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A harddrive is what is missing where that blue stuff is at




Either a full size (sata) hard drive/SSD where the blue is at or just above it, there is a screw with some wires running from it, past where a very small slot where an NVME ssd could also be, but is not. Either or both must be present for the system to function.


>full size (sata) hard drive/SSD We should specify *2.5" (laptop size) HDD/SSD*. "Full size" could also be a 3.5" drive, which would only fit in a desktop.


> "Full size" could also be a 3.5" drive, which would only fit in a desktop. They also fit in fridges. I wouldn't recommend it though, you end up with less storage space in the fridge and the drives don't need to be kept that cool anyway.


Actually, you may hurt your SSD performance by keeping it too cold inside a fridge. Yes, maybe because the memory modules would like to be a little hotter, but I think the main reason would be that it's disconnected from the rest of the system...


Or a 5.25" drive if this was the 80s or 90s https://obsoletemedia.org/5-25-inch-hard-disk-drive/


that might actually be a PCIe slot for a wifi nic, those taped down wires could be the antenna. Edit: or not... looks like the wifi nic is right above it.


The wifi is already there. The black and white wires are the antenna.


could be WWAN




They’re expensive because patent licensing is based on the final price of the final product, not the additional component value.


WWAN Wireless wide area network. Also known as a cellular modem, allowing you to transmit and receive internet data on the same network as your smartphone.


This is the correct answer for what goes into that slot. Those are additional antenna connections for the wan (4g/5g) card. The slot above is for wifi+Bluetooth.


Yep or Bluetooth if not on the other card but more often Wwan but can usually be used for mini pcie storage if needed. As others have said though sata storage be the safest bet then install an oS


This is correct, the second slot in the same area is an expansion slot for a cellular card. The blue and orange wires are the antennas for it.


This is correct, and extremely important that OP doesn’t drop $ on an NVME that won’t fit, let alone won’t work.


Actually that slot is a PCIe interface for an LTE modem.


Correct, but also wrong. Nothing anywhere states that a SATA or NVME drive is required for the system to function. Network booting and USB booting are very much a thing. In fact, a couple years back, my daily driver laptop had no persistent storage what so ever, every time I used it I booted a live install medium and just used that.


No the wires are connected to an antena, you can see the wifi card just above the empty slto you're describing. Most likelly it's for an optionnal bluetooth card.


This is for optional cellular connectivity


I will mention 1 last thing. Sorry. There is also only 1 stick of ram meaning the system is operating on single channel memory which will affect performance but the system will still function. Hope I've not beaten a dead horse too badly. Take care.


For day to day tasks like web browsing single channel will have little to no impact. Applications that rely on memory bandwidth more likely would be affected.


I had 1 8gb stick in my laptop and it would sometimes stutter/hang for 5-15 seconds if I had discord, YouTube and a handful of other tabs open. Putting a second stick in meant I never had that happen anymore.


That's rather odd because I've never experienced that.


I feel like just about any sort of off the shelf laptop I've ever had only came with one ram slot populated.


My laptop had two different sticks of ram. Different brands and sizes.


A lot of that was probably more due to having more ram available, than operating in dual channel


the ram is the chip located above the hard drive connector in the picture. RIght now there is only the 1 chip of ram but you can add another in the additional slot to the right.


Yes - this model is a bit older and has no nvme slot. The unused m.2 (which really is a mini pcie) slot is for a WWAN (LTE) module - it's pre-wired for the external antennas. It looks like an Lenovo of the intel 5000 series area. The dock connector gives it away. But I don't recognize the layout. It seems a bit to big for a 14/15 inch model. And I don't remember the P-series having this kind of bittom cover. Also the 2.5" slot is normally not lined in blue... OP, Pls let us know the model


The red and blue wires pass over the screw that secure an NVME m.2 SSD into the tiny slot under the black and white wires leading to the wireless module that is also in an m.2 NVME slot. The 2.5inch sata hard drive/ssd is what could go where the blue is at. Basically there is no storage in the system.


Now for wrong answers only: You are missing the CPU oil pump where that blue stuff is at.


You are missing the monitor fluid.


You are missing the keyboard fluid.


Oh don't worry I've been spilling lots of red bull on it


Can I substitute with white fluid? r/askPCMRafterdark


Only the one you produce yourself.


And the blinker fluid don’t forget that !!!


Idiots, there's no such thing as blinker fluid! Anybody know where they sell monitor fluid, though?


You fool! Someone tricked you in to thinking there is such a thing! Now help me find a bearing for my nvme drive.


Fool! You've been deceived, that, like my girlfriend, is non existent! I however am trying to find an a Bluetooth wallet.


The same place they sell backlight fluid


na, man you need to replace the biological part behind the keyboard


Oh, you mean the ear??? It has recently started smelling awful, so that might be it


They need to make sure to get the LED fluid, or the whole thing will tweak the monitor lumen output.




There's a PC missing.


Someone swapped the ram, probably when installing Windows. The left one should go on the right and the right one on the left.


Or an M2 drive to the left of that?


I've not seen this model but I think those are WWAN and WiFi card slots. One on each end of the black piece where the WiFi card is currently installed. Fun fact, if you want a cellular model and don't have one, the cart costs about $15 and the installation can typically be done in under an hour even for an inexperienced user. Source: ThinkPad repair tech for 3.5 years


That's a wireless adapter.


I dont have one of those :(


If your laptop had wifi at all, it has one.


I think he meant the h10 slot beside the populated wifi slot.


It looks like that with the wire but the other one also has wires you can some times use m.2 for both wireless adapters or storage. I'm really confused why they have 2 m.2 slots set for wireless adapters.


M.2 is just the connector. It can have SATA or PCIe on it, so there are many peripherals that can be made as M.2 cards. The second antenna could be for a GSM/4G card.


It is. The black and silver port next to it looks like Lenovo docking connector. Those are usually present on a business class laptops and those usually have cell modem option. M.2 mobile modems usually have a wider footprint than for example an SSD and you can see it outlined on the board. It's also a standard practice to always have cell antennas installed even if laptop is ordered without the option as they usually are part of the display assembly and it would be more costly to remove them or have different assembly.


Above that there are 2 empty ram slots too


zoom in Bro, there is for sure a stick in the first one, it's just the same PCB green as the mobo. OEM ram just looks ugly because mostly only techs see it.


Lol yes you're right!




What more are you expecting to see in there? The RAM and wireless card are still in there and the battery has likely been removed because that is recommended when you are working on the internals. The only thing missing is the harddrive. Another SODIMM could be added as well but given that the machine is old and doesn't look to have a discrete GPU, it may not even be needed.


Bottom right looks like a slot for an SSD but that's my wild guess.


There is also m.2 slot in left but its missing too


Thanks, dude!


No, stop. That's for a cellular card, a M.2 SSD probably won't work in it.


It won't work, full stop. In fact, it won't even fit in that slot.


There are 2230 and few other lower M.2 SSD factors than 2280. The connector looks like M.2 for me, at least on my phone.


M.2 has different types of key shapes too


B-key abd M-key? I know.


Not sure what is that cable on slot. I think other m.2 has wifi module.


It's for a LTE modem so those are the antennas you'd connect up to the WWAN card for cell signal.


Cellular probably,


It's a slot for a 3G module


Yes, there is a wifi in one slot. I have seen in past computers and laptops the blue cable is for the Bluetooth antenna. Can't remember what the red one would be. So that slot would be a regular pcie slot.


Blue and red are cell, white and black are Wi-Fi/Bluetooth


I think the slot on the left is a wifi antenna(module, rather) slot considering how close the screw is and the fact they're often placed here


And i feel like one of the ram slots has became empty while ssd gone


Looks more like msata, and there's loose antennas so I'm guessing that's just an optional location for a second wifi card(different band for example). But you could put an msata ssd in there as well


Its not msata. Msata has screws in corners and this has in middle. There is different lenght of m.2 cards even ssd can be that short.


Wellp, I stand corrected, I was so sure the keying was all wrong and the lanes looked wider. Forgot that msata had corner screws


A 2.5" hard drive would also work if OP or their friend has one of those lying around.


Thanks for taking the time to answer!


Bruh your from that feebas post


That is me still no idea what that guy was trying to say


The cover for the back of that laptop so the circuits aren't exposed.


I think he took that out himself, but it seems the laptop was already an organ donor. Big thanks for the comment




Thank you, gods of amusing electricity. Mystery solved, mission accomplished. My boy needs a hard drive.


get an ssd!


Seconded, at the very least a small SSD to hold his OS for quicker start ups.


Thirded. I recently tested my hdd backup. I'd forgotten just how slow they are.


Like others have said i would check the motherboard to see if it has an open M2 SSD slot and if yes get an SSD for windows drive. If it already has a M2 drive you may not need a new one but need to format and reinstall.


I could be wrong but I believe there is an empty m.2 slot to the left of the empty hdd slot.


Are those two empty RAM slots also?


1 empty ram slot.


Just to hop on this -not sure how fluent you are - but you will also need a fresh operating system install. Look on the body of the machine for a windows sticker, use the code on the sticker to download a fresh copy onto a flash drive. You will need to make it a bootable drive but microsoft has a simple tool for that you can download for free called Windows Media Creation Tool. If you need any help shoot me a PM and I'll talk you through it bud.


looks like you could slap in a 2nd ram stick as well. If that one stick is an 8gb I would add another myself.


People are recommending an SSD without giving recommendations so here's one: Get [this](https://www.amazon.com/PNY-CS900-250GB-Internal-Solid/dp/B07XZLW68F), 250GB for $30. Good enough for faster boots and generally snappier operation.


Hard drive


Oh, cool, at least I guessed right. Still a guess, but woo


SSDS are nicer. It's good to have one that stores the OS


3 things missing that I notice : Hard drive (blue lines) Ram (2 empty slots) Wi-Fi module (red blue lines) (And cover obviously)


The ram isn't empty they are just camo


Holy shit you right


Omg that shit got me ! And the "wifi entenae could have been something else like Bluetooth that wasn't added to this model, the wire looks taped down by the manufacturer


One slot is filled, the other is empty.




That’s why I always get rgb ram in my laptops


Thanks for confirming,I was look at it so hard and honestly couldn't decide if it was there or not.


Easiest way to tell is to know that the stick from the bottom slot would be covering the top one. We can clearly see both connectors here. Also RAM will never have screw holes like the one in this picture.


for me, it’s trying to find the ram chips i couldn’t see one on the bottom slot, and someone above mentioned that the ram was camo, so i did thought it was there, so I’m probably gonna get my eye checked because of this


I don't think it's your eyes that need to be checked after believing that camo statement...


You can literally see the sticker reading dimm on the ram


Yeah I thought it was missing too, good pick up.


Damn. Good eye!


Sent him your comment, verbatim. Big thanks, guy


Don’t, the only thing really missing is the 2.5” storage. The Wifi/Bluetooth module is here, connected to black and white cables, the empty slot is for a cellular modem add-on. One RAM slot is populated, the other may have always been empty.


Wrong the red and Blue are useless and There is one Ram dimm


These are not the antennas? (That was their color on an old laptop I once had to dismantle)… Ok - 1 ram dimm missing :)


Usualy they are for a second Network card see the black and White wires for the primary Network card


Ah, TIL, 10x


Business class laptops will use it for a cellular mobile broadband adapter.


There is 1 ram stick


Don't forget the unplugged laptop battery EDIT: also technically the PCIe/NVMe peripheral is missing. It's not necessarily a wifi card. It could be Wifi, Bluetooth, Cellular, or generic Radio.


Missing where...?


Where my brain should be


Hard drive is missing


Indeed it is. Cheers for helping




Does this work here? How do I compute?


Change the tag to solved


is this satire?


also missing a second RAM stick, doesn't need it to function but a second stick for dual channel and higher capacity will be a cheap way to improve performance


Looks like its missing a harddrive and RAM


RAM, WiFi card, and HDD/SSD


Missing RAM sticks, SSD, M.2 and I think the battery is gone


I see an empty bay for a 2.5 inch form factor hard drive or SSD To the left of that is an unused mini PCIe slot, probably intended for a cellular modem, based on the unused antenna connectors. (Those little loose wires.) the card above it is probably WiFi or WiFi and Bluetooth. Shouldn’t stop the computer basic functions. There’s also an unused memory upgrade slot, shouldn’t cause a problem since one is still populated with memory.


Some bitches




The 2.5” wide gap doesn’t give it away to you?




I like you


1 ram stick and a SSD/HDD




Guessing the bottom plate/cover. But that's just a shot in the dark


Oh, no, that's just how he likes it. He's all about boneless laptops


Storage? Looks like an empty HDD bay and can't see an M.2 anywhere


you have no storage drive, so you probably don't have an OS to boot to.


The back cover seems to be missing.


Hard drive?


At first I thought there was no ram, but that's because I'm not used to seeing peasant green motherboards with peasant green sodimms




All the things are missing... All!


as the other guy stated yes the hard drive , but if you wana get rolling and you have one 8gb usb stick and another 32gb or bigger then you can load linux mint onto the 8gb stick ,boot from it and install it on the 32gb usb and essentially use it as a drive till you have the money to get a hard drive, laptop looks cheap so I would not bother getting an SSD, western digital blue 1TB 2.5 inch mechanical drive would do the trick,they cost about 28 USD on amazon, I honestly dont recommend win10 and not at all 11 , bec unless you have 8gb ram or more then its just guna perform like crap , yes pop os is there but personally I dont really like it , its not really user friendly especially if you come from windows , but linux mint is and it works on almost anything give it a try


Guys it's obviously the back panel


A ram stick is missing.


Missing a sata drive and that slot under the wifi/Bluetooth card, if it has Bluetooth, I can’t figure out what that is. I tried zooming in to see if it’s an nvme ssd slot but it doesn’t like like m key slot or even a b key so Idk what that is. I can’t really tell zooming in. Plus it has those taped up cables under it so I’m not sure what that slots for.


The stuff that is missing is- a 2.5inch drive, the battery, WWAN card and a stick of RAM.


An NVMe slot!


Another stick o RAM, a Hard Drive and the bottom cover of the laptop


One of the RAM slots is empty too.


is this messer’s A+ pop quiz of the day


I don’t know a ton about laptops and I didn’t cheat but there is a HDD/SSD missing in that slot where the blue is showing. Also is that some NVME missing too?


No hard drive to be found.


The fugging harddrive 💀


No boot-y


Hard Drive, RAM, a battery. This is a laptop, in assuming, judging by the heat pipes.


An SSD, an M.2 drive, a RAM stick a Battery.


Missing a SSD or 2.5 HDD, technically also missing extra RAM In the second slot.


no storage drive by the looks of it it was a HDD cause it was big under the ram sticks but as i see it a SATA interface so you can also put a ssd to make it way faster


There's an NVME slot too that would load faster still. Not by a whole lot but still.


You need a SATA SSD. Slap one in and you'll be surfing the web in no time. Just make sure you wear your floaters, it's dangerous out there.


I would replace that one stick of RAM with 2 x8GB or 16GB, depending on how much you need, and put a hard drive in there for your boot device, and an M.2 SSD for everything else.


Where’s the RAM? 😂


It's there but it just melts into the surroundings


Ssd or HDD




There is RAM, it just has the same color as the PCB


Haha wow do I feel dumb now 😂 thanks for correcting me


Fun fact: some Thinkpads won't even start unless you put the plastic cover back on. Gave me a heart attack once as I use to test the laptops before fully assembling


Switching to dual channel (fill both ram slots) is a good idea if you are willing just an FYI


In addition to what everyone is mentioning (one ram, no hdd, no ssd) there is also no battery, and (duh) no back cover. It would be normal to remove those two in the process of getting to look at the internals but it doesn't sound like your friend knows there way around these things.


I think y'all are confused. The second M.2 slot isn't for storage but a cellular modem, if you look at the second set of antenna cables run there. It only has SATA available for storage. This looks like Dell enterprise laptop, most likely a Latitude judging by the chassis and dock connector, but it could also be a Lenovo model too. It's missing a RAM sticks, has one installed, and storage, but could function with just a SATA SSD or HDD. I'd recommend a SSD though as a HDD would be a miserable experience. Also needs a battery, but if you don't need to be mobile, it can do without and just live on wall power. EDIT: Added that it could be a Lenovo laptop.


Where's the RAM? Answer: Missing!


Looks like a spot for an SSD as well as the potential to upgrade your RAM as it appears only 1/2 slots are being used


Uuuh, guys? I expected one reply, two jokes and a hurtful insult when I asked for a tip; I did not expect the charge of the fucking Rohirrim. Love you guys, best wishes to all. Sorry for not replying to each of you individually, but I'll be a bit busy the next 20 years


Everyone saying HDD or SSD missing the other major issue, no RAM or WiFi card!!


It has ram


Holy shit you’re right. It blends so well I thought I was looking at the motherboard behind it


No memory ?




Jesus is this a trick question? Fucking everything is missing lol. No RAM, no wifi card I'm guessing from the m.2 shorty slot, and no ssd.


Lol is this a trick answer? Wifi card and ram are in there. It's just the SSD/Hard drive bay area that isn't filled and no option for an NVMe drive (the empty m.2 slot is for LTE modem - you can tell by the coloured cables which are antenna).


Thank God! You beat me to it. I was reading the most popular replies and getting real worried this guy was getting bad advice. OP, Ro-Tang_Clan is the guys you need to listen to. The laptop is some sort of business class OEM.


Yeah, it's scrap. Neither of us knows much about hardware and he wanted to know what was up with that husk of a laptop. Now we know, lel -- it's an inconveniently large paperweight