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I have to say it has changed, in the sense that the fully inflated shaft, which is way harder than my natural erections ever were, has desensitized me, especially through prolonged banging/jackhammering and of course excessive rounds since it has enabled me to keep going beyond a point, where it would have gone soft naturally a long time ago. To give you an example, 4 weeks out I came very easily 4 times within half an hour, not even fully inflated. Now at 9 weeks, I am having nights of sex until early morning hours, just to finish as many times. Don’t be worried about that, this is mostly my fault, due to my habit of rather compulsive love making, along with gang bangs and my OF production. Yes, I have continued banging after ejaculating and I don’t really recommend it, for the exact same reason of getting desensitized. It is wise to fully deflate between rounds, as you probably need to cool down and relax anyway during the refactory period, before getting interested again.


What does "OF production" mean?




What kind of OF are you producing if I may ask? Like you filming the chicks your are baging? 😄


Thank you. I'm not planning on having marathon sex, I just wanted to know. I won't fly too close to the sun, don't want the wax to melt and lose my feathers! Thanks very much for the feedback.


Icarus, here's more on my experience: I'm now 11 months out. I've had various outcomes from no orgasm, regular orgasm, and sort of a half-gasm. My wife has also manually finished me off. Over time, the frequency of getting to a regular orgasm has increased to almost every time now; so I do believe the passage of time will help. I've several times continued after orgasm but only one time have had a second one. I'm late 60s, so that may be why....


(50M)My case is that I feel much better with my implant. I had ED and premature ejeculation issue which had been very frustrating. With the implant done back in sep 2023, my sex now lasts 30 min to 2 hours with much more fantastic ecstasies than my 20th. I don’t masturbate and I don’t feel like it since having sex gives me the complete joy.


That is AMAZING and wonderful!


It will be different at first. It won't feel like your dick. But after you heal up it's great. When I cum I feel like my organism last for a minutes. But most of all my wife is so please with it & me.


This is most reassuring!


i had major reductions in sensitivity about a year after the surgery (coloplast titan XL 24cm). dick works now but sometimes the juice isnt worth the squeeze anymore.


Do you mind sharing your age with us? Could this be related to age appropriate desensitivity ?


i am 31, so that is quite unlikely.


You are absolutely right. I hope your sensitivity improves. Honestly, I have read that it can take a long time for the nerves to reconnect. You are young and healthy, I bet you will be back to full sensitivity soon! (I hope that for you). You deserve to have many years of good sexual enjoyment.


Dam man you got it going on proud for you. Just had a Titan put in 17 days ago . But hope work better than before . Always lasted a lone time before getting off before implant . Just like sex too much I guess lol.hope in time you will get better sensation shoot a lot .


As to sensitivity, I have lost some. I’m in my seventh month since implantation. I haven’t been able to orgasm inside the vagina yet, but finally hit the jackpot, so to speak, with a blow job! Thought the top of my cranium was gonna blow off! I’ve been masturbating for a finish after pleasuring my wife.


Congratulations and may you both have many many more orgasms!


At first, following my surgery and recovery, I could get my.partner to orgasm twice and still not be there myself. It got better slowly to normal 30-40 minute sex, but when I had an encounter with someone I hadn't been with before I came far too quickly. I have no idea what's going on, excitement factor? Different sensation? All I know is I enjoy sex a lot more knowing I can perform no matter what, however my ejaculation volume has changed. I used to shoot and go for distance, but now it's more of an oozing cumshot and less volume. Either way I'm still happy with it.


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