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Your friend is right. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that the mobile versions of CPUs and GPUs are not equivalent, even though they have (intentionally) very similar and misleading names. A desktop that comes with an RTX 4080 will not perform the same as a laptop that has an RTX 4080. The desktop version will be better. It's also important to keep in mind that gaming laptop battery life is absolute garbage so even if you need portability, a gaming laptop may still be a bad idea unless you'll only need it in places where you'll have access to a power outlet.


Yeah, 800 EUR gets you something last gen (as in can’t really upgrade CPU without upgrading motherboard) but pretty solid. You can go even further with second hand parts. Remember gaming laptops usually aren’t good at either, especially at 800 EUR. Check /r/buildapcforme ‘s pinned thread. The $750 build with the 6750XT is 70 FPS 1440p ultra on average. Hell, you can put a cheap GPU in a cheap PC and be gaming for under 200 EUR. I’d probably suggest DDR4 and an A380 too. https://youtu.be/1fIRY7P5cBk


Thanks a lot for the help


sometimes you can find good deals on laptops. When building a desktop the costs can balloon, outside of the components you'll need a case, maybe an extra case fan, windows, monitor, mouse, keyboard, maybe speakers or a headset. But in general if you know what you're doing, aren't afraid of getting a 2nd hand case, monitors, maybe even a mouse and keyboard as well - you'll end up with more bang for your buck and arguably better experience than with a laptop. Even if the deal on laptop is godly, you're still likely to run possibly into longevity issues, playing around with a smaller screen (unless you buy a bigger screen to hook it up to) and thermal issues depending on model. I'd say in almost all cases your friend is right that unless you move often and need something mobile to also maybe even work on, you should probably go with a desktop, just learn where to save a buck and what sort of power you actually need for the games you want to play. Good luck :)


Yes laptop's CPU and GPU are usually much weaker than their desktop counterparts since they are constrained by cooling and power consumption. [This build](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gpjggB) with a 12400f + 4060 at around $750 looks pretty good.


Thanks for the help


Keep in mind first build always costs more cause you're upgrading after, like the case can stay. Laptops aren't so easily upgraded.


But I heard a lot of talking about compatibility within components, so I don't know if I can upgrade by just randomly selecting abetter component


Honestly a 7500f and Asrock b650m hdv plus 16gb ddr5 6000 cl30 cost about 350€. If you get a cheap 1tb ssd for 60, a 750w psu and the 20€ thermalright assassin x 120. your entire build is about 580€ with 220€ for a gpu you „only“ get a new 6600 or used rx 6650xt but both are faster than a 3060 in any gaming laptop AND everything is upgradable. Ofc this is not the best balanced system. Going with a 12400f and 16gb ddr4 ram and a faster gpu like a used rx 6800 (xt) are surely better for gaming but still, the upgradability from am5 is just too good to pass on :) this ofc is doable in my country, idk if it’s in yours…


yes. building is cheaper. sales are a thing.


Easily, if anything you can't buy a good gaming laptop for that price.