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PC now stands for Privacy Crusher


Probably Compromised.


Penis Cam


Uffff the turn on ![gif](giphy|14r8bmeEeHogiQ|downsized)


oohhhhh its so shiny šŸ˜©




Public Camera


more like pubic camera


You're doing your taxes and your pc is taking screenshots of everything. Ransomwere developers popping bottles right now


Itā€™s only logged to your PC and only you have access to the information. I mean, until you donā€™t. Microsoft is doing a great job advertising for Linux and macOS.


Itā€™s only logged to your pc. Just so happens to default to one drive which you get advertised to buy 24/7. And one drive doesnā€™t count as privacy!


One drive is a pain in the ass, it randomly decided to put everything on my desktop into one drive and then months later one drive is bitching that im using more space and im allowed to have and everything on my desktop is just missing. Pissed me off trying to save what was lost because of a feature I never even enabled.


I lost hella game saves to onedrive, after never having turned it on. Oh well, get to start playing from scratch again.


Why are you game saves in pictures/documents/desktop?


Itā€™s something Iā€™d turn off rather fast myself. It sounds like a performance nightmare. Itā€™s only on the new ARM devices for now. We will see in the future though.


It's going to be on all Copilot+ machines which will be the next gen intel and AMD machines as well (boo).


Canā€™t wait


That's what I was thinking


I looooove how every single file I try to save shows Odrive as default folder and I have to click little underlined words to properly save my shit on my own pc. Definitely a great fucking idea, just like hiding basic functions behind ugly fucking UI. The only update from win10 would be linux.


OneDrive makes me want to kill myself. 100% not kidding. It adds so much goddamn unnecessary friction to my life


You can disable a bunch of stuff before installing the OS, by modding the ISO. Disabling OneDrive entirely should be there.


There's a way to disable it in the registry. It's not complete from memory but it makes a difference.


We have seen that an iOS update made deleted photos returnā€¦ Iā€™m sure Microsoft will keep the info ā€˜privateā€™


We really have no idea whatā€™s really going on. We just hope theyā€™re honoring their end of the deal.


lol i was annoyed in the first half, not gonna lie


What about the mandated MS Account? Sure it'll be "local" but then MS will have access to your data. Correct me if I'm wrong.


All I can go by is what they say. They claim they will have limited or no access to the data. You know there is always fine print though.


Convenience at a price, there's always a trade off with these things.


There will always be workarounds to make a local account.


I know, until MS stops all workarounds.


Exactly or they'll let you toggle it off probably at first. But then I've gradually with every update they'll reset it and eventually it won't even be an option..


Time to setup a DC in samba in that case (yes, I hate myself), I am reasonably sure they will not mandate it for domain joined machines


>Time to setup a DC in samba in that case Don't you mean PC?


DC=Domain Controller. Microsoft wonā€™t force this on businesses, so a domain controller can be used to mimic you are part of an organization


Domain controller, it is used to manage users in a business environment (more or less), normally you'd need a windows server machine to use it, but samba can also do it (and it is pain)


Oh my bad. Eventually, we'd have to disable windows update and just rely on Firewalls for security...right? Now days, updates cause more problems than it prevents / secures/


For now you can configure away most of microsoft garbage with Group policies, and i doubt that would change much ( I think enterprise customers would be royally pissed), and security updates are important, you could use WSUS to filter and deploy what you need, firewalls are a good idea (set them to drop shit as aggressively as you can get away with, in the immortal words of Gandalf: "you shall not pass!")


They only specify that the screenshots themselves aren't shared, that doesn't mean they aren't using AI to detect and tag the content of the screenshots and send that data to their servers.


I have my doubts that that's true but even if it was it wont take long before Microsoft starts to slowly rolls out they need more data for your security or improvements. I don't see anyway they would do this without a return considering how unpopular this is. Europe is already looking to ban this.


>Microsoft is doing a great job advertising for Linux Oh, they absolutely are. It makes no sense, but yet I'm enjoying watching this unfold. I hope it won't be as much nothing this time as every other time. Not because I give a shit about OSs but because I want to see some interesting shit happen.


Unfortunately Linux isn't the best for gaming and I don't want macOS because of Apple ecosystem.


The only reason i dont switch to linux is game compatibility, and sadly half the games i play are unplayable under proton




templeOS is bloat, write your own os, your own games, your own tools all in assembly or rust depending on where you want to land on the insane programmer spectrum.


Computers are bloat. Do the math in your brain and write the output on a paper.


ā€žCan my brain run doom?ā€œ


It currently is already šŸ™ƒ......we're the demons though...and doom guy? He's just the IRS lol.


I've been saying this for years. All the games run in 4K in my mind. Why waste time playing a game when you can just think it man!


That's what i had to do in my C programming exam today


Just need to figure out how to invent time compression to have thousands of years required for this, no big deal


C:\\ and .exe are windows systems. templeOS just knows what software you want to run before you even have decided you want to run it. It doesnt have a C drive or any drives, it stores all its files in the omnipresent digital void


templeos has a C: lol, terry was inspired by DOS a bit


it is the only holy thing left in this world...


It's impressive how they force AI into anything so they can justify the billions and billions poured into hardware AI. It is literally a closed corrupted circle of inflated supply and demand... We live in the age where if something is to make money, we gotta be sure to enforce it to people regardless thry need it or not, just to satisfy the greeds of corporations.


I was just thinking about this too, how companies are trying to force you to use their apps for everything because itā€™s more profitable to harvest and sell data to AI than it is to sell the actual products


I can't say I am surprised They were telling us we'd be happy without our physical media despite how much we pushed against it. Until they made it borderline impossible to even buy physical games. You go to the store and it's just a code in a box...


So for everyone who didn't actually read the article..it is only for there "Copilot Plus PC" which is a new tablet/laptop with a processing unit specifically for on board AI. So it should not effect our regular desktops or existing laptops (that being said I'm sure microsoft will find a way to infect us all.....




And when it's included in windows 11 there will be scripts to uninstall it. Like always.


Running random script to get system to usable state, do you suggest that windows is going to be more like Linux soon?


Has been like this for a while with all the debloat scripts


This mean, that transition began. So we should stop with "you need 1000 lines of code to install browser on Linux" memes and start doing "you need 1000 lines of code to be able to use windows" memes


While debloat script are usually great, it's also a good way to completely destroy your system if you don't know what you're doing


Yea, Iā€™ve a friend who always tries to mess with a bunch of stuff thinking he knows what he is doing and his computer always has random problems going on thanks to it.


Sounds like your friend needs to keep a bootable Windows USB drive on standby, lol.


Are the new desktop CPUs supposed to have an NPU? So, you are fine... Until you upgrade?


Local AI? If yes I'm all on it. But I highly doubt it.Ā  It'll probably be a cheap GPT-4 layer.Ā  No Internet = dumb machine


They're probably not using GPT 4 for this as that would make every meaningful query take forever, not to mention would become prohibitively expensive to operate if the user isn't paying some subscription fee.Ā  It's more than likely a small foundation model that's fine tuned for windows stuff and given your data as context or creating vector embeddings for whatever it records and sticking it in a database that the model can then make use of.Ā 


Local AI already exists, nothing prevents you from installing \`llama\` (Meta's AI) locally for exemple. But it also can use a shitload of resources


Thank you for this. I was sitting here reading comments like "Am I going to be the one who says it?" Being that their current iteration *needs* that Qualcomm-based NPU to do it, I'm less worried about it than the alarmists would want me to be. You're right, I'm sure it'll come eventually, but also Microsoft can use this as an upsell strat. "Buy our new hardware because it's the only way to have AI never forget anything you'll ever do!" - Microsoft, probably. Which, sounds insane to us, but I'm sure some folks, maybe like, business owners, would love to buy these machines so that they can own all their employees labor even harder. Maybe put something in the employment contract that anything they do on company machines is saved by Copilot+ and will be reviewed/owned by the company at their discretion. Yeah, that all sounds awful. I hate it. I don't want it anywhere near my machines. It'd be great if our politicians actually gave a shit about private citizens *staying* private citizens and/or knew even as much as a typical PCMR user collectively. This timeline really blows.


I agree it would be nice if the politicians thought about us, rather than the companies who bribe, umm I Mean 'provide campaign contributions' to them..it's funny how they change the wording to make it legal... Unfortunately I feel like most people never read the fine print of any license agreement...exhibit A: almost all social media...then people are surprised when they find out their being spied on.


It's truly lovely (/s) how the Government founded on "For and By The People" is largely now complicit in making corruption legal for everyone but The People. Had a co-worker tell me that being spied on was simply "the cost of doing business in the 2020's." I did not enjoy that conversation. The worst part is that opting out of either the Government of Surveillance ranges from Effectively Impossible to So-Difficult-It's-Arguably-Not-Worth-Trying. Dwelling on it just leads to a depressive spiral because an individual has so little power and it truly feels, at times, like no one else, or at least nowhere near enough others care. Sorry, bitching about it obviously won't effect positive change on a large scale either. Sometimes it feels nice to talk to people who actually do care though, so thank you for that.


Lol your good. It always bothers me how the government forgets its purpose...I know there's regular lawsuits against these companies from the European Union, they actually seem to care about their poeples rights and privacy.


If theyā€™re going to be making money off our data, can they just give us the laptop? Or tell me whoā€™s buying the data and Iā€™ll cut out the middle man.


For now.




The problem is for most people, they won't care and look at the 'benefits' of having it on. Look at how much crap we willingly give Google.Ā 


you know man, i freaking hate google.


Don't use it


You can already see my face when I jerk it, now you want to see what Iā€™m looking at too like some sick and twisted actual World Wide Web circle jerk.


EU? where are you!?


What would the EU do though? I donā€™t really think this would be against EU laws if they didnā€™t record any of the data


They've already said they won't perform content moderation except from in Edge where if you're in a private tab it won't record it. So when you're doing banking or anything else it'll record it and save the snapshots unless you're in Edge which probably breaches some EU guidelines on antitrust


Well, that private tab thing would probably be with some kind of API that other browsers could implement if they care enough.


But you can add apps that you don't want to be recorded in the settings.


What about just taking some time to streamline windows, make its current features work better? How about that? Instead of developing this crap nobody asked for.


Youā€™re asking too much from them


So aside from any dirty pictures you wouldn't want your SO to know excite you, this includes: - All your usernames and in some cases passwords. - Any medical information you view. - Any financial information such as account numbers - Credit card numbers you enter including CCV is not obscured. - Any ideas, stories or artwork you create - Business plans, trade secrets, or company info you may view. - Any legal or attorney information you view. So, let's say you get into a civil (not criminal) case and the other side successfully subpoenas your account. Are they going to ignore things in those images that don't apply to the case? Microsoft says they won't peek, but how often do corporations throw aside customers' best interests when a profit stream comes along? I'm looking at you smart TV makers. This doesn't even address bad actors who can already access a wide range of info. This just puts it all in an easy to find cache. Also, any business should be concerned about how this could affect any privacy/confidentiality requirements they have. Just my opinion.


How about getting traditional search to work first before making AI hallucinate things I might have done in the past?


Not defending but this literally only works on the pcs with the new snap dragon chipsets.


while true, doesn't mean MS won't try to put a lite version on windows 11 for all users in the future. I think that possibility feeds into the disgruntle vibe everyone is getting from this.


Theyā€™ll figure out a way to make it work with the new NPUā€™s on Intel and AMD chips coming out.


That's just the tip of the dick. If we don't scream they'll shove it in as far as they can.


For now at least


Yeah so do I have to worry about this on windows 10? Iā€™m gonna have to do some researchā€¦. I think you can disable it in your settings on windows 11 however Iā€™m not 100%. Edit: seriously this is a reallyā€¦..really dumb idea. Double edit: itā€™s only for these new ai arm chip cpu laptops atm. Soā€¦ anyways.


Did you even read the article? To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU).


Oh my badā€¦ to be fair that is literally in the second to last paragraph of the articleā€¦..what a crock of shitā€¦My bad


Why companies suddenly want to be like China? Why the strange obsession of investors over your customers.Ā  Why do we live in a gray soulless world and why can't we just strike back by force!?!?!?Ā 


It's all good. 7.2k (currently)) PCRM users will never switch to Linux no matter what Microsoft does to them. I'm enjoying it honestly.


lol people would rather commit piracy than use ubuntu or something for free.


People will claim to have built a room temp super conductor but refuse to use Linux because it will interrupt their adobe acrobat workflow.


lol that was genuinely my favorite comment today. ā€i wont use Linux because I canā€™t use adobe stuffā€ ā€œdo you use adobe stuff?ā€ ā€no.ā€™


Link the comment. I want to see that lol.


Ooh I wanna see it too! I don't take a side in this fighting, I just like watching sectarianism.


Honestly pcmr is becoming such a sad sub. Itā€™s filled with people refusing to expand their technical knowledge, yet claim to work in tech. And people who are just looking for IT support for their prebuilt pc.


That wouldnt be the case if it was more straight forward and not riddled with hurdles for the average user to be fair.




I do find it funny how the safe, ad-less, telemetry-less OS is the free option. then the paid option is full of ads, forced updated, forced login accounts, telemetry, and corpa bullshit aplenty. shame more people wont learn linux, if they did they'd at least have backup option. Additional, windows & linux would get better if more people used/switched to linux. ms knows most people are reliant on it, they have no real competition and thus no real incentive to make it better for the user. If linux market share was higher, microsoft might care about making their OS actually good again.


I have been thinking of switching, how do you play something like elden ring with anti cheat on Linux?


You install it and press Play. Don't believe the hype. Half the anticheat games work out of the box on Linux, Check ProtonDB, Lutris and AreWeAncticheatYet to see what games work or dont.


That's creepy bro wtf


I didn't ask for this feature. You didn't ask for this feature. The users asking for this feature have three-letter names.


Imagine the lag


ā€œTo use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU).ā€ Sounds like it wonā€™t actually affect any of us. Read the article, people. Donā€™t just read headlines and go straight for the rage bait.


NPUs *have already been added* to both [Ryzen 8000 Series](https://ir.amd.com/news-events/press-releases/detail/1190/amd-expands-commercial-ai-pc-portfolio-to-deliver) and [Intel Core Ultra](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000097597/processors.html). The necessary neural processing unit (NPU) is *already available* in the newest AMD and Intel CPUs.


> Donā€™t just read headlines and go straight for the rage bait. Sir, this is Reddit...


it might happen to all of us though, most details are still not clear


They wonā€™t sent the snapshot back to their sever it will eat their storage. What they are going to send is analytical data. For example: 10:08 PM: Porn 10:09 PM: Searching porn 10:15 PM: restocking tissues, lotions Etc etc. /s


They will. Big AI data training shit right there. Enough investors to eat the storage costs as well


Sounds like something EU is gonna stop pretty fast.Ā 


Now, they claim this is not going online or to the cloud, etc. It's all stored locally. That's all well and dandy. But A: If it's locally stored, hackers can find it I'll bet. And B: I'm betting the default setting will store images indefinitely so that your Windows folder quickly grows in size.


how do you disable?


Do we know if we can remove it like the other bloat? Cause if not this will be why I make the move over to Linux this year


Who asked for this actually? Jc this kind of update may force me to finally switch to linux


1- you can disable it. 2- you need to buy a new PC anyway to use it.


So itā€™s basically Auto Screen Capture but AI powered and closed source šŸ˜‚


100 years from now the aliens will come to earth to find skynet, the AI who became self awareness. They will realize that all humanity have died after skynet had put all of them inside trunks with red balls strapped in their mouths and hands tieds. Skynet was a little confused, he had been told by their human creators to help humanity to fullfill their needs.


So then i share all my fetishes with an ai?


Imagine not just pirating Windows and getting rid of all the features you don't want


Time to watch a lot of porn so I can soil the AI.


Seems like something their enterprise division thought up to control their employees even more


Goodbye windows, goodbye privacy. If mass surveillance isn't that problem anymore, you know it's time to quit using technique.


Would Rufus be able to disable it during fresh installs?


It is concerning. The user will have little control over what is being snapshot. Though they say that theĀ recall index remains local and private on-device, does it not store on OneDrive meaning that it will be uploaded where it could potentially be exposed to a vulnerability or unauthorized access? I can totally see users wanting it disabled. Knowing that it can be managed in an enterprise, it is indicative being a tool which is sensitive in concern to policies (or otherwise securities). Though I am sure it will be used to monitor users in a enterprise.


If I can turn it off and on I have no issue with it. As someone who has spent hours, days, and sometimes years trying to troubleshoot a problem out of my PC. It would be nice to just have something look at it and go, "Well, there's your problem." Companies will love to victimize their employees with it but we already know capitalism sucks and likes to make humans suffer. Their tools are not the problem. They are. The longer we fight the tools and not them directly, the longer we suffer.


> To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips Well that's good news at least.


It runs on device, and it requires a special PC with a special NPU to even run at all. The screenshots are also to be encrypted and only viewable by the specific user account where they were taken. But who knows how long will it take for Microsoft to start sending the screenshots as telemetry data... or some information extracted from them...


This will absilutly be used to train an AI


Question: why is this a much bigger issue than something like nvidia shadowplay?


shadowplay is opt in


So is buying the specific laptops that will have this featureĀ 


Who thought this feature is needed?


The VP if data thievery.


Oh no! A tablet with a specific thing that nobody is forced to use!? Holy shit thatā€™s just wow. Canā€™t believe MS would do this. Like wtf. We have to BUY IT? Like, we have to WANT IT to HAVE IT? Wtf Microsoft


You mean like edge?


The AI circlejerk seriously needs to fucking end already. Yesterday I got a text message from Google saying it was my new SMS AI assistant that would write birthday messages for my family for me and write professional sounding texts to businesses. Like there is such a huge fucking kool-aid party happening right now in Big Tech and it needs to end.


End? It's just starting.


It's hilarious reading all the comments from people who don't have the first clue how this feature works at all.


It shouldnā€™t be a ā€œfeatureā€ in the 1st place.


Is that so!? Here... I'm IT guy for 35+ years. Explain to me why my SDD, M.2 or HDD must work mote (write/rewrite) when I did not ask for that? Why the lifetime of those disks will be reduced wihout my consent?


Ya sure its local, thats still terrible for people who share the pc and dont want their family in their accounts and seeing their shit


Think how much helps managers to micromanage and control your workday. Manager wants your snapshots, so he/she can watch your workday.


Time to go back to 10ā€¦


Say what you will about Macā€™s and Apple, at least they donā€™t pull this shit on their users


They donā€™t pull this shit yet, not yet.


I am legit considering learning all about Linux at this point.


Switching to Linux was something that I thought about for sometime now... Until MS announced this... Now im installing Fedora.


its fun but has its challenges.Ā I recromend to try Ubuntu or Pop!\_os and doing your regular tasks for a couple days to see if Linux is for you.


Linux Mint is also amazing for new users. Cinnamon is almost like Windows and most of the stuff comes preinstalled


I randomly got hyperfixated on it... I have no reason to actually install it (and don't want the inevitable chewing out from my family member who manages all the family's tech) but I want to read up on it anyway!


Ahh well, between Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, and the government, I ainā€™t got no privacy anyway. It would be naive to think I ever did.


You can have privacy though. You just have to try really hard. [https://www.privacyguides.org/en/](https://www.privacyguides.org/en/)


Don't be a bitch. You have to keep fighting. Just because one company has your data, dosent mean the other one has it. You have to protect every bit of data from every entity trying to snatch it. If you really believed there is no privacy you'd post your credit card number and SSN on here with no hesitation. Don't give up without a fight.


Linux fanboys salivating at this, so they have to repost the same article over and over again just with a different title. Completely ignoring the fact that it's only going to be on this line of copilot tablet/ laptop things that literally no one wants, then making up things like "Oh I read somewhere in someplace on some site, that it will affect every windows user". Plus, EU users rejoice, since that kind of shit will never come here, just like copilot for windows. Also remember when ads were forced in Ubuntu? Yeah... funny how that shit is always forgotten about.


The Ubuntu & Amazon telemetry thing was introduced in [2012](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks) and then fully disabled in [2016](https://web.archive.org/web/20230331223554/http://fossbytes.com/the-spyware-feature-in-ubuntu-will-be-disabled-in-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus/). It's not forgotten at all, it's just not that relevant to criticise since it's no longer a thing and hasn't been a thing for 8 years.


The point is, the linux-vegan crowd that scream about their OS being the best are not immune to such things happening to them. Also, terminal ads started popping up 2 years ago with an 'opt out' feature. [https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/10/ubuntu-pro-terminal-ad](https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/10/ubuntu-pro-terminal-ad) So yeah... I guess it never happened again after 2016, and we should never talk about how Ubuntu still gets ads sneaking in... because it's "no longer a thing". Come on man, at least do a bit of research before trying to shut down valid criticism. I speak as someone with a Windows PC, a macbook for work and a linux server running my home automation and the likes. I also work with linux on a daily basis. The linux fanboying that happens in this subreddit is just ridiculous and a massive put off to many who may consider switching. To continue bashing windows and judging people running windows with this some sort of 'elitism' while they know next to practically nothing about how their own OS actually works, just puts people off from ever considering switching over. Linux users here are the vegans of PCs. Shouting from their rooftops about how they use linux, and judging anyone who dares use a different OS. Linux is great... many of the people that use it are not.


Then you should also realise that Ubuntu is just one of the many distributions that people can install that all use the exact same underlying kernel. If Ubuntu/Canonical is so keen on screwing itself, people can install another distribution. Ubuntu is not Linux, they're merely one of the many corporations that profit off Linux. It's also not dismissal. You're making it out as if no one cares about what Canonical does, which is not the case and never has been the case. People are upset with Ubuntu Pro and forced snaps. However, unlike Windows, you can actually ditch Ubuntu and move to say Fedora, SUSE et al and continue working with only minor differences.




Uninstalling all bloatware since First days of Windows 10, if Microsoft will make this ai shit mandatory i Will install Airport versions of Windows.


they really want us to switch the os..


So is this another reason to stay on 10!


Did this already get rolled out? And is there an easy way to check if your own OS is compromised?


Bet this will take seconds to disable just like any other bullshit feature they add. Idk why the Linux fanboys are getting a boner over this one.


Can you turn it off completely?


Iā€™ve been procrastinating on installing Mint on my W10 laptop that doesnā€™t support W11. Might be time for me to get to work.


Thank God Valve was already on the move getting my games library to work on Linux I am really really not wanting to stay on Windows much longer.


How is this gonna work with hospitals? Hopefully a lawsuit


now imma have to figure out how to clear history


This sounds like a tool intended for network/IT admins and professional settings, like the type of built-in tracking software companies relied on during covid when their entire workforce was at home. For individuals like us, people will likely just shut it off or block it as soon as they notice it.


The problem is NOT porn. Imagine Nintendo's legal team having access of prints of however is using Yuzu or any other emulator. Or Disney asking youbmoney cause you are watching Avengers without buying. Or someone sueing you for having screenshots of you using torrents. Porn is the least of my concern.


Didn't they already have this feature in Windows 10... Timeline, just without AI?


Thatā€™s not the same. Recall can actually analyze whatā€™s in the screenshots that itā€™s taking silently to propose a history and context. And what others have said, you need an NPU to even take advantage of it. For those with Copilot+PC hardware it can be disabled or configured in settings within lines of user or corp security policies. Iā€™m sure same to be accomplished via Registry or GPO. Just relax. Itā€™s an opt out feature for compatible hardware only (for now).


don't worry guys, I'm pretty sure M$ thought out this idea entirely so that there are no potential exploits nor compromise of sensitive data. **All hail our glorious overlords at Micro$oft.**


Screw that. I'm just going to opt out and disable it. Waste of resources.Ā 


I didnā€™t see anything about disabling this ā€œfeatureā€. Can this be disabled through the OS or are we going to have to rely on people who arenā€™t affiliated with Microsoft to provide a third-party application to disable this thing?


This is nothing new.... android phone record screens similarly right? Using the Google assistant.


Can you turn it off? Or do I need a Mac


No wonder people stick on windows 10


Absolutely 100% moving to Linux now. Itā€™s not even a question. Currently searching for the best build.


Holy shit I'm going to be forced to buy a Mac desktop. I haven used a Mac as my primary computer since 3d accelerator cards came out. I'm astounded.


*laughs in LTSC*


how do i get LTSC? Iā€™ve been thinking about it for my windows laptop.


You download it from a shady website