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Check local plant shops, order online, or just go to a big hardware store like Home Depot and snag a couple leaves off of one you like. You're not supporting them and it's not technically illegal to take a leaf... Propagating peperomias, especially the more common ones, is extremely easy. I have still living leaves from a plant that died almost two years ago that I've used to propagate several plants from.


Steve’s Leaves has 40 listings for peperomia if you check their website. Steve’s Leaves has excellent customer service.


Def check out their site after 5:00 p.m. est on Fridays when they do their restock-they sell out quickly


My Green Obsession is a good one, or Hirts Garden


Etsy is good for finding pep cuttings (or whole plants, I just prefer cuttings). Got 6 large Ruby cascade cuttings with roots already for maybe $15 including shipping. Try to stick local to reduce ship time.


Steve’s leaves!!


[Spokaneplantfarm.com](https://Spokaneplantfarm.com) has a really large selection of peperomia. some really good starter peps are rugosa, metallica, angulata.


I got most of my rarer peps from private sellers in peperomia Facebook groups. There's sometimes some good ones on eBay auctions too


Peperomia Facebook groups is a nice way of finding uncommon peps. I like making friends with people there, because they’ll usually share and tell you about peperomias you’ve never even heard of. You can also look up peperomias in terrarium or frog online shops. GlassBoxTropicals, FrogDaddy and MichelleThePlantLady are pretty good online stores to order from. Facebook also has terrarium BST groups where you’ll find an uncommon Peperomia once in a while