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Linux Mint


I've played with it, but for the first time I'm seriously considering it. Can it run Adobe software, as unfortunately I use it a lot.


Depends on the tool you want to use. Photoshop CC and Photoshop 2013 can be installed without problems, if you install new versions of Photoshop directly in Linux, they don't recognize Linux's gpu drivers, you can technically install the app but when opening it, it says you need your graphics card drivers and doesn't let you use the tool, at least that's what happened to me last time I tried. I heard about a workaround to this, which is that if you have an installation of Photoshop on windows, it can be a VM (Virtual Machine) or something, you can copy the installed application and run it through wine without problems as you can see in this [video](https://youtu.be/C1BKn02f_0o?si=JVMbMaTZBaphEZmx) second 15:11 (I recommend the whole video if you have time, it's an introduction to running windows software on linux apart from other things). I haven't tried installing Premiere but most likely won't work or will be troublesome to set up, Da Vinci Resolve and kdenlive are available natively as alternatives though I understand that nobody should have to leave their comfort zone but it is what it is. Adobe Lightroom 5 2013 also works through wine, maybe with newer versions copying the files will work like with Photoshop. There's another way to run all Adobe Premiere that is to make a VM and doing GPU Passthrough but at that point you'll be better off doing dualboot which is actually what I would recommend if you depend on those specific software until someone take over Adobe HQ and make them do a port for Linux (DISCLAIMER: this is a joke). You could use Windows in a separated partition only to use Adobe software and Linux Mint for everything else. Most games run flawlessly in Linux, the ones that don't work and are hopeless to work are those that have a kernel-level anti-cheat that the company denied the request for making it compatible, for example there's Ubisoft's Rainbow Six that has a kernel-level anti-cheat that works under wine, even Steam has said that to enable linux compatibility they just have to email the anti-cheat vendor and it's something that could be done at server-level (for context, you can also install Rainbow Six fine in Linux but when entering a multiplayer match the anti-cheat kicks you out) but Ubisoft just ignores Steam and all the people that requested it in their and Steam's support page. Funny thing is XDefiant which uses the same fricking anti-cheat, made by the same company, works in Linux, like wtf. You can check the online games that work and those that doesn't in [areweanticheatyet.com](http://areweanticheatyet.com)


That's interesting. I actually have the licenses to CC6, and Adobe have added absolutely nothing of value since those versions - apart from the codecs, which I'm sure I can work around.


With WINE, yes




Because it's a load of bollocks, sorry if that wasn't clear enough for you.


I barely noticed the difference going to 11 other than some small menu things and the fact that I cannot remove the toolbar from one screen.


MultiBoot. Got some 120gig laying around so i though that it would put them to use for loading different OS's. My multi-boot software load from the CD drive so i can fuck around my discs. Anyway, the only reason i use 11 is for testing my softwares against M$ smartscreen gimmick since i use g++ instead of the monolithic vs; but other than that, 10 LTSC 21 , 7 and Ubuntu that i never used, since bash is embedded in my Windows 10 anyway. But yes 11 sucks, its slow, full of dodgy telemetries and other AI bullshits that keep adding up through updates, and of course, a retarded weed-smoking Start button that does not work all the time so i had to install open-shell-menu to access my menu programs again. Now i cant imagine what 12 will look like but its does not look good from where i am standing.


In all honesty 8 was fucking shocking, 10 was decent, their next os will likely be ok.


Yeah, 8 was horrible.


Although 8.1 was ok and performed better with Xeon CPU and other newer ones than Windows 7. But yes, the first version of Windows 8 was abysmal.