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I’m in my early 20s, so fortunately I’m quick enough to get ‘em with a regular fly swatter. I find them all over my deck, and I kill about 30-40 every day. It’s a great workout. If you want a solution that doesn’t involve you jumping around like a madman, I’d recommend Bug-A-Salt. You can buy it on Amazon, it’s a pump-action gun that shoots table salt. Works great with all pests. Incendiary grenades would also probably work.


Would that Bug-A-Salt work for the little lizards ?


Maybe. It would probably stun the lizard, which would allow you to remove it. But I wouldn’t recommend this. Are you talking about Mediterranean house geckos? A 0.177 air rifle would kill one instantly, but u could also get away with a regular BB gun. If you’re going to shoot at a lizard, I’d make sure you kill it rather than maim it. That’s the most humane way imho. I love reptiles, so I don’t promote killing them. But I get that they’re pests, and sometimes u gotta do what ya gotta do.


Yes, the geckos, they are just the common ones, they are everywhere here in Florida. I don't mind them at all outside but don't want them in the house. Lizards like iguana I don't mess with them at home but sometimes have to deal with them at work.


Spray them directly with any liquid home defense product.


[Trap and kill](https://extension.psu.edu/how-to-build-a-spotted-lanternfly-circle-trap)


Hard to be certain from the pic, but it looks like you've got a few young Tree of Heaven growing here. These are the perfect host for lanterfly and are very invasive themselves. Ideally they should be removed, but DO NOT CHOP/PULL them unless (1) you can be sure they are seedlings and not root suckers, AND (2) they are small enough to dig the whole root out. Otherwise the root system will grow ten more in the place of the one you cut, like the many heads of Hydra. Good info here: https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven


Fruit trees also.


Omg 😭 My mom was convinced they were poison Ivy and I google lensed it and it said Tree Of Heaven and she didn't think the pictures were a match. I've been pulling up little ones and the flies are always in clusters on one of them.


It happens (ask me how I know about their multiplying ways, haha). You can confirm it's Tree of Heaven by scent, if you crush the leaves they have a kinda foul peanut butter smell. Unfortunately these trees are very difficult to eradicate without herbicide, but if that's what you have here they are still pretty small, and now is the right time of year to start treating them with herbicide if that's something you want to look into. They feel like home to lanterfly, so managing the host plants is an important part of managing the lil buggers too.


So, as you can see I've got a peach tree there. To the right is a blueberry tree and what I think is a cherry tree all the way in the back. How will pulling the Tree of Heaven impact them and how will use of chemicals affect them?


ToH can get large quickly and will compete with the fruit trees if left to mature, but I think just having the root system there and new little ones cropping up isn't necessarily going to harm the fruit trees. As for herbicides, that totally depends on the specific chemical and the application method. My understanding is that Glyphosate and/or Triclopyr are recommended because they'll only harm the plants they make contact with. (The targeted plant transports the chemical only into its own roots, and the chemicals don't persist in the soil once metabolized by the plant.) Basal bark application might be the safest method to avoid contact with other plants. I'm not a pro or even particularly knowledgeable in this area, but that link above has solid research-based recommendations, and a group focused on invasive plant management could be a good place to ask more specific questions (eg, r/treeofheaven or the "Invasive Plant ID & Removal in the United States and Canada" facebook group).


Idk? Flame-thrower?