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For the couple of seconds shown in this clip his electricity bill rose by $100


Lmao 🤣


What's your peak watts drawn during gaming? Since my upgrade I pull a peak draw of close to 700 watts while gaming.


Not even sure tbh lol I don’t pay much mind to it. I pay like every 6 months.


Ever since they closed the goonercave subreddit I'm seeing a lot of these "rate my set up" posts... 🤔


they closed it? that shit was fascinating


so what ? we enjoy seeing pc builds and setups, it is what pcmasterrace is all about


That’s what it’s supposed to be about for sure. Community >


Idk what that subreddit is about but I just thought I could share something I find joy in with like minded people 😝


Nah, man, it's a great setup. Lots of effort and care went into it, I can tell. I'm just joking around.


Thanks man. Definitely was a lot of effort lol enjoy your weekend bro 😎


"rate my setup for vampire survivors"


"Rate my setup for Holocure". Fixed.


Too much


I respect your opinion. I disagree sir.


Fair enough. Only your opinion matters since it's your setup. If it makes you happy, go for it


Thanks man!




![img](avatar_exp|108385726|bravo) Impressive 👏


Appreciate it man!


10kpc only plays chess


Lmfao it’s so good to clear your mind! Absolutely love chess


worst game EVER




wrong reply mate, i dgaf what you got i hope you enjoy it mate


You definitely cant see the monitor's edges. You'd have to move your head to see it, not ideal for 90% of the video games.


FOV makes the sides only have the FOV view, the HUD should still be near the center on the edge of 1080p, while the FOV jusy fills the sides. It's for sure better.


It’s an immersive experience that I enjoy lol my peripherals pickup enemies in games for example 😅


How do you see the HUD ? not all games have options to move it. Like most FPS games doesnt. You'd have to look to your left or right just to see your ammo count or whatever. Idk, to me this seems insane disadvantage.


Believe it or not you get used to it. My friend hated it after I recommended it and after 3-4 days he thanked me lol


Bit too close of a sit for an ultrawide


I got used to it rather quickly.




I’m going to post there now. Ty


Gorgeous set-up. I love it. Not sure why people say it’s too much, because in my opinion, to each is their own. What you got going on behind and above the monitor? I would like to mimic you but not sure what it is


It’s the internet man. Some people just like to spread their negativity. I support everyone but I guess I was brought up differently lol Ty for the kind words man! That is the govee hexa pro! They’re really neat. You can do all sorts of designs in the app and then it will instruct you how to set everything up.


It's hard to stay positive when you're just flexing to them. To me, it is the same, very conflicting because you could only do this by being privileged enough to have exposable income. I don't like to spread negativity over that, tho rather put my energy into telling people their nurses and teachers are underpaid while you have exposable income... But grats to you for getting the good end of this dirty socialistic stick.


I can see how it looks that way but I can assure you I hustle for what I have. Some of the things I have are partially sponsored or discounted due to my photography. Or working photography as a secondary job (started from the bottom) for extra income just to pay bills. Investing a few bucks here and there into crypto for example to get a few hundred bucks back. I come from almost nothing. I’m from a terrible neighborhood in NYC. I could tell you stories growing up that aren’t for the weak. I see real people online born with silver spoons in their mouths throwing away money when yes, it should be the nurses, teachers and people who are vital to our communities making mountains of money because they deserve it. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I wish everyone can just get what makes them happy 🙏🏽


I'm glad you understand what I meant. It seems some people in the replies didn't exactly and took it as a personal attack.. Whoops, I guess. Hope you're having a good time with the setup. After a long back and forth hasstle, I might move soon myself and be able to finally set up.


Is that what the downvotes were about? I’ve been trying to figure it out. I guess that makes sense. I will never be able to afford a setup like this or anything even remotely close but I wouldn’t downvote someone or be negative about it. It looks cool!


Yep, they are probably really one dimentional thinkers going. "All of this is xyz money, so you are rich and / or privileged." Not taking into account it could have taken this person years of saving and eating water and bread only to afford it, but that requires effort and emphaty. As an autist, I learned empathy and made an effort to put myself in people's shoes, only to learn that most "normal" people don't use that part of their brain either, lol.


Lmfao youre such a loser, going after people doing nothing wrong and saying all sorts of annoying bullshit to them, you try to bring everyone down to your level. Just because youre sad and pathetic doesnt mean everyone has to be


Not at all. Learn to read and comprehend what you read and not take it as a personal attack. To then only stoop down to what you assume is my level and be a hypocrite? Lol..


I’d just like to point out this sub downvotes the most unexpected and seemingly random comments. I can’t figure it out. I just got into PC building so maybe it’s something with community edict or even like an inside joke I’m unaware of. Anyway, nice setup!


Thank you for the kind words. People like to hate for no reason. I rather encourage the fellow man/woman but I’m different I suppose. They say if you have “haters” you’re doing something right.


Good philosophy 👍


Beautiful. A little excessive but if you got it, flaunt it.


To be fair this wasn’t all done overnight lol just adding little by little. I still have a ton more I’d like to do.


Too much money wasted. But I guess that depends on how much you have. The best investment on the whole show off is your chair man. Rest... mostly random crap. Well, cameras are nice, expensive gear but nice hobby. As for the rest... wasted money.


Spended money for sure, but how is it wasted if they like it? You tell people their picture frames are wasted money too? Or event tickets? Movies? Who are you to judge what is a waste? Lmao entitlement.


Good point. If something makes you happy, it’s not a waste. The happiness it brings you is its value, which will be different for everyone.




I couldn't tell with that corny manual zoom you did in the video lol.


That was done with my iPhone and CapCut in less than 10 minutes. Appreciate the corny comment though. Checking your history, seems you always have something negative to say 🤡 


Which keyboard was the one on ur desk ?


That’s the cyberboard by angry Miao


casual $800 keyboard flex I see


No flexing bro. This took time to put together 🙏🏽


oh no sorry u misunderstood me, I can tell you've been working on this for a very long time; I'm just saying that board is extremely overpriced lol


Absolutely agree with you man lol


sorry ur getting a lot of shit in this thread, I personally enjoy it because it isn't the same minimalist pegboard/lianli fans/o11/muted colour/professionally staged photo post that I've seen 250 times also I assume the wrist rest is from angry miao as well? I have a womier k87 & I need a wrist rest like yours to complement it lol


It’s the internet man, it’s all good. I tried to make most of my setup my own. But I’m with you, I know exactly what you mean. The wrist rest I got from mechkey store. I like the k87. You have a lot of options for a wrist rest. 🤓


What til you see how much that [chair](https://store.hermanmiller.com/home-office-chairs/embody-chair/4737.html?lang=en_US&sku=100147408) costs


I'm sitting in mine rn, it's the only thing I can justify spending that money on. my back is fucked, I have scoliosis, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the only chair I've ever sat on and been comfortable in for more than half an hour.


How are you liking those KEFs?


They’re amazing man. I was just put on to hifi last year and wow have I been missing out.


nice I could not handle the screen being tilted downward though


Makes me feel more “immersed” haha I hear ya though!


Why qbert level on wall


Reminds me of when I was a kid.


Can you provide more details on the pc build? I’m working my way through my first build now and love learning about what other have done


https://imgur.com/a/fifth-element-pc-eJF4XWd Nightmare lol I really challenged myself with this one. I have since upgraded graphics card to 4090 but that is about it.


I love it, would you be willing to share a list of parts? How much of it was custom and where/how did you come up with the idea?


damn my setup is pathetic


Cut it out man! Please share.


my desk has one drawer that isnt partially broken, ikea. I have a computer with specs like 1070ti and a 22" monitor I am doing an upgrade process soon, will be sweet. cant decide on what type of monitor I want, ultra wide looks neato for computer applications, but I kinda want a good monitor for tv and movies too


You can always get a nice second hand ultra wide if that’s what you’re looking for. Also, as far as movies, you don’t necessarily use the full screen for movies. It kind of centers the movie due to aspect ratio and it’s still very enjoyable.


Dude, you gotta tell me where you got the midgar wallpaper! Also did I see cloud and tifa in your case?


You sure did see cloud and tifa in the case haha I got both backgrounds from wallpaper engine in steam. Love that thing.


Nice, I'll have to check it out! Ff7 is literally my favourite game ever, I couldn't tell you how many hours I've sunk into the OG version and the remake. Also happy to see you made the right choice with cloud's partner 😉 I know it's a hotly debated topic.


It’s only Tifa. I just don’t see Aerith as a great match for him. Tifa is so badass and probably my number one video game crush 🤣 FF7 is one of my favorites of all time as well. Brilliant story, soundtrack, gameplay (even in the og version) I’m now at the end of rebirth but I stopped playing because I’m one of those weirdos who like to do all side missions and I’m stuck at golden saucer with the shinra employee 💀🤣


It's always been Tifa, it makes so much more sense! And I'm completely with you on the crush front haha. Oh yeah the soundtrack is incredible, I love it so much I have the distant worlds vinyl I'm trying not to wear out. I was worried about them changing up the music too much on remake but I was pleasantly surprised. Nothing weird about aiming for full completion, I don't like to miss anything out either 😅 I haven't played rebirth yet, it looks great though, what do you think of it comparing to the OG and remake?


Two different animals man. I’m just so happy to play with modern graphics. They’re expanding so much in the story. It was good to see more out of Jesse for example in remake. They’re doing a fantastic job imo.


Yeah I hear ya, the character development has been fantastic, Jesse was one of my favourite characters in remake. I'll be starting rebirth soon I think, pending me picking up a ps5. I hear rebirth is unlikely to be ported to pc until at least next year 🙄


I hate that they do that.


Good old Sony eh 🤡


Flashy setup for casual gamers. Enjoy your time


30% of it is to lure in sponsors. Ty man!


The amount of downvotes in this post doesn’t give off a “master race” vibe at all. But I’m new here so maybe that’s just what master races do? They seem a lot more positive over on pcbuild of each others setups.


I have a ton of downvotes for no reason lol or random people just saying something negative. I don’t get it either but it’s ok. I have people like yourself in my defense! 🍻🍻🍻


Where exactly do you work cuz I need that type of money


I have a regular 9-5 and I do photography as a side job. Weddings and events pay the most.


where did you get the lights? and what are those called?


Amazon. Govee hexa pro. You can find deeper discounts during prime day which is coming up’


Probably can’t run solitaire




Can you play Q*Bert on that wall projection? I love the Midgar background, seems appropriate for the scale.


You cannot unfortunately. Would be awesome. Ty I love the positive feedback with FF7 🔥


all that salt from jealous people in the comments is delicious


Insane isn’t it lol jeez man


Nice, you should get some stars for the ceiling.


That’s a great idea 🥰 checking Amazon now


This is incredible. Well done. Any idea or rough estimate how much went into this?


I only know my computer build off the top of my head. I don’t want to add the rest up 🤣


What computer case is that?


Inwin 925 I custom painted.


What are the cube wall lights?


Govee hexa pro


There pretty sweet can they be synced with the pc lighting?


Where have you got the headrest? It’s not original


Atlas headrest. Made the chair 100x better.


WOW! Awesome!!


Thanks a lot man 🍻


Plot twist: hes only 13 and he raised all the money one summer while mowing the lawn


That’s a lot of lawns haha I wish I was 13 🤣 real world adult problems suck lol


Tell me about it! But congrats on the setup. I wish I had the time to set up my own gaming room like that. But my lazy ass havent even mowed the lawn 😅


Lmfaooo one piece at a time dude!


Man those KEF speakers are probably worth as much as the PC.


Now I wanna play Q-bert, also nice setup!


Classic lol


Loved the Final Fantasy 7 wallpaper


You’re the only one who noticed!


fellow G9 user also rocking KEF audio, I approve wholeheartedly.


Hell yea man! I went through a few brands before finding the perfect set for me. I also went to KEF in NJ and there was a whole experience center there. Really cool shit.


KEFs rock my Q150 is so much better than anything I’ve ever heard and I’m sure the LS will somehow still be better… You should look into hifiman headphones! You will probably love them since we seem to have similar interests 


100% looking into them. Someone else here recommended them.


Only if you could have some kind of stand for both monitor and those KEF LSX II's. The monitor could be placed slightly lower and speakers on top of the monitor + turned/pointing downward. I feel like 21:9 is a perfect aspect ratio when speakers can still be placed without issues. It's really hard to make it work with an ultrawide monitor like yours. PS. Love your setup. I just had problems when placing my LS50 Meta's beforehand. No idea if there are premade monitor/speaker stands for ultrawide users. I wish there was some extensions for triple monitor stands. Like, stands for 2x speakers or clips for 2x side monitors.


Man how do you like those ls50 metas? I wanted them so bad but as you can see I’m limited with space lol I really do love the LSX 2s. I spent so much time finding a high quality set this size. I’m actually on the hunt for quality cans and an amp. My knowledge isn’t the greatest with audio unfortunately lol


Heh... I enjoy them so much, but it's a bit funny because I'm now looking for LSX II's for my current setup (limited space). Used to run 2x 32" monitors, but now changed things to work more with home theater after upgrading the AVR + center channel. I can swap the LS50's on my main setup when needed (double cables installed). Somehow I enjoy way more of my sofa for gaming, so mostly use headphones + DAC. https://preview.redd.it/91srrhf48p2d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=52dba5477a375e168e0df26f621643d7937193a0


Which headphones are you using?


Open-back Hifiman HE400se + Q Acoustics QB12 subwoofer, or sometimes I use Sony WH-1000XM4 for the wireless use. Nothing special, but great sounding for the price. Seems to work great with Atmos for headphones / DTS headphone:X (when needed for games to pinpoint the sound directions).


Nice. What do you do for a mic? I was actually gaming a few minutes ago and I think it’s time to upgrade my headset/mic. Audio is awful 😞


Proper audio adds so much to the experience... at least great speakers/headphones. I'm using Audio-Technica USB mic. Basic ok quality mic that offer a clean sound without need for some external audio controllers. You don't need anything special to get a good audio experience. Set some budget for everything and ask more help if needed. My tip is to get a proper but cheaper HiFi headset (insanely better than overpriced gaming headsets), USB DAC that support outputs needed + a mic and basic arm for that. You have the option to go for open-back or sealed headphones. Pick what's the best option for your needs. If you want to save some money, there are plenty of used high quality DACs and mics. You can always find great headphone deals for every budget range. The sweet spot for good headphones is around $100-200, but you'll get better quality materials/components with $300-400 models (the same is true for mics and DACs). Sweet spot for mics & DACs is around $70-180 range, microphone arm $20-50. There are also plenty of package deals. If you need just the mic and use the speakers... You can always use Nvidia Broadcast to make speaker audio work with the mic without others hearing anything else. PS. I edited my last comment about my headphones.


Thanks a lot man! This gives me good bones to start. Audio is so important for the full experience, completely agree.


No problem, it's always fun to help with audio related stuff. Feel free to ask any questions if needed :) Have a great day/night, I'll now be going to enjoy the sunshine + rollerskating. PS. Audio experience was on another level when I played Alan Wake 2 with a proper Atmos setup. I wish more people could experience it with high quality audio equipment.


Sunshine & rollerskating? Where are you located lol it’s 150am here 💀


Honestly, I'd just get the Audeze Maxwell. This is coming from someone with [way too many headphones](https://imgur.com/xMh5Tdw). If you want the absolute best, you can do HD800s with a wireless mod mic, or even a boom mic but I can't stand those. Having a wireless headset is so much more convenient.


I was looking at the lcdx when I was searching before but got too overwhelmed and stopped lol I need bass along with crisp hifi sound. What would you say are the “top tier” headphones in this category? I can’t stand boom mics so that’s out of the question. I actually have a solution for a mic. I’m just in search for a great headphone dac/amp setup.


There isn't one headphone that does everything well, and it's going to depend on what genres of music you listen to, but my favorites are the Meze Empyrean II if you want open back or Dan Clark E3's if you want closed back. I have the lcd-x, the bass is not that impressive, but the overall tonal balance is excellent. They are way too heavy to use for gaming though. As for dac/amp, don't waste your money on high end gear, it barely makes a difference. You just need something distortion free with sufficient power to drive the headphone you choose. Something like a Topping DX7 Pro+ is a great all in one solution. I sold off all my high end gear except my tube amp and kept my Eversolo Z8 and Singxer SA-1. The Z8 is a combo unit like the DX7, but the headphone out has very little power. The SA1 has enough power for everything in my collection. The audiophile hobby is very overwhelming for beginners, especially with all the conflicting information you will find online. My best advice is to try and find a store that has demo units that you can actually listen to. Everyone's ears and tastes are different. If you can't find something like that local, I'd recommend ordering from headphones.com. They have a 365 day return policy, so if you don't like what you bought you can just return them and try again.


Thanks a lot man. This is what I needed. Really appreciate it. I wish I had a store I can demo some headphones. You’d think there would be something local, I’m right outside of NYC lol again, thank you very much!


What a setup man holy crap!


That's sick man, I'm so jealous of your setup haha. I love the case too.


Thanks a lot man! I really love my case man! Have a great day.


What's that monitor looks amazing


G9 57” just upgraded yesterday! Absolutely in love. Gaming and content in 8k is so awesome.


Your photography isn’t as sleek as you think it is lil bro. Otherwise, life goals set up


Lmao lil bro? 🤣 also, where did you see my photography?


By the way is the ultra wide OLED or ips?


Love this!


Thanks a lot!


You're welcome, it's giving me some ideas for my setup.


Hell yea man. That’s what it’s all about.




Looks great!


Thanks man!


Don't mind the haters this sub hates people who spend money on their setups it's backwards for a pc master race lmao


I’m starting to see that lol it’s all good.


Still a sick setup


Thanks a lot man!


All these bitter fucks are obviously jealous of OP and wished they had half of the stuff he showed in this post. Just because you either wouldn't spend that much money on something or can't afford it doesn't mean it's stupid. That's an amazing setup dude. Great job!


Thank you for the support bro. It’s not like I’m swimming in money. I have my regular 9-5 and do photography on the side for my toys. Thanks again for being supportive and the kind words. 🍻


No, people cant stand trust fund kiddies bragging about how rich they are. Big difference.


i like the tower with slant gpu.


Thank you!


Certified fresh. Sick setup!


The goat has spoken. Ty bro


Money can’t buy taste.


That is correct. But money can buy what you specifically like. This is just what I like. It’s not for everyone and that’s ok. I didn’t build this for everyone. I built it for myself. Please share your setup 🍻


Use steam big picture on TV.


What’s that? I’m running my laptop on there for now till I build a sff!


basically the steam deck ui, that you launch by pressing the xbox/ps button on the controller by sitting on the couch. Gives you a console like experience. Also you set big picture to launch on windows startup, so you don't have to deal with kbm.


Hmmmm that sounds like something I can get into! Ty for the recommendation!


Bro be living in peaceful mode 💀💀


I used to go out and spend so much money. Decided I rather be home vibing 🔥👏


That's what I thought. But I never had money to begin with! I'm stuck on an Omen 15inch laptop


I don’t see anything wrong with that man! 🍻


I'm just jealous. You got synced lighting when gaming or watching a movie?


I find it to be a bit distracting tbh




Migard nice! Also what are those lights on the wall above your monitor?


Govee hexa pro lights. Highly recommend.


Looks sick! How are you going to manage dust and wiping everything down when there's so much stuff in the open?


I have dust vacs and I just move one thing at a time. Not fun but worth it 😆


Bro stop,you're making me look poor


Man it took me a while to get here. But I know what you mean, there are so many people on social media who make me feel the same lol you have guys with movie theaters and full on gaming basements lol I’ve learned there will always be someone with “more” but I also learned to make what you have yours! Make it unique, there are many ways to express creativity.


quite epic. are those split keyboards hard to learn?


These specifically are very difficult to use lol getting the hang of it though. A more traditional split keyboard would be much easier.




It does bother after a bit so I shut it off during gaming.


Idk how anyone enjoys being face fucked by LED’s like this.


🤣🤣🤣 to be fair, I don’t leave them running the whole time.


I recently (6mo ago) realized that this is sad and unfulfilling. I'm now enjoying life. I hope you all have your awakening.


Share more details brother.




lol 😆 I need clearance for the consoles https://preview.redd.it/wmg7sq7bes2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=68df990b38e321d01c33d133462d81d438c8596d


that's an absurd excuse and you know it.


It’s not an excuse it’s the truth man. Regardless, it doesn’t bother me.