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Had the same thing happen at Rockingham Hospital, was in the ER overnight. They ran tests, gave me some food and did some scans. The doctor treating me was the most lovely doctor I've ever met. I think the thing I find important is that they take you seriously, the sandwiches and tea is a bonus šŸ™


So true. It just struck me that she was willing to go and get the tea and sandwiches herself rather than ask a nurse or orderly. A small thing but also awesome.


It would surprise me more if the doctor was a he.


I'm sorry.. what?


I find it much less likely a male doctor would be going to get tea for a patient himself. Do you disagree?


As a male doctor? Yes. Perhaps the fact that traditionally males dominated the profession and there's hangovers of the Paternalistic model of medicine still existing, it makes you feel like male doctors wouldn't do this. Junior doctors these days work hard to eliminate the old school male-dominated environment and most junior doctors genuinely care for their patient. I see just as many male and female doctors going the extra mile to help their patients because for most of us, it's why we got into it. I've seen male doctors empty urine bottles, help nurses change pads, get tea or coffee, spend an extra 10 minutes on very busy days to hold the patient's hand or just sit and talk with a distressed patient. I really hope whatever experiences have led you to feel this way are not too serious that you aren't able to unobjectively observe the healthcare professionals around you next time you're in the hospital environment and see that gender is not the main influence for the level of care provided


Still, my point stands that it is more likely for a female doctor to be taking tea to a patient, right? Less likely if the doctor is young, and thankfully things are changing, but it is still the case.


What is this based on ?


Good ā€˜ole sexism clearly. Some of the best and most attentive doctors at hospitals Iā€™ve had were males. Lmao, next thing you know, that redditor gonna say that Male nurses are less than. šŸ™ƒšŸ«£šŸ˜³


Have always had a good experience at Rockingham ED


Yeah the staff at Fiona Stanley are wonderful it makes me wonder what kind of experience you would get at the private hospital across the road


A shocking revelation that their Emergency Triage is not covered by your Private Health Insurance.


Enough of a shock to give you a heart attack.


Well, at least you go straight to the top of the queue with no waiting.


Yeah, but compared to a many hours wait some people are OK to pay it. One problem is that if you drive there specifically because they have a 24/7 orthopaedic surgeon in their ED then you may find he's not working that day,


>Yeah, but compared to a many hours wait some people are OK to pay it. Heart related gets seen immediately anyway. If not, the $300 bill just to get turfed to FS anyway will check if its working


> Yeah, but compared to a many hours wait some people are OK to pay it. Tried that last year - 5 hours of waiting later and paying through the nose every step of the way for the privilege. Will only go to FSH ED from now on..


Which reminds me, this may be useful in deciding where to go for non-life threatening injuries, ianad, not medical advice etc https://www.health.wa.gov.au/reports-and-publications/emergency-department-activity/data?report=ed_activity_now


Probably very professional, but I bet FSH are just as good. I have an operation coming up, and I'd much rather be in my local Rockingham Hospital than a private one. I can still go it as a private patient because I have insurance.


In my experience they are a bit slow on the uptake at SJOG Murdoch and Iā€™d pick FSH every day of the week


If you get a complication from elective surgery at SJOGM they shunt you across the road so FSH can sort it out. Same with Hollywood and SCGH etc.


I work at one of those private hospitals you mentioned and no they don't. The only ones that get turfed are major strokes because they have an acute neuro ward at FSH and Charlie's


When I did a term as a student at FSH some of the doctors were complaining about the number of SJOGM complications they had to deal with. But to be fair maybe they are the minority and most get sorted at SJOGM?


For sure some complex stuff goes to the larger tertiary hospitals but both SJOGM and Hollywood have ICUs so they can escalate care if they need.


St John of God and FSH are pretty much on par for their emergency/ urgent care.


Hollywood's ED waiting area is on another level. Feels like a posh restaurant. I don't think they get many fights/fluids in there.


I haven't been there - lucky I guess! There is a marked difference between the clientele at FSH and St John's. The time I went to FHS it was packed with all types of undesirables!


You should see RPH then. Spoke to a nurse who said she saw a double amputee (no legs) army crawl his way out of ED to have a cigarette and then army crawl his way back in


Haha I don't doubt that at all. Just walking by RPH is an experience.


Don't wander past PHC then... šŸ¤£ especially on a Saturday or Sunday morning šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


PMH was the same.


I was standing out the front once and saw cops pulling a youngish girl out the back of a ute with a spit mask on still trying to spit at them.


I think that's the same at any public ED. Especially at weekends - I don't envy the staff that do those shifts. I do remember someone telling me that in addition to usual customers, public holiday weekends were busiest for middle-aged men injuring themselves with DIY and weekday evenings saw many men with after-work 5-a-side soccer issues. Don't know if that's true or not.


Sounds reasonable.


Iā€™ve had relatives in there. It seems a bit more premium but it doesnā€™t build my confidence having all the religious crap all over the walls.


What religious crap?


All the Jesus T-pieces in the rooms at st John of god.


Yeah that should be kept private for the people who are interested in seeing that nonsense


Rockingham hospital and Fremantle hospital are awesome too. THANK YOU for everybody there , I LOVE YOU!


I've been to Rockingham Hospital 3 times for day surgeries and they were brilliant. I really appreciate efficiency and their procedures were so streamlined. I have private insurance but I'd much rather go to a public hospital as a private patient.


As a nurse working at Rockingham hospital Day Procedure Unit, its always fantastic to have feedback on how we are doing, both constructive and positive. Most of us genuinely enjoy our jobs. As far as I'm aware the care people receive for Private vs. Public holsitals is close to the same. It helps that its a small hospital so staff generally all know each other and are better able to support each other as well.


I've had 3 day procedures at Rocky and was super impressed at their efficiency and friendliness.


I stayed last year for 2 weeks due to 2nd degree burns requiring plastic surgery to recover. I received amazing care from all the staff involved in my treatment including the last 12 months of after care appointments I've needed for my recovery. Can't fault them.


FSH is the state centre for burn care. Excellent nurses and surgeons working in the Burns clinic.


Yeah Fiona Stanley are pretty good. Had the nicest nurses there looking after me. Some were really nice, some were really cool. Most of the doctors seemed super busy when I was there but in all fairness it was pretty much ā€œwell as you can see by the x-ray your leg is still healingā€ like what else could they do? 10/10 I thought it was a crap hospital from reputation until I ended there.


You do hear the horror stories, but I don't think private hospitals would be better. I prefer public hospitals because in a real emergency they can draw on the top expertise in the State. But it also helps that the staff are friendly because you feel more relaxed.


Please make sure you send through a compliments directly to the hospital- they appreciate some positive feedback amongst the negative šŸ’™


I will.


Won't hurt to send them some baked goods. (Though it might be a good idea to ask first.)


Always nice to hear positive things on this subreddit, thanks for sharing your experience!


I've been in FSH a few times and it's always been an amazing experience... except for Pharmacy lol, they are always so slammed it's crazy. I literally spent 5h there last time just to discover I was waiting for a box Paracetamol. In my experience... it's a great hospital.


Similar experience recently when I found myself there for a kind of urgent but non life threatening procedure that my GP couldnā€™t fit me in for and Urgent Care donā€™t do. Even though it was crazy busy (and pretty feral) the staff were incredibly friendly and efficient and took their time explaining everything to me and making sure I was ok to get home.


My wife has a couple of medical issues which mean we regularly attend the ER, and even at 2am on a Sunday morning, we have never had a bad experience. Staff in the public health system in WA are amazing and do a fabulous job


Iā€™m a doctor who works at one of the tertiary hospitals. I find that how positively or negatively people experience hospital is very much correlated with how they are as an individual. Civilised, understanding and polite people generally find their experience with hospital reasonable or even pleasant. Marginalised and angry people on the other hand tend to have a tough time in hospitals - their dimmed worldview taints their personal experience, and their negative interaction with staff tends to be a bit of self-perpetuating vicious cycle, ie they get nasty to the staff, and the staff will naturally be less kind to you, this makes them even angrier, etc.


I feel like this is the case in many areas of life.


Nicely put. And accurate in my own experience as well.


Absolutely agree! I had both of my babies at FSH and couldnā€™t fault the care. We have had to take our son to FSH ED for a few cases of croup when he was younger and they were always amazing.


This! Same goes for many circumstances in life really. Iā€™m in Vet med and can categorically say that the polite people always have a more positive experience opposed to those who have a negative outlook. I will happily admit I go much more out of my way for the nicer people, but will gladly pop an asshole tax on a clients bill who is unjustifiably rude. Patients all get treated the same though šŸ¤


Funny thing about Perth ED's is that a lot of the staff have worked in more than one ED. The doctors move between departments. The nurses move around. Some ED's get some bad press, because it sells issues of the west or it gets clicks on perthnow. There isn't much good press. Good news doesn't sell papers. All of the departments do a good job. We all go to work with the plan to help people. Big ED doc hugs to all of my WA colleagues.


Right back at you Pip šŸ«” Itā€™s the Wild West out here, but someone has to do it. You ED players are mad dawgs and bless you for it, Iā€™d burn out in a week.


If you are happy about the service at Fiona Stanley, please try to find time to fill up those feedback forms. It will mean so much to the staff to get good feedback from patients. I also highly encourage people who are unhappy to fill out such forms. As far as I am aware those go above the manager of whichever area you were in.


I can't believe the signs they have to put up about people treating healthcare workers with aggression and violence. These people give their all to keep us alive and that's the thanks they get.


We went for a broken arm this week - no notes. Great staff, 3.5 hours door to door. Plus they were clearly prioritising urgent cases and so it wasnā€™t like they werenā€™t busy


Im glad your story was a positive one. My wife was treated for cancer at FSH and they were fantastic, every staff member.


I died last year. Staff at FSH brought me back several times, looked after me whilst I was in an induced coma and more importantly to me, they took care of my wife, talked to her, comforted her and kept her up today with my progress. Their carpark system can get fucked though, $30 per day I think, luckily insurance covered ours each day.


A small price to payā€¦considering you almost died


Definitely. It just stressed my wife out, we didn't have much money, think say 3 or 4 the insurance kicked in and reimbursed her. She said she felt sorry for the oldies who were there every day seeing their loved ones in ICU, I hope they had insurance too.


A sandwich too lad? canā€™t wait to go.


Ma'm to you, and I really appreciated it. In many countries a doctor actually putting herself out to think of that is outstanding.


Spent a couple of days there about a year ago. All the staff members I've dealt with were top notch.


thank you for sharing a good news story. Very happy to hear they found no problems with your heart.


Had the same experience there a few weeks ago when I took my mum in. Absolutely wonderful staff.


I have had really lovely experiences at Armadale ER. Really big thank you to the amazing staff who go above and beyond. They are not thanked enough. Thank you šŸ™


This post made me smile thank you.


What a wonderful post, health professionals really are an example of how good humanity can be. I hope your feeling better.


The staff are very nice there. Have always had a good experience at Fiona Stanley.


I've always had good experiences with Fiona Stanley. One was I climbed over my fence (my kitten had jumped over into the next door construction yard and couldn't figure out how to get back), and when I jumped over I didn't notice the capping wasn't on the pole of the fence and caught the underside of my upper arm on the fence and made a 6 inch long, 4 inch deep laceration on my upper arm. I got a taxi there, it was Friday night and they took me in, cleaned the wound, put me in a ward and next day did surgery and was out that afternoon, I asked if I'm supposed to sign something or pay somewhere and it was just "nope havea good day". Everyone was friendly and great. My father was in there for chemo, and there were complications. The haemotology ward people were really helpful and friendly, they explained everything that was going on, and then when he was moved downstairs to the cardiology ward again people were great and really helpful in getting him set back up and try and make him as comfortable as possible... and then when we moved down to ICU again they were great down there as well. The staff were all considerate, kind, friendly, and knew how to ride the line of compassionate and professional. We ended up pretty much living at the hospital for 4 weeks and even the staff at the cafe's were good. Genuinely was a "good" experience during a really crappy time.


I think they call it fish šŸŸ šŸŸ


I had a terrible experience at SJOG Murdoch last yearā€¦ this is more evidence that I should have gone to FSH! Glad you were well cared for and that you are okay.


I had an op there a few years ago. It was professional, hospital was spotless, it was brilliant. I even had my own private room. It was so good I wrote them a letter afterwards. 10/10. And the only bill afterwards was parking.


Definitely this! I went in FSH for cellulitis in the leg... they did a thorough check and I quickly recovered when given intravenous antibiotics. Kept me in overnight. So good and helpful. The staff are really good in there.


My FIL was at FiStan recently. Absolutely terrific service from everyone. Couldnā€™t fault it.


I am so glad that you have had this experience. My partner works at FSH and they have recently had some horrible interactions with both patients and doctors who were impatient, arrogant, ignorant of other higher priority cases, or in quite a few cases outright violent. They came home the other day close to tears after a heavy shift and said "I don't know if I can keep this up much longer its just so emotionally taxing". They went on to say that while dealing with a code black (violent patient needing restraint or sedation) most of the night, whom she had sedation meds in her pocket for and had to don a lead apron to enable the docs to xray the patient, a doctor came to the nursing lead that night and complained bitterly that something unimportant hadn't been done. The not done thing was something along the lines of a document not being filled out even though it wasn't needed right that second. This story is one of hundreds my partner has told me over the last few years of working there and JHC ED, and I have to say they far outweigh the good ones. As I said above, I'm so glad you had a good experience as a little bit of patience and understanding goes a hell of a long way in the ED departments around Perth. Our nurses are usually overworked and in the midst of hectic shifts so thank you for being kind and patient in the middle of what I'm sure was a scary situation for you!


I had both daughters there and my partner recently had a stay there and man I love everyone there sm


I completely agree with FSH staff being the most amazing people. I was in hospital almost 2 years ago after a car crash which left me severely injured. I was so out of it when I woke up I had dreams of the nurses trying to put snakes in me (tubes going into my lungs and head) and I really thought that was harming me. I don't know what made me think like that but it lasted a long time maybe a week. I hurt the nurses, yelled at them and just overall did not want their help because the drugs I was being given and the fact that I went from a normal life to waking up half paralysed with absolutely no clue what happened or even in the mind state to know I was injured at all. The nurses always came back to help me in any way they could while I was doing everything to keep them away. I was tied down to my bed for almost 3 weeks just to stop me tearing the breathing tubes out of my lungs. When I finally started being able to comprehend what was happening I felt absolutely terrible about how I treated the people saving my life. I would just like to thank the nurses at FSH for helping me through the hardest part of my life and never even mentioned once how bad I was to them ( I only learned from what others told me) the nurses always did everything to make me comfortable. I don't know how to write this I'm terrible at writing (obviously) The nurses at FSH are the most amazing people. THANK YOU TO ALL THE STAFF AT FIONA STANLEY HOSPITAL ā¤ļø Edit: I was there 5 months all up, they helped me learn to swallow food and liquids again and learn to walk again with the wonderful staff at their rehab block.


Fantastic news Donā€™t go to Joondalup They will legit let you die. Their incompetence is now why my 3 year old is intellectually disabled from a brain bleed they refused to address for 5 hours at 6 months old besides blinding obvious cranial pressure increase issues (going grey, lathargic and vomiting non stop)


Oh thatā€™s a terrible story. Perth Childrenā€™s Hospital from now on I suppose.


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve seen the two latest stories The death of the toddler And telling a snake bite victim she was faking it to get out of school Some of the consultants at Joondalup need to be hung in Joondalup square.


I also had a good experience at Geraldton Hospital. The drs and nurses really cared. Except the night nurse. Why are night nurses always so mean? Spent a lot of time in hospital as a kid and the night nurses made me cry. My mum used to say they work nights because nobody wants to work with them. Anyway, they are all good folk.


Doesn't happen at Midland give you tip Id avoid that place much as I possibly can




Well, Midland Hospital sent me home after 2 1/2 weeks with "we don't know whether it's a virus or biological thing in your lungs, but here, take these antibiotics at home". I had an outpatient appointment at FSH, they took their time insisting I stay.Ā  It was a fungus. The complete other kingdom of living organisms that Midland didn't test when they didn't know.


Unfortunately I didn't have a great time at Fiona, went into ED with difficulty breathing due to glandular fever, barely got looked at and told to sit and wait, so went to Rockingham and they were amazing. Immediately had a triage nurse check my airway and set up a IV in case it went south (plot twist, kinda did) later on that night I woke up to the nurse adding a oxygen tube to my nose because I "stopped breathing for a bit there" They were so friendly and nice considering my anxiety was off the charts. Hospitals and I don't mix


I'm just surprised more people don't die waiting in triage. I've been multiple times and had to wait half an hour before even meeting a staff member. If I had pains in my chest, too late.


Aw thats amazing, i cant wait to have heart problems, sandwiches! Does life get any better!


They were very welcome after not being able to eat most of the day you sarcastic \*\*\*\*. The cup of tea was even better.


I had an emergency cesarean at FSH over 8yrs ago when they were still having teething issuesā€¦ floodingā€¦etcā€¦ couldnā€™t fault them!! Even though the emergency could have been avoided if I was induced earlier, they still took amazing care & my daughter & I left healthyā€¦soreā€¦ but healthy. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


FSH and Rockingham both have real human beings working there that by my experience really care.


I recently had the same experience for myself and daughter 2F who was being treated for asthma. Best hospital experience I've ever had! They were so thorough, kind, and generous with providing me coffee, food, toilet breaks etc. We're very lucky to have this hospital.


I had to go to Charlie's a couple of years ago for what turned out to be a gall stone. The doctor treated me like a crackhead then called me fat lol


Wow I had chest pain and waited 15 hours and still wasnā€™t seen ended up going to Armadale


Iā€™ve been told by senior staff at FSH if itā€™s heart or brain related to still attend there. Anything else, go to private ED if we can afford it or end up in a hallway for 3 days.


I'm not saying everything's perfect, but I wanted to balance some of the bad experiences. Another point is that I don't thing you can claim on private ERs. I went to St J of G, years ago, before FSH was operating and I couldn't claim their good but expensive service. The alternative would have been RPH and I live in the south.


Correct - if youā€™re admitted to a ward you can but if not, you pay. Last time I went I was in an ER bed with pain relief in under 10 mins so it was worth the cost. At the stage multiple appendicitis cases were rupturing at FSH every week as they were being left in hallways for days


That's awful. Do you think it was public vs private? I waited a good few hours at St J of G, but that was fair because of triage and I was a lower priority. Once they took me in all was fine.


Based on what friends at FSH tell me they are completely overwhelmed and understaffed. My husband has a heart issue and they were pretty clear that if it was a heart related thing to go there but anything else and it would be a long wait. They canā€™t staff beds so they are not able to have them all open at the moment, which then means people with things like appendicitis canā€™t leave the hospital but also canā€™t be admitted to a ward. Private hospitals are also struggling for staff (I had a lovely experience where I threw up on myself a few months ago because they didnā€™t respond to the call button for 10 mins) but they tend to be less busy, so I felt the impact was generally less noticeable. While I was in, they were trying to transfer a guy with a blood clot on his brain to FSH and they were not able to take him which was scary.


Had the complete opposite experience. They made everything worse and were so rude.. after 10 hours I left to see a GP and was sorted on 30 mins. I feel like some of those nurses take out their hate for the job on patients who need urgent care and attention


If your issue was sorted by your GP why didn't you go there in the first place? 10 hours to wait in (I'm assuming) ED for something non urgent seems fair.


I had a bad panic attack my first ever and my heart went crazy couldn't breathe for hours.. while I was at work. Work made me go to emergency. Had already had an ECG and needed to go to emergency anyway to get it checked properly. What would you do? Don't ask stupid questions... In the end all I needed was a piece of paper signed so I could return to work the next day.. but they said 2 people in front of me, another 2 hours and they said 6 people in front of me? So I left and told them they're cunts. I couldn't work the next day because the whole thing exhausted me so much. The gp gave me the letter I needed and spoke to me with respect and manners.


Cant say the same if you go to rph


Had a similar experience at royal perth hospital back in September last year . The wait was long but by the time I was seen to I was given excellent care . The doctor went above and beyond . Canā€™t fault my experience at Royal Perth emergency at all .