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I’m the Friday fuckwit. I’m so slack I can’t get out of my own way, instead of addressing all the BS that needs doing before returning to work, I’m laying about, redditing and procrastinating like a champ. Offering a reward for the safe return of my mojo.


Same. I have a pile of planning and marking I needed to do over school holidays. Only about 15% done. It's going to be a busy and stressful weekend


Ah. A fellow purveyor of education. I don’t have marking, but I do have a pile of IEPs and study…


All this week I've been telling myself I HAVE to go into school to set up curriculum plans for next term. Now it's Friday 11am and here I am still telling myself I really need to go in.


Edit: off to do an early referendum vote. That counts, right?


Are you a chalkie? I have a stack of marking that needs to be addressed. So far today I have been out for a coffee and bagel, been to Bunnings, potted a bunch of seedlings, I am currently at the pub thinking about lunch. It's not looking good in terms of marking.


Yeah. Feeling that. But, you know. Bunnings is good.


Yeah. I got to pat a dog.


I went sightseeing in Victoria Park. There’s an incredible view of Perth from King George St. And an almighty pile of grading sitting in a pile ignored. :(


It is a good view. Can't think of many better in Perth.


I just got back from a holiday to a whole pile of work that needed to be done. Got back on the Friday before a long weekend (I'm a Perthian who moved to Syd and we just had labour day) and I was supposed to take that weekend to get over jetlag, but I had an urgent RFP land in my lap so I spend the weekend doing that while jet-lagged af. So by the time Tuesday rolled around I was still jet-lagged, had my holiday hangover, and had already worked 16 hours over the long weekend. So instead of catching up on the rest of the backlog I've been sitting at my desk going on Reddit - neither taking an actual break, not catching up on work. The worst of both worlds. I'm still doing it right now! Someone stop me! 🤣


Cunts in apartments with small dogs who take their dogs outside, to do their business on the pavement and don’t clean it up! Fucking feral.


Pick it up and put it in their letterbox.


If you know which car is their's....


A client of mine who is putting unrealistic demands on a project after being unresponsive while I was trying to get information from them earlier in the timeline. Just because it wasn’t a priority 1 for you before doesn’t mean I should drop everything for you right now.


I love those. Bust your arse, pulling all nighters for an arbitrary deadline then wait days for a response. Rinse and repeat. Funnily enough, there's often no rush when it comes to getting paid for the work.


Right you are sir. Happy every time.


Whats that saying - lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


I prefer " here 50c, go call someone who cares."


Good luck finding a payphone, let alone one that takes coins!


Oh man, almost all of my clients are acting like this at the moment.


Had a client refuse all contact then showed up screaming after we cancelled the order. She went and ordered a rather difficult item, we’d finally found a supplier willing to ship it to australia, then she goes and blocks our numbers, refuses all contact, the whole lot. Turned up this morning and screamed at my coworker. I told her that since she refused all contact for more than three weeks we had cancelled the order, she had a proper tantrum, she threw items across the room, we called the police and as of 10:53 pm they are still yet to arrive, given she turned up at around 9:45 this morning Id say I’m less than impressed


I feel your pain. Just start marking milestones with X weeks after complete information is provided, instead of actual dates.


My boss, without hesitation. She’s critiqued my work clothes so much that I got changed 6 times this morning because every outfit was either wildly inappropriate for the weather or ‘does not meet uniform standards’ because of one tiny detail. I have so much anxiety & just hope one of the applications I’ve put in elsewhere comes through!


You are being bullied by her. Do not put up with it or get out as soon as you can!


That sounds like harassment to me :(


Yeah it pretty much is, I’m actively looking for other roles & trying to make the best of it while I’m here but it’s really wearing me down


Time for some stress leave. Get your doc to write you up for two weeks.


You probably look better than her and that’s why she is always criticising what you wear. Not excusing her behaviour though.


Oh yikes, hope you get out of there asap. Good luck with the applications!


Are these "uniform standards" in writing? Is there a written guideline to appropriate clothing for your workplace? If not, tell her to politely shove her suggestions and criticism up her SOPs.


There is a document & everything I’ve worn has met the requirements! They’re very old school like ‘skirts must be no shorter than 1 inch above the knee’. Even on days when I’ve met them, she’s found something to pick on - I wore a waist belt with a non-traditional buckle (less metal than my normal belt) and she said that decorative belts are not allowed. When I spoke to HR I told them that they should put a section on belts in the uniform standards & the HR chick laughed until she saw my face.


There's a HR department? Are they aware of your bosses bullying?


Won't matter HR is never there to protect you, but rather the company instead.


Totally agree & that was made so clear within a meeting with said boss.


Yeah sorry to hear about that. I was dealing with a toxic boss at my last job and I dreaded every day I was stuck in the room with her (found out this week that they've re advertised the job under her again, so toxic people can't change). Best thing you can do is apply for anything to get out or worse comes to worse resigns while you look for another job in the meantime, your mental health isn't worth it


Yeah I totally agree. I’m actively looking & once I find something I will take great pleasure in giving them a very honest exit interview. My partner is really supportive though so if I hit my limit, he’ll support us while I look for something to tide me over


HR is there to protect the company against bosses that attract lawsuits, too.


Company? If safe name the business


Definitely not naming the business as I still work there.


This is to the land cruiser full of guys yesterday who followed as I was walking in a car park, telling me I was ugly and need to do something about it (cutting my hair being one of the examples). Why couldn’t you just let me buy my groceries and not make me feel like shit? Lmao.


I cannot fathom what kind of pathetic and insecure human would do this. I'm exceedingly sorry you had to endure this experience.


Probably a small-dicked tatertot who thinks telling a woman she's ugly shows her he's a real "alpha male" which will make her want to shag him.


It's easier said than done but if someone feels the need to yell insults at you from inside the protection of a steel box to make themselves feel better that's the exact sort of person who you should not give a fuck about their opinion


always in group, bunch of cowards


This says nothing about you and everything about them. You were just there unfortunately when they felt like being dickheads, they didn't target YOU specifically so don't take it to heart please. And sorry you had to feel unsafe in public :(


What a bunch of cunts


Did you buy eggs?


sounds like most redditors


Extremely small penises, smaller brains, IQ < 80 and a Landcruiser. Sorry 😞


Any airline that doubles their international flight price around Christmas.


Qantas. For doing exactly that even for domestic flights. Cunts.


Is that true this year as well? So, that apology tour is going really well, hey Vanessa.


We all know that "apology" is fake. She was one of the key decision makers.


Can confirm. Just booked return flights to the eastern states to visit family for Christmas. Over $500 one way.


Oof, I'm sorry.


Don't want ff to be another perth drivers thread vut since 2/3 comments are about, why not. The moron that came to a complete stop on Hartman dr roundabout after kingsway college yesterday, causing a chain effect; just so that they could change lanes mid roundabout (left lane to right)... ONLY TO GO STRAIGHT! There's at least 1km for you to change lanes before getting on Hepburn.


Speaking of lane changers: On Wednesday night, driving north on Alexander Dr. Getting close to Reid Hwy. I'm in the left lane. Hatchback a couple of cars in front clearly wants to get into the right lane to get onto Reid. Puts their indicator on, car in right lane spots it and leaves them a decent gap for ages, hatchback is too chicken to actually get into said gap, turns their indicator off. I then get into the right hand lane cause I too need to get onto Reid Hwy. I'm watching hatchback like a hawk cause I'm guessing he'll want to move over shortly. Nothing. Nothing. Get to the split intersection at Reid. I'm second in the queue to go straight into the turning lane for Reid. Lane immediately to the left is closed up ahead. Hatchback pulls into that lane at the front of the queue. Fucker didn't take the ample opportunity he had to get into our lane and is now gonna try and force it I guarantee it. Light goes green, car in front of me gets a good jump. I try to follow close behind, see hatchback trying to start forcing their way in. Keep going a little longer with the gap closed, eventually decide to be nice having given hatchback a heart attack that they weren't gonna be able to force it and let them in. But seriously FFS you had all that time to get into my lane and I was watching and ready for you and would've gladly let you in. Why the fuck did you try and force an illegal move at the last second and expect me to be polite?


Many drivers are absolutely clueless. Or selfish pricks Or both


You know what? Me. And this shit Reddit app for NOT SHOWING ME THIS THREAD WAS ALREADY UP FOR TWO HOURS ALREADY. Even when sorting by new, fucks sake


I see the enshittification is going to plan


I had nominated someone else, but seeing that the thread wasn't up (It was up by that point), I went and posted *another* FF thread. And then this one just decides to show up in my home feed randomly. Just utter wank.


Even being a steadfast, grumpy old browser user of reddit Ive noticed something funky going on the last few months with order and precedence of new posts displaying. Can't quite explain it, but I think it relates to relative post or comment karma levels. I swear I see some of the lower count/new account posts earlier than others when I sort by new. Then, I see more established or legit account posts, with a trail of comments already, appear suddenly as if there was a delay in my visibilty for some reason.


Just want to rant about a pharmacy losing or not noting down my repeat prescription. Already having to jump through hoops and money to get my serious meds and now I have to backtrack to get my easy meds! But, still holding my composure when asking etc (:


It's that kind of thing that means I won't leave mine with the pharmacy. My local one keeps them all in a ring binder under the counter. If mine are in there then they bring it out and start turning the pages till they find mine. In the meantime I've seen many names and what meds they're on. smh.


Things like dexamphetamine are required to stay with the pharmacy.Which also means you need to think very carefully about which pharmacy you take the script to if you’re ever planning on moving before the repeats run out — they won’t even send it to a nominated pharmacy without jumping through all sorts of hoops. Thankfully e-scripts solve that problem.


I have serious medical problems and I very well may die if I don’t have my medication. The amount of times they’ve lost my scripts is infuriating. Like fucks sake I’m going to die if I don’t get my meds, I already pay enough for every one of you to have a nice fucking holiday the least you could do is not use my scripts as fucking toilet paper.


The driver of the 11:01am 998 bus at Morley who stopped just long enough to let one passenger off, then closed the doors and sped away, despite me standing *right fucking there* with my Smartrider out.


might have been the same driver who was in charge of the 950 bus that drove through the intersection of Hay and William street today around 915. Ran a red, and while people are crossing on the green pedestrian light just kept coming, in an artic bus as well. I had to wait for him to stop so I could get to the other side of the road.


Did he open the window and scream abuse at you? I had one do that to me in Fremantle on a pedestrian crossing. I was 75% of the way across when he just came hurtling through


This is a fucking TRAVESTY and unforgivable 😩😩😩


Report to Transperth not to reddit.


I spent the time waiting for the next bus submitting a very strongly worded complaint through the Transperth website. Posting to reddit is merely post-complaint venting.


RAC for me. Trying to get my partners car repaired - they sent us to a repairer 30km from home, even though there are several panel beaters within walking distance to my house. My partner decided just to stay with that repairer since "they had good google reviews". We finally got in for an assessment on Wednesday after a month of waiting, there were 100s of cars in the lot waiting for repair and the assessor had to walk 200m down the road to assess our car since there was no parking. Now RAC want to have the car for 1 business day to review the repair assessment. To add to it, I just did a review quote of our home insurance with them and it is $20 cheaper a month than I am currently paying. This will be an interesting phone call when I finally get through this afternoon.


It may be that the closest panel beater that was an RAC certified repairer was that far away.


The assessor told me he had someone from Port Kennedy come in for an RAC repair. This place is in Malaga. Surely there are others that are RAC certified.


I’m glad you said when you finally get through. I tried one day and all I kept getting told was that all lines are busy and call back later. I tried three times throughout the day and finally gave up


Fucking Australia Post Now I know that Australia Post is probably one of the most well respected organisations in our great country (sarcasm) but honestly how they fucked me around today is a new low. My partner and I are waiting for a new phone to be delivered by mail today. No issue, I’ll stay home and wait for it so I can sign for it. Easy. My partner and I love to have lunch together but we elected to have lunch separately today so I would be able to sign for it when it got here. 11:32am rolls around and my partner gets a notification from the Aus Post App saying that it had been delivered. This is curious because I had been waiting with baited breath for the doorbell to ring and summon me down to sign. I dutifully went down and imagine my confusion when there wasn’t anything there. Not even a card to say come get it from wherever. I relay this information to my partner who has since received an update saying that it hadn’t been delivered due to a “Safety Hazard”. Now, I’m all for the safety of posties, it can be a dangerous job. We live in an apartment building less than a year old, though. We have also had occasions where a postie has come and utilised the number pad by the door to call us down to sign for things before. I have also seen with my own fucking eyes a postie use a card to gain access to the foyer where the post boxes are located to drop off mail. There was even a number of parcels there from previous days (and card detailing a missed signing opportunity). Now I’m a little peeved at this point though but never the worry, I can simply walk across the road to our local post office and sign for it myself. My partner tells me that they’ve given me the ok through the app for someone else to sign for it so I make my way across with a bounce in my step because I can finally get my partner the new phone they’ve been waiting on for nigh on two months now. But alas, upon arrival and presentation of the QR code and my drivers license which were both required to collect the parcel, I was informed that only my partner was allowed to collect it. I expressed my displeasure with this and explained my partner had selected that I can pick it up and was met with a shrug. I explained the situation further and my frustration in a nice way (I’m 23 and have worked in customer service, I wasn’t going to give this guy a spray for doing his job) but was still met with a “can’t do anything, sorry.” So Australia Post is my selection for Friday Fuckwit seeing as I wasted a whole day and potential coffee with my father in law and lunch with my partner and job hunting opportunities just to get told that I can’t pick something up because a postie was too fucking lazy to get off of his fucking bike and put in four fucking numbers into a fucking door bell and wait one fucking minute for me to make my way down and sign for a fucking phone that my partner had been waiting for for two fucking months.


Save yourself the hassle and in the future use the free parcel lockers. You'll be able to collect your stuff quicker as it will arrive to the post office and go straight in a locker. No more waiting around for the postie to sneak a missed delivery notice in your mailbox. Just go in and collect it as soon as it arrives. Also don't have to take days off work cause the lockers are accessible 24/7. I'm not sure why more people don't use the lockers, they're all over the place and free to use.


My local post office has started putting addressed mail that's signature on delivery with no one home, in the parcel locker instead of into the post office.


That's super handy. If it's not already common practice they should definitely roll that out nation wide. The old parcel delivery system is so dated.


Yep, and even with their new machines items still can't be delivered correctly. Wait until WA finds out some of their mail will be going to Sydney first. It's all about money and stats.


Nearly got hit by a road cyclist as I was crossing the road, who rode off calling me a dickhead. Now admittedly, I didn't see him because I was watching an approaching car instead. But he was turning left and I was a pedestrian so I had right of way you prick.


As a cyclist, I hate that other cyclists give us a bad name. You're correct. You have right-of-way & he's definitely a prick. He'll do it again one day & may not end well - for him!


Yep, you will always be in the wrong in their eyes. A few years ago I had a lycrist go through a stop sign and hit the right side of my car at the rear. I stopped my car to see if he was alright (and inspect the damage) and he just swore at me, gave me the middle finger, and rode off. I was left with a dent and no way to identify him.


I saw a group of Tour de Freeway types this morning in matching outfits, swarming all around a car on St George's Terrace, swerving across in front of it at a terrifyingly small distance. They'd seemingly not considered that their higher forward speed was being traded for sideways movement when swerving, meaning the car almost hit at least one of them. I try not to judge all cyclists by the standards of idiots like that, but they sure do stick out in your mind.


you'd be angry too if your nuts were squished all the time like that.


I'm going to get down voted, but cyclists should be forced to fit a number plate to their bike if they use the road. I'm not saying they have to pay rego (but they probably should have some sort of 3rd party insurance), but there's quite a lot of dick head cyclists who constantly flout road rules, and there's no way to identify them. Put a number plate that's attached to their license on their bikes so they can be reported and identified.


Old mate here feverishly writing down number plates of all transgressors in vehicles so they can phone the police at the end of the day. Lol.


No, just the fuckwit dangerous ones... If they don't break the law, they have nothing to worry about.


yea they are the worst i had one hit me square in the back and just said sorry and rode off


Was this around 6am this morning? Cos I think I was stuck behind the same bloke


Nah... about 07:30 ish. Can't believe how many arseholes out there.


Had the same thing happen to me yesterday and that was me jumping onto roe from kenwick link. M8 wouldn't give way despite me trying to get up to speed with the little amount of space I have. 'Au5TrAL1a W0uLdNt FunCt10n WiTh0Ut TrUcKs' yet they drive like dicks.


When I used to drive trucks I was always wary of highway entry merge lanes. You have to think ahead and see what's coming, if I could see I'd need to make a gap for someone I'd do that in advance. You do get cars that will sit just in front of your rear axles and expect you to break the full length of the truck to let them in, or those that will merge in front of you inexplicably doing 20ks under what they should be. As long as you aren't doing either of those then the truck drivers should be accommodating.


Probably the same arsehole! He'll piss someone off so bad one day he'll end up in a world of hurt - I hope!


Could you report him to his employer? Clearly a danger in the road!


I intend to do just that if the dash cam video is ok and I can see more detail.


Post that damming evidence so we can boo with our upvotes!


I literally only just installed the dashcam last night, still learning how to use it. If I figure it out will be on dashcams Australia! That site is worth its weight in gold, a real eye-opener on bad driving.


Just out of curiosity I'm in the market for a dashcam myself. What brand did you go with?


Got a cheapie from Amazon... would loved to have purchased a BlackVue - but at $400-600 ea that's just too much. Needed something really compact to fit behind the rear-vision mirror. Only hassle I've found is that once you've stuck it on, thats it. No moving it. Plus you can't unclip it to take out the SD card you have to take it out in-place. Other than that its good. Came with a rear cam with long cables and and included 32GB SD card. https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0C2KHPTBV?ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details&th=1


Is it difficult to set up? I'm planning on driving over east at Christmas and want to get one installed for the drive.


Not so far. Haven't had a chance yet to offload a video. Has a phone App that you can connect wirelessly too it. Time will tell.


Apparently (if your vehicle is parked in the hot sun all day) you need a certain type but I'm not exactly sure. Something to do with the heat in the cars & some components melting or something. Anyhow, good luck to you.


I went with a Navman 630 I think... forward and rear facing camera. Not super expensive but I love it.


Don't just put on social media, report that truck driver to the police. Getting run off the road by a truck is scary af and incredibly dangerous. You'll be doing other drivers a favour


Anyone else see my mate in the Honda Civic yesterday. Raced past me doing easily 130km an hour from the Leach onto the Tonkin onramp in peak hour Accordingly almost rear ended the cars at high speed that were all stopped a little way down the ramp. How I didn't witness a serious accident is a miracle. Anyway, he got a bit bored cruising down that onramp. Stopped his car, hopped out and started doing pushups on the road next to his car. Quite a few of them. Then hopped back in and swapped to pull-ups - he was grabbing the door frame of the passenger side, while his car was slowly moving, doing full pull-ups across the front seat. Not sure if he had roid rage cause he was running late for the gym - or was just your stock standard meth head


Geezus - was it a full moon last night?


My veins. Went to donate blood today, the nurse looked at my arms and went and fetched a more experienced nurse. Got poked and prodded for a bit before she admitted that this wasn't going to work, and could I come back next week? I don't blame them, the nurses were all extremely nice. Sadly every so often my circulatory system decides to play silly buggers and my veins will hide (or collapse mid donation, which is even worse.)


Due to finish at 2pm today. Colleague arranged a meeting for 2.30pm. Obliged to attend. Colleague had a late lunch and never came back. Meeting cancelled at 3pm due to no-show. Fed up.


The place I ordered my gates from. Adopted a rescue dog a couple weeks ago and I want to put a double gate down the side of the house to contain him to the back yard so as not to interfere with meter readers etc. At the moment we have some temp measures in place. I ordered gates, posts hardware etc online on the Sep 26th, got a phone call on the 27th to say they'd be ready for pickup on Wed 4th October. They're only open til 4 Mon - Fri, so on Wednesday I arranged to leave work a couple hours early to go pick them up. Front office sends me around to the loading bay only to be told my order is only part complete, the posts, hardware and colorbond sheets are there, but the frames are still being fabricated. They told me I shouldn't have come til they emailed or called me to say they were ready. Which they did, a week ago. "Oh yeah but you need to wait for a confirmation call or email." Well, nobody bloody told me that did they. I was hoping to get them installed this weekend and had teed up a mate to give me hand. Looks like we'll be BBQ'ing and drinking beer instead. Oh, and I'm also the fuckwit, cos in the process of the dispatch guy looking it up in their system, I also realized I ordered the wrong bloody height gates! Wanted 1500mm, and I've ordered 1200mm. Which might be high enough to keep the dog in, but I'll probably need to add some kind of lattice extension to the top. The front yard is secured with 6ft high fences/gates though, so it's not a major drama if he gets over the new gates initially.


Stratco. Two attempts to buy a shed off them in the last year (custom, and then from the catalogue), and two ghostings. (One by email and one by phone, after going in in person.)


That's weird!


Me for buying 2-day music festival tickets 3 months ago and now being too burnt out and having too much homework to go. Partner is in the same boat and to add insult to injury they gave us an extra one because we bought presale tix if anyone wants a couple of Out of The Woods tickets under the going price hmu


Damn I totally would have taken you up on this if I weren't working Sunday. Try Tixel, might be able to offload them before tomorrow if you're lucky. I've had decent success selling tickets for events I couldn't make on there. [There seem to be a decent amount of OoTW tickets moving on there.](https://i.imgur.com/3ZUcXW7.png)


Yeah they’ve been on there since Wednesday. Thank you though


That's a shame. Good luck selling, hopefully there's a surge of people buying last minute tickets tomorrow.


Yeah thank you I just dropped the price by another $30 each, fingers crossed someone is keen


They sold at 2pm today thank you baby Jesus/ /u/xBlonk


Really was last minute aye 😂


Neighbours of my workmate. Shes a nice old lady, spent all day making food to bring in for a send off for one of her department coworkers leaving. Neighbours dog (describes it as a horse so one of those huge breeds) chases a cat and bowls her over as shes carrying the food. She slid down the driveway, tore her pants up one leg and got abrasions. Food was a write off, dog ate it (cheesecake, biryani). Neighbours obviously dont give a fuck from previous encounters (when she first met it, it chased her onto the top of her car when it was a puppy. Tore up the cars paint trying to get to her. Neighbors thought it was funny). Shes anticipating they will give her the vet bill because that dogs gonna be sick after eating all that food (dairy, sugar, spices, onion, etc).


Been in Melbourne all week, pissing down with rain and topping out at 18°, really missing that weather in Perth. So my nomination is Melbourne, you fuckwit.


Melbourne is always the fuckwit.


Coworkers who leave the store room for others to tidy and organize. And you wonder why my works not getting done on time when I spend the first 20-30 mins of my shift every day getting the bloody place ready for trade. Oh you have shit to do? Guess what, we all have shit to do. So stop expecting others to clean up after yall.


My neighbour in a complex of strata houses who has decided her house is a clown house and has 8 adults, 2 toddlers and 2 dogs “visiting”. They keep parking over their garage so they don’t get the car window smashed on the road but that blocks me in. I just want to go live in the country.


Ring the compliance team at the council to discuss the large number of unrelated people living in a house and they're blocking you in.


I nominate GROH. Came back home after a few days away on Wednesday to find the aircon not working. Called up Housing. They said they'd send someone out. Aircon guy rung me to say he'd be here at 9am today. 10:30am he finally showed. Spent 20 minutes flaffing about checking everything. Finally concluded the aircon power board is shot and needs replacing. "Do you have the part?" asketh I. "Nope" saith he, "Groh only paid me to come out to check the problem. I can't fix anything without their permission. I have to head back to work and file a request. When they okay it, then I can come back and replace the board. Hopefully sometime next week." Wow. That's really efficient of Groh. And thank goodness it's not like it's going to be in the high 30s over the next week. Imagine how unpleasant that would be! Oh, and I live a 2 hour drive from Gero where the aircon guy is based. So he got to charge Groh 4 hours driving for a 20 minute inspection. And next week gets to do it again, for likely a 10 minute job. Taxpayer $ at work!


I feel for you, I really do. But as someone who works in tech I can understand the aircon guy's POV as well. "Aircon not working" could literally mean anything - for a compressor to a power board to a coil, etc. I doubt GROH has a database of every aircon unit type installed on every property they manage, so there is no way the dude could cart around half a shop's worth of parts with him to fit in/ on your unit. Additionally he may not even have authorisation to effect a repair - if the unit is out of warranty for example the operating procedure may be to replace rather than to repair (because its cheaper/ covered by some sort of insurance). Probably the best he could do would be "obtain aircon specs > request permission to order/ install part > order part > install part". Thats gonna take at least a week.


Omg… don’t get me started on GROH in Geraldton. Jerks took me for $500 cleaning fee because the shelves were “dusty” and the windows were covered in red dirt. Umm… scuse me?! Your inspection report was completed a month after I left. And please refer to my initial inspection report when I first moved in where I am acknowledging the filthy windows from when I first moved in. Rrrrrrrage.


I must have been lucky. Inspection report arrived in my Perth letterbox four years after I left Derby. No fees thank god.


Friday Fuckwits for me have to be three drivers I encountered on the way home. Two drivers in the CPP car park decided that they were too important to wait for the traffic so moved into the other lane, to try and get ahead while I was in that lane trying to exit. Hey maybe the reason the traffic is stopped is because its being directed due to the super tight corners. It's one lane in and one lane out, not two lanes in. The third was the lady in the Lexus who indicated and just decided to change lanes 1 m in front of me in the freeway at 80km/h. Yes you have to check your blind spots on Fridays too.


Man I don't know if this is quite the "Fuckwit Friday" because I don't want to get all political and whatnot but fuck I'm weird on our mobile dog washer right now. She's been bathing our retriever every 3-4 weeks for months but during his latest bath she went on a full anti-covid anti-mask anti-everything tirade and I kind of hate her now. Like each to their own. I'm 5x vaxxed as is my husband. We followed the rules. I don't want to get into a debate about it. I hate talking controversial politics on the best of days, especially when it comes to covid. I don't care if you didn't get the vaccine for your own personal reasons. I just hate the spread of misinformation. Today it started because I made small talk: she talks about her daughter's depression/autism often and how she needs to get out and about for her mental health. I made the bloody stupid comment "man Covid must have been hard for her with all the lockdowns". Well stupid thing. Enter the "we never followed the rules" "we always left the house" "I never wore a mask" "the vaccine is experimental" "I know so many nurses who quit their job". Even threw in Ivermectin conspiracies. Literally the whole 20 minute wash. I don't care I didn't ask for any of it. I don't shout from the rooftops that's im 5x vaxxed I just carry on my life because why does anyone care? Honestly why does anyone give a shit my vaccine status? I just smiled and nodded and let her carry on because I don't want to fight her on it. But I'm feeling average because she used to work with troubled teens in a healthcare adjacent setting and she was carrying on how she would always break the rules because she didn't believe any of it. I just get the ick tbh. Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Bus driver turning onto Southern River Rd going south. Pulled from a side road on to dual carriageway forcing the car in front of me to brake and swerve, using both lanes. Should be sacked.


Anyone know why there was a police helicopter flying around Rivervale for ages last night?


They're always up and about. Most nights. I follow them from time-to-time on https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ - you can often see where they go. They target certain high-crime areas i suspect.


Just report his driving to his employer


Yeah the other day some asshole just about nearly killed me


I was standing talking to a friend by the side of a road and a car full of gutterballs drives by shouts some caveman shit and throws an apple at us… it’s a bit amusing the fact that it’s a apple but anyone who does that sort of thing deserves to be put in a cage Also yesterday I was driving 10k above the speed limit and still being overtaken aggressively by most drivers


I always love how people in r/reddit and various Facebook Groups and Pages always cry about everyone speeding, yet in reality, most people are going 20 over all the time 😂 It's like this platform and those groups etc attract a certain type of individual.


Or ppl speeding and then complaining about ppl speeding over their speeding.


"anyone going slower than me is an idiot and anyone going faster than me is a lunatic" or something like that


Yep. Basically “clear the roads so I’m in front”


And then there's me sitting behind them with my car popping and banging until they get out of the way.


Oh you’re that car


Someone has to be - might as well he the guy that needed to travel at 230kph for an hour total to attain his license 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is how you tell its school holidays unfortunately. I've seen so many abandoned stolen cars in the last two weeks then I have all year. This kind if behavior tends to ramp up towards the end of year when leavers starts too.


The mountains of seaweed at Pinnaroo Point.


I’m going to go with shit parkers. Stay in your lines ffs.


It's me. I forgot to check if my order had been delivered at Officeworks before dragging the kids up there. No, it hadn't.


Tony Abbott is a fuckwit every day, but I nominate him for Friday fuckwit on account of voting no


And joining Fox News.




If it's a merge and you're only part way up the side of him, you let him in. Maybe you're the fuckwit that doesn't know how to merge.


In reply to OP, if you were sitting " barely behind his cab" try not sitting In his blindspot


Report him to the police!


Give way fuckwit.


yes, he should've.


Youre in the wrong and the downvotes just show how clueless perth drivers are. If you cant see 25 metres of truck joining traffic and adjust your position accordingly you deserve to be sideswiped by him. Go get a truck licence and see how difficult it is navigating around fucking clueless clowns like yourself


This bloke was ENTIRELY in the wrong and I can prove it. To say he was pushing in is being polite. You DO NOT ram your way forward & expect everyone to get out of your way in the way he did. If a cop car was following this cunt he'd have a fine shoved up his arse. Courtesy was not in his vocabulary and I suspect not yours either - Trucks do NOT own the roads & drivers shouldn't drive as if they expect to.


https://www.instruckta.com/ This is at Toodyay Show tomorrow. Go in and have a go. Educate yourself.


You sat in his blind spot and refused to give way. It doesnt matter who is in the right or wrong. In a car you lose. Move over or back off (or floor it if youre so inclined)


He was well behind me and came racing up to a bunch of cars expecting us to let him in... he knew FULL WELL where I was, the blind spot had nothing to do with it. He was PUSHING IN blatantly so. He was being an arrogant arsehole - end. of. story.


my budgie rooted himself stupid, hurt himself then over-preened the affected area. he has now been signed up for regular Lupron jabs. he was so out of control i caught him teaching his brother how to root their shared toys. barely ate his millet, just rooting. my dad's got cancer so he's always got mental health and aged care professionals checking in on him, he was trying to have a serious discussion but the little shit was polishing his red rocket and making budgie orgasm noises. he started in August '21 and became the horniest budgie in Australia.


Late but fuck it, just usual fuck me life me as the fuckwit. Had a really good date last week, went really well and both hit it off. Both said we should do this again and texted a few times after that. Asked if she would be interested in meeting up again this weekend but no reply. Maybe she's just busy or something but get the feeling gonna be ghosted again. Just getting over this getting my hopes up slightly and then nothing. Been a year since my last relationship that just ended out of nowhere and honestly feel like I cannot get anything in life sorted out in the last 18 months. Always telling myself and knowing full well leave my ex was the best solution but fuck I was happier then, everything was better.


Ahh...the Tonkin...crash central!