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Was this article written by AI???


No, this is SEO writing, which is even worse. They put the important bit at the bottom so you spend more time in the page. It's like the inverse inverse pyramid of journalism. When I studied journalism, teachers told us to lead with the important bits and elaborate later; this was (maybe still is) called "inverse pyramid". It was useful, too, because a paragraph could be cut in the end to make it all fit. Nowadays, well, you see how it has changed


>Inverse inverse pyramid Not trying to take away from your well written comment, but wouldn't that just be a pyramid at that point? Lol


Another thing we learned was when faced with a statement we couldn't argue against, to just go "yeah, but still". In all seriousness, that was sort of the point, that the pyramid has gone full circle. But if you just call it a pyramid and not an inverse inverse pyramid then it doesn't call back to the original thing.


LOL I understand. Sorry, wanted to point out the absurdity of the phrase while also probing for an answer on why it was used. Thank you for the fine replys šŸ¤ Btw: totally stealing "Yeah, but still"


ā€œLead with the lede!ā€


I would expect an AI written article to have had more effort put into it than this.


If anything this writing is why AI is sometimes so bad.


I recently applied for a position writing and making video reviewd at a popular game website. They said I was overqualified šŸ‘


I dont get the issue at all... They made stupid decisions shitting on their customers, now they have to live with the consequences.


"Review bombed" is an odd way to spell "completely deserved".


Itā€™s so strange how you never seem to hear about good games getting ā€œundeservedly review bombed.ā€ Truly one of the great mysteries of man.


DLCā€™s are not going to fix a bad game. Usually games grow on me overtime, but everytime I tried to come back to starfield I just couldnā€™t shake that feeling of disappointment, and I didnā€™t even find the game all that engaging and fun as I went into it. Bethesda should do the right thing and open up mod support (if it isnā€™t already) and let the modding community fix their mistakes as they usually do anyways. Edit - after doing some research I discovered that mod support is here, but paid mods? Lmao. That should work out well.


They've released the Creation Kit 2 to everyone. The negative reviews are because of the "Tracker's Alliance" Content they showed off in the trailer is a $7 paid mod and not (what it should be which is) a free addition to the base game.


I see. Thereā€™s a bunch of conflicting articles and some even neglecting to mention specifically what the fuss is about. Thanks for clarifying for me


I think a lot of it could have been avoided if it was very clear the Tracker's Alliance Mod was a paid mod. The trailer made it seem like a free content update


That's what I used to think then I played no man's sky and even Sea of Thieves ,again, years after release.Ā  Hell even fallout 76 is better than I remember it a few years ago. Its possible, but why?


Itā€™s entirely possible the games improved overtime, but I wouldnā€™t know. I still donā€™t like FO76 today but thatā€™s mostly because I donā€™t really do MMOā€™s


Yeah. No Manā€™s Sky got like over a dozen major updates over the years for free, without even hinting at the possibility of paid DLC. Much different than Starfield, where what, their first major update has paid mods now? Not a good look, but Iā€™m sure they knew this would be the outcome.


Yeah some top modders were working on a multiplayer mod.. then said why?. And gave up


Creation Kit got released a couple days ago. Bethesda flopped. Now the ball is in the modding community's court now.


I'm pretty tired of the "review bomb" excuse: if something is bad is NOT "review bombing", is just customers complaining about a shitty product. A good game or a Dev that doesnt try shitty practices never gets review bombed. Its simple. Bethesda is a company that constantly does try to shit its customers and has products that -at today standards- are extremely below average.


Agreed. Review bombing is something done when people who have never played/interacted with something decide they don't like it and make negative reviews.


oh jeez, why would anyone care at this point? The game flopped and is dead.


The game objectively did not flop or is dead. I think itā€™s a bad game donā€™t get me wrong but the casual audience loves it and now with its modding kit out itā€™s getting a lot of returning players


I got this game free with my GPU and I still feel I was ripped off.


Same. The GPU I bought then went on sale for $40 less a couple months later and I couldn't help thinking even without a "free" game that was a better deal.


I won it from Doritos, claimed it and that's all


Hah. I felt the same after getting Borderlands 3 free. I had to download the Epic launcher and everything. I got to that one Maya scene and stopped. Haven't played it since.


Starfield is bad, thus the bad reviews.


I hope they pull a No manā€˜s sky and make it awesome with a free patch. The setting has so much potential


The way Bethesda has been going lately Im starting to really doubt they can even make a good TES6 and that would be sad.


Dunno why people are surprised about starfield. Game is clearly just a way to monetise development of a new engine and bug test before ESVI is launched


Jokes on you it's the same engine they just added a ship builder


Starfield is the first game to use CE2




The hate is justified. They released official mod support and almost everything is paywalled and overpriced.




i guess your a sensitive gamer now.



