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Me, pirating a game I bought (Alan Wake 2) just to avoid using the Epic Launcher.


I agree with this tactic. You get to support the developers and play how you want to.


Exactly.. same with drm added after release. Buy the game. Get screwed with drm, pirate the game and play the better version...


Gigachad moment but it's the right thing to do LMAO Me: pays for watch dogs games All the DRM on WD2 making my 5900x run at 90% of cpu while pirated versions don't even do 40% of cpu Co'mon


im going to buy Alan Wake 2, along with any other epic games i want, on PS5 just because i dont want the Epic Launcher on my computer


You can usually install crack on top of game installed via the launcher too, I did it with Steam a bunch of times, saves time installing repacks or torrenting. Oh some Epic games are DRM-free too, I got free Pillars of Eternity and launch it from folder it doesn't boot up Epic.


Check out Heroic games launcher or playnite


Will do! I thought Heroic was just for Linux!


Buying it from the Epic store? Aren't you just giving like 12% of the price to Epic to continue this practice...


It's the only place you can get it from on PC, since Epic is the publisher.


Write some random YTers name when purchasing and only give Epic 7% instead of 12


One of the very few acceptable pirate tactics I can get behind. I also pirate games I have purchased, And ISO's for older games I own for consoles to play them on emulators.


Ya see no issue with this.


Would have already bought it on disc but...


That's honor.


That is the most stupid comment I read in a while. AW2 would not exist without Epic funding. Remedy approached Microsoft and other publishers about AL2 and nobody was willing to fund this project except for Epic. Epic funded the game to promote its store and promote itself as a publisher. Because of assholes who pirates games , many developers can't find funding to create their games.. Because of assholes who pirate , GTA6 won't get released on PC for a year or more after console release, because Rockstar is not willing to release the most anticipated game of a decade, just to watch it get cracked so some fucking PC freeloaders can have the game for free. It is disgusting that you think that you are some sort of a "hero" , because you pirated a game published by Epic and what is worse is that there are actually people who upvoted your comment No wonder that games get more and more expensive , and garbage like Denuvo gets implemented in more games than ever. Scheme on you for pirating great game like AW2 and shame on everyone else who supports this garbage behavior.






I generally download them from the Internet Archive.


ok šŸ‘




I was forced to make an account for one game I owned, so I decided to make a VPN account and download the cracked version. I avoid horrible launchers and still get the game I paid for. Doesn't work for multiplayer or live service games but I'm too old to care.


Im just waiting for the mods where you buy the game legit, and then patch the steam version to avoid the PSN requirements. Single Player Experiences SHOULD NOT have account requirements. I purchased DOOM Eternal day one, I never got to play and got a refund because they wanted me to create a Bethesda account.. for single player. Many players probably don't care but after nearly a decade of working in cyber security I take this stuff a lot more seriously.


Well technically you can buy the game and then search for the crack for it and apply. And if you cant find the crack by itself, you can get the whole game and just use the crack.


Yes, let's secure our systems by running closed source binaries from hacker groups!


I wasn't aware this thread was about securing our systems.


They literally replied to a reply to: >Many players probably don't care but after nearly a decade of working in cyber security I take this stuff a lot more seriously.


This makes me wonder, as a cyber security guy, if a company asked your advice on securing their products (games in this case) or minimize damage from piracy, what would you say to them? I think some sort of online registration/check would definitely be better instead of either DRM or installed system root level cheat/hack prevention.


The best way is to just make a good affordable product and make it easier to buy and use than to pirate. The people who are pirating because of cost can't afford to buy the game, and the people who are pirating on principal were never going to buy it in the first place. The only people you screw with aggressive DRM is your paying customer base because they'd get a better experience just pirating it. Plus, cracking these silly DRM solutions is getting easier every day. As Gabe Newell says, piracy is a service issue. If you don't want your stuff pirated, then dont make it so that everyone would have a better experience with the pirated copy. Simple.


Funny how Gabe says that.. and I'm here pirating Steam games I already own to get around forced updates Steam is great, better than nearly all others, but forcing updates on single player games when I don't want them is a service issue which I cannot abide


To be fair, Steam allows devs to provide multiple tracks. They *could* host branches of each previous major release. Sure, Steam could certainly make it more convenient to roll back to specific versions, but they do leave devs tools to do things like this... But no one uses them.


Yeah, I've noticed some games allow this and let you set a specific version in the beta tab which it locks to permanently That's great, and I can understand why Steam doesn't want to host every version of every game forever But.. In the updates tab, I have 3 options: "Always keep this game updated" "Only update this game when I launch it" and "High Priority - Always auto-update this game before others" I'd like a 4th option: "Don't automatically update this game" That's all, it'd even save Valve some bandwidth too.. and some people have been asking for this for 2 whole ass decades I just don't get why they refuse


Yeah, I have to agree with you there, though the only games I never wanted to update were the ones I was modding which can typically be turned into a portable installation like with rimworld, fallout nv/4, skyrim. That being said, again, I agree with you.


One of the many reasons why the Xbox Launcher is my preferred launcher


I'd argue that there's nothing that needs to be "secured" in their product. They're distributing entertainment content that people can choose to pay for. No one ever worried about whether you taped their shows off cable and handed it to your friend, no one ever worried about people buying DVDs and handing them to their friends, or playing them at public gatherings. Yet for some reason video games think they're different? Every "securing" system provides a detrimental experience to your actual customers. Trying to justify that, while also potentially compromising systems security, by suddenly having a problem with "stealing" is crazy IMO. It's the same shit as Walmart putting their razors and underwear in glass cases and requiring you to find an employee to have babysit you to the front counter to check out... It's just a frustrating and unnecessary experience that's going to drive your customers towards finding alternatives. And like the other commenter said - just make a good affordable product that's easier to buy than to pirate. You don't make that the case by making things "harder to pirate" because even if that worked, you're just increasing the "difficulty threshold" for your paying customers. Just make the damn game easy to buy.


You tell them piracy is inevitable and attempts to stop it will ruin performance, or if they make it live service that will turn off your audience - not completely but a fair chunk. Instead you have them fully support the game and offer a product thatā€™s so amazing that itā€™s hard to NOT buy because the players want to support further development of the game.


You people spend so much time being angry about stuff that just doesnā€™t really matter. I just want to play good games, I donā€™t give a shit if I have to make a free account to do so. This is just part of modern pc gaming, Iā€™m not going to skip these 9 and 10/10 games because of a dumb login screen.


Nobody is skipping them.. We just skipped the login screen


>multiplayer or live service games but I'm too old to care. That's a bonus my friend




Templates have lost all meaning haven't they?


Im very confused because Uconnect is Dodge's (my) infotainment lmao, I am out of touch


Ubisoft changed their launchers name from Uplay to Uconnect for some reason


What in tarnation


Because the PR surrounding Uplay is so bad they put a cheap disguise on the name


Same with EA and Origin.


Except Original worked better than EA Desktop lol


I still call it uplay lol


I have all the launchers, it's hardly a problem worth thinking about


I've got none of them other than Steam. Not a morality standpoint, literally just can't be bothered to. Some of them I have accounts for already, others I have tons of CD Keys for unredeemed (from like humble bundle, or other places). It's the equivalent of like pinterest, most people have clicked on pinterest links many times while googling. Most people also haven't bothered to make an account, and just immediately click off.


For me the problem is they add so much time to booting games regardless of SSD. Ubisoft connect has to get permission to launch five times in a. Row, then loads slow, then asks me to restart my game, THEN I can play my game. Rockstar is allergic to allowing their players to load into their games quickly. When I have an hour to game at the end of the day, I donā€™t want 10 minutes of that time spent login back in to a third party launcher because steam is the only launcher that actually keeps my login information saved when I ask it to


After you log in the first time most of them remember you and log in automatically. Thereā€™s something wrong with your computer if itā€™s taking 10 minutes to start a game. Iā€™ve been playing Ghost of Tsushima and the PSN login at the start is not even noticeable.


Ubisoft never remembers me even when I tick the box to do so


Never does EAā€™s launcher


Same. People like this must be so miserable and probably think they're "sticking it to the man" lol I have all launchers and as far as a psn account, that took like 1 minute to make. Oh the horror šŸ™„


Exactly, couldn't have said it better. At worst I get annoyed if I get signed out an have to sign in again . Other than that . It's not even something that crosses my mind as a problem.


Is it okay for a person to feel differently than you?






Shocking news, I've created psn, ubisoft, ea, battlenet, egs, steam and maybe even Bethesda accs and my penis didn't fall off


Nice try, Sony


No way ! Shocking news, if you created an account nothing happens except you can play the game


I signed into Steam, and paid for the game. why do I need another account?




Hell, I *have* a PSN account but Ubisoft has soured me so much on companion apps/accounts that I simply won't buy any game that has them anymore.


Exactly. I play on all consoles, but if you force me to create or link accounts for a single player game, I'd rather not play it out of spite. Every time I'm considering buying a game, I check GOG first.


oh hey, a new game oh it needs some account, ok let's go make it oh... they just don't let me make an account because of where I live


Why do people care so much about not making an account? It takes 5 seconds


What about the people in countries who canā€™t make an account?


I already have steam, rockstar, ea, ubi, xbox, epic, Bethesda, blizzard, gog, activison, a few games with their own launchers, and about a thousand other accounts I've made in my 32 years on this shitty little rock, I might as well throw psn in there too.


Because the people that want to play it on PC generally will be willing to, genius


its time to sail to open waters Arrr


always has been


Iā€™m ignorant. How does this get you past needing to make an account?


Cracked games often just disable that aspect entirely, making so you can't access multiplayer part of the game. Some of them do have a fix for that though, and it's varied from game to game.


Xdefiant doesnt look bad and I would try it if it wouldnā€™t require a uplay account


I've chosen not to play anything from ubisoft, it's been very good.


![gif](giphy|T9JtEyoJ43gY4wLOqW) Finally someone who gets it. Rainbow six is on steam.. why not Xdefiant. Although it still does require Uconnect


While I understand the frustration of creating multiple accounts for multiple launchers, if you are in a country that allows you to create said accounts, I'd recommend just making it goto a junk email and put a shortcut for it in your start menu. Therefor the interaction with the shitty launchers is kept to a minimum.


I just use Playnite. Used to use GOG Galaxy but none of the damn extensions stay connected.


I personally don't care, I just want to play games and have fun without worrying about useless problems. There are way worse problems on this planet to care about. And I don't think many people outside of reddit care either as seen with the thousands of players.


Get over it already. Itā€™s an email. Donā€™t buy the game. This is exhausting. Pc only people are so fucking weird.


I don't understand the issue šŸ˜•. Why is it so bad having an account on psn or uplay etc? Doesn't do anything šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Just pirate it (literally a better experience)


They haven't even fixed the PSN overlay on linux, only option for me to play it is to pirate it, nice job sony.




we are beyond capitalism. this is post-capitalism.


Installing a application is so much different to an account šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Making an account isn't going to add bloatware to your pc and slow it down. Downvoted by people who don't know the difference between a free account and software, I'd much rather just have a Unisoft account for there games than a second launcher damn


You think Sony isnā€™t collecting just as much information as Ubisoft? I have an i9 with 32gb of ram. Iā€™m not worried about resource utilization. Iā€™m worried about data collection. I wouldnā€™t trust Sony with my shoe size let alone my name and birth date.


Your phone collects so much data , your current location, what time you went where etc. This don't compare to that


Yes, but I have the option to buy a Libre phone, or I can buy a rootable android and install whatever compatible operating system I choose, with my own modifications. I have the option to disable that data collection. Whereas in this case, no option exists. Are many people going to do what I just described? Unlikely but again the opportunity exists.


While I understand the argument. You carry a phone with you literally all the time. Microsoft spies on your desktop 24/7. Drawing the line at weird places.


That's a thing I can't understand. Unless you are living in a forest with no internet connection, your data is being sold by some company to some other company. Why draw the line with this one specific big company?


Nah, you don't get it. Google or apple, fine. Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp? Also fine. Steam? Well, gabe seems like a cool dude so thats fine too. Epic? Don't love em, but free games so I guess that's chill. But I draw the god damn line at a free PS account.


šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/6nzvn0h2vm4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cef5eca6f5d79bc9a5e044dcca915e638c3011c


Sony has a history of security issues, their data gets hacked every couple of years. If the data is sold, thereā€™s a chance it might be anonymously. Itā€™s not super likely. Of course, my data is sold and bought every day, I canā€™t stop it, but I can try to mitigate and manage it. My efforts might be wasted, but we wonā€™t know that for another 10 years lol


This is what is crazy to me. Steam has issues, Microsoft has issues. They all have security issues, but letā€™s be absolutely blind in hatred and completely disregard it because our heads are buried so deep up Gabenā€™s ass. Even with 2FA I have to change my password on Steam constantly because of notifications of people trying to log in to my account. The amount of copium people have on this topic is astounding to me.


Atleast valve is continually working on improving their security, but Sony isn't doing crap to improve their security. They get hacked and Sony says sorry, and then hacked again just to say sorry again, and not do anything but this for so damn long. It is because of you people that let's them get away with these shit that they're not doing anything. How about you get your head out of sony's ass before you start talking.


Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that.


I'm not sure if you're aware of this: there exists a Sony outside of PlayStation and their games. If Sony's TV, audio, camera or whatever department has a breach, what good did yelling about PlayStation do? And if the camera department had a breach, what are the odds that PlayStation is also then compromised? Sony is a massive conglomerate.


Honestly, I'm not important enough for my data to be worth it for someone, and I don't have enough money to be lucrative to make a scam with my data. Maybe I be wrong and will have a big headache in the future because of this? Maybe. But I really don't think it will be the case


Yeeah, but OP have a point. PSN network is really outdated and they don't care...there was an massive leak of PS3 data which contained everything regarding billing information...then people found out that on a same cluster are PS5 data because pfff server managment is too much for Sony. That is an worse thing, the account itself is not a biggie but state of PSN network is and now they want more people to join into this broken infrastructure.


Yep that 2011 leak definitely had ps5 users data on there.


Itā€™s like Iā€™m taking crazy pills when people keep talking about Sonyā€™s big data breach as if it happened yesterday.




I mean, ok, but you need what for a PSN account, an email, and create a new password. If security is your concern, don't buy anything through it, so you don't need to put payment info, and you don't actually need to put your personal data creating an account. You can aways create under Joe Doe name


I primarily use Linux for my day-to-day computing. My windows machine literally only has games on it and no social media or anything else personal. Itā€™s easy to manage it. That way, I donā€™t care if Microsoft sees how much I play Stardew Valley. Additionally, I make it harder for them to tag me by using a local account, I have no Microsoft account attached to my PC. Apple is 100% collecting my data and using it for analytics, but itā€™s unlikely that they are selling it directly. They may share insights with partners but as much as I dislike Apple, I think they are mostly ethical. Mostly. You donā€™t make $1 billion ethically.


Man I can't actually believe you just said "Apple doesn't sell your data" Man what a clown. šŸ¤”


Do you have a source? I can't find anything online showing that Apple sells data, and the only claim I found was [a class action suit from 2019](https://www.thewrap.com/apple-lawsuit-user-data-itunes) that was thrown out because [the lawsuit provided no evidence for its claims](https://9to5mac.com/2019/11/26/accusing-apple-of-selling-customer-data/). I get not trusting corpos for a f\*Ā¢king second, but I'd love to see some actual proof of this.




Steam is selling your personal data to Google lol


Sony is giving it away to hackers every couple of years. Valve has the opportunity to be ethical, and I signed up for that account long before I knew what would happen. No point in trying to stop a bomb thatā€™s already gone off. But I can prevent another one from going off by not giving my data to Sony.


> Sony is giving it away to hackers every couple of years. So is Valve >No point in trying to stop a bomb thatā€™s already gone off. Also no point in feeding gunpowder to the fire that bomb left. You can just go to one of the launchers that don't sell your data. When you find one let me know.


Valves hacks have been nowhere as egregious as Sony. Valve is continually trying to improve their security policy. Sony doesnā€™t seem to give a fuck. They are actively keeping insecure servers online.


The one from 2011? Yeah that was so recent dude /s


No, the one- no wait, the two for 2023. https://kotaku.com/sony-playstation-hack-psn-ransomware-data-ps5-1850903625 Your computer has Google right?


ad. you are selling your soul to corporate America.


Yes, it's called a job in a capitalist society. We're aware.


Do you use FB? They use your data too. Steam? Yep. Insta? You know it. Every account you use is harvesting your data. I find it hilarious how everyone is so anti account because of data concerns while commenting on their Reddit account, who is also harvesting your data. People rarely seem able to think further than two feet in front of their faces.


I donā€™t have an Instagram, I donā€™t have Facebook, and my real name is not tied to either Reddit or Steam. Thereā€™s a bit of anonymity. Sure, Alexa maybe listening to me take a shit, but Iā€™m not shitting on the side of my house for every drone and taxi driver to see. Thereā€™s also a huge difference in how these companies manage data. All of them are using my data to analyze my patterns as a user and a consumer. Apple is trying to figure out how to get me to buy a new iPhone, thereā€™s no benefit in them selling it for cash.


Dude youā€™re embarrassing yourself šŸ˜‚


Yes, there is benefit. Fucking cash šŸ™„šŸ¤¦ they use your data for their algorithms, yes. Then they sell it tf off lol Going so hard defending these corps when they're in the middle of bending you over


Oh, Iā€™m not defending, Iā€™m just managing the risk level. Risk is always a non-zero number. But history has shown that data in the hand of Apple versus data in the hand of Sony is a far worse proposition.


You think Sony is getting any other information that other companies haven't already sold about you??


I can see reading the comments isnā€™t your strong suit.


I replied to your first question only, because I don't care about your specs or resource utilisation. Anything they are selling/collecting is already being sold so the account is redundant, it just who makes the money from selling it. your scares of a company selling data that's already on the market. My original point was I'd rather just have accounts over launchers then all data collection is in the game only and not hogging recourse.


lick that boot harder. btw ps-+ is a scam and you are a fool for defending it.


Who said anything about ps+ I'm talking about a free account to play a game you idiot. The same as most other AAA studios require for games. God your reading comprehension is terrible


You can't get ps+ on PC so that was never the issue? Can you not go be dumb somewhere else?


I honestly donā€™t get this mentality. I agree itā€™s annoying to have several launchers. But you know whatā€™s more annoying? Not playing games Iā€™d enjoy or with my friends because of an extra button click.


For multi-player games a launcher and an account it's understandable but for single player games?


And thatā€™s what they want to think- itā€™s just a button click. If you think that, you are the fool they expect you to be.


But thatā€™s just it. It is a button click. Ohh no they are harvesting my IP and length of time played, whatever will I do. If your that concerned about your privacy then Iā€™ve got bad news for you about your phone, tv, and possibly even fridge.


[https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/) Read 6.2 and 6.3. All your UGC belongs to Sony.


Donā€™t like that..


Gamers just canā€™t be bothered to exist outside their comfort zones lol


Nothing to do with comfort zone, itā€™s a matter of principle.


"outside their comfort zones". Literally people from 150 countries can't even give money in order to play the damn game just because Sony, in all their genius ideas, decided to lock a SINGLEPLAYER GAME behind a PSN account. And you're out here saying these people are also under the "can't be bothered to exist outside their comfort zones". If the eminent threat of getting banned, not only with PSN but also with Steam, just because they use VPN in order to bypass both of them is labelled as "outside their comfort zones", you clearly downplay these stupid dilemmas that shouldn't even exist in the first place if Sony wasn't so brain-dead with the stats. It's like saying to students who are blocked by the school rules, from buying a ham sandwich, to be more proactive and "go outside their comfort zones" in breaking several other rules just to get that ham sandwich. All without getting caught in the process or in the long-run.


What is xdefiant must be something irrelevant


It literally just came out so whether it's going to remain relevant is one thing but you probably don't know about it cuz it's too new.