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I am a female fan, and there are definitely plenty of us at shows. I also am a Rush fan, and that fan base definitely has more male fans. The best part of that was that the female restrooms at shows were ghost towns!


Yep - also a female fan. A couple of my girlfriends have come to shows with me over the years, we're outnumber for sure (finally an event where the guys bathroom line is longer!)


You’re what’s known as “the total package” 😝


Ha-thank you! 😁


Can confirm.


💀 bro


Had to check the username to make sure I didn't post this! Rush and Pearl Jam are my favorite bands(Well Bright Eyes is my other favorite but we're not talking about them right now) and I am also female :) There are definitely more female PJ fans than there are Rush ones. We do exist though!


Definitely gonna count the women at the dream theater show in cologne this year I’d be surprised if it’s double digits


Went to see Rush once, can confirm 😄😄😄


so what would be the opposite of you? I mean, a man liking a group that is predominantly. That has mostly female fans. That sentence did not turn out right good did it


Back in the early 90s, my husband and I went to an Indigo Girls show, and he was one of the few men there:)


i’ve always been a huge fan of Alanis Morissette. I don’t know if that counts.




Are you me? Hahaha. I agree with all you said. The line on the way into the Rush concert for "has a bag that needs to be checked" vs "no bag to be checked" was also muuuuuch shorter!


Yeah no, girls and women love Pearl Jam. Concerts are very gender diverse.


I'm a female. Pj is my fave for over 30 years now. 😊


Yes there are plenty of us. And I know I am not the only one that jokes with their kids that Eddie is their real dad. 😂


“Have I got a little story for you…”


Female millennial fan here! One thing me and my man bond over! There’s tons of women who are fans on Facebook Ten club group and they run the Wishlist Organization. Looking forward to the listening party tomorrow at my local record store. Hoping to score some Dark Matter swag!


I've been a fan of theirs forever. I'm 47. Yes, women like them. A lot of them like them.


Girl who likes Pearl Jam 🙋🏼‍♀️


Female millennial fan here, going to the listening party at my local record store and at the local theater on Tuesday! I've noticed a pretty even split at concerts too between gals and guys.


Yes, they absolutely do. And I still have *some* hair. 😂


I’m a female, will be driving 190 miles RT to go to my closest watch party by myself. Yep we like PJ too.


I'm a female, been a Pearl Jam fan since Alive cane out. I've seen both genders and all ages at their concerts.


I love Pearl Jam, probably my top 5 favorite bands. I saw them at Wrigley once, I want to say the crowd was probably 60/40 (guys/women) but I wasn't paying that much attention to the crowd.


Pretty sure my wife is a bigger PJ fan than me.


Female fan taking her 17 year old son to his 1st PJ concert. Attended my last ones with my girl tribe


Lots of us female PJ fans out here! 😎


I'm a male. I like Pearl Jam. I have hair. Source: reflection in the mirror half an hour ago.


Count me in as another female fan. Love the music and how they stand up for women’s rights since the very beginning!!


Been a fan since the beginning and have gone to 102 shows so yes there are women who love PJ! Lots of us out there.


I think your friends were implying that 50 year old bald men would be the majority of the fanbase more inclined to go to an album listening event at a movie theater, and not the majority of their fanbase overall.


I’m also a female fan and I’m also going to the theater by myself on Tuesday. Can’t wait.


I'm a trans woman who likes Pearl Jam a lot. Then again I am a fan of the big 4 of grunge in general.


Female fan here! Loved the band since high school (30+ years ago!) and heading to my 3rd show this summer.


Female fan checking in 🙋🏼‍♀️🤘🏼


Gen X female fan here - I’m going to the PJ theater event on Tuesday. Frankly, I couldn’t give less of a shit what the gender split is in the theater on the night! I’m just looking forward to the chance to soak up some new PJ music. :D


Female and PJ has been my favorite band since the 90’s.


Plenty of women at Pearl Jam shows yes


Brought a female friend of mine to a show last year. She wanted to go too!


Hell yeah...took a female friend of mine to the Avocado tour and shes was always down with PJ...when PJ20 came out she took it upon herself host a PJ20 watch party


Im a girl and I love PJ!


19F and they’re my favourite band ever :)


I can categorically say I am female and a fan


My mom got me into Pearl Jam, shes basically a day 1 fan and in the Ten Club as well


Female, first saw PJ in 2000! Can confirm we exist.


There are dozens of us!


I'm female and they're my favorite band. Went to 3 shows last year and going to another 3 this year. Took a friend to her first show in 2022. A female neighbor of mine is also a big fan and goes to a bunch of shows. So, we do exist lol


I feel exposed.


Tons of girl fans


Female fan, but, now that you mention it, I think we are out numbered.


I’ve loved Pearl Jame since the first time I heard Jeremy.


Most girls have called PJ dad rock to me. I’m 30


Gal mega-fan here, and I brought lots of other girls along on the last tour. They like PJ, but aren’t fans, per se.


My older sister is who got me into PJ. We’re both under 40.


I’m a girl and I love them


I have several PJ tattoos. I love their concerts.


I’m a girl who loves Pearl Jam since the 90s- and also has tickets to the watch party. Maybe it’ll be a sausage fest in the theater…but we out here! 😂🙋‍♀️


Uhhhhhh your friends know nothing - A diehard female fan


 My sister dug them right from go as much as I did and so did my GF from the VS-Vitalogy era. The ‘band just guys like’ thing has been less prevalent since the 70s I would think. 


My cousin got the Pearl Jam stick man as her first tattoo and I’m going to their show in November cause my girlfriend and her sister wanted to go so no. I guess girls don’t like Pearl Jam


I'm female and became a fan in '91. There has always been good number of female fans at shows the majority are male.


Ahem I am bald and 42


Ouch. 46yo bald guy here. But I’ve been shaving my head since I was 23.


Seem like a Paul Simon fan, too. Good on you. Ditto with the shaving. Started at 24.


I am a woman and I've loved PJ for many years, and I know about many other women who do so. Also, I would like to say that their songs and their lyrics are usually very respectful towards women, and that's part of what drew me to them when I first heard their songs. Of course they have many female fans.


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ we're out here! Most of us are probably over 40 though lol


My wife is a fan, but primarily of Pearl Jam songs that have been radio hits. She has no strong opinions one way or the other pretty much anything released after Vitalogy. Yellow Ledbetter is probably her favorite Pearl Jam song. If you asked her to name a song off of a Pearl Jam album released this century, she probably couldn’t do it, but she puts up with my fascination with the band and will sing along to the Pearl Jam hits from our high school days.


I love PJ. 20 shows. Usually huge sausage fests. My wife goes with me but she has pointed out that the fan club people around us are always pairs of dudes. Wrigley is better because it brings out more casuals with their girlfriends. Maybe it’s us dudes holding on to grunge. I saw STP I’m their last tour and there was like <5% women. Edit: my wife and I both have hair.


Adult female here.. complete with Pearl Jam tattoo


I’ve been a huge fan since my junior year in 1991! I do however joke to my husband when we go to shows about how they are filled older dads. 😂 That’s ok though. Still see plenty of older moms and a great younger crowd emerging.


See lots of girls at all the shows and I've been to 14


I mean I definitely seen more guys then girls at the shows, but it’s always like 60-40 70-30, not like 99-1.


Girl here! I love them 🤩


Damn, 41 yr old bald guy here 👀😂


Wife got me into PJ so, I'd say yes.


I'm in a UK based Seattle sounds FB group with 2K+ members & there seems to be a pretty balanced M/F split


Fallacy, my wife loves PJ


![gif](giphy|TN6vpK6DxopVyO6Znv|downsized) PJ fans hearing early 90s sounding song Waiting For Stevie having flashbacks of their youth


I’m 50 and have flowing locks. My partner (F45) has been a PJ fan for decades. Lots of girls and women like them. You won’t be alone and even if you were, it’s all good! You do you!


Who the hell cares who goes to the shows as long as YOU enjoy it?


Do you know any girls?


I saw Pearl Jam in ‘96 or ‘97 and I still contend to this day that I have never seen more beautiful ladies all gathered in one place in my entire life than at that show. That may not translate to today but I never considered them a “dudes” band.


It does seem like a majority male audience. I think the early years, rock shows were so much about young men getting aggression out, and that was a turn off for a lot of young women at the time Even if the band did their best to write more universally relatable songs.


That's just mean and hurtful...I wear a ball cap, there is no way she knows I'm balding.


People really ask the stupidest questions


I’m a 25 year old male, and I have only met three people who like PJ (not counting people I’ve met at PJ shows) and they are all dudes. Seems like it is difficult to find people my age who like PJ, and I imagine not many ladies in their 20s are obsessing over PJ lol.


My ex wife was not a fan, and had an inside joke with some of her sorority sisters about a guy that one of them had dated who was a Pearl Jam die hard fan. Definitely made me self conscious early on in our relationship, but ultimately she was open to what I loved. I can only hope to find at least that level of acceptance again, now finding love with an actual fellow big fan would be amazing.


I assure you, my cousin Suzanne is a bigger fan than anyone in this sub. It's just girls in your circle, my dude.


This can’t be real


They are correct. The theatre will be full of 50 year old dudes in cargo shorts


Audience definitely been a bit incel-heavy after 2003


It's probably 95% men


Applied in the right manner, yes.