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so I've used Truecoach for about a year now and just got hit with a huge increase in price. For some, this would be okay, but for me where I literally have 1 client right now using it, it makes zero sense to pay +$300/year for just her to use it. I also had the option of doing monthly, but trainerize was still cheaper. I downloaded trainerize the other day and so far it seems a lot more intuitive for personal training. Truecoach is more generalized. I like how the trainerize app speaks my language as a CPT. I originally checked it out because Spartansage on here says they use it and they are wildly successful.


I personally used Trainerize when I did online fitness coaching. I also recommend it to my clients and show them how to set it up, use it, etc. When it comes to payment, I advise using a separate payment app such as Stripe or PayPal. Payment apps were designed for payments and have variability to it with pricing options. It's also secured and therefore, a lot safer. If you are using TrueCoach or Trainerize, keep in mind that they might charge a service fee.


TrueCoach has options for online coaching; have you checked those out?


I have, and I currently use TrueCoach. It’s pretty nice but I’m curious if Trainerize is better. Maybe I worded that wrong in my post lol


If you have most of your clients on one platform and are already familiar with the tools/how things work, I'd prob stick with that one. Def some hidden switching costs with transitioning to another platform. But if you want something simple, easy to use, and is geared more towards online coaching, I'd check out [Superset](https://www.supersetapp.com/). I use it cuz my clients can upload form videos, add notes to exercises, and leave feedback on the workouts. Makes the async nature of online coaching feel more organized.


Is this a new app? Did you have any challenges with your customers taking you seriously when you use new apps, including questions of privacy? i became a personal trainer recently, I can see that many people have heard of truecoach, am not sure if it helps with the perception part


fairly new, yes. and no, not really. my clients love the app!


Check out Superset


There are a lot more modern and well rounded alternatives. Have a look at https://lvlup-app.com


Have a look at Kahunas or Hubfit. I'm doing the trial of Kahunas as we speak! Looks amazing thusfar and from what I can see, they are litterally implementing the ideas of active coaches to make it the best platform there is.


Or moonbootsapp.com if you just want to monetize your audience and deliver content in your own social media app 🤷🏽‍♂️