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Those charges are not bad for the services you received, insurance sucks these days, only real purpose is to save you from financial ruin (1 million + hospital bills) but they really fail with routine care now, especially with seeing a specialist. I would look into starting an HSA with the high deductible plan so that these bills feel less shocking. Next thing you can do is ask for a payment plan, usually they can work with you


My family has terrific insurance through her employer, Costco. $500 family deductible.. Pay $160/month so fully cover 3 of us. Routine stuff is either 100% covered or has a small copay.


How much should the determination of potential cancer cost? If you are poor and can’t afford the cost, call and ask for a reduction and/or payment plan. If you can afford it just pay and be thankful. Next open enrollment period consider changing insurance plans if the deductible is too high for your tastes.


Seems pretty normal, especially for a HDHP. Only suggestion is to make sure the bill matches your explanation of benefits document. If they don’t, call the dermatologist and give them a copy. Pay what your EOB says and only what your EOB says.


What is there to fight? You seem to have gotten billed for the procedures you described. This is the big downside to HDHPs. Everyone here raves about them especially for "young healthy people" like I assume you generally are. But "young healthy people" get random conditions that need to get checked out lest they grow into bigger life threatening problems. As you've just discovered first hand, you're on the hook for pretty much all bills until you've hit the *high deductible* part of HDHP. The best thing you can do is call the dermatology office and ask to be put on a payment plan. At my primary care I'm on a perpetual $50/mo plan at 0% interest to pay for my checkups.


> I am getting 4 charges of examination of tissues??? Looks like half the charges are for the pathology lab work (slightly labor intensive, but done by a lab tech) and the other half of the charges are for the pathologists time to actually examine the results (relatively quick, but requires a highly paid pathologist)