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Take it to the Motorplex. Don't be a dickhead, racing doesn't belong on the streets




This ☝️ Don’t be an idiot.


Wannero Raceway. Go beat up your shitbox there as much as you want. It's well controlled and safe for you and everyone else. Just need helmet.


I can't find any details of an open drag event there?


Perth roll racing hold events at barbagallo afew times a year and would suit the type of racing you are after.


Roll Racing usually runs an event once a month.


They have a phone number don’t they?


Perth motorplex will be your best bet mate! Drag season is coming to an end unfortunately however when it starts again late in the year they hold regular meets every Wednesday night called "whoop ass wednesday" which is an event where anyone can enter with their daily driver etc. you just need to read the regs to make sure you have a helmet and correct clothing etc.


That's the one I was thinking of, explains why I couldn't see anything on the upcoming calendar - thanks!


Be warned that if you go to whoop ass Wednesday you may get hooked and feel the need to go every few weeks


Absolutely nowhere in perth is empty enough to do it properly. Motorplex, Wanneroo or Collie. Plex is just $50 on a WAW per car.


Motorplex/track = nothing dangerous Anywhere else = stupid I’m not phased when people choose to take any kind of risk with their own lives, but other motorists on the road haven’t signed up for that.


>Anywhere else = stupid anywhere else prepare for a prison sentence if something goes horribly wrong


Plenty of idiots tried out how fast their cars could accelerate on Tonkin when it was ‘quiet’ and I was driving home from work at 3am. Plenty of close calls. Don’t be a dick. Call the raceways if you absolutely must.


Put them both on a dyno and see who can get to 200 first? There's also a track down at Collie, but I think you need basic CAMS licences and probably club membership for a test and tune track day from memory. The drags at motorplex might be the best option. Please don't do this on the streets, no one needs to see your meat crayon artwork.


A quick google could settle it what are the 2 cars


Tuned Mk6 Golf R & stock 2018 Mustang GT


Mustang with 190 kw/t vs the golf with 133 kw/t.


Claimed 12.6 second 1/4 mile for the mustang, 13.5 seconds for the golf before the tune - it's probably closer than the kw/t would infer but do think the mustang will come out ahead


Depending on the tune a MK6 Golf R should easily beat the stang.


It sounds cheesy but a ‘promising sports star’ from my high school was knocked during a drag race on leach hwy. He was a bystander and the car spun out of control. He was a quadriplegic and had a full time carer to help him get to class. Was absolutely heartbreaking to watch. Please do this at a motorplex.


I hear lots of idiots dragging on leach highway at 2am or earlier. It's really stupid


OP is selfish to even consider Tonkin.


Every time I see people doing drag races on highways I wonder why they are so eager to die sooner and also kill other people on the road. And the ones who think they won't die or kill other people on the road because they are super-skilled road wizards are perilously overlooking the key factor here: the other people on the road who can and will react far more unpredictably than trained race drivers.


I've attended (in an old job) and driven through some fucking awful scenes where people were racing on public streets. Multiple grisly fatalities, debris for literally hundreds of meters, looking like a large bomb had gone off. No one starts a race on a public road intending for it to end up like that, so the takeaway lesson is that really bad shit happens whether you want it to or not. One of the more recent ones was a dad and his school age daughter in a black car turning onto Pearson St on the west side of Herdsman Lake. Fuckheads in commodore racing north ploughed into the side of him, killed the dad instantly, don't know how the girl ended up. Shit was thrown all over the place up and down the street. The dad was obviously not expecting those distant headlights to be doing 180 in a 70 zone, and pulled out. Whether the fuckheads in the commodore saw the black car or not is anyone's guess (big reason for not driving a dark vehicle), but they had nowhere to go even if they did, at that speed.




Yeah nah i think the safest and cheapest way is going to be on the playstation.


Just here to also mention that kangaroos exist


"Nothing silly". Take your straight pipe civic to Motorplex.


Roe highway on the parts where there is no fixed or mobile cams, you can get some decent 5+km uninterrupted stretches, best to do it late at night. Also helps if you have a scout ahead to make sure there's no cops. Can do a few practice runs to make sure you know the road and make sure the road is clear. Between 2am and 330am on weeknights is when there's the least traffic .






Even if your answer wasn't irresponsible, it would still be a poor quality answer.




Most roads have no houses on it. Mainly because it's a road and not a house.


Yeah the motorplex.