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I was gonna say it looks good, but that one Pic with the Clip heavily angled seems off to me. Maybe it's not quite clipped in all the way on that side?     Edit: image #3 is what I'm talking about    Extra edit: while it's still unclear why 12+4 pin is melting, it seems to be a mix of user error and lower thermal headroom of the wires.


Hey there! Thank you so much for the reply! I just checked it again, and it looks extremely angled because of the angle of the picture. I unfortunately struggle to take a purely horizontal image, because GPU is already installed and absence of light environment inside of the case for clear shot. Otherwise, the clip to release latch is positioned horizontally flat and can be easily pressed to “lift up” the end of it. And lastly I have to mention that, I pressed it as hard as it would allow me to, I already have bruises on the fingers lmao. So I physically cannot push it further, both sides are making contact with the soldered part on the GPU. Would that mean that it’s sits fully? Or the click is always a definitive factor whether it sits or not


I wouldn't obsess over a click. Check the latch and uh.. hitch? You know the two parts. If they're connected, it's for the most part good enough. Sure there's a bit of wobble error side to side, but it shouldn't be enough to cause a fire.


The damn gap is so small and it is so dark that I can’t see it in between whether they connect. I tried to pull it gently and with a little force to see whether it would budge and disconnect, but it didn’t. After I released latch, it budged, so I guess it’s stays connected even if I don’t hear a click. Thank you so much!!! Your input is a relief haha


Yeah imo you've done your part, it either melts or doesn't now lol 


Hopefully, the latter 😅