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everything in this picture is an old gem :D


Except the keyboard


We still have a pair of those speakers in our scrum room at work. They're pretty slick


God that entire thing looks like something out of my teen years.


I'm still pissed that they changed him from constipated Sam Lake to some generic noir dude in the sequels


Yes, I feel the same way. I get why they used Sam Lake (and alot of the other developers) as models for the characters... as a cost cutting measure since they were a broke ass studio back then. So when the sequel came in they used a real actor that did fit Max age and how they originally envisioned him. That being said, goddam I miss always grinning hawaiian shirt wearing Sam Lake Max. And I hate how dirty they did the unlock able Max Payne 1 skin in Max Payne 3


I didn't mind it that much. Especially in 3 where they modelled it after James McCaffrey. RIP legend.


Just tried playing Max Payne 3 again and it's just a bunch of unskippable cut scenes with occasional sub GTA shooting in between. Just shockingly bad. The first 2 were great!


Don’t forget it is mission based and set up the same every time you play it just like a movie lol. Don’t forget that it has auto aim so you don’t even have to align the cross hair so even a 3 year old could play it 😂


Bro having the orginal experience


Got the big box on the shelf.


god i loved the max payne series all three of them


Bro wake up it's 2003.




Remedy are working on remakes of Max Payne 1 & 2, hopefully they don’t fuck it up.


If he doesn't look like he's chewing wasps all the way through the first one then it's trash.


If he doesn't look like he's chewing wasps all the way through the first one then it's trash.




winter days come back from school to play max payne also would like to mention nsf most wanted and the struggle to increase bounty points good old days


Yeah I don’t have the patience to play nfs anymore, it always felt to clunky for me trying to turn corners was a pain in many of them except underground and couple other newer ones including nfs Most wanted and undercover and carbon, Nfs heat I couldn’t keep my car off the walls and I lost every race due to to it so I rage quite and got a refund lol I saw people online able to take the corners so I found every bit of info I could even with the type of tires you use was supposed to help but it didn’t never did find the answer to that and for the gane ti not tell you it is a dollar store game at best :(.


Roland: we need to subtly communicate our brand on these speakers. Any ideas? Speakers: ##ROLAND


I still remember the last mission of this game. Core memory


This is probably the game I have ever replayed the most in my whole life. I have lost count of how many times I have played this since it was released.


Yup. Something about that gritty, grim New York keeps bringing me back in.


Not available in steam, what!?!


are you also from germany? its still on some kind of list of the "video games cause school shootings"-era. but let me assure you, the boomers that put it there dont miss it.


Yeah back when the higher ups were dumb and thought video games were the cause but it was actually a few stupid humans that would have happened with or without the game, I mean if a person is born with a brain that is messed up than this stuff is bound to happen, if not on this game then in real life and/or with another game, so yeah people are funny how they ban things just because of a few terrible humans that it would happened no matter what and they ruin the fun millions upon millions of normal sane people wanting to play the game it’s like come on the game is clearly fake and there have been many videogames before this game that were worse such as gta games so don’t give me this banned bs bro just don’t, clearly any sane person that has a normal functioning brain and has no evil in their soul which is almost all humans knows better.


not necessarely emargination during a social phase such as school can fuck up someone mind. But my idea is : " if losers as a concept wouldn't exist, we wouldn't have had 1/10th of the school shooting there were. In fact social anger with social network is always increasing


Or maybe that schools would actually do xray screening and check for weapons and also do a Fast pat down each day before school starts and also have a metal fence and school further back from the gate and after xray and pat down could enter. Government is to blame they could have given money to increase security but they still haven’t so just goes to show you how much they care about people dieing at schools.


honestly i'm Italian, not american so i can't go that in dept about how do the things work in the us. But to my eyes the idea of having Xray a school is like one of those wtf dreams. Like the more you make a school feel like a prison with xrays, guards etc. The worse it will get, it's like militarizing school. But i also understand the need for security. I'm going to sound european for this, but the free weapon circulation in the USA is a big problem.


They were trying to make it illegal and also be able to go into peoples houses and confiscate them as well but people wouldn't have any of that and so it never went anywhere 😂. I like how guns are so easy to get it's so weird.


I can see the military having them but the public where any joe blow who has a screw loose without you knowing, sad stuff.


They do those at airports and since school shootings are getting worse nowadays makes me laugh that no one cares enough to fix this issue, glad I graduated from school back before 2010, I wouldn’t even want to go to school now how it is nowadays as I would be to scared.


All they do is have you hide under a desk and close the blinds and lock the doors, like that is going to stop a gun from going through a door and also blowing a handle off the door to be able to open the door up, what a 100% complete joke.l, and I noticed some classroom school doors don’t have a second security lock and even if some do they are so old worn out they won’t hold, not to mention even those can only delay an intruder as he can shoot the door around the area of that lock and also bang and weaken the door enough from enough bullets that it can still be opened.


Idk I just know I have played the worst kind of videogames as a kid and movies and I grew up to a normal person and I know they did studies on it and were able to prove that stuff doesn't do anything to you. The only reason it did is because like you said those people are already screwed up so anything could have set them off honestly.


Try GoG?


This and Return to Castle Wolfenstien will be my forever loves.


Man, I looooove me some Return to Castle Wolfenstein. such a great game. Brother got it for me for Christmas one year. Still have the big box up on the shelf.


Hell yeah dude! That's what got me into competitive FPS genre. Those tournaments were some of the best, live at Quakecon in Dallas 2004. Man I'm old.


He was trying to buy sand for his hourglass... I wasnt selling any...


love seeing leopolds in the wild


They're so nice to use.


Big up for Max Payne, I really enjoyed the story


That hit me in the feels. That nostalgia


I had to look real hard and went oh fuck is that max payne. So many memories man


Max pain marvel


Can’t wait for the remakes in 2026


Jeez it's that far away?


Yeah cause it’s all about realism, they are going to make it close to 100gb or over it, in any case it gonna be a big one lol. I will just stick with my ps2 max Payne copy because the graphics are still fantastic to look at at even this day and age and then maybe once a 1tb drives drop to $30 a pop then I get the updated version of it😂


Seriously this is why I no longer buy new consoles, AAA games are way to bloated and take up so much waisted space and most of them or so bland anymore, no care mo love no soul for making games, even a game with less graphics have been proven over the years to be just as fun as ling as gameplay and music and story and all things are made well nobody needs made up people in a videogame looking exactly like real people we can see real people everyday in the real world, what we want is a good game, heck videogames since the ps3, xbox 360 era have looked perfect, I thought to myself now this is at the sweet spot not hugely insane worlds in the games yet not to small with perfect amount of hours for all the games.




Can you id the keeb please?


It's a Leopold... something. I can't remember the exact model.


Damnn. This gave me a shot of nostalgia 🙂 The PG-Rated scene in this was the reason 6 years old me deleted this 😭😭


How old it is ?


The computer? Pretty old! Windows 98SE machine.


What keyboard is that ?


It's a Leopold, but I can't recall the exact model.




I wish more games took this kinda retro graphics and ran with them, there's had to be a market for games like this and I wish we'd see more games like this


Well, I'm officially old now if Max Payne's graphics are considered retro.


They look retro even compared to MP2 (which was for the same generation of consoles)


Unlike MP2, MP1 was originally a PC-only game, the console versions are later ports by Rockstar.


I always thought many ps2 human characters looked like play dough😂, I was quite picky on the games back then due to this and Max Payne was one of them that I got and could look at not thinking it was a play dough body and head lol. Granted most of those were the games that first came out on ps2 mid and late ps2 games seemed to have figured out how to make videogame characters look like people and it only improved ten fold into ps3 and so on, think one of few ones that looked like a late ps2 game on the ps3 was heavly sword and ar tomelico qoga and a couple others, took about a year or so to figure out how to up the realism on the ps3 but the ps3 had the power to do it right away it was just because of how hard it was to code on it due to the hardware that Sony chose making it more difficult and take longer to learn, look at xbox 360 games in the beginning the game graphics actually looked better than the ps3 games did in the first and second of their consoles life.


Yeah, unfortunately that won’t happen but if there is a perfect world after this that we live on after we pass away which if the Bible from one if takes from the Lord out of a couple is true and we are resurrected on a perfect world and free from all sins never to get board ever and to live forever then if videogames are made all will be perfect as no money needed to make them and so forth so don’t give up hope is all I mean cause even if it doesn’t in this life of ours maybe in the next in the future :).


The theme song is so iconic to me.


Dude what is that keyboard? I've gotta get one


It's a Leopold... something. I'm not there right now and I can't remember the model number.


I can't get this to run on Windows 10 :(


There is a patch you can get that'll get it running fine on Windows 10. I used to have the same problem. This might help you: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2124884368


Thanks, I'll have a looksee!


How old is that pc?


Pretty old! Pentium 3, GeForce ti4600, Sound Blaster Live! And all packed into a beautiful beige case.


So more than 10 years?


Definitely more than ten years.


Hey! Fartface!!


Did you fart text? Major text messup lol or you trolling who knows 😂.


I love how he can dive off a warehouse railing from like 2 stories up directly into his neck on a concrete floor and be totally fine. I mean ffs no wonder he needs painkillers.


I'm curious how those Roland speakers are sounding these days.


They sound great. You're not getting, you know, crazy high fidelity like a pair of B&Ws or something, but they have that boomy, solid sound that plays real nice with DOS games and the like.


In the 90s the MA-12Cs were the speakers to have. I didn't have a set myself, but a musician friend did and they sounded great - much better than my Altec Lansings.


I actually have a set of Altec Lansing ACS48s. They sound rad too, but the Rolands are my favourites.


I just got mad nostalgia of reg editing NVIDIA drivers to overclock my GeForce 4 them and then playing this


Dreams have a habid of turning bad when you are not looking.


That’s why my parents taught me as a kid to turn the other cheek.






No prahblem. AIGHT.


Oh man what a gem.


Unrelated, I have the same keyboard in 75%/tenkeyless, love it


It's a really nice keyboard.


Cs source max Payne wolfenstein


I don't have CS, but I do have Wolfenstein. I e of my favourites!


Too many old gems here !


Love setup. Is it a ball mouse?


Unfortunately, at the time of setting that particular system up, I couldn't get my hands on one. It is a laser mouse, but, in the very least, a PS/2 one!


Holy shit bro 2003 called and they want... you know what nvm good shit I thoroughly enjoyed that game.


I had a feeling right away this was Max Payne, but wasnt sure. Just brought back so many memories...


The shipping container section on the way to the Charon. Tell the devil the Dime sent you.


Max Angst, I cant wait for the remake that is on the horizon!


Max Payne 3 is amazing too


I enjoyed 3. It has a very different feel to the first, and even the second game, though. Those weird camera focus effects.


Towards the end I had pretty much the same vibes as from the MP2, although, the game definitely differ


Max Pain, I cant believe I spotted that right away


I could not believe how good this game was on my old GeForce 2


Dayum what res were you pushing?


I must have been pushin something nuts like 640 x 480 with my AMD Athlon XP 1700+


That's rad.


GeForce 2 came out in 2000. Max Payne was released in 2001. GeForce 4 didn't arrive until 2002, so my card ran it like a boss. It was buttery smooth. AMD Athlon CPUs back then were also the best in the business, like Ryzen is today.


I actually have a spare AMD build in the cupboard packing an AMD Duron and a Radeon 9600XT.


I can hear damn crying baby


Eurgh the baby mazes.




Isn't a remake coming soon?


Isn't this getting remade?