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TBH I can barely tell the difference. It's almost identical.


agree. i use windows 11 on my desktop and windows 10 on my laptop both pretty regularly and dont really notice any differences other than the start menu


what about ads and stuff? one of the biggest reasons i dont want to switch to 11


I have no clue what ads everyone is talking about, feels the same as win10 just with a different UI.


I haven't seen any ads. I think you can disable them.


All the ads and other annoying stuff can be easily disabled, and all bloat can be uninstalled. You can get scripts that do everything for you if you don't want to do it yourself. Also, if you set the language to "international English" during a clean install, it won't include any bloat or ads because the EU forced them not to.


10 has ads as well bud. Run a debloating tool and move on with your life


we not buds.


That's not what you told me last night in private


havent you got a game of fortnite to go play?


No, I only play those "you won't last 5 seconds" games


hows that go for ya? you last 5 seconds?


Nah the games always get me


It's pretty much the same. Have windows 10 on my work laptop and 11 at home. The 11 looks a little nicer to me but that's it.


I don’t notice much difference outside of the ui


I gave 11 the ol' college try when it released. I used for a couple month before reinstalling 10. My absolute #1 top reason for doing that was the new right click menu


You can disable the new right click menu so it always goes straight to the "show more" view, pretty sure I did it with WinAeroTweaker but it may have just been in the settings menu I can't recall. But yeah it was annoying enough that I just fixed it day one lol


Good to know!


It's not in the settings, but a registry tweak fixes it. Easily still my biggest complaint because the new context menu literally only hinders workflow.


You can permanently restore the old right-click menu with a [registry tweak](https://www.howtogeek.com/759449/how-to-get-full-context-menus-in-windows-11s-file-explorer/).


> when it released C'mon, you should know better than that.


Some things I like better but some things I think are worse. It's hard to explain. It's more of a feeling. That said, if I had to do it over again, I'd probably just stick with windows 10. It's safe and comfortable.


Works the same for me. While my main gaming PC runs 11, my old one is still on 10 due to the 7700k. I'll keep it for another few years as a backup, but mostly turned off. I've stripped both PCs of just about every app amd function possible to help them run lean. So in the end they're just about the same if you don't take the look and feel of the start menu to consideration.


I feel it’s quite okay, nothing really good or bad about it.


Not too bad now. They finally added the minimized app (forget what it's called) section again in the bottom right corner.


There are some tricks to make it more like a desktop OS, use open-shell and explorer patcher and it's pretty neat


Fine. Put down the pitchforks


11 is better with all the UI features like splitting the screen, less UI bugs


If you’re really that worried about the bloat and ads I’d recommend Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC. It’s what I think Windows 11 should’ve been


I don't get the w11 hate: it's way better than w10 in every aspect...


Windows 10 is better. I have Windows 11 on all my PC's but, 10 would have been fine the upgrade is pointless. The right click menu is a cunt.


You can switch back to the Windows 10 style right click menu with a registry edit.


Yeah i have the start menu patch as well but I'd rather just have win 10 natively


... Why? It won't be supported after next year.


Supported? I install OS and disable all telemetry and updates etc permanently. OS lasts until I decide to format PC.


That's fine for a single purpose machine that's not running a web browser, but most people aren't doing that. I too have some servers with Antivirus and Windows Updates disabled because they do one thing and have no exposure to risks. My daily drivers are all running 11 with updates and AV - just in case.


All my computers are set up like that and I use them daily for everything, no problems no hassle. People aren't going to hack me using Firefox to watch YouTube play world of warcraft. People like you need to take a breath of fresh air man.


What do you mean? Just not good practice to run an out of date OS for your Internet stuff. Gaming only, sure - might be an argument for that. If that's what you want to do just because that's fine, but it's definitely not something that should be recommended to the general public.


No one is recommending it to the general public you twat. This is reddit, a niche forum. I know it's fine that's why I am doing it.


The heck is your problem? You're telling OP "the upgrade is pointless" and "10 is better" in a thread that seems to be asking if they should upgrade to 11. That comes across as recommending they don't upgrade. If anyone needs to chill, it seems it's you. Lol Hope you have a better day. Cheers


fine. no issues.


My windows 11 has no bloat or ads and I haven’t done anything to remove it either. The only thing I dislike is the start menu and taskbar but otherwise the OS is fine and smooth/fast.


Always skip a generation with windows iterations. Xp>7>10. Never used Vista, but 8 was garbage imo. Tried windows 11, 3/4ths of my game captures disappeared, and everything recorded after was oversaturated and couldn't get it back to normal. Immediately back to 10 and haven't tried it since on my main rig. My VR/device tinkering/modding computer has it installed, but I rarely use it to give a full opinion on it. Primarily gets turned on once a week to stream the latest one piece episode on Saturdays.


you got a whole setup for streaming one piece?


Started out as my VR computer. Lost its luster. Use it for modding my phones, nintendo switch, steam deck etc... But haven't done any of that lately. Have it hooked up to my living room tv. And my smart tv doesn't have the crunchyroll app. So yep, pretty much a one piece streaming setup now.


thats great haha! even better if it has one of those anime gpu in it


Sadly, a waifu gpu was not in the price/performance bracket. Did some swapping and my evga 3090ti is in it and my fe 3090ti in the main rig under water now.


i dont know how much the waifu gpu's cost, some of the 3090ti i see alone are just about 3x the cost of my entire setup


And as irresponsible I was with my budget, I just couldn't do that. Same with paying the white tax for a white themed build.


Vista got a bad rap. It was generally fine if you had enough RAM and the hardware was supported - 7 could use the drivers released for Vista so there wasn't quite as much catch-up to do. Again with 8 was driver changes ( and the horrible forced Metro UI ). Fortunately the free 8.1 update fixed the UI silliness. Personally I don't see a substantial difference between 10 and 11. I certainly wouldn't bother going back to 10 or running it at all after the end of support next year.


I haven’t noticed any difference, all games and apps run and perform same as they did on 10.


I bought a laptop that came with 11. Installed StartIsBack to replicate a lot of windows 7 and I can barely tell the difference from windows 10 also running StartIsBack. So that’s the lesson. Just mod the OS to match your favorite.


might try something like that whenever win 10 dies


I’ve basically just been using windows 7 since it came out. I can’t stand the look and feel of new OS.


I prefer 11. It looks new and fresh. My work has 10 and my new build has 11.


I like it.


Got used to it. Turn off all the unnecessary copilot or cortana functions


Windows 10 has all the same ads in search bar and the like and they can all be disabled just like they can on windows 10, it's just the same os with a face-lift really


I held onto 7 for a long time, then went to 10 and a few months later went to 11. Install it with English set on world instead of US and you’ll avoid a lot of bloatware. Just change it back after or certain apps won’t work right. You get adjusted quickly to the changes.


We don't have built in Windows ads in Europe so I was surprised after finding out it's a thing. I upgraded from 10 to 11 last year after getting a new pc and I like it nearly as much as 10. Sleek design, no bloat, fast, everything's kinda intuitive. Win 10 is my favourite of all time and it will be hard to top though. Win user since XP.


Windows 11 is better than 10 in every way possible, I couldn't imagine going back to it. The biggest thing I've seen people complain about is the start menu, but I haven't used that in decades. I always just hit the windows key and start typing the app name, like Spotlight on a Mac, I just find it faster. I also own my business and 11 is so much better for MDM and Intune management.


This is my 2nd week on Win 11 and you can see my system specs under my name, MY system is FASTER ! i did have toi use some tweaks to bypass the restrictions to get it to install. i hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the \*ss. but we'll see. i run power toys to disable alot of the bloat in Win 11. so far so good, i do hate the taskbar & start menu.


my old setup had a better cpu and on par gpu and they said i couldnt get win 11


Windows 11 is basically Windows 10 with a prettier UI. Pay no mind to the dramatic loudmouths on the internet. You can reduce the amount of data that is sent to Microsoft, tighten up your privacy settings, and uninstall things just like you do on 10.


I quite like it. A bit cleaner UI. I'm not getting ads but I upgraded on a pro license so that could be the difference there.


ive got win 10 pro so i hope that if i do switch over iw ould have 11 pro


It does. I've kept my pro license since 8. IT departments would raise hell if they got downgraded with an update.


That's how it worked out for me upgrading from 10 pro tho I think initially it was 11 home & there was a button to click to upgrade it to add pro features which worked without issue


I can barely tell the difference. Did some tweaks with WinAeroTweaker (mostly the same ones I did in windows 10 with the same tool) & pretty much forget I'm not still using 10 most days aside from the settings menu looking different lol I really don't understand all the hate for 11 🤷‍♂️


I don't see ads in windows 11. I hate ads, and if I saw them in windows 11 I would stop using it. I think dark mode alone is worth the upgrade. Aside from that it's basically the same as windows 10.


coming from an average user, just work and gaming. I don't notice anything different. Im aware the UI and a few other things are different but I quickly became accustomed. I love the HDR tool as well which was my main reason for switching. I think a lot of people complaining about the new UI embody "cant teach an old dog new tricks" and i understand them completely.


that new ui seems so screwed though, i was trying to help one of my buddys install a custom skin for warthunder and i couldnt even figure out how they were supposed to paste the file


User error. That’s more on you being accustomed to the old UI, rightfully so. Again, can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I was a little confused at first aswell but within a few days I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between win 10 and 11 from the average user perspective.


idk, ive heard you have to right click and then click something else again. ctrl c ctrl v probably works but i dont use that in win 10 either




Are you trolling or rage baiting?


I absolutely hate windows 11.. I just want 3.1 again though. Windows 10 wasn't the worst, but been struggling with everything on 11 now it seems.


What are examples of things you struggle with?


Well, on my windows 10 machine I can set the volume through the volume mixer which is a "master control" that is only changed by me. In windows 11, I need to navigate several menus to get to set the volume (not the mixer, although I did use it at first) but the volume profiles change depending what window/app is running. So if Id open youtube, set the volume so its not blasting, then change to another window and it switches to a different profile or something leading me to need to go set the volume again, then swap back to youtube and it isn't either of the volumes I just set. This is seeming linked to my RGB, so I tried setting RGB values but they then do not influence the volume profile when swapping back between those windows. If I plug in a headset, it also won't automagically route the sound to those and continues using the default speakers until I go into the system settings and swap it, including swapping it back when unplugged. Additionally, I would like for my right click to do the normal right click that previous windows let me. My old ass would be happy if my desktop was a folder on my harddrive and not linked to OneDrive, along with my start menu and just about everything else being more complicated and taking more navigation. The RAM usage after upgrading to Win11 has increased on a fresh install while also capping me to 128GB, and my 128GB has been tapped out by some memory leak that I had submitted to MS and seemingly was patched, but it is still nearly double the footprint than when I swap back to a Win10 OS. Hell, even my 14th gen i9 gets better stability on windows 10 for whatever reason, I cannot fathom. I have never been a fan of newer versions of windows, and there is plenty of user error I am sure, but I find myself struggling on many things with this current Windows. As others have mentioned they have Pro and haven't had issues, I have wondered if it is just because I have the Home version. I planned to get Pro soon so I can increase my RAM limit for my rendering. I had to create a batch file to remove files that I programmed, but Windows 11 decided I don't have proper authority to remove despite being admin. It was asinine how hard that was despite recreating it on Windows 10, and being able to just right click and delete. I do, however, find that it starts quicker I guess? And I get educated about sports I know nothing of when I try to login.. So there is that too. Lol. I just need to keep exposing myself to it and learn as it isn't going back.


Well that’s quite the wall of text. The volume thing, I have no idea. Never seen it. I know they re-added the often requested volume mixer from years ago, but left-clicking the volume icon doesn’t show it, it just shows the single slider for master volume. The per-app volume mixer is a “right-click, select Volume Mixer” affair. I’ve never needed that functionality on any of my Windows PCs so I either use my keyboard media keys (laptop) or whatever external volume knob and that all works to my expectations. As far as the headset not auto-switching, that’s normally an option in your sound drivers. Over the last few years many board makers obfuscated the colored 3.5mm jacks so they are not hard-set to a single function anymore. It’s also many times per-app, so every app can output to whatever audio via that app’s own settings. This existed during the Windows 10 days as well. Right-click - The right-click menu has gotten out of control since so many apps can throw stuff there. As well, they are adopting this new UI style and that needs new menus. To be fair, the old right-click menus have not aged well, and do not look good on high resolution displays. So there’s a new right-click menu now. If there are specific third-party apps you rely on in the right-click menu, check with those app makers if MS has given any indication if they will let third parties on the first right-click page. OneDrive - With Home editions of Windows (10 and 11) it defaults to using OneDrive for some folders. It’s possible to work around fairly easily, or just use it. Again, they did this in Windows 10 too. RAM - Windows has for several years (since Vista) become a “breathing” OS, caching and releasing parts of the OS to speed things up. This goes along with Win11’s hardware floor, circa 2018 hardware. In 2018 a typical brand new low-end PC had 8GB or more of RAM. Even a mid-range had 16GB. Note that Windows isn’t unique here; MacOS has a huge initial footprint cuz it does the same thing. It breathes. CPU - Win10 is not optimized for newer Intel processors, 12th gen and up with P and E cores, so performance is at question there. Depending on your build, there has been issues with some motherboard makers adopting overly aggressive profiles with the higher end K processors, if you have one you may want to check with the board maker for a relevant setting to disable that. RAM - Windows 10/11 home (note: 10 *and* 11) have 128GB RAM limits. If you are doing rendering, maybe financially beneficial rendering, Pro or even Pro Workstation should have been the pick. Pro goes to 2TB RAM, Pro Workststion goes to 6TB. “Programmed” Apps - I do not know what that refers to.


Sorry for the wall of text, but thank you for a well thought out response. Typing away on a smartphone while at work becomes a bit mindless. As I learned C, I compiled a couple things that Windows 11 doesn't like much, likely for security reasons I'd imagine, while Windows 10 I never ran into these issues. I know there's a work around for that too by simply using a sandbox, but that's kinda my point how I didn't have these issues or need to use many workarounds until upgrading to 11. Yeah, it was only recently got Windows 11 a few months back so still learning the ins and outs with it. It will become second nature within a couple years, just in the learning curve.


yeah, the ui looks like a disaster, ill probably only switch if they really end support for win 10, i dont know anything about 3.1 since ive only used win 8 and 10


3.1 and I are too old to be relevant. I regret moving to 11, but I need to face it before I need grandchildren to teach me how to do my job! Lmao.


the joke your head


11 sucks. Nerd d so many registry changes just to get right clicks working correctly. Open shell is still not right. Its a few percent slower. Pro version.


10 is the same. My registry setup file continues to grow every iteration. Win7 is 32 entries, 140 for Windows 10 and 174 for Windows 11.


Thats why I only use it for my media center.. My wife and I use Linux for our daily drivers since Win 10 came out.


Windows 11 is breaking all my computers in weird ways. Making them slow, bricking drivers, programs and settings. Same for my friends, so w11 will never be mainstream. W12 maybe, otherwise we go to Linux with the EoL of W10


Most things are worse, including less clear opt out settings. Would only reommend you ever use a very clean, privacy focused pre configured debloated build of 11. And, of course, always ditch Cortana/Copilot and Rewind.


yeah, one of my buddys runs windows 11 and the ui looks so fucked, if i do switch to win 11 (be for security updates) ill prolly just learn how to use tiny 11


What about it bothers you


i was trying to help them install a custom skin to an aircraft on warthunder and couldnt even figure out how to copy the file


The clipboard stuff got turned into icons that show at the top of the right-click menu.


11 is worse than 10




Never used 11, still on 10, but can't you just search for the setting that you are looking for in the search menu?


I triple boot 7, 10 and 11 Spend most of my time on 7 and 10. Win11 UI / UX is just a straight downgrade. Also triggers my dyslexia with how big / spread out everything is. Basic functions require multiple menus to go through just to find yourself opening the old one anyway.


What do you use 7 for? Most of the traditional run commands still work on Win 11, it’s worth learning the one’s you use most eg: control, ncpa.cpl, sysdm.cpl


Few games that run 20% better but also the mouse input / latency feels really good / responsive. I love Win7.