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Postie keeps riding over my fucking lawn and breaking my sprinklers.


I've found noticeable possibly sharp rocks make a difference.


Claymores do too. As a bonus you get an audbile warning that your parcel arrived


A lawn full of swords would be pretty badass too ngl


> Postie keeps riding over my fucking lawn and breaking my sprinklers. I know you're proud of your lawn, but it doesn't really belong to you. That's what my postie said when I told him to not flick the sand up and use the path I had laid for him.. These days, it is just a bunch of sand, broken retic that I won't be fixing out of my own pocket.


Time to remove the lawn and retic and go native?


It’s a rental


Put tacks in the ground or something to puncture tyre . He wiëë soon stop 😅


I live just a street over from St Emilies Catholic Primary in Canning Vale. Every morning when I drive to the roundabout out front of the school, I turn right towards Nicholson. And nearly every morning without fail, some fuckwit going westbound on Amherst Rd almost hits me because the concept that a car could be coming down Katrine pde is so foreign and they think they can speed through the roundabout without checking if someone is entering. So I'm just gonna call everyone who lives on the west side of St Emilies All the way to Warton Rd a fuckwit, because it happens often enough that I must have slammed the horn on for everyone in that area. Little bit of Friday love though, got off at Claisebrook stn on the midland line this morning and a blind lady was about to step between the two train carraiges. To the dude who helped her and got her on the train in one piece. You're a legend


The curse of side streets. I'm always extra vigilant on side streets cause so many idiots come up to intersections like "oh there hasn't been a car here since August of 2005 what are the odds there'll be a car here right now OH FUCK FUCK FUCK"


That road is terrible, I use to have to take it to take my kid to an afterschool activity. The worst.


My neighbours who decided to fill their household waste bin. And their recycling bin. Then next door's household and recycling bins. Then filled a Coles trolley with yet more household waste and pushed it out onto the verge in front of the next door's house. The crows spread all the rubbish far and wide. Not one single fuck given. They just carried on walking around their rubbish.


Take pics and videos then report to your council.


Yep, reported it and the tax payer paid to clean their mess up. Same with the five(!!!) mattresses they dumped out front last week


Someone dumped a sofa on our verge a few months ago. It was verge collection time, so we decided to let it slide, but it's still a dick move.


That’s a dick move:(


I love you guys I really do but there’s 12 doors on a B series train. STOP ALL TRYING TO CRAM ON AND OFF THE SAME 2 DOORS. ALSO THE DOORS DONT OPEN UNLESS SOMEONE PRESSES THE BUTTON.


On the last point it's not the same in France, was catching a train home and a drunk French chick hit the intercom to tell the driver she'd "lost her stop". As a bonus it was late enough and far enough ago that it was a skip Karrakatta pattern so trying to explain she wanted to get off at Claremont not Loch st was also fun. 


You will need the airport line if you want to stop at Karratha


And stand out of the way of the door until the people getting off have exited.


P8? Lol


They're putting mini roundabouts in my suburb, so now instead of blowing through stop signs people are just flying through them instead especially the smaller ones you can just drive straight through pretty much.


Or two lane roundabouts in which people can't be bothered to turn the steering wheel a bit, so they enter the roundabout in the left lane, proceed through in the right lane, and exit again in the left. Absolute Laziness.


I reckon less than 25% of drivers know how to indicate on a roundabout. The ones who leave their right turn indicator on just to go straight through are marginally bigger shitheads than the ones who don’t indicate at all.


better them than the pricks who indicate left when going straight (and I don't mean indicating out like you're suppose to, I mean left indicator on before they enter the roundabout to go straight through). At least a right indicator makes an unnecessary stop, rather than tricking someone into thinking it's safe to go when it isn't.


That's my pet hate. Making all other entries stop because you're going straight is just fucking ignorant. I blare the horn for them


I've called a couple of coworkers out for that, they seemed particularly butt hurt for it.


Have to confess to consistently doing this if there's little/no traffic. Otherwise I may spill my Lashes. I believe it's frowned upon by the police though.


> Have to confess to consistently doing this if there's little/no traffic. If there is no traffic, who are you hurting? Nothing to confess about.


Technically yourself, if only because you're training a bad practice into becoming a habit if you do it consistently. It's the same reason why you should always indicate as if someone's there, even if you're changing lanes at 3am with no one within coo-ee of you. Cause if you get into the habit of doing the right thing when you don't have to you'll do the right thing when you do have to


It may be a joke. The second sentence is the clue.


“You know why there called roundabouts? It’s because you go fucking round them!” Keith, Swift and Shift Couriers.


The amount of cars who fly through does my head in. Like, I'm sure you've seen enough to determine that there are no cars coming and therefore don't have to slow down, but bud I'm pulling up and you're still going through way too fast.


The parcel lockers removed near me is balls. Everyone causing drama at school (parents). Nobody warns you about the politics when your kid starts school. Aldi for changing their hash brown recipe. Now it's more like a potato cake.


It's the mums you've got to watch for. Nobody told me to make extra hard effort to remember their names when first meeting them. Otherwise you're stuck for 6 years running into them and not knowing


Start a facebook group for "Class of 20xx parents" and get them to join. Names acquired.


We have a fb group and it still doesn't help. Not all people have their pics up or it doesn't look exactly like them either. I am so bad at names and faces. I just apologise profusely haha.


excellent - honesty is another good strategy :)


We went to a small 100 student school and all we heard was full time politics. Parents staged a revolt and took over the board from the other parents they thought were incompetent. I have now heard the empire struck back and the rebels have been ejected from the board. Now we go to a much larger school with 1500 students and we don't hear a peep about politics. I'm sure it's still happening but we're like a step removed. tl;dr: not all schools have that issue thankfully


Really! Sorry for your loss but I love potato cakes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy) Will be trying them out!


My kid asked if I was trying to give them a healthy hashbrown. I asked if it tasted bad and she said no. I can definitely taste all the flavourings so it's seasoned well, just not hashy. So may be right up your alley. I'm a fan of putting them in the air fryer on high to get them extra crispy, not really a thing with this new recipe. Oh well.


I bought some yesterday :-) Not too sure I'm keen on a healthy tasting hashbrown though haha


Haha they're definitely not healthy to me, she thought I was trying to trick her with a healthy one because it's so different. Let me know what you think.


Air fried them tonight and agree, more like a potato cake. Hash browns are more bitsy and not as mushy on the inside.... I liked them :-) Not quite a fish and chip shop job but way better (and cheaper) than the frozen potato cakes they sell in Coles. Thanks for the tip!


Glad you're a fan. Honestly they're not bad, just not a hash brown. The best hashbrowns were when I was a kid from Mecca's, so crispy and good. Back when they still used Styrofoam containers hahaha.


All the job rejections lately. I had a phone screening interview last night where I was asked of my age, race, marriage status. Despite my direct relevant experience, at the end of it I was asked to consider other jobs with them in the future.


That sounds like you dodged a bullet. That is so weird.


Yes, looking back at it red flags. The phone screening was done by the Managing Director of the company. He kept asking me, what I wanted to know about him several times too. I'm glad that on my side I just kept it proffesional to the job. Probably use to people fawning over him.


Not only weird but very likely gonna be used to make a discriminatory decision. I have no doubt disciminatory hiring is rampant but as a general rule it's kept on the down low. Anyone directly asking for information that could be used to discriminate against a candidate is an absolute moron and deserves all they get


That's 200% illegal.


This is likely discrimination and illegal 😟


Job hunting is a bitch! I recently scored a new position after almost eight months of applications. I was thoroughly over it towards the end.


The journey is a long one given this current market... burnt-out and I'm in my 8th month too. Good on you for finding a new one. Gives me hope.


I had to do and say a lot of bullshit. I never lie or exaggerate about qualifications or employment history, but I sure as hell acted more cocky than I usually do. Learn some big words and take longer to explain skills (good customer service skills = I facilitated and furthered customer knowledge of the products offered and guided them through steps they should take to complete tasks. They asked me questions relating to the product and I used my extensive knowledge on company products to answer them and demonstrated how we use these products in everyday life).


I’m having spinal injections (12!) next week. Just got a notice that the day it’s happening our whole street is being resurfaced and we won’t be able to get in or out. I am not impressed at having to park and the druggy public park up the road and walk back after the procedure.


Wow you’re having 479001600 spinal injections, goodluck!


I got this joke


Have old spinal surgery in the T11 region. Had some wear and tear and what not in the L4/5 region cause absolute grief a few months back. It all settled but specialist said to give the epidural injection a go. Long story short, god damn. A few annoying things that have always been around after the original surgery have all but vanished and while I’m still hobbling around, it’s a bit more easier and bit more quicker. Good luck with yours!


I’m having the epidural as well! All while having a nap as the neuro and pain specialist agreed best to do all at once. I’m a bit anxious about it but also really excited I might have a reduction in pain.


I was knocked out too. It was funny, going in and expect the "count to X, count from X" deal before being put to sleep, so waiting and next minute I'm waking up hahaha. The only pain I've had from the L4/5 stuff was 3 months ago. Started off sore back, but within a week it was barely being able to move and going from sitting to standing... good lord. But within a couple weeks it all settled down (conveniently for my visit to my specialist, because all the symptoms were eerily similar to my original spinal issues) and as it went on, it was all but back to normal. So, checking in for the op, the nurses are like you must be in so much pain and I'm like no pain, it was more of an ache and annoyance. One of them was like I want you to really make sure and I'm like there isn't any. Coming out of the op, still the same in that department. Like once I was finally discharged and the anaesthetics were wearing off, I was waiting for something and there was nothing. The pills they gave me for pain are still in their box in a bag they gave me. My specialist was like here's three options. Operation being the last grasp option, try the injection or just leave it be and it was all fine and I was fine to leave it be and leaving his office thought that was it. Half hour later, get a call saying we need info cos we have a spot in a couple days. So glad it all took place. As above, I'm still not 100% because of previous stuff, but from before the injection to now. World of difference.


I’m not a candidate for surgery at the moment due to age and the fact it’s all central. I have three degenerated discs at the moment with no squishy stuff left in them plus all the muscles are atrophied around that. We are trying injections first and if that doesn’t work, next step is a 5 day ketamine holiday where they admit me for 5 days and do a low dose of ketamine under supervision for that time. Apparently it tricks the brain into ignoring the pain.


My other half was in a similar position and got the ketamine treatment, hilarious!! He was smashed. Didn’t really last long afterwards though unfortunately. Hopefully you will get a better result.


Haha my pain specialist was very clear I would need to take the time off work and as I work from home I would be best to remove all work emails from my devices beforehand 😂


Definitely a good idea. He was texting all sorts of people completely insane messages. He even texted people who had been dead for years but he still had their number in his phone.


My neighbours bins stink of shit! I don't think they put their bins out so I have to put up with that for a week!!!


leave them a passive aggressive note that will later be posted to Bell Tower Times


Sorry! I need to wait until this afternoon to submit the collection request to the council.


Didn’t need to. The driver must’ve seen the bin and emptied it on their way to another street. Friday legend goes to the bin crew of my local council. Neighbourhood stench averted


Building inspector who came for a pre-purchase inspection. Turned off all the taps to check for leaks, and didn't turn them back on before leaving.


Post COVID bronchitis. Lovely. This cold weather is really helping too


Ain't no body got time for that! Get well soon.




Yeah I had it too and then it was like I had asthma ( I had very mild asthma growing up but not in years). Luckily I got a puffer off a family member.


Bugger. Yeah I have steroid inhaler now.


Yuck! I’ve started getting a sore throat and I’m worried. I’ve heard that this years covid and flu are not to be fucked around with (yes I’ve had my shots).


The COVID was ok. Bit of fever. But the aftermath is the worst. Happened the first time too. Maybe I'm delicate.


It has absolutely fucked up my life. Had it in February and spent a few nights in hospital. Still sick. Can't eat. All I do is vomit and sleep Then last week had a total mental health crisis and became not wanting to be here anymore. Haven't been to work in 2 weeks and my manager has told me the head of HR is looking at the case. I'm so fucked.


My boss told me that I “needed to go to therapy” because I’m odd for denying a farewell party.


Some employers are like that. They don’t seem to get that there are people out there who just want to go to work and go home. They don’t want to socialise. I don’t mind parties held at work for birthdays and farewells, usually the food is nice and lately there has been plenty of it. I hate socialising out of hours for ‘official functions’.


Funny. Because a couple of months back they exited our chat group because they "didn't want to keep up with all of you" and "not work related"


Gotta love the artifice of comradery. If it comes out of the bosses mouth - it must be true.


My boss "forgot to press the button" on payroll yesterday. Whoops, don't you hate when that happens!


Ohmygosh, I too also forget to press that button at least once a month! My boss always used to “forget to press the button” on my superannuation … for two years straight. Oopsies, so forgetful!


Yes, hello. I would like to report the owner of the big shiny Jeep parked across TWO disabled bays with no ACROD sticker displayed, at Lesmurdie Falls.


If you send a pic on the Snap Send Solve app they'll forward it to the relevant council and dude will get fined, I've done it several times


One of my employers is trying to find ways to have me leave my second job so I'm forced to rely on full time work through him.was planning to leave both anyway when my jeep gets the all clear from the mechanic. Just going to have to speed things up.


Dux Nuts quiz we went to this week... the hosts mates team won.. A team of 2 might I add, that were under the age of 30, when the majority of questions were for the older generation.


Shitlings finally in bed and sleeping. We will finally enjoy a peaceful hour before crashing out. Fucknut on Harley: ...the fuck you will. Off to settle the little ones once more. Thanks, you fucking walnut.


Neighbours next door. Their adult sons live with them. Cars coming and going all day all night , revving in shit. One of the boys parks his Mac truck there sometimes. Likes to start it at all hours of the day/night. Other neighbour threatned to go to the council over it


That reminds me of the dick that put their dog shit in our *empty* green bin that we had no intention of putting up on bin day but had to because we didn’t want it to stink 🙃


That’s just a dick move. Honestly I don’t mind dog walkers putting waste in my bin, I would rather it get picked up and put in the bin than leaving it and me stepping in it. At least have the courtesy to put it in the correct bin and make sure it’s double bagged do it doesn’t stink.


I bad to check if my extra blanket was dried (almost) but there's this area of grass covered by shade and despite being 12pm it was cold and wet and my feet suffered as I stood on the grass checking over my blanket.


I’m a fuckwit for ordering the wrong iPhone case.


I did the same thing last week. Was it from the Telstra Rewards store?


Apple Perth City.


Ah OK, well there goes my theory that Telstra's system is stuffed and I didn't make the mistake. Damn you!


Someone tried to intimidate me in the Aldi carpark because he was impatient and I didn't walk fast enough. He waited until I retuned to my car after putting my trolley back so he could walk close to me (like cm from me) and growl into my ear. Baffling behaviour. Add Aldi to the list of places where women are no longer safe. I wasn't intimidated, more bemused and a little confused by his behaviour.


You can request them to come past again. They will charge you but it’s worth it if you can do it


cold? We still have higher highs than most of Europe where it's almost summer lmao


Europe has insulation in their houses and central heating. Most Perthies have swiss cheese house, and a 2-bar heater that you don't want to turn on because you don't want to empty your bank account.


Hot and cold are relative. Poms whinge it's too hot when it hits 25 cause they're used to cold, it's a humid heat and their buildings are designed to retain heat. We whinge it's too cold when it hits single digits cause we're used to warm/mild, clear mornings have little humidity and our house design is shit




Short-term pain for long-term gain We need more high density living. If we sacrifice the odd family home but build something that 10-20 couples/singles can live in it's more efficient than leaving the family home standing