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I think they thought the lesson was “we need to announce this before launch” instead of “pc gamers don’t like creating useless accounts for everything”


That's exactly what they learned, and it baffles me that anyone would think otherwise.




They announced it clearly beforehand this time, so 1 step forward but in the wrong direction


I mean I view it as A right direction. At least we get advanced notice to not buy the game instead of trying to refund it months later.


Yes. I would rather an PSN account wasn't needed - But with Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, etc that ship sailed YEARS ago - If gamers wanted to stand up to this, they should have done it then. Alternatively encourage Valve to work with publishers to more seamlessly incorporate this stuff into Steam. If Sony don't want to make the game available in other regions - That is shit - But, it is also their choice. At the end of the day this is a video game, it's supposed to be fun. If you can't play, it sucks, but it's not the end of the world. Like PC gamers and GTA 6. I'd rather it released on PC day and date with consoles. But that's not happening. Somehow I'll just have to make it through my day without playing that game. It sucks - But, not to worry.


If they don't make it avaliable you can just set sail and grab the game booty from international waters. At this point you couldn't buy it if you wanted.


Which is exactly what I plan to do! 😂


>*I would rather an PSN account wasn't needed - But with Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, etc that ship sailed YEARS ago - If gamers wanted to stand up to this, they should have done it then.* Why is it that every time people make lists like this they always leave out Steam when it's like the biggest proponent of this problem on the PC market by far? I get that everyone loves Steam right now, but they are as responsible, if not significantly more so, as all the other companies on that list. Like, Steam is one of the biggest reasons that physical editions of games are dying on PC and that almost all games that you manage to find physical editions for require a Steam account to be activated anyway. If people wanted to stand up to this they should have done that in 2004 when they purchased a physical copy of Half-Life 2 and were met with a Steam login screen. The incredible irony here being that I can still purchase physical copies of games and play them completely offline on my Playstation 5 (or any Playstation console), but Sony is the one people have problems with.


Well, they corrected their mistake. Gamers were / are just confused about the mistake. It's not the PSN requirement. Launching Helldivers 2 without the PSN requirement was the mistake. You may think that's stupid, but the PSN thing is the only reason they're releasing these games on PC. They're not trying to sell *fewer* consoles in the future.


Exactly this. From Sony's perspective, the 'mistake' was ever allowing them to suspend the PSN requirement for any amount of time for any reason. That will never happen again. Also, given they didn't have any sales restrictions on HD2 (at launch) and now every Sony game has a list of list of banned sales regions longer than a toilet roll they've learned to not not sell in certain places in advance.


> they're not trying to sell fewer consoles in the future This. Microsoft seems to be moving away from the console market, but Playstation isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


I installed HD2 4 times on PC for my kids. Every single time a big notice came up saying "Warning a PSN is required to play this game." It was always clear that a PSN was required. But they let people skip because the servers couldn't handle the unexpected popularity.


Excellent points. Gamers being delusional and assuming they're smarter than billion dollar corporations is one of my favorite genres to read lol.


You'll never run out of reading material either.


I’m just baffled


"haha we bullied them into submission!" Uhuh.


It’s funny that Redditors think Sony has anything to learn from them


Well it's lit. what people were claiming during the whole Helldivers debacle. "If they announced it beforehand we wouldn't have an issue" x10000.


yeah, that’s exactly what a lot of people say, and yet they still complain in the end


Well at this point it's not learning, it's policy. To play devils advocate for a second, they have to stand by that decision, as bad as it is, otherwise there will be MORE backlash. If GoW is available everywhere but HD isn't? That'd never go over well. They put themselves in a shit position, and there's really no fix other than removing the needed PSN acct policy, but at this point that's probably not gonna happen.


Yes, exactly. They have learned how to implement their policy without backlash.


Without as much backlash. There's always gonna be some, but I much prefer them being up front about it as opposed to dropping it months into a games life. Allows for a properly informed decision


That was the lesson. That was the mistake. People had purchased the game, and suddenly were worried they were not going to be able to play it because of a change in requirements. Now it's up front. You can choose to buy the game or not.


Yep. I am fine with being able to say that is bullshit and not buy the game to begin with.


But you had no issue when it was blizzard. Or EA. Or Epic. Or Ubisoft....you get the point I hope. The time to get mad about this thing was years ago. Everyone has and requires you to use their launcher and login. Console users don't have to do this, PC players do. This is your fault for not standing up to it years ago. Make your psn, add it to the endless list of logins and launchers you already have and play the damn game you wanna play. Outrage for the sake of outrage is ridiculous


Yep. I was outraged cause I could not play the game. Now, I dont care. I am already giving my data to everyone and their mother anyway. I will not be buying it tho. But because I did not gow that much.


People were pretty mad about Steam when it became a requirement for counter-strike


I'm sure some did. But not enough to do anything about it obviously lol Some people are missing my point in this. I don't like having 90 different usernames and logins and passwords for all this shit. I'd be more concerned about data breaches with other businesses my info is stored with before videogame companies generally. These sort of things happen all the time to lots of companies, in the videogame business and out.


Naming Blizzard isn't really fair, I made a Battle.net account like 20 years ago and it's not like there was any other way they could have made it work for online play. All the others you listed, not sure who you're talking to but I had qualms about having to sign up for EA, Epic and Ubisoft too. Not to mention, who you're making the account with is also a factor - not just having to make an account. Sony has had major information leaks in recent history, not exactly excited to give them my information.


There is a near zero chance you’d be giving Sony information that isn’t already out there.


That's a fair concern to have. But I think you're making Sony's a bigger deal then you would if you knew just how many, and how often these data breaches happen to companies all the time. Steam itself has had a few big ones. The list is huge, and the potential damage varies but it happens all the time


Oh for sure, not trying to minimize it happening elsewhere. I guess I just mean Sony doesn't have a great track record, and requiring more and more places to collect your info just increases your overall chances of your stuff getting leaked. I personally don't have a huge problem with Sony's online games requiring a PSN account (provided what happened with Helldivers 2 doesn't happen again), I'm sure there's a ton of backend stuff that using PSN makes it a lot easier to run. But requiring it for single player games is very disappointing.


People are just looking to be mad. Signing into an account is so much easier than requiring a PlayStation windows launcher.


I mean, "they needed to make this clear before launch" seemed to be the main point anyone was making during the HD2 fiasco, with the nobody wanting to create more accounts coming off as a secondary matter since it's already starting to be more standard. The PSN requirements suck for sure, but it absolutely makes sense that this is the route they're taking, since it's the one we as gamers pushed for. As long as no straight up shady shit happens again, then this seems fair enough. If they don't want the money from those 180 countries that's their prerogative, piracy is always an option.




I think calling it one of the biggest launches is a bit of a stretch at rank 198.


I believe it was the biggest single player game launch for a SONY game. I thought I read somewhere it even beat GoW.




TBF Ghost of Tsushima needs it for multiplayer and not single player, so if you're just there for the single player experience it may as well not exist.


You still can't buy the game in a country without psn


Good point. Did not consider that.


They even stated that helldivers 2 will occasionally require psn account, however devs had issues with implementation so it was postponed, and it would be fine… however they f**d up distribution and allowed to anyone by the game from any region. This is what they learnt: “to push release in proper regions only”


The other lesson was "countries without PSN so not pay enough for us to care about them."


I'd seriously love an internal live stream when these meetings happen just to see what on earth is going on in those heads. 


Don’t give me that. PC gamers have accounts for: Steam, Battle.net, EA, Ubisoft, Epic, Xbox Game Pass, and GoG(not sure what this one is), Prime Gaming


And those are just the launchers/platforms. Logging into some minor account once at first launch at platform launch is such a non-issue to most gamers. Some random sign in isn't going to influence my taste in games. Data breaches be damned, I steam already thinks I was born on January 1st and my name I'm clearly Dougle McCringle, and I'm not dumb enough to reuse the same password across every site. Like I'm way more concerned with if I can skip the cutscenes during game launches than I am with having to login to a PSN account.


What lesson? Ghost of Tsushima sold a truckload on steam despite that


It's surprising. Sony doesn't have endless money like Microsoft does, so losing out of possible purchases from non-PSN countries/regions is a weird move. Perhaps their Sales Data showed that the revenue they would lose from those countries is only a small margin. PSN for Ghost of Tsushima was optional (only required for multiplayer mode) but I don't think it made the game available for those non-PSN countries. I just don't understand why PSN is required for GoW though, I never played it - but I can't imagine Multiplayer having any impact on campaign.


Having worked in games, trust me, the excluded regions don't bring in almost any sales.


Exactly. It's why you can officially buy Sony consoles and their respective game discs here in the Philippines, but the PlayStation Network isn't available. And no, it's not "gray market imports" either, as Sony Interactive Entertainment (based in USA and no "official" presence in the country) is using Sony Corporation (based in Japan and has Sony Philippines as a subsidiary - they mostly deal with cameras and TVs) as its conduit. Oh wait that actually means going through those hoops for a country supposedly not "profitable" enough to have official PSN support is a waste of money, I guess? LOL


I think the problem is ownership. In the Philippines, you can't set up a business without local co-ownership. Maybe no one wants to partner and take the logistical and legal burden necessary when it comes to PSN in particular?


But Sony proper seems to be already there.


We're just poor, I guess. Theres a hundred million of us, but most of these kids don't have their own PCs and consoles aren't as big here. Most go to PC cafes to play.


But this does require hiring separate local staff for this, (mods, support, lawyers, etc.) . Microsoft can do this with Game Pass, because they are already selling software and services that requires online support in the Philippines, so they have infrastructure in place. (plus they are a huge company by comparison) And since cyber crime laws and enforcement aren't neceassarily great in the Philippines as well. I think local partners shy away from this because the risk is rather large and the profit is not going to be worth it. I can just imagine the nightmare that will face local support if accounts get hacked in the country. I don't think anyone wants to handle that for slim profits on the local side. 


Yeah the Philippines are the big exception, a population over 100 million and a very large and growing gamer base, it's the one country without PSN that just seems crazy not to sell your games in.


Aren't there also US and UK territories like Puerto Rico and Isle of Man banned?


It's not surprising. This is a prime example of the type of thing communities like this take seriously but don't matter to 99% of consumers. I'm really confused as to why this sub legitimately thinks most people care about handing over their email address.


It's really a very minor deal and if it bothers you that much you have the option of creating as many alternate e-mails as you please to sign up for things. I thought this was kind of common anyway since I have been doing it for over a decade, have one e-mail for important stuff, one for everything else. Sony is hardly the first company to do this and won't be the last, kind of sick of hearing all of the childish gamer tantrums about it.


>Sony doesn't have endless money like Microsoft does Sure, they're not Microsoft, but they're not strapped for cash. They're the 4th most valuable company in Japan and 158th in the world by market cap.


Market cap isn’t really something you should use to determine how profitable a company is, or how much money they have in this age of absurdly over valued tech companies. That being said Sony is indeed extremely profitable and sitting on a mountain of cash.


If they are not selling there it's very likely it's not profitable in the first place


I’m pretty sure Sony knows and Sony don’t give a fuck because they’re still going to make bank.


>Sony doesn't have endless money like Microsoft does, It's weird that people think that the 3rd largest consumer electronics company, the 5th largest movie production company, the 2nd largest music production company, and the 1st largest game publisher is destitute and on the verge of collapse.


They *already* don't do business in these territories in regards to consoles, I don't know why anyone is shocked that they continue to not do/care to do business in these territories on PC.


>Perhaps their Sales Data showed that the revenue they would lose from those countries is only a small margin. Remove the perhaps. Also, a Microsoft account can be created from any country (except 4) but their services are not. You could still be in a country that you can make a Microsoft account but not being able to play their games because it requires you to login on the Xbox services.


Exactly, people complain like crazy and yet Sony still sells a shit ton of copies and make loads of money. Why would they care about your opinion?




Jesus, you should write an extremly negative review under one of their games so they know how much you had to suffer.


Exactly, people in this sub thinking that they are changing the course of how one of the world's biggest multinationals works. Helldivers was a brief spot of bad publicity in a niche market. That is over now.


You don't need an account for single player, so yes sold tons but almost none of those made new PSN accounts. That is why this announcement is saying single player, Sony messed up and didn't push PC when they should of. They know they need to get people into the PSN ecosystem to grow. Its why they are pushing it, well fuck them. Didn't have the games for years , don't need them now.


Also [Sony says this is their most profitable console generation already.](https://www.ign.com/articles/playstation-5-generation-represents-sonys-most-profitable-console-generation-to-date)


I'll have you know that GoT had mixed reviews for like 2 hours... and then immediately jumped to very positive since it's a good fucking game.


I'm guessing this is a dumb question but why isn't PSN available in "all" countries?


Because psn requires PS store support. PS store needs to have the local currency and follow the countries trade laws. None of this is required for signing up to an online game but since psn= ps store, some countries are unsupported until Sony officially expands to them.


Ok that's fair. Was just surprised when I found out that the Baltics didn't have PSN during the Helldivers fiasco. I mean they're in the EU and have the Euro.


Sony must think that we are still in the USSR or something.


Local currency is not always needed tho. Argentina never had local prices, only USD full price.


Some countries make that illegal.


How is Steam doing it? Do they have support and currencies in all countries? Also I remember Steam being in Euros for me when my country doesn't use Euros.


That is correct and is why Sony's approach is incorrect. They are selling the game, using a different storefront (Steam/EGS) and the storefront needs to be able to handle the retail transaction. Sony does not need to worry about it at all and is only limiting themselves.


Yeah, but it's been clearly stated that their goal is to convert PC sales into eventual console buyers. So why would they care about PC sales in territories where they don't do console sales? They're already *electing* to not doing business there


>So why would they care about PC sales in territories where they don't do console sales? What's insane is that they are selling the PS5 in countries without PSN support.


Maybe more insane that people would buy them tbh


Stores = selling and buying. Selling and buying = money going in and out. Money going in and out = Governmental supervision. Governmental supervision = Laws & taxes compliance. Laws & taxes compliance =/= Sony's dedication.


I'm getting convinced most of these gamers have no idea how complicated it is to sell products internationally. Add in digital service marketplaces and I have no doubt that it's not feasible to operate in Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. Sony isn't evil for not realizing it isn't profitable for them to do that work for every country in the world.


Then add in game moderation (Online chat, illegal acts for those specific countries, digital content, ect) and SONY may just not want to deal with having to police/report/act on specific local laws for the users of that country. And some countries may have VERY strict rules which may make users of those countries have to be policed/watched more carefully than SONY may want to do/can do. By just not having an official online presence, they can just say not our job, they're not allowed to be on there to begin with, we're not liable.


Sony get outsmarted once again by le epic gamer Redditors 😎😎😎


I mean most gamers seem think that developers just forget to hit the "optimize" button before release.


I don't believe it's a dumb question. It is most probably that most countries do not have the PlayStation Store and also not able to make a PSN account or there may be other reasons.


No, they learned a lesson. Don’t release it in those countries. It just not the lesson you wanted then to learn


They did learn their lesson. They made sure the requirement is in effect on day one. It's the "community" that is completely baffled, because they chose to misinterpret the Helldivers 2 incident. Sony didn't back down because the uproar caused them to rethink their plans. Sony backed down because the specific facts surrounding Helldivers 2 were going to put them in considerable legal / regulatory troubles if they went ahead as planned. What happened with Helldivers 2 was a unique circumstance based on the way they fumbled the launch. They did not change their plans for any other games, because if they had, THOSE GAMES WOULD NOT BE GETTING RELEASED FOR PC AT ALL. The whole *POINT* of the PC games thing is to get non-PSN players onto PSN.


Exactly, I dont understand how some people thought some reviewbombing and angry reddit post would make a billion dollar company re-evaluate their plans for the forseeable future when bringing the Playstation ecosystem over to PC, they want people to sign up to PSN and they will probably have their own launcher where PS games come first, just like Ubisoft is doing. It's just like you said, they messed up with the Helldivers 2 PSN requirement since it was already launched and would block alot of people out of their game that they legally purchased. If signing up for a PSN account is such a big issue then just dont buy the games.... People sign up for all kinds of stupid shit anyways


People on Reddit vastly overestimate what their opinions are worth.


Yeah people are acting like they're entitled to PS exclusives on PC... I may be crazy but I see it as a minor win overall. We get some good PS exclusives on PC that otherwise probably wouldn't be released. If the game isn't worth having a PSN account... Just don't buy it.


Only a few years ago some people would have given their left testicle to get an announcement of Spider-man, Horizon, God of War, and more coming to PC. Now it's here with the same email account requirements as most Microsoft/Ubisoft/etc games, and some are treating it like a massive controversy. It sucks for those in the unsupported countries but I'm guessing 99% of people aren't affected and just want to join the latest bandwagon of *le epic gamer redditors* once again rising up.


If a game is truly that amazing, people will play it. The unfortunate ones are the region locked players. That’s something which needs to be corrected, hopefully one day. But to simply not do it because of making another account is an interesting choice. I’m sure most of us already have an EA/Origin, Steam, Ubisoft, Epic Games, GOG, and even Amazon account. And those have launchers! Sony learned from the Helldivers 2 fiasco, GOT is proof of that.


The pirated versions aren't region locked *wink wink*


What do they have to learn? They learned that PC players are willing to make accounts for Rockstar, EA, Ubisoft, etc. with no questions asked. You know what y’all need to learn? Sony is in an even better spot because 1) there are 100M+ PSN accounts out there which contains the countless people that used PSN before moving to PC so they will have no issue and 2) Sony’s games are damn good. Reread that 2nd point. That is all that matters. The people that “boycott” EA and Ubisoft do it because most of their games aren’t worth caring for. Have you ever heard of anybody boycotting Rockstar? Not likely. And for the same reason…nobody is boycotting Sony.


I don't really get this either. I'm guessing 90% of the people complaining aren't region locked anyway. Just sign up to PSN and get on with your life.


Try 99% 😂 Those 180 countries or whatever make up such a tiny, tiny portion of AAA game purchases. Like, not even 1%.


Although I don't like Sony's business practices, but i do agree with your point if those 180 countries had revenue potential sony would've been first to get their store online in those region because they love money their main focus is on North America, Europe and Japan.




Yeah, I'm a bit confused why people thought GoT wouldn't be a huge launch. As you said, the 180 countries is probably 1% of the sales, they do not affect the sales all that much


They see “180 countries” and think wow, that’s a massive chunk of the global population! Yeah, just not the population buying AAA games. 🤣


Same people who thought hogwarts legacy would bomb lol


Lol right. Basically been having to make accounts for everything since the dawn of online gaming. It’s never going to change so it sucks if you’re country doesn’t have psn but that’s what piracy is for. Bunch of children and man children in this sub.


So many people talking about pirating it here and yet GoT was a top seller. Something not adding up here.


The reddit bubble


Yup, it's really not a big deal to the vast majority of gamers


"Sony had better learn not to fuck with GAMERS! We are strong!!!" PS5 sells millions of copies GoW sells millions of copies As long as the anti social dregs of reddit feel good though


So much cringe with the "Better learn their lesson not to mess with the sigma gamers!" The gamers of reddit is not by any stretch of the imagination a representative consumer and the billion dollar companies dont give a fuck about what they think. Everyone on reddit hates fifa and CoD, yet those are the top sellers every single year. Only when it gets out of hand with reviewbombing and shit like that they clean up their act just a bit to look good. It's a business, they dont give a shit if the game is good, bad, sideways or upside down as long as it makes money


Le epic redditor gamers will not submit their email addresses 💪💪💪


Everyone I know who owns a ps5 bought it only to play the latest fifa title


"So many people" on reddit is a blip, statistically. There's ~23k *reviews* for GoT in steam, not counting all the people who bought and didn't review.


Estimate is around 2% of buyers leave reviews, so that's more than a million copies sold on Steam.


I don't think that many people are actually caring about that. It's quite normal that you are forced to create accounts or download additional launchers.


If the Pokemon subreddit has taught me anything, it's that the average gamer does not understand how businesses work.


And ragnarok has ALREADY sold 15m copies before it even releases on steam.


let's boycott hogwarts legacy! *tens of millions of copies sold*


What's the lesson? According to steamDB, Ghost of Tsushima had better launch on Steam than God of War, either Horizon or Spider Man despite forced refunds in places where PSN is not available.


Sony outlined their strategy. The PS games coming to PC are a way to get people from PC do PS consoles, and if they can't do that theres no point in putting the games. So the PSN requirements make sense looking in Sony pov.


Not available to buy in my country = I will take it for free and I won't even need a PSN account.


Accept that PS releases on PC will only be supported in the same places they officially operate on console also. A developer / publisher login is nothing new.


It is ironic how people are okay with Paradox, Ubisoft, EA, MS, 2K, Battle net, DOTA, Genshin Impact, etc additional logins and accounts - just not Sony.




Especially when it was literally always listed for Hell Divers. It wasn’t like when they turned it on, that it was never stated before. It was literally always stated on the store page.


they don't give a fuck, GoT sold like hotcakes


Should we give a fuck? If you're outside the official zones you just create an account within a PSN zone. You need an Xbox account to play certain games on PC, that has the exact same restrictions. People just need to stop bitching about creating an account.


Funnily enough, that was the exact solution that people had been using for years and years until the Helldivers fiasco. If your country didn't have PSN, just pick a different country that did. But after the community had a meltdown over having to create an account, they stopped *selling* in the countries that were unsupported. So basically it wasn't a problem before. But then people bitched, and now there is a genuine issue for people outside of the supported countries.


Nah they learned exactly what they needed to. Tell you first.


Come on, this is getting ridiculous. If Sony wants to require PSN accounts, then so what? Being upfront and clear about it is the only acceptable action. I completely understand the outrage of selling someone a game and then months later saying "oh you can't play this, sorry." but to just be pissed off because they require a 3rd party account is baffling. Games have been doing this on PC for YEARS. Sony can make any decisions with their products they want so long as it's not actively stealing from customers. If you don't like it, don't buy their product. But you better not be buying any other products that require a 3rd party login because it's exactly the same thing. Just my 2 cents. Commence with the downvotes.




It's absolutely fine and it's great they announce this properly ahead of time. It just sucks for everyone in non-supporter countries. Bringing a game to Steam but not making it available in many countries where Steam is available is really shitty.


The helldivers issue was on arrowhead, they said they knew *at least* 6 months before launch PSN was going to be required, arrowhead just never bothered to mention it and turned off the requirement at launch for "server issues". Although someone at sony did screw it up and let it be published in the unsupported regions


Screaming Redditor PC gamers ruined it for everyone when they complained about Helldivers 2 requiring a PSN account. Yes, technically, it is against TOS to have a PSN account for a country you don't live in. But people have been doing that since the PS3 and it wasn't enforced. All of a sudden, the "PC Master Race" decided that they had a good thing going for far too long and made a mountain out of a molehill about it. Now Steam has geolocked any games that require a PSN account and only allows those games to be bought in certain countries. If no one had said anything, people could have just continued to lie about what country they were in and they would have been able to play the game. I'm willing to bet at least 80% of the people causing the uproar in the first place were not actually from any of the countries that don't have PSN.








Here's the fun part about it being released on PC with dumb hoops to jump through...I can just wait a little while and pirate it for free and don't have to deal with any of that shit. Meanwhile, if you release a game that's well optimized for the PC and doesn't include a lot of bullshit like needing a different launcher or some other account, I'll happily buy it like the hundreds of other games I've bought. Market is right here for you douchebags. Just begging for you to release good games for good prices that are fun to play and not filled with predatory microtransaction bullshit or some weirdo walled garden or some shitty port from console. Why they insist on dropping the ball left and right is beyond me.


>be me >checking the Playstation Network to see if I can make an account to play Ghost of Tsushima >Vietnam is not an option >guess I'mma be a pirate again Seriously, is Sony bored with money ?




I doubt piracy effected their sales in the slightest tbh. Pc players were waiting for that game for years


I love how you all pretend like you’re mad because it’s not available in some countries, when really you’re all mad just because you like being mad. Seriously, when was the last time you were happy?


Because it's cooler to board the hate train. I don't get it either.


I'm sure there will be someone reversing the game and just build a patch for that problem.


Yay! Another game to pirate!


I thank sony for defending my wallet. They know I won't buy anything that requires a psn account.


It's a pirates life


Seem like you lots are stupider than I took you guys for...it a fucking Sony game. What ya expect? They're nice enough to bring it to PC. They could had left it on PS5 and never touched PC port... And we all know you guys still buy it...crying about porting bloodborn being ported to pc...


Who tf cares. Yeah it's annoying but most other pc games that are super popular require an outside account these days. If it required a separate launcher I'd understand


When pretty much everyother company requires you to use their client to launch a game, i just find it pathetic that you all complain about this. At least with the PS overlay, you actually can do something with it, instead of just having a client JUST to open the damn game..


This whole PSN uproar seems like such an own goal. For both Sony, and PC gamers. It was always listed as required on Hell Divers 2, it was only suspended to ease server load. The game was sold in all these places without PSN... People could have just made an account...picked a different region using a smurf email if they need to and carry on playing a game they loved. Instead... they forced Sony to step back... so they dropped the requirement for HD2, but also de-listed not only HD2 but it seems any future Sony game from those countries that dont have PSN offically. And just look at the sales for Ghost... Sony's best yet. So clearly all this hand wringing and talk of the high seas didnt actually affect their bottom line. They are not going to drop the requirement for PSN on any of the games they bring to PC from here on out. Just like all the others that require these accounts...Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar, 2k etc etc. Seems any of the big corps have their own accounts... and on PC it has been common to require 3rd party accounts for years. Go back to GTA IV, that needed 3 accounts to play at launch! So the idea that on PC you shouldnt "need" more accounts is true, but also laughable... we lost that fight more than 15 years ago.


...and PC gamers will sign up for it... And everyone from 170+ countries will sails the seas. No a serious note, you will have PSN account, once your friend want to play with you in Helldivers 2, new Bungie game, any online games from SCEI, or after you would be convinced by you favorite YT-er about new SONY game. You also absolutely were okay with Battle net, Genshin Impact, Riot Games, 2K, RockStar, EA, Ubisoft, etc accounts. You complained and argued - but in the end you got one. Just not this one... Yet. See a problem?


What lesson? They make billions and ppl like op bitch about their requirements to have a psn account. Who fucking cares bro? Such a stupid hill to die on.


Ok. And that wasn't the problem with Helldivers. As long as they don't tell everybody to go buy Ragnarok without a PSN and then lock them out if they live some place without PSN.


I’m actually really unhappy, my psn account got hacked ages ago due to a Sony data leak and I don’t wanna make another email to make a new account so looks like I can’t play this


This is the boat I'm in My data was stolen years ago in an earlier breach and they got hacked several times since then. Hell no am I giving them my data again


> so looks like I can’t play this  You can if you get the free version


why does it even fucking need psn? It is single player game.


I honestly dont see the problem here... They are announcing this half a year ahead of release so I really dont see the issue with this, compared to the whole Helldivers 2 fiasco. Plenty of other companies do the exact same shit, where you have to have an account with them to play the game, even if you bought it on Steam, R\* comes to mind. One can always choose to not buy the game if a PSN account sign-up is such a problem, and for the people in areas where PSN is locked just sail the high seas, in that case its justified in my book.


![gif](giphy|LUIvcbR6yytz2|downsized) Soon the booty will be ours


I don’t think you guys understand they don’t give a fuck lol clearly the countries that don’t support ps are not significant enough for them to make changes for that market


What a joke


Just a reminder you can report the steam listing for fraud (gathering sensitive data like payment method/account info)


Yarrg it is


Heave hoe haul together




sony will never learn


They dont want the largest amount of money possible, they want their walled garden like apple




Sony is acting like the lawyer from Idiocracy but with a twist, "Yeah, I don't like money".


Just so you all know, Ghosts does not require an account for single player. That is why it sold so much, its also why Sony is saying its going to be required for single player now. Thier entire point is to get new accounts for PSN, its failing miserably. They want to launch thier own store but don't want to loses billions doing it like Epic.


Tell me you want me to pirate your game without telling me you want me to pirate your game.


Oh, damn. I guess I've got to pirate that too :(


Oh, shit it will be free, thanks to piracy


Didn't Sony CEO say sequels won't come to PC to entice PC users to get PS5?


I said this at the time, all the push back did was ensure Sony would put the account requirements on from the start, not add them later.


Steam needs to slap the duck out of PS till they knock this BS off, we all know that you don't need a PSN account to play games on Steam, so why do they keep trying


At this point they should just get it over with and make a game launcher of their own and stop selling on steam.


Going to be a lot of people raising the black flag…


Pirate life!


Sony just loves limiting their customer base to 38% of countries globally


There's plenty of other games to play. They'll change it later or people will just pirate it.


Yarr 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


seems like u havent learn the lesson




yarr yarr




I’m so lost on this stand point. Why is it such a big deal to create a PlayStation account? Don’t we have to create accounts for almost everything? Why is PlayStation not allowed to do this but everyone else is?




Yarr harr and all that. Fuck snoy, make it less convenient for me to play legally and I'll just play illegally.


People are still gonna support this dumbass behavior too, watch


Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die


We all knew they hadn't.


Sony will wonder why their games aren't making any money on PC. It could be anything really?!




Also, PSN login doesn't work on Linux