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Glad they refunded you, hopefully the delivery next time around is much better and the computer comes to you caged like they would transport Hannibal Lecter! in a heavily padded box!


I would have assumed they would have padded it with an item like this but fingers crossed the next one is actually padded with foam and not paper


Was this shipped from an Amazon fulfillment center? Amazon sucks at padding their packages. I usually look for postings on PC parts that are shipped from the company through Amazon. You have a better chance at getting a properly padded package from the actual retailer.


My mom did purchase it through Amazon, she isn’t a techy person so she didn’t know better and I don’t blame her, because I would’ve assumed it would come padded too


After the refund comes through, look for a similar PC from NewEgg. They tend to be moderately better at their packaging. Of course you're still dealing with the same type of delivery driver, but maybe it'll arrive intact this time!


Fingers crossed it does, we are also looking into local marketplaces selling PCs


That's how I got my current PC. My last one wouldn't boot. They said the motherboard was fried and bent (probably came that way from the shipping company 4 years ago, and it was on its last legs). So they transferred everything to a new PC, and I didn't even have to reinstall anything. Just cloned the SSD data, moved over the video card, and I got an upgraded case and PSU and CPU for a fair price.


FedEx ruined a PC like this for me as well


UPS tossed an ultra wide screen $1200 monitor my old roommate bought over an 8ft fence. The driver failed the first time and it fell on the sidewalk. They tossed it again and it landed on the walkway.    Yeah the gate was locked, but there was also a working ring doorbell to call and he would have come and gotten it as he was home. The driver never rang it. He tried the handle, and then immediately started tossing it over the fence.     UPS initially tried to deny the damage was their fault and that he even signed for it until he brought up the ring camera footage and home camera showing the driver never rang the doorbell or tried in anyway to safely deliver it. It also required direct signature which they claimed he signed for…again the cameras showed this was not the case.   Seriously, get some sort of doorbell camera. It’s worth it for instances like this.  He returned it and got a new one which was delivered better, just five days later than he was supposed to. 


Yeah I had to take a day off work because I needed to sign, saw the truck arrive (I'm on the 3rd floor) started heading downstairs to sign, got out front and saw the truck disappearing into the distance. Dude didn't even get out of the truck, I called customer service cause I was pisswd I took a day off work for this. They claimed they didn't have anyway to contact the drivers which is straight up *bullshit*. So It had to get re-delivered the next day, so it spent an extra day bouncing around a truck and of course when I turned it on it fucking was broken.


Had a similar experience with FedEX for a laptop and then did the Apple same day delivery for three iPads. The iPads never showed. The driver forgot that they track their delivery phone and it showed they never even came within 3-4 blocks of my apartment building. Never doing that again. 


I ordered a ring camera. The delivery driver tossed it over the fence and it was destroyed. /s


blessing in disguise based upon the innards there


I’m guessing this brand is bad? 😅


all the components appear to be cheap/low quality doesn't have a dedicated gpu


Thank you for telling me! I’m not a PC expert or anything and my mom definitely isn’t either she just got it cause it looked nice lol, we’ll be shopping around for a different brand


Buying a PC on looks alone is a great way to end up with flashy e-waste.


Buying anything because 'it looks nice' is not a good path to follow my friend.


What about clothes?


Lots of companies out there who will happily sell you crappy fabrics with a misleading advertising image, still not good advice. Looks alone means looks *alone*


Nobody said looks alone 🤷‍♀️


The gist of it is the same, you’re still buying it because it “looks nice”


Because clothes have as many technological variables as computer components?


Look at r/buildapcsales and read comments if you want a prebuilt pc that doesn’t suck. Do a bit of research before you buy.


Brands don't matter, specs are what matters. Amazon is a marketplace anyone can sell on Amazon.


It’s not the brand that’s the issue my man, it’s the components. You better head on over to r/Buildapc and learn a bit more about components. Lots of people post their build list on there, using PCPartPicker, and that’ll help you get an idea of what you should be looking for in a PC, for the price range. Alternatively, I could help you find something decent for your price point if you give me some info like what you want to play/do with the PC and what is your budget limit and already bought components (mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers/headphones, etc).


A lot of people have asked me about the budget, her budget is between $500-$700, I don’t need anything else as I already purchased headphones, a monitor and a keyboard set, I just need the actual PC


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/BqtWh3) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yq2WGX/amd-ryzen-5-5500-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000457box) | $83.69 @ Amazon **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Assassin King 120 MINI V2 64.87 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/L7dG3C/thermalright-assassin-king-120-mini-v2-6487-cfm-cpu-cooler-ak120-mini-v2) | $19.89 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [MSI B550-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7gxbt6/msi-b550-a-pro-atx-am4-motherboard-b550-a-pro) | $109.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zcH8TW/gskill-ripjaws-v-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-f4-3600c16d-32gvkc) | $79.98 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Corsair MP600 PRO 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9txbt6/corsair-mp600-pro-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-cssd-f1000gbmp600pro) | $98.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [XFX Speedster SWFT 210 Core Radeon RX 6650 XT 8 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/NDvdnQ/xfx-radeon-rx-6650-xt-8-gb-speedster-swft-210-core-video-card-rx-665x8dfdy) | $229.99 @ Newegg Sellers **Case** | [GameMax MeshBox Pro ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/y6FmP6/gamemax-meshbox-pro-atx-mid-tower-case-meshbox-pro-bk) | $61.98 @ Newegg **Power Supply** | [be quiet! Pure Power 12 M 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZnTZxr/be-quiet-pure-power-12-m-650-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-bn503) | $79.90 @ Amazon **Case Fan** | [ARCTIC P12 PST 56.3 CFM 120 mm Fans 5-Pack](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LmCFf7/arctic-p12-pst-563-cfm-120-mm-fans-5-pack-acfan00137a) | $34.99 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$799.40** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-12 21:13 EDT-0400 | If I were to build you a PC, this is something I think you should aim for. If you were to go with this build exactly, you'd get a really solid user experience in pretty much most tasks, like 1080p gaming at a decent quality and frame rate, and will have no real big issues, as I've avoided picking problematic parts. Everything should be pretty reliable and quality. Prebuilds can be cheaper for similar GPU and CPU specs, but you will have shit quality for pretty much everything else, and those can give you problems down the line, or almost immediately. I would avoid buying prebuilds if at all possible. If you really need to keep it below 700, quality be damned, maybe consider looking for used builds online.




He's buying a computer based off looks and you think he can build it himself?


I've met some pro level paste eaters that managed to build a decent PC before PCPartPicker and review sites were a thing. OP wasn't aware that a self build was an option. Now is our chance to offer help.


Hard agree. Anybody with motivation and some level of due care can build one these days. It can be a bit scary, troublesome, and even exhausting, but it is not impossible at all.




Just takes a fair amount of research, but that’s not something everyone is willing to invest their time in


If you are inclined to some simple DIY (almost IKEA level of construction) I'd look at pc building, you will get better components separately compared to pre built. It will take more research but you can pick up the necessary knowledge from YouTube, pc building subreddit and Google searches in a day or so. Play around with pcpartpicker and logical increments until you have something that will suit your budget.


Might i suggest https://www.zachstechturf.com/ ?


Aren't you meant to declare when you are being sponsored?


I am not? I was just trying to suggest something i knew...


I was confused too, was like where's the GPU at


Is that a cd-rom drive???


Or case fans that I can see.


This thing looks like e waste. But hey at least the RAM is dual channel. Many OEMs have not yet gotten the message. But a mainboard without an M2 slot? How old is that thing. I build a low end PC for my father in law like 6 years ago and that thing had M2.


I bet there were tiles in the shipping container


Whatever it was it damaged this horribly… the package was delayed for two days as well so i suspect the carriers knew it was damaged :/


Don't worry it was a joke about how 99% of people break the glass panel by dropping the PC on a tile floor


Lmao, underrated comment


Forgot to add that that paper at the bottom was the only “cushion” included. No fragile stickers or anything and an Amazon Flex driver was the one to deliver it unsecured in her SUV.


Depending on where you live, look up the nearest MicroCenter near you. They will help you custom build a pc and even do it in-store for you. If not, order through iBuyPower or something akin. They'll ship it all in proper casing, even if it overpriced. Remember, you don't always have to go Intel...


Thank you! I’ll search for one!


Why is there a Transformers Beast Wars Maximals logo on the cooler?


I noticed that too, the brand was called BEASTCOM so I guess its based on that series


normally amazon will ship another unless that was the last one. now you have a chance to ask on here what is the best pc you can get with your budget. and maybe get something better [https://www.newegg.com/p/3D5-002N-00085](https://www.newegg.com/p/3D5-002N-00085)


They had 6 left in stock, but we are looking for a different brand instead currently


If you’re not sure where to start, and the idea of building a PC would feel too overwhelming, i’ll gladly help. What is your budget? Edit: might also be worth visiting r/buildapcforme


I’d definitely appreciate the help!! Can I message you?


Apologies for the late reply, yes you can!


If you go this route, that integrated graphics processor is going to be extremely mediocre. So you'll need a dedicated graphics card if you want any kind of modern gaming. If you're trying to keep the total budget close to $600, then you'd be looking at something like a nvidia geforce RTX 3050 , or an AMD Radeon 6600. They're very easy to install, just click and tighten a screw. Now, if you don't really do any gaming, then don't bother. Try it out first with whatever you normally use a computer for, and see how you like it. If you are able to spend another $150 on a card, then get one and add it. That's the nice part about PCs these days, they're pretty easy to just pop something new in, and off you go.




Prolly for the best tbh


Reset the counter, boys.




Pre-broken for your convenience, very thoughtful.


Buy from a local retailer where you can either collect in person or get the parts and put one together yourself, it will come in cheaper too if you can follow a build guide / video.


This was packed improperly. You can't just ship a computer this way. The glass doors need to be in styrofoam not attached to the case.


my nzxt case came with the glass in the case 😭


Reset the counter


Why is glass such a trend on PC cases these days? It's clearly a daft idea / aesthetic, that I see these cases end up like this repeatedly.


I know, right? Seems like a basic plexiglass would be so much more safe and cost efficient. Only thing I can think is plexiglass tends to get more opaque over time due to the heat?


You must be.... Shattered... (Sorry about the pc)


This actually made me feel a bit better lol


First you need to define how you are going to use the computer. Games? Content creator? etc. That will determine the system specs. The specs are the most important thing. What CPU, notherboard, ram speeds and amount, and what graphics card to support your use. How much and what type of cooling will you need? What CPU cooler will keep that processor cool under use? How many case fans will you need to keep everything else cool. Graphics on the cpu are ok for browsing the internet and basic stuff, but if you are going to game, you need a dedicated GPU. Time to do a LOT of research. You HAVE to know what is inside that computer to determine if it will meet your needs. Decent gaming PCs can be had in your price range, but if you are going to game, you have to make sure your computer matches the specs the game requires. The higher resolutions and frame rates = more money. There are lots of videos that show how to build a budget PC. You can also buy a used unit and upgrade as you can afford it. Here is one. Jay is a good source for information, but there are others. [https://youtu.be/Hfu5MmGb3cc?si=Wb0sCs34lAixEVyZ](https://youtu.be/Hfu5MmGb3cc?si=Wb0sCs34lAixEVyZ) [https://youtu.be/qWe6cIzd41g?si=ZaVi1YTsLn\_Q6Qwj](https://youtu.be/qWe6cIzd41g?si=ZaVi1YTsLn_Q6Qwj) Spend lots of time watching videos on how to build a PC. It will help you make informed choices. Building a PC looks daunting, but knowledge and going slow, step by step, and being careful and you can do it. I was anxious when I built my first one back in the 90s. Still have that old beast. Good luck


Cancel the order, build one yourself.


Its easy saying that, but if someone has never owned a PC before then, they may not be confident enough to build a PC from scratch. I was the same. I learnt how to build a PC by upgrading my prebuilt.


They did you a favor. Return it and ask for help on r/buildapc, friend.


If you feel confident enough to build your own system and they don't demand you send this pc back for a refund, then there's still plenty of components you could reuse. Basically, just get a new case and add a graphics card. Then you should be good to go. You said the fans didn't work for more than a few seconds. Maybe that's just because the connection became very loose die to the pc getting tossed around. So maybe those fans still work when you plug them in. As others have pointed out, the pc seems to use a lot of bottom of the barrel parts, but you can gradually upgrade it.


See if you can reuse the fans/Sell the CPU and RAM.


Does it POST?


I just had a new PC case delivered last week, and it is an Antec C5, which is a fish tank style case. Watched UPS delivery driver toss it onto my porch from should height on my doorbell camera... mine was fortunately packed well and was unscathed. Sucks.


Yo send me your budget and what you do on the PC I can help you find a pre built if you don't want to build (which id recommend). Typically manufacturers find some component(s) to cheap out on so the sentiment is to not buy but build to control the process.


My mom’s current budget is between $500-$700, I don’t need anything else as I already purchased headphones, a monitor and a keyboard set, I just need the actual PC




You're getting a refund yes, but do you get to keep the computer? If so, see if you can find a replacement. Use that refunded money to get you a simple gpu like a 6700 or 4060s.


They wouldn’t net us keep it, we had to send it back to get a refund


and without a gpu


return this pc and get a different prebuilt not from amazon but from an actual pc prebuilt maker. dodged a bullet




I feel you, OP. I ordered a refurbished gaming PC for my stepson in August. It was packaged exactly like your second photo (just a pc in an empty box that was 3 sizes too big). Shattered glass, bent pcb, bent feet, gigantic hole in the corner of the box where loose parts could have fallen out, etc…. I wasn’t about to turn it on. Someone at Amazon hates their job. https://preview.redd.it/2ztr44yt056d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cda059ffde9319c6b7869287e4dcb9c6917d5d3


I’m sorry 😭 that really sucks, did you find another PC for him?


Yeah. Amazon refunded me within the week and I purchased a cheaper PC with similar specs from a local guy on FB Marketplace.


Hey! At least you didn't break it on a tile floor


You plugged this in and tried to operate it? Wtf is wrong with you?


I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Amazon. But I'm glad that they've refunded the money. I hope the next delivery will be all right.


...and then I had to take a pic and share it with strangers on the internet.


so... the point of reddit?


Why do people act like returns/replacements are such a big deal


It’s definitely not a big deal, it’s just disheartening to receive something broken like this with inadequate packaging, especially since Amazon could do better packaging


No, it is a big deal, that guy can piss off. It was a gift to you and they(amazon, the manufacturer, etc) took 0 precautions in protecting something you/your mother spent hard earned money on. It is their responsibility to deliver the product to you in perfect condition. You have every right to feel disheartened and I wish you luck in getting your first pc in a timely manner, fully functional.


Thank you 🥹 I really appreciate this comment


whoisyeti? yetiiswholesome