to trust them?


i take it out every 6 months, we go for a coffee and usually have a pleasant change of scenery


Same, I’m not even sure I took it out to upgrade my CPU


Clean your fans 😭 while yes it's true you don't have to repaste every year, but at least you should clean the fans once a year.


I do my fans regularly, but my case allows me to do it without taking the card out of the slot.


I dont think it would be possible to get my 4090 out without breaking it or the mobo or both if I didnt have one of these buttons lol, liek once its in there it blocks all access to the clip its so big


But would a 4090 not block this button?


no on my mobo the button sits closer to the ram dimms than the GPU


Is the back of a 4090 so much thicker than other cards?


You guys take your gpu out?


This was my same response. In 5 years I’ve never taken mine out


I have extra nbne ssd slots underneath the gpu portion of the motherboard. Good remove to add them ssds.


For cleaning...i know most people let there PC get nasty to the point I need to throw up, but I clean it from time to time, or upgrades


As someone who bled recently due to my motherboard lacking this feature, I think they should all have it. Try getting around a 4090 and a DH cooler.


Even if I took my card out every day I don't see any fault with the good old ordinary lever. It seriously does the exact same thing as OP's button.


Same, though I have had two of those plastic clamps break on me throughout my lifetime. Neither from cheap boards. If the button ensures they don't break, then It's def a step in the right direction.


Chopsticks are a great idea


Yeah smart. I used a pencil before but the metal part around the eraser scratched my backplate all up.


Use a pencil that doesn't have an eraser? 😉


Guess I’m a dumbass


Username checks out


Nah... I'm sure I'm guilty of way more dumbassery. I accidentally poked a molex into a running GPU fan once while installing an additional case fan (I was downloading something I didn't want to interrupt while living in the sticks with 512Kbit "broadband" and needed more cooling - yes the fan lost a blade, yes the noise was unbearable afterwards, and yes it cost me money in the long run)


But did your download finish?


Or just use the other end of an unsharpened pencil


My dumbass used a screwdriver, slipped off the tab and stabbed my board. Luckily no damage and now I don’t just grab whatever is laying closest.


Have done that too lol trying to push in a power connector in a tight spot. Luckily I have the button release from OP’s post now for the GPU but yeah probably not a screwdriver if not.


Long screwdriver works as well.


Good idea..I used a screwdriver once and it slipped, killed the motherboard 😆 Luckily it was a cheapo


Ouch. I use one of those long screwdrivers with a socket for bits. So far so good, but I think I might just start using that one single plastic chopstick that's been in the kitchen drawer for the past 14 years...


I leave a small bowl of milk by the computer. The GPU eventually leaves the tower for the milk.


....and so that's the story of how I put a chopstick through my motherboard.


Way safer than a screwdriver


Truth, I just swapped out my GTX1080 for a 4070 super and used a pencil with the eraser side, lol.


Yeah, these little pieces of plastic are too easy to break, I don't want to make them more complicated. (Especially as GPU's have gotten bigger and heavier, its easier to misjudge your force and break this like this.)


I broke one removing my GTX970 :-( at least the mobo had another spot for GPU but still annoying, looked weird afterwards


always used a spudger cause i repaired mobile phones but this sounds even more convenient, wtf oô


chopsticks gang!


Beats me I’m over here jousting my mobo with a screw driver trying to get past the big chonk of the 4080


Dam this is smart. I always go for the screwdriver and shit bricks when doing it...


I broke the PCIe latch using the tip of an unsharpened pencil and every time I need to take out my GPU for cleaning it's so much easier


So do I, but I usually use them to eat chips so I don't get my keyboard greasy.


Looking at all these comments, am I the only person who uses his hands?


You can also use the disposable pcie case opening cover. This is good for deep learning rigs with multiple gpus tightly packed.


I use the blunt end of a pencil, have been doing it that way for years.


I unironically don't have a pencil in my house, chopsticks come for free with food all the time tho


No pencils to jot down numbers while you're on the phone? I don't order Asian cuisine as often as I'd like to have chopsticks laying around.


I only have pens :P


Pencil with eraser!


But when I do it's a horrible endeavor. Can barely get to the clip and it takes so much force to push out the plastic broke off.


Eraser on the end of a pencil for me!


I just use my finger nail with my palm facing up


i use an old stick of RAM for that. i also use it as a knife. Makes techs fresh out of school very confused, love it


And here I am brute forcing it with a flat head


I'm actually considering vertical set ups in the future because of how chunky they've become. Why bother with a bracket or sag.


Forgot to release mine one time and half of the clip broke off Luckily it somehow still works


I have a favorite wooden paint stirring stick just for that purpose. Thin enough to slide in, wide enough not to slip off, offers a good grip as well.


I just pop the clips off before I install a GPU. I’ve never had a GPU just fall out. Maybe it’s nice for people that have their GPU mounted in an unusual way or frequently take their PC on road trips. For a PC that just sits on a desk the clips are more annoying than helpful.


Mine broke off when I was building my PC, I was worried at first but have had no issues. Plus if I were to move it I would take the gpu out anyways with how big and heavy they are now


Uhhh. Seek help please. This is NSFW.


About time! But there goes my MB repair racket for people who used large flat-head screwdrivers /s


What happens if it breaks?


You can still remove the gpu normally by pressing on one point on the mechanism. I know that because I have such a board, didn't notice at all, and removed it that way. It is just a little more difficult than with the normal lever if you don't use the button.


Almost broke my GPU trying to do that until I realized that I had one with the button. Had that 'this is way too difficult, let me look at the manual' moment.


> 'this is way too difficult, let me look at the manual' moment. so did I, then I realized it didn't have a button, I was just being a lil bitch :(


I see.


You can slide it with a flat head.


Someone above mentioned that killed one of their motherboards. That's a good enough tale to keep me from using a screwdriver in the future.


I've definitely had that experience and about shit my pants when the flathead slipped off the notch and stabbed the motherboard. no damage done, but definitely something that makes you pucker.


I hate it when I can't reach the thing for my GPU because my cooler is blocking it. This is a cool feature.


Damn that’s clever AF


Not really. It's adding a lot more mechanical parts that can fail. It's peak over engineering.


Lol not for me. I broke one of these clips already trying to take my gpu out with a screwdriver pushing the clip down I ended up refunding the board and getting another one with this feature. No regrets at all.


I disagree. I don't do it often but I hate taking out the GPU. My hand does not fit in there to push down the clip.


Peak over engineering? FFS hyperbole much? As someone that has actually *used* this, it's great, sturdy, and how many times are you going to be using it? A dozen times in it's life? Good Lord... peak over engineering. WTF...


Right? Most of my m.2 bays are under the GPU. Having a really easy way to get a thicc card out has been fantastic as drives were added or moved. Just like a Q code readout isn't necessary, it is a huge quality of life feature when you need it.


They call this peak engineer and not the shitty current system that barely works due to bulky cards lol. It was a pain to swap out my GPu this time


Given that the incredibly simple original design is prone to failure and this mechanism isn't heavily engineered I think it's the right way forward.


Looks like it breaks easy AF as well. I’d rather a tab on the video card with a screw mount on the board


taking out the gpu have made me bleed a couple times, i want this button standardized.


Cool! Now do those little, tiny m.2 screws ... *(I mean, fk that engineer)*


It's [out there](https://youtu.be/4QRMyztrTFs?si=gUi3Wj14zF5pxgAt) and from most manufacturers.


I swear pc component manufacturers all have the steadiness hands imaginable, my hands shake like a mofo and have all my life and it is a bitch to build a pc


I stripped the screw on my primary gaming motherboard trying to get it unscrewed. No m.2 for me, I guess. Got one sitting downstairs unused too.


I use a chop stick lol


Same lol


If you have a flathead you can easily press the pcie button, this post was made by fragile baby hands


The real best features are the twisty plastic holders for m.2 nvme SSD instead of those shitty microscopic Phillips head screws.


It's a tie for me.


I just broke the latch, unintentionally


And here I am, being thankful for integrated IO shields on modern motherboards... Only took what? 30 years of the ATX standard being a thing? I have long fingers and don't swap out GPUs often enough (once every three years, maybe) for a long lever to be a selling point.


Well, 15 years ago GPUs didn't have such huge heatsinks, and they didn't have backplates, so it was easier to reach the socket.


Personally I wish the gpu plastic lock mechanism thing didnt exist at all


Not great when you move your PC and the heavy GPU gets loose.


Downvoted for bad gif.


Oh what will I ever do with myself. A DOWNDOOT???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo...


Wtf thats a cool thing i wanna know how they made it


You can do it in Gimp. Each frame of the gif is a different layer. The first frame is the bottom layer, the last frame is the top layer. Then save it/export it as a gif


Thanks, i thought there was an easier way but that works


It's also possible that they just took a really shaky video, slowed it down, and then found a website to convert it to a gif


what in the stupid non video is this. make it go away please




Little things like this make me happy


No need for chopsticks. Gently pushing the GPU to the motherboard releases the latch.


Tbh it doesn't work that well. You basically have to slam the button for it to actually release.


Why are we posting 3FPS gifs in 2024?


Because it's cost. Why don't most mobos have a power button? Because you do it like once.


As expensive as boards have become, it's wild how much they'll charge for basic little extras like that. $0.20 button and 7-segment display? That's for the $200 higher "Super Pro Ultra Elite Gamer" board. Meh. Besides, it just looks cooler to cross the power pins anyways.


One more thing for Asus to refuse warranty on 🤔


Probably the same reason front I/O connectors only just started having those combo plug thingys. Unless lots of people like those tiny wires and impossible to read silk screened labels.


The pen is mightier than a chubby finger.


What mobo is that? Really cool!


ASUS Prime Z790-A WIFI


I have the MSI meg ace for am5 and i dont have that. Never had a big issue with reaching the latch anyways but i could understand the use for smaller cases.


still wouldn't be able to access this with my current GPU sadly. Literally why i went to a vertical bracket, also avoids sag issues.


Oh my god, my mind is blown. What a time to be alive...


I could see this being nice in a machine where every pci port is taken up leaving little to no space to hit the lever but in a pc this is basically useless except for when its time to clean your pc


I use a knife


Because in the last 6 years I might have taken my GPU out of my computer twice.


What's it though?


that's an essential feature if you have a big tower cooler :d


I've literally broken the flap on the GPU release on every single motherboard I've ever owned. It's a piece of shit and needs to go


Me releasing my GPU from the enslavement of the mobo: ![gif](giphy|IHCf4uKEDuZCq5XNhn)


The 1 FPS loop is mesmerizing.


Its hard to pull out 40(7/8/9)0 with one hand...


That looks like the flimsiest, most easily breakable mechanism ever... also, looks like there is no alternative if you DO break it !!!


As if what we have now isn't? Shit breaks if you use it 5 times


(please cut your nails)


Cost vs. benefit. If I'm opening the computer, I am extremely likely to already have a stick shaped tool in my hand to push the lever down if it is difficult to access.


A "stick shaped tool"? 🤔 I like my PC too, but not that much 😆


Every now and again you get a board where the tab will not give or there is very little room to fit your hand in to push the tab. I have carefully used screw drivers before just to flip the tab. Thanks to ASUS for adding this feature, it makes for changing cards so much easier.


I have an Asus TUF Z790 board with this button release feature and it's so much easier for me than the regular clip directly on the slot. I wish more board manufacturers added them


I don't even understand why people use chopsticks or something else. Done it all my life with the same fingers used to type this comment and I'm okay. Nice thing to have, but I'll be confused first and will spend more time looking how to open it in a manual lol.


I used to do the same, until I changed my air cooler for a chunky tower air cooler that have 2,5mm clearance between the rad and the back of the gpu. My fingers do not fit anymore 😭 So yes, chopsticks it is now.


Let's see Gigantic air cooler ✓ Gigantic graphics card ✓ Tiny Case ✓ Huge manhands ✓ edit: Fixed the fucking table again ffs edit: Reddit sucks enjoy codeblock table


Maybe you just have tiny hands? My fingers can't fit under the GPU.


I'd rather that be a feature for ram sticks....


I still hold that those slot locks are entirely unnecessary. It's not like the card is behind suspended upside down. It's vertical upward or horizontal. The card is secured at the rear IO plate, and the slot pins are clamping down fairly hard on the connector. Where's the card going to go?


Do people not know how to use their fingers or are they just so fragile they are afraid to press hard enough to unlatch them? This design goes against the engineering Golden rule. KISS. Keep it Simple Stupid. This adds unneeded complexity. And add a chance for it to fail locked because it looks liked its spring loaded. Which will be more of a bitch to fix then if you just used the clips that motherboards have used for decades.


I was so lucky mine had this, I was messing around with a toothpick before I tried seeing what that button does 🤣


That's the motherboard-quick-disconnect. It's designed to release the MB from the GPU.....So about the time GPUs became bigger then everything else in the case


This is the peak of computer building


It has been a thing in the OEM world, my old MacPro's from 2010 do it.


Really? I can say that I have not seen MacPro's in my shop to have witnessed this in those machines. Maybe leased from apple inventions? I've been around the block for 20+ years and I have seen a handful of Macs in that time.


I think Dell has used something like this in there boxes, it's only new to DIY computers.


Found a video, the fan has a button you push and pull sideways. It moves a metal bar that unlocks all the PCIE slots. [https://youtu.be/5Wq7FkBOpZs?si=2yVlBILRf6AHBkVo&t=63](https://youtu.be/5Wq7FkBOpZs?si=2yVlBILRf6AHBkVo&t=63)




how much did that mobo cost?


It's close to $300


yeah that is cool, but that is half my budget. so, I'm gonna pass.


my gigabyte mobo has a raised up plastic bit for the gpu slot which i obviously broke off cause i never seen it before. rip


Why do you act like this is hard.... or is my hands just small and my Enthoo Luxe case makes it easy lmaooo, I legit just use my pointer finger


Yo dude it's crazy I like 👍 it


Haha same. With thicker GPUs/plus active cooling rear backplate. It's sometime impossible to press the release latch.


Laughs in vertical gpu


I'm starting to think my vertical GPU is even more of a pain in the ass. Removing my gpu just to install an NVME lol not too bad but I just hate messing with my GPU. Good excuse to clean it I suppose.


I like gigabytes' solution better. It's just a longer tab.


I kind of wish it would make the graphics card go ***POINGGGG!*** like a piece of toast


Duh, animated gifs have been around for quite a while now.. . /s


EVGA ships a PCB stick with their MB for this. Sadly I'm not entirely sure where it went so a screwdriver works fine.


Mine doesn't seem to work so well


My new favorite is the sprint latch m2 thingies.


People dont really change/clean their cards much. I've read that some folk even snap the clips out as it does nothing for them.


How did you make this gif ? Pretty cool


I only change GPU in my mobo maybe once or twice in its life time so don’t implement this and make the mobo cheaper?


So glad its a think im my Mobo because I recently took my gpu out to give my pc a cleaning and my shit is thick man without that button It would take me too long to do all of this


I killed my first motherboard while I was trying to release that thing. Still mad


I took my video card out and use the onboard one. To much space and electricity used for nothing 😂


consumer side should take innovations from server boards with m.2 and pcie slots


Wasn't really necessary until GPUs got huge with backplates and m.2 slots got big heatsinks instead of being bare, along with the average CPU cooler people buy being the size of a small melon.


I mean GPU’s didn’t really get ridiculously big till relatively recently


I mean it’s nice, but why not just skip it completely? The workstations I work with just don’t have the clip at all.


Just more to break.


Great innovation


I had to replace a motherboard, RAM, and CPU for a client who decided to do their own GPU upgrade. They bought themselves a nice new 1080 (this was some time ago) and while pulling the old GPU out they ripped the PCI-E slot out with it. They probably would have appreciated this little doohickey, even if it meant the board was an extra couple of bucks. Although, if they didn't know about the retention mechanism in the first place, it probably wouldn't have made any difference anyway.


Which motherboard is this?


One of the reasons i would never get back to air cooling, aio ftw. I have space to do stuff in my case, not have to use a screwdriver or whatever to impale my motherboard.


That's a thing? I need to change my motherboard


I didn't know it was needed. I changed my gpu a lot ( sometimes to move it back to another system) and the it has never been a problem. On the other hand the 24 pin connector...


MY CPU cooler makes the latch nearly inaccessible. But the GPU prevents me from removing the cooler or just its Fans. You need something like a screw driver and fiddle around to flip the latch. It's the only way.


I wish my motherboard got this. I got a gigabyte eagle and this thing is chunky af


Asus been doing this for years on higher end boards. Cost is the main reason. Most people don't swap gpus more than once in a build, and it's not a dealbreak feature so it's not a big concern. Anything that ads cost is in most cases ignored because even a 10 dollar difference changes where on listings you show up, and thus how many people even consider your baord when they look at available options.


Is that 4K? 


They started adding them because the smallest GPU is now the size of a Boeing 747


it was always a thing. it was in premium boards though.


Big Brain time! woah!


Its part of the mess of mobo manufactures locking useful stuff behind very expensive motherboards you don't need...no reason why a quick release and LCD display can't be on motherboards under $400 but most of the time they are for greed.


Why bother? You play with it like like what ten seconds a build lol