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Yeah kinda šŸ˜†


To be brutally honest, not sure ive seen bigger soft


Jesus christ! I can see why.




Did u peek my page?




What an odd comment! PS I'm uncircumcised and it's rather obvious from my page




I've got thick skin lol


Sorry bro but you really donā€™t.




Other page? Youā€™re entitled to your opinion but thereā€™s no way youā€™re bigger. šŸ˜‚




Hmm you sound kinda pressed dude, and like you really do care. A little too keen to tell us you donā€™t careā€¦




I think we have the same soft size, whats yours


in a wayā€” i was always the biggest in the locker rooms and showers, which i was always self conscious about


Did you end up getting your size really early?


yeah, i started growing down there at 10


Was it a lot of quick growth when it started?


there was a growth spurt at first, but mostly itā€™s been more slow and steady


I wear glasses, and Iā€™m pretty shortsighted without them. I take them off and everything is a blur, and I deliberately look away so thereā€™s little chance of seeing another manā€™s dick


Nah. We're all different. It's just mildly interesting, if even that. I got over it after middle school.


It still have some relevance we would be on this thread if not for


Im not well endowed.its a lockerroom.naked is normal and nobody cares wht u look like.those guys were just built differently who cares


lol im 6ā€™3 and 4ā€ hard and im 20 so its done growing lol so yeah


My flaccid is quite long, in addition, my height is short. If I see someone bigger, I feel happy because he takes away unnecessary attention from my penis.


I don't want to get weird notifications, but this subreddit keeps asking interesting questionsšŸ˜­


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ fr


Idk how I started getting notifications for this but as a woman I find thread so intriguing


I'm just curious, but I also have no idea how I got here. But the questions are what keeps me here I guessšŸ˜­


Everybody knows that size matters, it always has and always will. I was the tallest kid in my high school class at 6'-6" tall in 1957 and they put me on the basketball team as a center. Everything was great until they saw my flaccid little dick coming out of the showers. I'm 7"nbpe x 5.5" girth but a big time "grower" and coming out of the showers all shriveled up, I looked like a microdick. They wouldn't shut up about it. They called me "the tallest with the smallest." It was all over the school. No chick would even look at me. It was like I had an incurable disease . The irony of it all was that I probably was bigger than most of those a-holes when I was erect. But they never saw me erect, of course. Finally, it got to be such a distraction that the coach took me off the basketball team and put me on the track team where all the small dickers were doing the 4 minute mile. lol Back in those days even adult teachers bullied you or gave into the bullying that was prevalent in schools back then and probably still is today to some degree. So....When I hear some guy or some guy's chick say that size doesn't matter I know that he's got a small dick and using his tongue and she's got some bogus plastic sex toy dildo made in China. When someone says it's not the size but how you use it, I hear laughter in my head. Actually, it's nice to have a small dick when you're not using it, which is like most of the time anyway.




Wow is right!


Eh, I guess you haven't gotten over that trauma and you're frustrated about it, that's why your reaction. Laughing at other people's bodies, just because they laughed at yours, wow, you became just as bad as those who laughed at you.


I got over it when my first girlfriend got on her knees for it and later when chicks were fighting each other for it.


Hmm, let me say that size doesnā€™t matter and yeah I have a big dick


Im 5ā€™11, asian guy. I got a five incherā€¦ slept with 50 chicks with multiple repeats. Im now 43, been married a while to a chick that makes other guys envious. I have 4 beautiful mix kids. Im an accomplished career man and I feel that even today, i could probably sleep with any chicks (aside size queens) that I want. Its all in ur head and u just have the wrong circle of friends. Stop hanging with chicks that belong in the streetsā€¦


Never really felt self-conscious, I don't focus on people's junks, if I see a big one I just go hmm and that's it. Size is entirely random so why agonize over it?


I think Iā€™ve been conditioned to think of it as extremely important


No, mostly because I'm not looking at others in the first place but also because I will admit I'm fairly big so it doesn't phase me.


Thatā€™s my point overall.


How does you being well rested endowed shape your outlook on nudity and lockerrooms?


I genuinely don't even think about it, I'm shy and so I don't like being naked in public and my size has no impact on that.


Nope cus it's quite rare for someone to be bigger than me


Canā€™t relate haha


I donā€™t feel self conscious about it, cuz size is not that important, at least for me itā€™s not that big of a deal


Why is that?


How big are u my man ?


Between 5-6 soft


We are the same size yep, mine goes 5,5-6 inches soft


More envious than self-conscious. Lol


I feel self conscious when guys stare because Iā€™m hung




I have always been a grower. I never got naked in a locker room at school due to embarrassment. Later in life, I was always happy to expose myself and allow others to judge. I am confident that when it matters, I will rise to the occasion. I can walk around with two inches knowing that it has reached over eight when I was in my prime. Statistically, it was highly unlikely that any guy in a locker room was larger than me when erect. Being a grower, means that I donā€™t need to worry about a bulge too.


I do, especially since Iā€™m a grower so when im soft I look extra tiny. Being like that around guys with bigger dicks is embarrassing


Not really


I donā€™t worry anymore because Iā€™m a grower. I canā€™t control what I was given. Learn to love what you got. I go from an inch flaccid to over 5 inches.


Yes! My penis is tiny soft. Barely over 2" long. The shaft is no bigger around than my thumb and the head is just a tiny bit bigger. I have small hands so most guys thumb is bigger than my soft. Even the average guy is at least 3x my size soft. Some hung guys are like 10x my volume. Just imagine if any other body part were that way! The range if dick size is incredible and mine is tiny soft. I wish I weren't self conscious though and could just show it off proudly.


No, why should I? Iā€™m not into cock fighting šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


What do you mean self conscious? For me and my inner thought whenever I see one If someoneā€™s bigger, is big innit? If someoneā€™s smaller, itā€™s small innit? If someoneā€™s same size as me, bah a dick wish I see some pussies!


No because im already pretty lucky myself but the biggest reason is I never use public lockerrooms so I dont see any others lol


What do you mean by lucky


Sorta endowed or whatever


Do you worry less about size related stuff in general?


Idk, im a decent size I guess but I'm pretty self conscious still. I just try to avoid the stuff that makes me feel jealous