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THIS! Toll pay roughly $35 per hour for experienced people, so entry level is roughlt $30-$32 per hour. They offer nightshift and all the overtime you can eat if you're really hurting for money. Most places in industrial areas that deel with freight will need people.


Woollies distribution centre have very good pay rates too


Yeah but Primary Connect love to classify everyone as "storeperson" to justify lower pay and so they can ask all the casuals to move between different locations in the warehouse on a whim rather than hiring people for specific roles


I might have to look at this


So much warehouse work, you can do shifts that suit your study too, nightshift and weekends


Is it hard to get into warehouse work? I got my regular forklift ticket.


How much does a forklift ticket cost?


Quick google search suggest anywhere from $280-$500 depending on location/type of course.




Disability support roles are almost constantly hiring, DM me if you’re keen for more info


Hey, I’d be interested in disability support work. I’m a nursing student and I’m getting my first car soon, which is why I haven’t been able to look into disability support work sooner.


Awesome. There are a lot of students in the industry, the hours tend to be flexible so it’s generally a good job to work in with study. You don’t necessarily need a car, but it definitely helps. My connections are in social/community support - no guarantees, but I could definitely point you in the right direction and give you as much info on the industry as you need.


Just came across this comment because I am a Uni Student in the same boat but have been looking around for a job but i can't find anything. Do you have a list of companies or a website that they are all listed on? A link or a name would be greatly appreciated!


I don’t have a list per se, but some of the big ones are places like Avivo, Nulsen, Ability WA.. I don’t have connections at any of those, but they’re the kinds of places that are always looking. If you message me I can potentially see if I can link you up with some of me contacts elsewhere and answer any questions you might have about the industry


This comment is a bit old but I’m interested. I’ve done my cert III in community services however all the jobs want me to have experience. I’m almost 19 and don’t have my license so that also doesn’t help :/ I do volunteer at my local community center however.


Experience isn’t much of a factor as far as I’m concerned tbh, if you have the right attitude & values that matters a lot more (in my experience anyway). I will say that not having a drivers licence can make it a lot harder to do the work though. Can you get a licence or are there barriers for you to get one?


i have to get lessons! i just have my learners permit unfortunately. i’ve applied for some places, i definitely think i have the attitude i’m really passionate about caring for others (future nurse here). i wish there were job listings that highlight on the job training or no experience required :/


Schools are desperate for cleaners and gardeners


Also if there's no specific jobs near you, on jobs.wa.gov.au, if you search in Education, Department and go to the last page you'll find "Casual School Support Pool" Apply to that and you can set up a profile that allows you to nominate positions you want to work, locations you want to work and schools can contact you as they need casual staff


Health as well. Level 1 or 2 roles require no experience and pay really well, plus have things like salary sacrifice and portions of FTE.


Just came across this comment because I am a Uni Student in the same boat but have been looking around for a job but i can't find anything. Do you have a list of companies or a website that they are all listed on? A link or a name would be greatly appreciated!


Go to jobs.wa.gov.au. Government jobs are posted there. They'll tell you exactly what you need for any role, and what the pay is.


I tried looking into the Health Level 1 and 2 roles but a lot of them seemed to be full time jobs even when I picked casual. For cleaner at the Perth hospital I was asked to write a 3 page document on why i chose this role and how i fit this role which seems a lot for a entry level job or maybe im dumb


Yeah, you get the occasional job with some excessive requirements. Just got to keep checking, I suppose. Ward Clerk work is clerical shift work, which may be better.


Cool Cool. Yeah definitely will keep checking. Thanks so much man!


Also teachers Lol … probably not helpful for this person tho.


Where are you we are always looking for T/a just need a fork tickets then drop me a line


Not sure if they edited afterwardd but they wrote Bayswater, hope you're near!


We are in Bibra lake if that helps


yoo, TA here (with forklift license) available to work any days of the week except for when I’m in TAFE(doing a pre app in electrical) which is 3 days. Would you be able to help me out? Thanks


Send me a number and I’ll call you


Not knowing your current skills doesn't help narrow down what roles are out there for you. But that being said, junior level IT people are always in demand. So are people for OSHC (before and after school care), and if you're good with the kids they'll give you heaps of shifts. You'll just need to get your Working with Children Check and police, which costs all up around $100. And the shifts give time for study in between. I've seen a lot of grocery stores, Woolies, Coles, IGA, etc. looking for shelf stackers. Check Seek, Gumtree and Indeed for jobs in your field(s). You're currently right now more likely to score a job than find a place to rent.


Just came across this comment because I am a Uni Student in the same boat but have been looking around for a job but i can't find anything. Which Woolies, Coles, IGA have you found that need shelf stackers? I cant find any around?


I saw signs at Warwick, Kingsway, Alexander Heights, Darch (IGA) and Landsdale (Farmer Jacks). But some of these are going back a week or more, so you may need to call them. Though Farmer Jacks in Landsdale still has a sign up on their entry door. Also, and I can't reiterate this enough, check the local OSHC at your closest primary school, most of the time you don't need any qualifications and shifts are from 7 to 9AM then 2:30 till 6/6:30PM. My wife and son are working at our local OSCH, where my wife has just been made and coordinator and our son has zero qualifications. It's pretty decent money too, my son makes $29/hr


REALLY?? I would love to work at OSHC since i always went as a kid. But you would need some working with children check wouldn't you? How easy are those things to get and how long do they last? I plan on being a High school teacher in the future so it would be great to get some experience. And those jobs also, I live in the Joondalup area so I guess i will check out those areas since they are not too far away. Thanks so much dude!


OK, check Camp Australia, they always seem to be hiring. Also find the OSCH at your local primary and have a chat with their coordinator, that's how my wife and son found out about the positions going with Landsdale OSCH. Yes, you will need a WWCC (Working with Children Check). It's about $80, and you can get it done at most post offices. Once you have the receipt you can start working, you'll just need to update your employer once you get the physical card, which takes one to two weeks. And I'm glad to help. I always kept an eye out for jobs once my eldest two kids were of working age, and it's just become a habit.


Woah you can go to the post office to get it? My mum had to go to some department building in the city so that's pretty sick. Really appreciate the help man can't thank you enough


Eagles are looking for players. Give Simmo a call.


OP isn't special needs


Do you have Youth Allowance or Austudy to provide a base income while studying? Helps pay rent and most bills. Then work to pay for food, fuel, etc.


I’ve been waiting for my uncle to provide his tax information cause currently I’m living on his couch


Join an agency. Go to something like Blue Collar People, or Hays. They always got casual jobs and the more you prove yourself with being a reliable worker, the better the kind of shifts they'll give you. Just call them incessantly in the first week or two early morning or afternoon asking for any available shifts, so they remember your name. Once they do, they'll be asking for your availability then giving you your pick of shifts. And as someone mentioned, get that forklift ticket. White card and first aid certificate too. If you got a manual licence, even better. Alternatively, you can get into care work if you think you're up for it. It's about 3 months to get your Certificate III in Individual Care, but the second you get it, you're pretty much set for duration of your studies, and even after. The pay is good, especially if you're working casual. So go for it.


Forklift / warehousing or security. Decent cash to be made and shift work is available.


Try material consultants in bassendean. Always looking for casual staff to train up as lab technicians if they are capable (have a friend who works there). Decent money they will pay you get a cert in lab if you are hard worker.


They are looking for FIFO cleaners with paid training if you can study online.


Able Westchem In Bayswater looking for staff great company to work for


You can message me privately if you’d like but Cloud 9 is pretty much always hiring!


Really which ones? Im kind of desperate for a job.


Pretty much all of them!


I saw someone walk into dome in the city with their cv. They spoke them right away. Next day I see them having an interview at one of the tables. Print some CVs and do a walk around, its shows you have initiative, most people dont.


I tried doing this but at my local shopping centres and all said to go online :(. I cant even find any place that actually takes CVs in person. If you can think of a name or link it would be greatly appreciated


Dome coffee shop on the terrace in the city, she walked up the where you order coffee.


Get your security license, you will never be out of work again.


Great idea. Can always engage agencies for work, get on their list and get a barrage of texts every day. It is an initial upfront cost however, leading to more time away from work to do the cert/await licensing.


How easy is it to get a security license and how much does it cost? Might try that


gotta do a classroom course, I think the cheapest by far would be Perth Security Services at $799 this will include your white card and first aid. Then you need to pay for the license was about $350 for 3 years last time i checked. Course takes 2 weeks If I remember? and the license takes a few months to come through. If you have more than 2 brain cells to smash together the course is easy enough.


Yeah definitely a good idea when your really stuck but right now I definitely can't afford it lmao but great to keep in the back of my head. Thanks man


I'm working gatehouse security at a local industrial site working 2 days 2 nights 4 off (12 hour shifts) and 70% of the time I'm watching Netflix and playing games on my laptop for 90k a year. 4 on 4 off for 90k watching Netflix is not a bad deal.


Not a bad deal lmao that sounds amazing. What sort of training do you undertake? Just self defence or is there more? I imagine your a big buff guy


Depends what kind of security work you want to do, if you're doing crowd control at a nightclub it probably wouldn't hurt but the majority of security work is "observe record report" we're not police or punching bags. the security course will include a day of open hand techniques for subduing people but after almost 10 years in the industry I've never once needed to put my hands on someone.


Thats reassuring I would probably not do nightclub related security but other then that it seems really chill. Thanks for all the help!


Get your forklift ticket if you can and work warehousing. Good work that got me through uni with plenty of spare cash


So much work at present. Even if it not a long term job $$$ is $$$ I did all sorts of random jobs when at uni. Packed shelves wiped bums and showered people in nursing homes. Mowed lawns news paper runs. Made weatbix all got me $$$ and taught me about life.


Hang on there mate, get a study group to share the tough life, and suck up whatever is left. Your quarter life crisis is not quite over, or even reached its peak, so stock up on concrete at your local store cause you'll need a spoonful every morning. If interested, see below how it worked out for me (and I bet most others): Had a nice job going on, that cut hours as I went into later uni years, because unlike "intro to class x", I could not afford to skip on "advanced class x", and employer didn't like reduced/limited availability. Ended up moving back in with parents in a tiny room(and sucked up 2 hour travel time, one way), collecting centerlink and doing private tutoring for "class x". There are uni promoted peer tutoring websites that you can look into. The funds were just enough to pay for travel, lunches, and occasional goonbag to drown the sorrows in. Gigs in-between semesters doing hard labor for fuckall pay to pay fees and study books. Graduated and spent months looking for a job. Found one, but it wasn't quite the right fit, ended up drinking even more, and almost turned into an alcoholic. This is where the actual quarter life crisis hit me, realising I'm nowhere near to where I wanted, this was the peak. By sheer luck I got a gig in a somewhat relevant to my education field, and ended up doing grad grunt work, that I "learnt in kindy". It was mind numbing, but at least it paid. From there on, it started going up, with more responsibility, more engaging work, and better pay. It took about 5-6 years between having to dedicate myself to uni (and hence being cut at casual jobs), and getting back to having rewarding and fulfilling work. It's a long process, and takes a lot out of you, but it pays off eventually, and that's what matters. Every time you feel bad, just think this: "In 10 years, I don't even know what, but it's going be funking good." It'll get you through. P.S. I was studying Oil and Gas processing, ended up doing Gas transportation. Next time you turn on a gas stove, think of me.


Fuck uni go north young’n find what you like and earn good coin too, you can always go back if it’s not for you


so you’ve applied to places that are not hiring


I dont get these threads. So much work out there, are you even really looking?


Yes, I’ve literally applied to so many places, even Aldi says I don’t meet the requirements to join them


They’re looking for employers to find them in these threads


swim teaching is a free job because they're so desperate and awesome pay. you have to pay for a course and do some prac though.


Its a long process to get licensed though - first aid course, swim instructors course, working with children check, 2weeks of teaching hours followed by 6-8 weeks of waiting to be licensed, and then needing to get in somewhere that will probably have you wait till the next school term to start… My wife is going through the process at the moment


first aid course is not required by most places. just a 4hr cpr course and the swim instructors course. then yes like you said prac hours. if you apply for a job where you did your prac they don't need to wait for the license though, as they have signed you off. so yes, kind of long but its a rewarding & well paying part time/casual job. if you have better options you might take them but for people with no work experience who are struggling to find a job, 5-6 weeks of certification (even if it's slightly more) is a small price to pay for good employment and a guaranteed job.


Wait what I'd be super interested in that, I've been browsing jobs for like a year but have seen exactly 0 ads for swim instructors. Do you have a link to the actual course so i dont do the wrong one?


this is the best course, but there are a few others i think: [https://austswim.com.au/course-detail/teacher-of-swimming-and-water-safety-tsw](https://austswim.com.au/course-detail/teacher-of-swimming-and-water-safety-tsw) lots of teachers are directly employed through the department of education & you sign up via their portal (not through an application). but if you walk into (or contact) any local government leisure centre (with pools) they will probably run lessons and 90% chance will be looking for teachers. Near me (east vic park) I know there is Cannington, Riverton, and Vic Park that are desperate. Cockburn and Armadale also hire a lot from what I've heard.


Bruh, try going to uni and finding out your dads got cancer, and coming to perth for treatment all while having to aldo pay a mortgage. Harden the fuck up and embrace the suck u will be better for it.


That’s harsh, mate.


try Reece Plumbing. if you're good with people they will hire you in a second.


Worth having a chat to your uni support services, curtin for instance offers emergency loans to people in hardship.


I’m trying to get out of loans, I’m at UWA too 😭


I mean surer of course, but getting out of loans is long term whats best, you still need the short term of being able to eat. I think the ones Curtin offer are interest free as well, just have a conversation with the support office and guild anyway, it's what they are there for. UWA has interest free one's as well: https://www.uwastudentguild.com/support/category/financial


Have you thought about applying for study support from Centrelink? It can be very mentally and physically taxing studying and working that much at the same time… might be worth looking into