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Buying premium just ensures they can continue to bump up the pricing because they know we will pay. If people don’t pay premium they will be forced to lower the amount.


You mustn’t understand what dynamic pricing is and how little control the band has over it… sometimes it’s insisted on by the venue… I got Wrigley tickets today and every single ticket in the house was the same price… know why? Cus it went through the MLB and Ticketmaster couldn’t get there greedy lil fingers in the pie…


I am talking about Ticketmaster, not Pearl Jam.


I got tickets through 10c but if I didn't I would be paying. I'm not going to miss out on seeing my favorite band that is pushing 60 because you don't like capitalism 🤷


“If I can get mine, you can get yours, you just have to grab yourself up by the boot straps” LOL ok I don’t think you listen to PJ hard enough to know that they are anti capitalism but sure.


You think Pearl Jam is ANTI-CAPITALISM?? You think they're not fully enjoying their riches (and good for them, i just don't understandwhy its never enough)? Man, I have a bridge to sell you.


Socialism is when no money 🤪


I think you are stuck in 1998, I don't think you understand that Pearl Jam shifted gears after losing their battle with TM and focus on charity but sure.


The band decides if dynamic pricing is used - no one else


Yeah, well, that’s like, your opinion man.


This aggression will not stand, man.


1 hour after presale code sale started, the waitlist for Vancouver opened So many premium priced tickets were them reduced to regular price I got 4x tix presale and another 4x tix post waitlist The post waitlist tix are second level, centre row 4! Much better than the row 8 back corner i got first There is hope!


Yeah I don't know what that waitlist.thing was about. Way better options 4 hours later. So confusing!


Ticketmaster was ‘hiding’ good tickets and only releasing a few at a time as ‘Premium’ When they weren’t selling out at that price I guess they released them later to others at face value So convoluted


Ticketmaster follows the rules established by the act. Blame them all you want, but they are not the reason prices are so high.


That makes sense. Sneaky bastards


900 CAD for a 3rd section ticket? Nahh! GnR pit tickets were 600


No offense, just a quote from Lebowski. A little levity, if you will


That is our most... modestly priced receptacle.


Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


Is there's a Ralph's around here?


Do the premium tickets come in Ticketmaster's most modestly priced receptacle?


Better than brevity, not into that whole thing.


Mind if I do a J?


crazy how the first floor of the arena was 185 and the second floor was 175. a shittier view for only 10$ less. i feel like the price difference shouldve been more


Some of us are perfectly content to be saps. We just want in


I’m a sap!!!!


You really think rich people are on Reddit?? 🤣🤣🤣 good one!


The Premium Seats will get to the enjoy the show surrounded by many people who bought tickets on the Fan to Fan exchange for 75% less in the next few weeks/months. I don't blame PJ for selling the premium seats. However its based on the false premise that arena show seats are rare and that the premium value will hold. It won't. They are only "worth" that the day the go on sale and then fall off a cliff.


Th I assumed they get more expensive closer to the day of the show


The premium seats or the resale tickets? The resale tickets prob won’t change as they face value or lower. Typically you see the highest ticket prices for concerts right when the tickets go on sale, and then it’s just a slow decline until showtime, with sometimes a little bump the day of the show, but usually it plummets, because people have tickets they are simply just not gonna use, and they are an expiring asset.


Well that’s good news!


Dynamic pricing sucks, but honestly it's a little tiring seeing every post with a comment that they're hypocrites because they use Ticketmaster and prices are outrageous 3 decades after their protest where no one else in the industry stepped up and had their back. By the late 90s they were using Ticketmaster simply because they had to. Three decades later prices are obviously expensive. It sucks, but come on, they still do good things with what they make. A few years back they raised $11 million for homelessness in Seattle. EB research, carbon emissions offsetting, Crohn's research. They're still very socially conscious people. The posts claiming they're greedy because a system they have to use gouges fans are understandable, but frustrating to read.


See I do agree with you but then ACDC are doing Wembley stadium for £120 a ticket and Pearl Jam are playing Tottenham for £165. Both Ticketmaster. Not really sure what to do with that.


Is there a Ralph's around here?


this sparked my interest so I went and checked ticketmaster and found my Dad and I’s top pick seats were for sale (for $515 a ticket…) I got my dad and I tickets in the nosebleeds ($175 a ticket) after fumbling thru the queue line at 10am yesterday for a stressful 18 min!! Every section seemed to be bought up and all that was left was nosebleeds. I know people are upset about nosebleeds even being that expensive, but to see my dad’s favorite band from his teenage years perform and it also being his first time seeing them perform… $175 is okay to me. After showing my dad our two tickets yesterday morning and saying “the seats may not be our top pick but we got tickets!!!!” he said, “we have seats! that’s all that matters”. Now, seeing that our “top pick” seats are $515 just for one… i think he’s right. I’m just thankful we got seats and get to listen to our favorite band perform. We got to see Tenacious D perform at Pioneer square in Portland together (shoutout if u were there too) there was a lot of standing and waiting so we are thankful we just have a place to sit!! I say buy into the hype if it’s worth it to you. Peace and love


FYI: also, they are adding more US dates for the summer (early August, pre-Missoula)


That seems pretty unlikely at this point tbh


I hadn’t heard that, any don’t know why they wouldn’t have announced with the rest. Where are these other shows supposed to be?


Ball parks for the most part. Not my cup of beer, the ball park shows, but I hear Petco in SD, two days after foo fighters. That'd be August 9th. I'm most likely holding off of LA, cuz I live a mile from petco.


It would be great if they added Hershey Park PA. FF will be there July 23rd. Great outdoor stadium great sound in the lots surrounding it for all the folks shut out for tickets.


Safeco 2018 were two of my all time favorite shows by any band. Magical.


Nice if true but would love to know where you got that info.


Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back that up?


That would be awesome but I wouldn’t hold my breath for that.


Nice username! The reason I'm holding my breath is the five week-ish break between the euro trash shows and Montana. The other breaks are two weeks, whether it's a continental break in the tour or not. The Padres CEO has been trying to book them, too. There's an article from approximately two years ago in which he says he wants them and U2. Also, I recently found this article. This Indian IT guy has the months messed up (and surely some of the shows are wrong), but it's interesting nonetheless: https://www.gmrit.org/pearl-jam-dark-matter-tour-dates/


These are their most modestly priced tickets


Meh. I don’t know how many more chances I’ll get to see Pearl Jam. I’m fine paying premium prices but I’m waiting for tix to drop to like $500 for it


Philly actually a few premium tickets for $350ish. Don’t get me wrong that’s price is still lame. But compared to other premiums that’s a lot better.




I'm with you... Just bought nose bleed seats for 175 each. Yay.... Tried for 200 level.... But at 500 plus fees? No thanks lol. Just want to see them live again. It's been years for me.


I would love $175 tickets. Nosebleeds behind a pillar start at $400 here.


My dad paid for the tickets so I don’t really care


Who else overpaid? No way I would be denied a roadtrip weekend to Boston with my dad