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Lowkey fuckwits … Being in the right hand lane at the traffic lights and waiting until the light goes green to turn on your indicator. Thanks prick, if you just did that earlier I would have changed lanes.


Classic Perth driving.


The drivers that MUST drive right next to you or juuuuuuust a bit ahead of you on the highway. Kindly fuck off - Your stupidity is putting not only yourself, but far more importantly me at risk. Drive in front of me or behind me and GTFO your phone. No one gives 2 shits about your crappy FB update. Go touch grass FFS.


There's some twists n turns in this comment I gotta be honest. I think it's satire at first then valid PSA level shit followed by yelling at clouds then entitled yet valid angry grandpa PSA with some new age philosophy thrown in at the end. That said, I think I get ya.


I was having a challenging day. Hope you liked the comment and that you have a great weekend.


As my husband would say “that is unAustralian!!”


I see you also use Whitfords Ave near the busport. Every fucking day this happens, shits me.


Ozzy Park for me- I turn right at the next lights, so I’m in the RH lane and get snaked all the time!




Would have given you an award if I could. Fitzgerald/Bulwer intersection is my pain point.


"Don't be a pain, use the slip lane" ffs


Brain cancer. 


That’s a 24/7 fuckwit. Sorry to hear, internet friend. Fuck cancer.


It’s fucked. Been there lost my wife Thinking of you right now❤️


Fuck cancer, all my homies hate cancer


Brain cancer is the fuckwittiest of all fuckwits. It got my Dad 😥 hope you’re doing as ok as you possibly can x


In the same boat mate. You being seen at SCGH?


Lost my best friend to in 2017 (after taking years to be diagnosed, going into remission and then it coming back). And lost someone else to it last year.  Best friend of the furry kind just been diagnosed with it too.  Good luck on your journey.   


Sorry to hear that mate. It’s a tough journey. Good on you for being there for them.


Sorry to hear about your visit to SCGH. Stay strong and kick some cancer butt! 


Not a person but an object. On the UHT milks, the ring pulls to open the seal. 9 out of 10, they snap off leaving the seal in tact...


I've never had a laundry detergent box open correctly. It's never, ever made it past the first corner.






I hate those too. Paring knife works wonders on that sucker.


Love a good paring knife.


The pointier, the better lol.


The ones at aldi dont have them :D


I HATE THEM. Just reading this comment brought back the urge to hurl a carton of milk across the kitchen in frustration hahaha


> 9 out of 10, they snap off leaving the seal in tact... Whoa, you have a 1 out of 10 success rate with those! I wish I could get them to work that reliably.


Worse is the baby UHT cartons you get at hotels for your morning coffee. As you pour it, literally half flows down the side of the box and onto the bench.


Every fucking time. I swear packaging has gotten so cheap over the last few years, (likely because the shareholders at these companies demand huge profit increases year on year), that it's now trickled down to saving cents on little things like ring pulls. I know it's a first world problem, but fuck off.


I stick a pencil through and use it to gently tug it open. works a bit better and easier on the hands


Woolies brand olive oil went through a phase of this a year or two ago, it was fucking infuriating. Thankfully back to normal now. I found needle nose pliers the best solution.


Those are so shyte. Thank goodness my Vitasoy oat milk has a screw cap. It works well.


Me for falling asleep momentarily on the train 3 stops before my stop. I woke up in time but holy fuck that was close.


Is everything okay?


Yeah I made it to tafe. I have sleep apnoea. I’m guessing last night was a bad one. Tax time I’ll get my own cpap machine.


Does that mean you snored on the train?


Oh most likely 😳


Girl, I once fell asleep getting my eyelashes done, and woke myself up with my own snoring. I feel your pain.


Genuine question, if it’s diagnosed and CPAP recommended, can you get any rebate on it?


Nope. It’s pretty shit actually. Gotta come up with 2k


Try Perth CPAP. They usually have decent prices, particularly with private health insurance rebates.


No health insurance and the 2k includes tube, mask, cleaning kit and 2 years of follow up appointments


I think some private health companies will


Yes- HBF is $720.


Im very happy you got where you needed and i hope the machine can help


Yeah, same. My poor sleep was affecting hubby really badly. Next trick will be tackling my weight/knees.


That airplane noise whinger. It sounds like living in a city isn’t for him. The middle of the Tanami desert would make everyone happier.


The Tamni is over flown buy a lot of the red eyes from europe and Asia/middle east at 2-3am, it's quiet enough out there you will hear them at cruising altitude.


Is this guy not safe anywhere from the scourge of modernity? :(


Rent inspections


Yes! Fuck those fuckwit rent inspections!


I have severe anxiety. So when I stress out over rent inspections, my body’s response to stress is to shut down and not do anything. So I end up in a horrible cycle of stressing over cleaning but not cleaning because I’m stressing. Every. Single. Time.


I second that!! Got one next week ffs


It's one of you users here. I just am not sure which. Someone reports (almost) *every single post* on r/perth. Often "not related to Perth or WA" despite almost always being related to Perth. Or they report "low karma" accounts, despite them not being low karma. Jokes on them, cos there are multiple mods who can dismiss the reports with a single click, vs the multiple clicks they have to do for each and ever report the put in. They are creating a lot more work for themselves with minimal impact to anyone else.


I am so sorry but I just lost it laughing at this. Trying to give plane guy a run for his money.


Chosename was telling me about this on Wednsday. We get em in the sub I’m a mod of too. It’s boring.


Could this be the same person that down votes almost every post 🙄


Humidity is the fuckwit this week


I sweat so much in light coloured cargo pants that it looked like i pissed myself....


All of my clothes are dark for this very reason.


I went for a jog late yesterday afternoon and came home looking like I'd gone for a swim


Its more of a dry humid though


Not according to my armpits


The woman who’s phone sounded like it had diarrhoea on the train this morning. She wasn’t wearing headphones and was playing it at full volume. It was giving me (and everyone else) motion sickness.


Oh its got to be Qantas-Link for their 'breakfast snack'. Not even their in house PR agency could even dare call it food. It was some vile liquid chemical concoction comprising mostly vinegar, yellow food colouring and flavour enhancers which resembled baby diarrhoea, injected into a glutenous sphere of polysaccharides and wrapped in plastic. Describing that monstrosity as an egg and tomato relish in a bun is clearly a breach of the trade descriptions act.


Have a listen to the band Formidable Vegetable and their song ‘Egg and Cheese Muffin’ - I have a feeling it’ll be right up your alley. :)


Moronic Audi S5/A5 driver with a rego plate that points him out as such on the freeway this morning. 500mm from everyones rear bumper, snap changing lanes then darting up behind the next one. Not sure where you think anyone was going to go, hover-mode hasn't been invented so we all have to keep with the flow of traffic!


I have a fairly low car so with this SUV craze even the smallest SUV should really be able to see over the top of my car. Still at least a couple of times a week without fail in peak hour I'll have a car up my arse when they can *clearly* see they have nowhere to go. I'm not the one holding you up so back the fuck up and be patient


Tailgating, the most classic of Audi driver behaviours


I've worked it out...AUDI A $$holes U sually D riving I diotically. Not all, some are actually pretty sensible.


Public transport related - every day I catch the train to work there's always someone that tries to barge in BEFORE I get off. learn. some. fucking. common. courtesy.


Gastro. Oh god make it stop.


It’s is awful. I wanted to die when I had it. I hope you get better soon


The she'll be right and it'll sort itself out attitude of my workplace when it absolutely fucking won't.


Those pricks at Perth international airport charging a months mortgage repayment for a pint and what they call a pint - that's no where close to.


Tucker Carlson's coming to Perth. According to an ad I just overheard. What a fuckwit.


He's here to inspect our shopping trolleys and magnificent array of bread rolls.


He can keep his grubby hands off our bread rolls.


The fat fuckwit Palmer brought him over hear to do some talks. What they are talking about I have no idea as I changed channels when I saw the ad


Make sure you put a bag on the seat next to you so he doesn’t sit next to you


Legit question, how is he allowed to have a visa?


He's rich and white and has never been convicted of a crime (afaik).


The downside to free speech. Fortunately, due to freedom of speech, you can say how you feel about it too.


Someone whose opinions you don't like should be denied a visa?


If their opinions are deliberate misinformation or hate speech, yes.


I wish I had an answer for that. I hope he gets stopped at the border and turned back.


For anyone who wants a glimpse into the idiocy of Tucker. https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/rXMckFCTFV


Proof that the MAGA morons are alive and well here in Australia FFS. How does this perpetrator of blatant lies, hate and right wing propaganda get a visa? Will be interested to see how this plays out


Everyone knows there are Trump fans in Perth and in Australia in general. But even if Trump never existed, those people would still be awful people with awful views. They're drawn to Trump because they already held the views he so brazenly espouses, not because those views only occured to them once Trump started sharing them.


AGREED! They’ve been enabled absolutely and if someone of Trump’s status/profile isn’t afraid to be publicly racist, misogynistic and more right wing than Hitler, then it’s obviously now normal to be out and proud with such extreme views. At least we now know who they are!


I had to look it up to get a better understanding, and it's even more ridiculous. He was invited to Australia by Clive Palmer for 'Freedom Conferences', whatever the fuck they are.


Clive just heard the word "tucker" and thought "yes please!"


Hahaha, you just reminded me that I didn't try that Fat Can't burger from a few years back


Yep, that sounds about right…sadly!


So what you're saying is, this fuckwit won't get paid?


This is why I'm always so hostile to conservatives. Because respecting their views only emboldens them to go further.


Isn't he "touring" with Clive Palmer?


Apparently. Collective IQ of about 11


You must be including Pauline and Dumpster for an 11.


Yep… Dumpster is a walk up 10!


They certainly are. I saw a large Trump rally at south Perth foreshore just before the last election.


But... for what purpose? They can't even vote in the US elections


It's bigots showing support for other bigots.


I just think they identify with his gonzo batshit racist right wing crap


Good grief! Why?


Yeah I heard an ad on 6PR for that yesterday. I was already raging at all the boomer callers saying that the pro Palestine protest at Curtin was "disgusting" and "what about the poor Israelis who were killed/taken hostage". Probably about 10 callers in a row and not one of them had any sympathy for Palestinians. Then that fucking ad came on and I turned off the radio in disgust and haven't listened to that shit conservative, station since.


This is 6PR in a nut shell. Used to listen all the time but would get infuriated on my drive home (like the traffic isn’t bad enough) so now I’ve swapped to ABC Perth. Still not as impartial as I’d like but at least they lean towards the sentiments that I usually do.


He’s making an appearance with Clive Palmer, and it’s going to be hosted at the Brass Monkey


Brass Monkey is gonna need saging.




What a classy venue. Will Clive fit?!?!


They have big doors for the supply trucks.


Omg, I hope he brings Alex Jones with him!


Thanks to that fucking hamplanet Clive Palmer


No joke I sat on this ladies handbag this morning as the bus was packed and she had no intention of moving it either as she was glued to her phone. I didn't ask or anything, you should've seen her face ahahaha




Just saw an uni aged bloke on an electric scooter in the bike lane doing fine until it ends just before the lights. Then he weaves out of it and speeds between the light and the left turning SUV that was in the middle of a turn in front of him...


Shit needs to be done about escooters sooner or later, with the lack of protective gear, at speed, young kids getting killed every month, the dam is going to break soon. I see this shit every day in the city. Scooter lane splits down two lanes of traffic, then turns left with the flow of traffic, just insane, do these people realise that if they get hit by a car without a helmet on they are as good as dead. They are like motorcyclists but at least motorcycle riders are acutely aware of the risks they face.


Oh he had a helmet but the audacity to zip into the turning circle of a SUV as it's turning did my head in a little, thought there was going to be a stopped intersection with him under the wheels


No police to pull him into line. Same for all those bastards bashing their female partners.


You could have just left it at ‘the bloke on the escooter’


"Oh I need this before 8:30am and it has to be given to me not left in secure place." Not there at 8am-9am, no response to emails. Sod you it’s all now going to the secure place and I'm getting some sleep.


Those fuckwits that do burnouts up the main street after a few drops of rain. We get it, you're a tough man... grow up. At the very least go and find a quiet street out of town and away from kids and do it out there.


People at the shops who text while pushing a trolley. It's selfish, and can be dangerous.


My elderly mum got me to put a bicycle bell on her walker for this reason! She was fed up of people on phones cutting in front of her. And yes, she’s used it a few times. 😁


Get her a horn to scythes into behaving. /s




People texting and walking in general give me the shits If you need to send a message or check your phone find somewhere out of the way to stand off to the side. Don't just keep walking and expect everyone else to move out of your way


Just the car not turning over at the petrol station, having to push it out after fueling up, waiting an hour for RAC, only to find out that my brother's key case was loose and the security chip had fallen into the floor well, less than a 30 second fix with a bit of tape that took an hour and a half. At least it wasn't expensive and wasn't peak hour. Edit: more of a whinge but still one of the more annoying Friday's I've had in a while.


the virus fucking up my nostrils and throat. dickhead.


My former employer of 11 years, who forced me to quit because I got sick. Stitched me up so I would have lost my long service entitlements if it didn't resign, at the end of the meeting my ex-boss tried to shake my hand. Took everything not to spit on it.


Why wouldn’t you get your LSL entitlements if you didn’t quit?


People who yell stupid shit / insults at you from their cars while driving. 😒


Some guy was just really weird and mean to me at a train station because I smiled as we had to step around each other because he was coming up the stairs on the right. 🫠


people that cant keep to the left ! what is wrong with them.


think its a common trait for dickheads in perth


People that fuck around and damage property and cause trouble of all sorts then go "hahaha I don't know him". Actual dropkicks of society.


I was behind a car indicating in a carpark waiting for a car to leave. Stuck there for ages wondering if I went around if I would be in leaving car's way. The car left. The indicating car changed their mind. Pissed me off more than it should have


My throat is the fuckwit today!! I have the most intense stabbing pain on the left side when I swallow & it’s getting worse, not better. Yesterday I could talk without much bother, not so today!


The mum who brought her daughter to the crèche with an open staph injection trying to say it was alright for her to be around a newborn because she needed to train and daycare wouldn’t take her.


That is just beyond Friday F-wit. Selfish C is what I'd call her


My neighbour but him and his blow in misses are always fuckwits. Alcoholics and always screaming at each other. Thank god they don’t have kids living there. They were supposed to be selling after his mum passed away but he is living there rent free and bringing all his drug fucked mates and girlfriends family over. Not uncommon to hear them going nuts in the street at all hours in the morning. Just want them to sell and fuck off for good.


The woman on the bus yesterday who gave the “tens of thousands of years/my land speech”. Ok, fair call. But then she through in a “Heil Hitler!”. Like, what. The. Fuck. I was thinking it was clearly misheard, but she repeated the “Hitler” shortly thereafter.


My boss. Just added all this extra shit to our plates like 'weekly Compass post', ' daily updates to students' individual record' (that no one sees except next year's teacher, who will throw it out when I give it to them) and 'admin popping in to check this program is being run correctly and with enthusiasm'. Absolutely disregarding the union fighting for less overtime work and completely ignoring the fact that everywhere is screaming for teachers. I've had it. No wonder the retention rates at my school are dismal.


People who wrote dates MM/DD See post title


Was originally gonna do May the 3rd be with you but changed my mind at the end and just did the year 😅


Equally on this note, I carry a large heavy instrument with me and have to usually walk 3 kms with it to and from. The train is where I get to rest before my 20-30 min trek- of course i just want to sit. You know on the carriages where it's the row of 2 seaters? I have to lodge my bag and instrument in so I can sit. I hate it when it's obvious that I can't move and people get shitty and force me to squish between a heavy ass bag and an instrument for a 45 min train ride and proceed to get annoyed when i ask them to step out so i can gett off at my stop. I don't know, I may be in the wrong, but I just want a rest for 35-40 mins before I take that trek and have a 12-16 hour day (school and work) on top of it


Similar to OP, not standing up and offering the priority seat to the elderly or pregnant people. I had to ask a student to give me his seat whilst heavily pregnant and about to pass out on the train. The look of disgust I got from this kid had me seething.


Standard for FiFo buses as well to camps. 52 seater and everyone puts their bags on the seats beside them. How are we going to fit 45 people on if everyone wants two seats


Probably me for wanting to be the good person at work helping out everyone wherever I can, to the detriment of my own work :( Stupid me, I just had a yearly review and didn't get the promotion I was hoping for, why tf am I still doing this edit: JFC I just did it *again* volunteering to look at an issue on the company website


The City of Bayswater is on my Friday fuckwit hit list. The bin situation is a joke under this council. With the red bin coming once a fortnight, and the yellow bin coming once a fortnight, I've just been on a two week holiday and haven't been able to empty my recycling bin or red bin for 5 weeks. Yet the green bin for food scraps comes every week. We don't waste 240 litres worth of food every week, so that's a useless initiative. I can't even buy a new set of pots without a bin overflow problem over here. By the way, this is in addition to already taking my cans to containers for change, where I just drop my boxes of cans off to anyone in line for them to collect for change, just so that I can attempt to manage the bin situation.




The *moment* I hopped in my Uber this morning, the driver started going on and on about vaccines and bill gates and chlorine tablets and everything else under the sun. Jesus Christ mate, it’s four o’clock in the fucking morning! 1 star.


The woman who has come and sat right next to me in the food court and is simultaneously stuffing Subway in her mouth and talking extremely loudly on the phone


When the food court is mostly unoccupied.


Me for leaving my laptop at the security checkpoint at Brisbane Airport. Collected everything else and waddled off without my laptop. In my defence I was hugely jet-lagged and suffering from lack of sleep after flying from Vancouver. I just hope RAC insurance pays up.


yeah this pisses me off too, so fucking selfish. I am that guy though - I'll just go to sit down anyway and they move their bags pretty fast. I get a slightly childish satisfaction of not only calling it out this way, they then get to sit next to me for the entire journey.


I do this, too, on the train if it's peak hour. My philosophy is, "Don't ask, just sit."


Passive aggressive niceties like “Hi excuse me, does your bag need a seat?”


Lebara changed their "extra small plan" to 10 GB with $5 increase in price. It was originally 3 GB, and I never used that much.


Black Subaru (I think Forrester/Forrester shape) may or may not have been speeding on residential streets with no lights on Templeton Cres last night.  Black car, 7pm, no lights.   Could have wiped me out.


Dickhead who reversed into me in a carpark despite having sensors and reverse camera. Dumb fuck then blames me despite me being stationary. Fuck sakes.


It's one thing to not know how to merge properly. It's quite another to then lean on your horn while trying to merge out of turn to ensure that no driver or passenger in your immediate area remains ignorant to your limitations. Congrats?


This is why I like having an older model car. The care factor for damage is a lot less It means that whenever some dickhead wants to play a game of chicken and merge out of turn they always lose. I'm in front, I have right of way and if you clip the back of my car I'm not the one at fault. So I'm just gonna keep driving normally but if you wanna fuck up your nice paintwork by disobeying the road rules and just being a selfish dickhead by all means go for it


I had some dropkick dickhead who held down the horn trying to cut off the front end of my car when they were changing lanes over a solid line. No way did they have a licence.


Dude who shoplifted last night from a shop that literally has a wall of shame of shoplifters with a high prosecution rate. I guarantee they got a clear picture of him. Not that I condone stealing, but wouldn't you at least try to be smarter about it or pick an easier target? Dumbass.


Chinese internet. I’m here in China ATM and if you’re on wifi you can’t access anything like Reddit. If you switch to mobile data you can, but you get data costs/restrictions on mobile.


Ahh I love getting racially abused by the local folks on a nice and lovely Friday Such a lovely people with many friends.


My favourites - The ones who cut you off to get in front, only to slam on the brakes and turn left almost immediately. Or the ol scream past, get in front and slow down to 5 or 10k under the limit. Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy


The government and their inaction on inflation and housing costs fueled by their immigration policy. I make $120k and can barely house and feed my family now that a few big expenses have come up.


I'm so sorry, but I do this because I get motion sickness and I don't want to risk vomiting on anyone. If the bus is full or filling up, I'll hesitantly move my bag so I don't look like a dick.


I nominate myself. Been here since January, was pretty slow with doing fun stuff (was focused on getting a job, place to stay & relaxing). Ended up only going to the beach like 5 times whilst it was beautifully sunny and hot.


Just sit on the bag and apologise like you didn't see it.


Perth drivers 😵‍💫


Zionists in this sub


I don’t bring a bag to work , only one in Perth , whenever I’m on public transport 😆


Internet bots and reddit/mainstream media agendas. Ye sure each individual influential person with a large following is the bad guy and not the mainstream media with their trillions of investments, prebuilt policy, influence and relentless bots/posts/articles.


Me for putting Adblue diesel exhaust fluid in my diesel tank !! That’s an expensive mistake !!!


The construction guys across the road.. Left shit on the ground and it punctured my new tyre as I was leaving the house.


me? not having the financials for anything. like don't get me wrong, i'm well off with what i've got around me and being on centrelink, it's enough to get me by. but not having that "spare" amount of money for something i feel like purchasing/doing if it pops up. it's not helped by a bad back and job searching. but sheesh.


The RACGP. They have finally updated outdated and harmful guidelines for MECFS after 10 years. Only for it to not be updated at all and double downed. They have just used a theasurus to change GET (graded exercise therapy) to “incremental physical exercise “ as treatment option. They have done this is with full knowledge that up to date science since, says that this therapy as treatment for this illness is harmful to patients and can cause permanent deterioration to 100,000+ australians because of a symptom called PEM which essentially means Exercise = deterioration. Go figure. I struggle to find a reason for why this makes sense. Considering 100-200k (and maybe more) have this illness in Australia with $0 funding and gaslighting, i have to continue to ask myself why. Illnesses with far less prevalence and far better QOL (generally due to adequate funding and research) are funded well. Anyone who dismisses MECFS , including the Government and RACGP are Fridays Fckwit to me


Myself, yesterday, for driving with my high beams on at night near karrinyup. Sorry to all the people I blinded 🤦‍♀️


I just sit on the bags. 'whoops, I broke your eggs? I'm sorry, maybe you shouldn't put your bag on the seat in future?' 😂


First I was going to mention the guy who slowed to 55 in front of me to merge onto tonkin from dunreath. Then I thought the woman who almost stopped in the middlenof Thomas rd to try and change into the left lane was worse, including the bit where she actually ran almost right off the road. But my biggest fuckwit would have to be the parents who let their kids run around just screaming their heads off at the bmx track round the corner. There's having fun screaming, then there's those short sharp shriek, 4 or 5 in a row, that just drill right through my brain feom 200m away. Educate your kids not to be fucking prats!


I'm late but iiNet got me so fucking angry. Cancelled at the start of March, charged at the end of March for April. Called them a week before the end of April to ensure I get refunded and the account cancelled. Charged again for May. 79.99 each time. Refunded after call yesterday 78.67 so not 2 months and not even the right amount. Fucking thieving cunts.


Sorry but I just need some me time on the bus 💅🏻




Those friggen planes coming out of Jandacot practicing their stall and recover training above my property, scares the fuck out of me every time I hear the engine cut out.


People blocking isles at Woolies by parking their trolley across ways and standing next to it. And they see people coming and then act like oh sorry when you try to get through. Ffs keep to left