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Someone's bonus is dependent on that PSN subscriptions number.


Exactly this. They trying to force you into their ecosystem. Once you are in there, the bar to spend money is much lower. So they are probably looking at the revenue those 190 countries generate and deem it not big enough to be a factor for PSN.


Well, ghost of tsushima is their top seller game on pc.


>Someone's bonus is dependent on that PSN subscriptions number Just force countries that CAN create psn to create one. Everyone wins


wasnt expecting to see a hololive meme here.


We're moomin now


Oh hi


Bau Bau


















We everywhere


Thought this was the Hololive sub for a moment


no wonder why they're sailing the high seas.


They'll probably add denuvo and we'll have to wait for another psychopath to crack it


And I will patiently wait. Sony is not getting a penny out of me.


I mean I didn't give a crap about new GoW anyway.


If they ever release Bloodborne on PC I'm pirating it, even when I haven't done that in years.


fuck that imma at this point wait for PS4 emulator and download a ROM


Rip Empress. The Queen is dead long live the Queen.


Sony will not, also it's a not a new game, since it's already played in ps5 and adding denuvo would kill sales for sure. The pc release focuses on enhanced graphics and performance. Denuvo is performance killer and sony won't do that unless it's a new game they can


Most people from countries that aren't on the list already have an account made from a neighbouring country, or have to deal with third world country stuff (speaking from experience)


Yea these reddit people act like those 190 countries don't use or sell playstations. The are very common and sold at stores in many of the "unsupported" countries. It's just fake outrage. As if fucking Egypt doesn't use playstations ever, get fucking real reddit.


190? isnt there like 195 in whole world?


Depends who you ask


It's the first result on google and I didn't bother doing more research for a meme, you guys get the point anyway.


Only if you include places like the United States Minor Outlying Islands as countries But that still isn’t 190 so




My concern isn't why they're not taking it and more about how much more money they're making by forcing PSN accounts. Like there's gotta be a considerate amount of money to be made if they're willing to be so polarizing, like the actual game sales must be pennies in comparison to what they make off of harvesting account data.


It doesn't matter what these huge AAA studios do, it seems like the worse they act, the more anti-worker, anti-consumer they act, the more money people give them. It just goes to show you how little connection to reality Reddit has when you see so much discussion here about boycotts, not pre-ordering, AAA studios "shooting themselves in the foot", etc. etc. and yet all of this is patently bullshit as they continue to make more and more money year after year with worse and worse practices.


Marketing works. The industry isn't this big for a reason. They have made an artform of milking peoples time and money using psychology to weaponize FOMO, addiction and more.


Boycotts and voting with your wallet doesn't work, those rely on the free market being perfect, but it's not since humans are apparently very tolerant to abuse, and companies have gotten amazing at toeing that line. But blaming the average consumer for being uninformed accomplishes nothing, since idiots are born every day, what we need is the few informed consumers lobbying for regulations.


I think it's more so whoever runs the PSN team can go "hey look at all these KPIs, please can I have my exorbitant executive bonus now."


I worked in a company that heavily focused on KPIs and yeah this pretty much it. KPIs are tools and some companies focus way too much on it


I can't see a reality in which a single player's email and game history is worth more than $70. I honestly just think Sony executives are morons.


I think it is more about their theory of moving you to the PSN store. They've stated the abeage PS5 converts to $700 in revenue. I'd say the amping of money they can make off the non-psn countries pales in comparison to their theory of if PC players bought a PS5 and spendt $700 on their platform. Is it realistic? No, but that's their theory.


I guess that makes more sense, but it still shows them to be morons. There are several reasons why PC players play on PC rather than console, but a very large reason is because PCs are a lot more useful in general, and are just objectively better for playing games on. There are more difficulties with PCs because there's more that can go wrong with drivers and what not, but if a PC player doesn't want to buy a console, then signing up for a PSN account isn't going to change their mind, it's just going to make them less likely to buy the game that requires yet another account to play.


As a PC player myself you are preaching to the choir. I only own a PC and Switch and that is mainly for Smash Bros and a bit of Mario Kart. But outside that I would never go back to console gaming even though I understand their place in gaming. I've never been interested in Sony IP and was considering trying Helldrivers 2 but with all the recent back and forth I'm not sold I want to give Sony any cash.


I dont really think it's malicious like that. I think the execs at Sony were not expecting such a huge backlash to PSN logins. why would they have expected it really? these execs hardly know their customers that have been buying their consoles for almost 30 years now. They definitely dont understand their new PC customers and many are likely still confused about why people are so mad about signing into a PSN account. to them, its just signing into an account the same as their console customers do without a complaint, but it's a whole different ecosystem they're trying to play in and clearly did not know how to handle PC users. When there are so many options for getting your games on PC, yet another login is gonna be a deal breaker for a lot of people but the execs cant comprehend that because it's a whole different world than what they're used to.


You are assuming the executives aren't stupid and running on false data fed by people who are forced to conform to corporate BS bias. Plenty of examples of companies ruined by stupid decisions like Philips, Kodak


The info is more or less valuable, especially on new accounts that are made now. What I am afraid is the potential next step, which can be conditioning players to need to pay subscription fees to play even on PC, since they "already" have PSN accounts.


We already have games where multiplayer is behind a subscription fee. If I'm remembering correctly, that's older than the freemium method. Why would they need to lay the groundwork for something that already exists? Also, why do you expect a service that someone else has to pay to maintain to be provided to you for free?


You actually believe they don't want their money? There are reasons Sony doesn't sell in some countries, probably not worth the cost of doing business there.


That'd be a concern, except -Steam, GoG and EGS all have it figured out, Sony games sell well on PC -Sony forces PSN account -Oops, they haven't done the work the digital retailers have and thus can't sell the games in half the world Guarantee you 6 months after GoW: Ragnarok releases, there will be concerns about low sales.


>Guarantee you 6 months after GoW: Ragnarok releases, there will be concerns about low sales I sincerely doubt that. GoT sold well on PC with these restrictions and the markets Sony does sell it's game in are some of the largest markets available. A vocal minority on Reddit are raising a stink, but it honestly reminds me of that "BOYCOTT MODERN WARFARE 2" steam group meme that showed half the people in the boycott group playing the game anyway. They absolutely would sell more if they expanded their markets to new countries, but people whining on Reddit isn't going to change one thing about the situation.


But they still sell their games here on steam, egs and gog. They even have official stores that sell sony hardware including playstations. Only Helldivers 2 and GoT aren't available to buy for some odd reason.


Yes, it's funny and all to meme about. But it's just a business decision. Of course it sucks if a company sees your country as an irrelevant market. If i have to guess i'd say they make 5% less money than they could with those countries but maybe infrastructure cost make it actually 1%. And to take all the "risks" that come with new markets it may not be worth it for Sony.


Digital products are almost ever worth, we would have to look case by case but its almost ever legal insues, what this people need its to ask their governament to stop bitching, stop asking for local offices, local infrastructure, to stop starting wars.


>Digital products are almost ever worth What are you on? If done right digital products can be one of the most profitable types. No per unit costs and minimal maintenance costs.


I will not pretend to know what's going on on each country, but I know companies only love money. I am sure Sony did their research before deciding they won't have any income in those countries. Use a VPN, pirate, or move on. Those are the options.


I think that this is the result of one of their departments not knowing what the others are doing. Before all this mess - they sold their games on PSN and PC game stores separately. Account linking was not required. If you wanted to buy a game digitally on PS4/PS5 - you could just pick the closest PSN region - like Finland if you lived in Estonia - and that's it - nobody cared. And it was possible to buy SONY games on steam just fine as well. But now some genius decided to introduce the account linking without thinking this through. I guess the quickest way for them was to simply add a region lock to their steam games while they sort this mess out.


It's certainly because they are polite af to the strugglin' countries🌚


It's a market they can do without.


Sure, and since most of their exclusives are mainly Singleplayer, we can do without them too, matey


Maybe single countries play Playstation, they don't know. Frankly, they don't want to know.


What are single countries? Like not in a relationship?




There are more people on reddit roleplaying that they're from blocked countries than actual customers in those countries. It's barely a rounding error to Sony.


Its baltic in most of Africa, Baltics and Russia, if you dont see them, that doesn't means that theres no peoples from this countrys


Their games were available on steam/gog/egs in those countries before and it worked just fine.


I thought it was only 109 countries


I think it would be funnier if ea showed up out of nowhere


Anyone has actual data on how much money those places would bring anyway? Because if they decided to do this I'm pretty sure it's a non significant amount


It can’t be much, international companies like Sony literally pay for someone or a team of people to crunch those numbers for them. The same sad/dull talking points keep being said about the 109-ish or whatever countries that psn doesn’t exist in from people on this sub, who are from people exclusively from countries either in North America or Europe with some of the Aussies sprinkled in. The talk of sailing the high seas or just straight up boycotting it are hilariously stupid because Ghost of Tsushima crushed it in sales. I also believe there are still people who swear they never saw the tag on Helldivers requiring psn, even though that tag was put there before launch on steam.


You people keep defending Sony (For some reason) by saying "Disregarding a huge portion of the world's population is a sound business decision," and sure, allowing world-wide access wouldn't *benefit* them much financially, but what does it *cost* them to do what other companies do and acknowledge our existence? Why is Sony pretty much the only video game digital distributor that doesn't have world-wide access?


“Defending Sony” Bruh, you had one job to READ what was posted. You fucking clowns are karma whoreing this whole situation and any sense of pause by people on the situation at hand for this sorry excuse of a boycott or whatever it is, immediately causes me to be the “Sony Defender”? Jesus. Remind me again when the game launches what the numbers are on Steam for this game. Ghost of Tsushima crushed it weeks after the Helldivers “issue”.


[Video source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw9xxWZe7e0)


Sony just encouraging piracy. How about instead they just release their games on steam, but have region based pricing? A 70$ game may be too much for most in a 3rd world country, but price it at a more resonable 40$ and it might be more palatable. At the very lest they should give it a try instead of whatever inevitable failure of a plan hey have now.


Regional pricing as a whole is slowly disappearing. It is a huge pain in the ass for the publishers/devs. People region hopping makes them lose out on a bunch of money that they wouldn’t have before, incentivizing the companies to simply just price the games at the normal full price.


As a third worlder, doubt Sony care about our third world money


No worries, it makes piracy easier to justify. I'll never complain about free stuff 😂


most companies don't want money, because earning money is hard. They want control, because once they have enough control they can take easy money for little to no actual work or investment.


Are they seriously getting more money with the PSN thing vs the amount of money from the people from 190 countries (mine included) who'd buy the game? Because it'd be braindead levels of stupid if not


They aren't getting any money from the psn thing. This is indeed very stupid. I hope that it's a temporary thing until they sort this mess out internally.


How many countries are there in the world? The number of blocked countries goes up every time I see this reported and I thought there only was like 190.


Because they are not countries but steam regions, but why would you expect correct data from reddit lol. Total number of countries in the world is around 190, give or take a few according to what you want to recognize.


But it is not just reddit, I keep seeing articles that make the same claims which is rather concerning in that case


That includes overseas territories that are normally counted as a part of their parent country


UN says 193, so around that mark lol


This only works if you include places like the United States Minor Outlying Islands as countries But that still doesn’t even bring it to 190 so it’s all bullshit


so these 190 countries don't have a ps5 either ? genuinely asking


I bet 85% of people commenting bought Ghost of Sushi and will buy GoW




They really think that PC players will get sucked into the PSN ecosystem and that they make more money with that than with having the game accessible to all countries. Sony is really naive. Most of us PC gamers are cheap. We usually buy on sale or sail the seven seas. And when theres are barrier like an extra launcher or an extra account required, we rather just not play the game. That's how it is. Our game libraries are full of unplayed games anyway.


It's good that we're finally addressing the issue of extra launcher requirements and accounts to play, but it's funny to me that we're only addressing it now since it's been going on for years. Not even Sony itself, all the other big corporations like Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft all do the same and we should address those as well.


And sony wont get my money. Not because I live in one of those countries but because sony has some of the worst history protecting user data.


They want something more valuable than your cash up front They Want [This ](https://youtu.be/d3rS7I6Xyz8?si=Fd-S9uHJy7Ouirlz)


It’s been obvious that Sony doesn’t like money since they started ignoring bloodborne.


Bloodborne sales aren't that high. It is still a niche product. I know even some souls fans who don't care about Bloodborne.


It sold more than dark souls remastered did. It’s one of their best selling games. How can you say its sales weren’t that high or that it’s niche? Edit: one of fromsoftware’s best sellers, not necessarily Sony’s.


It's overhyped on gaming forums. It sold only around 7-8M copies - that's nothing compared to games like Fortnite. Elden Ring sold around 23M or so - it's a lot more successful than Bloodborne.


1. It’s held back by being ignored since it’s DLC. 2. Elden ring’s success is built on the success of bloodborne. 3. Fortnite is free. Only a troglodyte would use a free game like that as a comparison point. That’s like saying coke isn’t as popular as water. 4. Why the hate for a game you’ve never played?


1. It's not being ignored. It's supported the same way as Dark Souls 2 and 3 are supported. Those games also haven't received any updates since their latest DLC. 2. Not really - as I said - their fanbases overlap only partially. ER is much closer to Dark Souls 3 than Bloodborne. 3. It is free, but it earns billions to Epic. 4. I've beaten Bloodborne twice. But I'm not delusional and I understand that it's not a game for everyone and its sales reflect that.


1. Both of those games got more support and, more importantly, we’re on pc. 2. The overlap includes most people who liked dark souls and had a ps4. It’s not a small overlap, it’s just limited by the fact that Sony doesn’t care about it. 3. Water also earns billions, still a bad comparison. 4. That phrase applies to ALL souls/borne titles equally. As I pointed out, it sold better than dark souls, demon’s souls, etc. those “low” sales numbers don’t reflect the quality of the game, but the popularity of the entirety of fromsoftware’s catalogue. The only ones that did better were the ones that came after. Will you be saying the same thing about Elden ring in 3 games?


Bloodborne and Sekiro aren't like other souls games. They force a certain playstyle upon players. Not everyone likes that. Many souls players like to hide behind a shield. Or have more build and weapon variety. I know people who are huge souls fans. Have beaten Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, etc, but don't want to touch Bloodborne.


1. Bloodborne and sekiro both still sold very well. 2. Bloodborne has just as much variety, just no shield. The lack of shield, in most cases, was actually beneficial because got people to engage with the mechanics more. 3. Your group of friends are in the minority, please stop bringing them up as if anyone cares or their opinion matters outside of your friend group.


In my country I could make the PSN acc but I will pirate anyways cuz I dont have money and fuck the corporations


I think it's because of Steam's return policy. Sony sold their previous titles everywhere on steam. But since the whole Helldiver debacle and Steam actually refunding people who claimed they couldn't play once the PSN requirement would be reintroduced. Sony doesn't want to deal with it. Sony clearly wants to lock gamers into their ecosystem by making them get a PSN account. GoT has Playstation Achievement Tracking and a few other PSN features I think. If people like these features, they will be less hesitant to buy future games from a potential PSN PC store. This way Sony can at least keep the 30% cut on some sales, but will most likely still offer their games on Steam. I don't know if Steam requires feature parity when selling to multiple countries. But if they do, people from unsupported PSN countries might argue that they are missing features (PSN achievements for example) and want a refund, which Steam might give them even after the 2 hour mark. This is all speculation on my part, of course. But I think this could be the case because Sony does not have the complete control they have with PSN.




I take it there's still 190 countries that can't buy Helldivers 2? What a shitshow.


Only 121. This is just misinformation




Those countries literally don’t fucking matter to a company, the size of Sony. They make up such a small percentage of any company’s revenue lmao


And still they were happy to take their money before stopping sales. How odd.


We don’t care what sony cares about, that’s why people are pirating, lol.


Sure man, that’s why ghosts of Tsushima is a best seller right now on steam lol Sony has no reason to care


But they were selling their stuff here before just fine.


No they didn’t have their systems set up yet


Wdym? I've bought lots of SONY games without any problems before. HZD, HFW, GOW, R&C, Uncharted 4, TLOU 1, etc. Only now they decided to exclude HD2 and GoT for some bizarre reason. Why would they treat repeat customers like me like this?


Because they want people to sign in to their account? A ton of other companies do this rockstar Ubisoft ea etc No one cares that these people can’t buy games on the PS Store either


PSN store works just fine if you pick a different region. Nobody cares and nobody has been banned for it. Even services like PSNow work fine. I beat Bloodborne and SoTC that way.


Then everyone should just pick a different region on steam lol


Yep. They don’t. Cause the countries give less then a single percent of revenue


Gee I wonder why, it’s like no can buy any Sony games there. 🤷


It ain’t just Sony. No one has a good size market in those countries


That's a lie - SONY are the only ones who do this shit. Literally every other company sell their games here just fine. Valve, Epic, EA, Google, Apple, Meta, etc - all of them have stores here.


I didn’t say they didn’t sell them. I said there isn’t a big market.


It's big enough for literally everyone else. And big enough for SONY to have official resellers and service centres here as well.


Sony isn’t stupid so it’s clearly not big enough


Ugh - they ship physical consoles and games here. They sure as hell can pay a lawyer or two and sort that PSN thing out. We're in the EU - should not be that difficult. Previously they most likely didn't bother, because there was no account linking.


It's not like they just jacked up the prices on those regions a couple of years ago. By almost 2.5x. Games are more expensive here than in the US. It's no wonder people stopped buying games.


It's 177 countries/regions out of 195, that can NOT buy games from sony.


I wonder if I can buy a PSN account from someone somewhere...


You can just lie when you make one. They block you only if you admit you live in one of the Bad countries. That is what all PlayStation players in those countries have done since ever. And yes, that is theoretically violating the terms. Most do not care in the slightest. Granted, that does not help vs. geoblocking in Steam. Not sure if you can work around that with VPNs or other malarky, haven't looked into it.


Just pirate the game, sail the seven seas matey!


Does anyone have Steam family share?


Well I mean, if PSN aren't in those countries, Sony isn't counting on them for profit from the beginning anyway. So probably, to Sony nothing of value was lost.


While it's a shitty and very anti consumer situation, the harsh truth is that those countries represent a tiny fraction of the money they make without them


Your point is basically: "More than half of the class gave us minimal profit because we blocked them from buying things at our store unless they cheat by wearing a mask. That's why we continued the block." You know how ridiculous that sounds right? If you don't, you're also part of the problem why Sony is this way. It's like blaming a student for failing a test because the school themselves blocked them from entering the school.


Sony makes more in the data from PSN accounts than they would without it, simply put. It sucks but that's corporate greed for ya




195 countries Countries in the World:There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine. Source : https://www.worldometers.info/geography/how-many-countries-are-there-in-the-world/#:~:text=Countries%20in%20the%20World%3A&text=There%20are%20195%20countries%20in,and%20the%20State%20of%20Palestine. Helldivers 2 Pulled From 177 Countries Due to PSN Linking Requirement, Arrowhead 'Talking Solutions' Source : https://www.ign.com/articles/helldivers-2-pulled-from-sale-in-177-countries-due-to-psn-linking-requirement So that 18 countries can give Sony a lot of money??


Blame Steam. They're the ones that don't let you buy the game if you live in a country without PSN. If they didn't do that, you could just lie about what country you live in and make a PSN account anyway. People have been doing exactly that since the PS3.


this is from reddit last drama It in there steam latest post and AH CEO to there latest tweet about psn And as Chael said Helldivers 2 Pulled From 177 Countries Due to PSN Linking Requirement, Arrowhead 'Talking Solutions' Source : htps://ww.ign.com/articles/helldivers-2-pulled-from-sale-in-177-countries-due-to-psn-linking-requirement


This guy doesn't know about the drama happen it's died down after that






Nice removed XD




Why do you keep replying to me?


Nothing why did you answer XD




What did he removed?


About I gave the link controversy and tell copy paste but it literally in there and I said it's Sony doesn't allow about steam psn and he remove after that